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Review Questions Chapter 8

1. Which of the following is needed if a computer with IP address 172.1.21!.1!"2# wants to

communicate with a computer with IP address
a. $u%
%. Router
c. &witch
d. a. or c.
2. ' computer that wants to share a networ( resource should have which of the following
a. &ervice
%. Client
c. *etwor( discover+
d. ,,-. Responder
. -he ,,-. protocol must %e installed and ena%led for a computer to %e discovered and listed
in a networ( %rowse list. -rue or /alse)
#. 0ou1re setting up a new networ( connection and select Wor( as the location of the networ(
to which +ou1re connecting. Windows detects Windows &erver 2!!8 running 'ctive
.irector+ on the networ(. Which t+pe of networ( will %e shown in the networ( map)
a. Private
%. Pu%lic
c. .omain
d. Wor(
2. Which of the following is a reason that a computer might not appear in a networ( map)
3Choose all that appl+.4
a. -he computer is on a networ( designated as private.
%. -he computer is running Windows &erver 2!!.
c. ,,-. Responder is disa%led.
d. ,,-. 5apper I"6 .river is disa%led.
7. If +ou turn on printer sharing in the *etwor( and &haring Center8 all printers on the computer are
shared. -rue or /alse)
7. 0ou have 9ust t+ped the commands ipconfig "flushdns and ping server1. Which of the following
protocols is used first as a result of these commands)
a. -CP
%. .*&
c. IC5P
d. .$CP
8. 0ou have 9ust completed a default installation of Windows &erver 2!!8. 0ou (now that the
-CP"IP protocol is installed. $ow does the server get assigned an IP address)
a. -CP
%. .*&
c. 'RP
d. .$CP
:. 0ou have 9ust t+ped the commands arp ;d8 ipconfig "flushdns8 and nsloo(up server18 and
+our .*& server is on the same networ( as the computer from which +ou enter the commands. Which
of the following protocols is used first as a result of these commands)
a. -CP
%. .*&
c. 'RP
d. .$CP
1!. -he IP address 1!.2#!.!.!"8 is invalid. -rue or /alse)
11. Which of the following is a good reason to su%net an IPv# networ() 3Choose all that
a. <liminate the need for 'RP re=uests.
%. .ecrease the si>e of the %roadcast domain.
c. 'llow %roadcasts to reach more computers.
d. Conserve IP addresses.
12. Which of the following IP addresses has 12 %its in the host I.)
%. 172.1.8:.1!!"12
c. 12.#:.127.88"8
d. 12.127.1!:.222"2!
1. 0ou have set up an e;mail server that needs to respond to e;mail re=uests using and in the re=uest ?R,. $ow can +ou do this)
a. Install two *ICs and assign the same IP address to %oth *ICs. Configure .*& to map one
5'C address to and the other 5'C address to
%. Configure two IP addresses on one *IC. Configure .*& to map one IP address to and the other IP address to
c. Install two *ICs and connect each one to a different networ(. &et up the router on each
networ( to forward mail pac(ets to the *IC %ound to the correct ?R,.
d. Install two *ICs and assign different IP addresses to each *IC8 %ut ma(e sure %oth IP
addresses use the same networ( I.. Configure the *ICs to use default gatewa+s on different networ(s.
1#. 0ou have a server with two *ICs8 each attached to a different IP networ(. 0ou1re having
pro%lems communicating with devices on remote networ(s that send pac(ets to one of the
interfaces. -he server receives the pac(ets fine8 %ut the server1s replies never reach the
intended destination networ(. Replies to pac(ets that come in through the other interface
seem to reach their destination without an+ pro%lems. What can +ou do that will most li(el+
solve the pro%lem)
a. Configure a second default gatewa+ on the interface e@hi%iting pro%lems.
%. Change the default gatewa+ to use the router that1s on the networ( of the interface
e@hi%iting pro%lems.
c. ?se the Route command to add routes to the networ(s that aren1t receiving replies.
d. Replace the *IC that1s having pro%lems repl+ing to pac(ets.
12. 0ou have 9ust changed the IP address on a computer named Computer2 in +our domain
from!"2# to!"2#. 0ou were communicating with this computer
from +our wor(station fine right %efore +ou changed the address. *ow when +ou tr+ the
command Aping computer2B from +our wor(station8 +ou don1t get a successful repl+. 6ther
computers on the networ( aren1t having a pro%lem communicating with the computer.
