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Student: Anne Howard s0232100 Assessment Task 2 Lecturer: Karena Menzie 1 | P a g e

Lesson Experience Plan 1
Concept: Place - looking at the similarities, differences and characteristics of places in varying locations.
Lesson Focus:
What is my special
Learning Area / Strand:
Geography: Geographical Knowledge and
Understanding (ACHGK018)
Year Level:
Year 3
Implementation Date:
Duration: 45 minutes
Prior knowledge (Year 2 achievement level, Geography):
Students identify the features that define places and recognise that places can be described at different scales.
(ACARA, 2014, p. 355.)
They describe how people in different places are connected to each other and identify factors that influence these
connections. (ACARA, 2014, p. 355.)
Students recognise that the world can be divided into major geographical divisions. (ACARA, 2014, p. 355.)
They explain why places are important to people. (ACARA, 2014, p. 355.)
Lesson objective/s:
To understand and learn that some places are special according to an individuals interpretation, beliefs and
personal significance and should be valued and respected.
Evidence of learning:
Students complete a story chart of their special place.
Students share their story chart in the form of a presentation to their class peers.
Images of tree houses
Story chart example
Story: My Place by Nadia Wheatley
Arts and crafts materials: various textured papers, glue, scissors, pencils,
crayons, felts, pictures.

(10 minutes.)
Begin lesson starting a discussion on What is my special place? by showing Images 1 and 2
(Appendix 1, p. 14).
Sit students in a Yarning Circle for a group discussion.
Explain lesson objective: to learn and understand, what is my special place and why does it
mean so much to me? Discuss place - Where do I live? Where is my school? In what
street/suburb/city/state/country is my school?
Read first story in My Place by Nadia Wheatley. (This story book will be interwoven
throughout the unit of lessons enabling students to discuss and question about place:
Appendix 1 image 3, p. 15.)
(30 minutes & 15
minutes for
presentation of
Teacher to provide explicit instruction for completing What is my special place? story board.
Explain lesson task: To make their own story board using art and craft materials. The story
board needs to include a picture or drawing of your special place and a short story about
why it is special to you.
Following on from the activity the students present their story board to the class. (Examples:
Appendix 1- images 4 & 5, pp. 15 & 16.)
(5 minutes.)
Teacher to
Recap on lesson, clarify and assess student understanding of what is my special place and
why it is special to me.
Students display story boards on the class wall. (A future discussion point.)
Evaluation / Reflection:
This lesson plan has not been implemented.

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