JAR A320 Neo Checklist-Rev4

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Hot start and Taxi:

Fuel (determine amount for 45min reserve)

Cockpit and cabin temps
APU Bleed and switches off
Engine switch NORM (dry conditions)
Program FMS (enter CRZ FL after F-Plan in)
Spoilers armed
Flaps to 2 (dry conditions)
Taxi/Runway/Landing lights as needed
Before take off:
Flight Controls
Flaps 1, 2 (if not set before taxi)
on EFIS: ND range to 10, and rose to ARC
ATC altitude or cruise altitude on FCU
Autobrake MAX
Strobes and landing lights on
Packs 1 and 2 off
Take off:
Pull HDG knob to stay on runway heading (opt)
Brake off (rolling takeoff recommended)
At 80 knots check N1 of both engines
Power to Flex
Start Chronometer
At VR, rotate to max 18 pitch
Gear up
Spoilers disarmed
Center green pitch & roll bars on PFD
AP1: 100 ft or 5 sec after lift off
After take off:
Nose and taxi lights off*
Packs 1 and 2 on
APU switches off (if on for takeoff cooling)
Throttles: THR CLB when ashing on FMA
If on heading, push HDR off to engage F-Plan
Flaps 1 at F speed or when able
Flaps 0 at S speed
Anti-Ice as needed
Above 10,000 ft:
Land lights off
Climb SPD as needed (280)
Turn off seat belts as required
Before T/D: dial G/S intercept altitude
Push ALT knob
Turn on seat belts
Spoilers as needed (use OPEN DES)
Below 10,000:
Landing lights
ILS button on
RAD NAV: check frequencies
PERF page: enter temp, baro, winds
After IAF or (D) or >DECEL:
*Note: approach must be monitored and may need
pilot intervention for speeds and altitude
Activate APPR Phase (decel begins)
When GS or LOC indicators appear, click APPR
Click AP2 on localizer
Rose to ILS
Flap 1 at Green Dot
Flap 2 at 2000 AGL
Enter G/A Altitude in FMS
Monitor speed
Gear down and nose lights on
Flaps 3 and then Full
Auto Brake MED
Spoilers armed
Use VAPP of 140145 knots (see APPR scrn)
APs and A/Thr off
Rev Idle at 70 knots
Taxi and Runway lights
* Reordered because of single pilot load
Revised by Breadwild 26 May 2014,
starting with FCOM Part 3, page 408
JAR a320 Neo Managed Flight

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