Which command might help solve the pro%lem)
a. arp ;d
%. ipconfig "flushdns
c. tracert computer2
d. ping ;7!
17. ' user complains that opening */& shares on his recentl+ installed ,inu@ computer from his
Windows computer is ta(ing an inordinatel+ long time. 6pening shares on Windows servers
doesn1t seem to ta(e as long. $e1ll %e using his ,inu@ computer to store and %ac( up files
more often than he1ll %e accessing shares on Windows computers. What is a good course of
action to improve the speed of opening ,inu@ shares)
Change the most frequently used network type tobe used first in the order list
17. 0ou1re running the networ( map feature on +our Windows &erver 2!!8 machine. 'n older
computer used %+ a colleague doesn1t appear on the map8 however. What could %e the pro%lem)
a. 0our networ( connection isn1t %ound to the ,,-. Responder protocol.
%. 0our colleague1s networ( connection isn1t %ound to the ,,-. 5apper I"6 .river protocol.
c. 0our colleague1s computer is running Windows CP.
d. 0our colleague1s computer is running Windows Dista.
18. Which of the following is a %enefit of using IPv7 rather than IPv#) 3Choose all that appl+.4
a. 0ou can assign four times the num%er of addresses in IPv7.
%. &u%netting to conserve IP addresses is less of a concern.
c. /eatures to improve communication securit+ and =ualit+ are %uilt into IPv7.
d. IPv7 addresses are e@pressed as 17 8;%it num%ers separated %+ colons8 which are easier
to read than dotted decimal notation.
1:. Which of the following is a valid IPv7 address) 3Choose all that appl+.4
a. fe8!E!E!E/<<.EE1
%. 2!!1E.F8E!!'FE11E##
c. fe8!E.F8EE<<EE8:!1
d. 2!!1E.F8EF'.E /!!.E!!2!E##E!Ee#
2!. 0ou want all 1!! computers in +our domain to have networ( discover+ ena%led. What1s the
%est wa+ to do this)
a. Configure a polic+ in the Computer ConfigurationGPoliciesG'dministrative
-emplatesG*etwor( node to ena%le networ( discover+ and lin( the HP6 to the domain.
%. &end an e;mail to all users with detailed instructions on how to ena%le networ( discover+.
c. Write a script containing the command to ena%le networ( discover+ and distri%ute it as
a startup script %+ using a group polic+.
d. ?se Remote .es(top to configure the feature on all computers in the domain.
Question 1
5ar( 1.!! out of 1.!!
/lag =uestion
Question text
&imilar in function to the IPv# 'PIP' addresses8 the+ %egin with fe8! in
lin(;local address
'n icon in the *etwor( Connections window that shows the components
needed for the computer to connect to a networ(
networ( connection
-he current implementation of IPv7 in Windows Dista and &erver 2!!8
dual;IP la+er
'n 8;%it valueI a num%er from ! to 222 thatJs one of the four num%ers
found in a dotted decimal IP address
' value assigned to the gatewa+ %ased on the speed of the interface used to
access the gatewa+
su%net mas(E A 32-bit dotted decimal number consisting of an unbroken series of binary 1s followed by an unbroken series of
binary s! used with an "# address to determine the network "$%
networ( connection
networ( mapE A graphical &iew of the network from your computer's perspecti&e% "t includes your computer( the networks to
which your computer is connected( other de&ices on the network( and the "nternet%
networ( providerE A software component that allows )indows applications to connect to resources on other computers%
lin(;local address
networ( discover+E *he process whereby a computer finds other computers on a network and allows other computers to find it%
dual;IP la+er architecture
Question 2
5ar( 1.!! out of 1.!!
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Question text
' router is...
&elect oneE
a. ' networ( device that forwards communication pac(ets from one networ( to another
%. -he hardware that connects a computer to the networ( media
c. -he device that connects a computer to the rest of the networ(
d. -he rules and s+nta@ that computers use to communicate with one another
-he correct answer isE ' networ( device that forwards communication pac(ets from one networ( to
Question 3
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Question text
Computers assigned different networ( I.s can communicate onl+ %+ sending networ( pac(ets to a...
&elect oneE
a. dhcp server
%. router
c. dns server
d. switch
-he correct answer isE router
Question ,
5ar( 1.!! out of 1.!!
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Question text
If multiple default gatewa+s are assigned to a computer 3such as in a multihomed server48 what
determines which default gatewa+ will %e used)
&elect oneE
a. ' random process
%. -he gatewa+ on the smaller su%net will %e used
c. -he metric
d. -he default gatewa+ with the highest address is the one used
-he correct answer isE -he metric
Question -
5ar( 1.!! out of 1.!!
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Question text
What does the KClient for 5icrosoft *etwor(sK item in a networ( adapterJs connection properties
&elect oneE
a. 'llows the machine to connect to Windows &hared resources %+ using &erver 5essage Floc( 3&5F4
%. *etwor( connectivit+. Without it8 the adapter is no longer a%le to communicate with .*& servers
running Windows.
c. Provides an /-P client
d. <na%les the sharing of folders over the networ(.
-he correct answer isE 'llows the machine to connect to Windows &hared resources %+ using &erver
5essage Floc( 3&5F4
Question .
5ar( 1.!! out of 1.!!
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Question text
What protocol provides automatic IP address configuration)
&elect oneE
a. 'RP
%. .$CP
c. .*&
d. -CP
-he correct answer isE .$CP
Question /
5ar( 1.!! out of 1.!!
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Question text
What su%net mas( would correspond to a CI.R notation of "2#)
&elect oneE
%. 222.222.!.!
c. 222.222.222.!
d. 222.!.!.!
-he correct answer isE 222.222.222.!
Question 0
5ar( 1.!! out of 1.!!
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Question text
When a computer learns another computerJs 5'C address8 it (eeps the address in its...
&elect oneE
a. arp file
%. arp cache
c. arp =uer+
d. %it %uc(et
-he correct answer isE arp cache
Question 1
5ar( 1.!! out of 1.!!
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Question text
Which command is useful for trou%leshooting the routing topolog+ of a comple@ networ( and finding
the %ottlenec( %etween a computer and a destination networ()
&elect oneE
a. ping
%. tracert
c. arp
d. nsloo(up
-he correct answer isE tracert
Question 1
5ar( 1.!! out of 1.!!
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Question text
Which of the %elow protocols is a lightweight protocol that is used when the relia%ilit+ of -CP is
&elect oneE
a. ?.P
%. -CP
c. .$CP
d. .*&
-he correct answer isE ?.P
Question 11
5ar( 1.!! out of 1.!!
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Question text
Which of the following is *6- a reason wh+ some devices canJt %e placed on the networ( map)
&elect oneE
a. -he+ lac( the ,in( ,a+er -opolog+ .iscover+ 3,,-.4 protocol
%. -he device is a domain mem%er.
c. /irewall settings on the computer or networ( are preventing Windows from detecting the computer
d. *etwor( discover+ is turned off
-he correct answer isE -he device is a domain mem%er.
Question 12
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Question text
F+ default8 ever+ installed service and protocol is %ound to ever+ networ( connection.
&elect oneE
-he correct answer is J-rueJ.
Question 13
5ar( 1.!! out of 1.!!
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Question text
Computers assigned different networ( I.s can communicate without needing a router to deliver the
pac(ets %etween networ(s.
&elect oneE
-he correct answer is J/alseJ.
Question 1,
5ar( 1.!! out of 1.!!
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Question text
.isa%ling networ( discover+ in the &haring and .iscover+ section of the *etwor( and &haring Center
does not prevent +ou from accessing %+ ?*C paths or %eing accessed %+ a ?*C path.
&elect oneE
-he correct answer is J-rueJ.
Question 1-
5ar( 1.!! out of 1.!!
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Question text
6ne of IPv7Js draw%ac(s is that it does not have %uilt;in securit+8 unli(e IPv#.
&elect oneE
-he correct answer is J/alseJ.
Question 1.
5ar( 1.!! out of 1.!!
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Question text
When a computer or router must deliver a pac(et of data to another computer or router in the same
networ(8 'RP can %e used to re=uest the destination deviceJs 5'C address.
&elect oneE
-he correct answer is J-rueJ.

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