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Review Questions Chapter 10

1. Which of the following is the default forest functional level for a Windows Server
2008 domain controller installed in a new forest?
a. Windows 2000 mied
!. Windows 2000
c. Windows Server 200"
d. Windows Server 2008
2. Which of the following is true a!out forests running at the Windows Server 200"
functional level? #Choose all that appl$.%
a. &ou can rename a domain.
!. &ou can create a forest trust with a Windows 2000 forest.
c. R'(Cs can !e part of the forest.
d. Windows 2000 domain controllers can !e part of the forest.
". )he Windows 2000 native domain functional level supports universal groups. )rue
or *alse?
+. Which of the following is a feature introduced with the Windows Server 2008
domain functional level? #Choose all that appl$.%
a. Shortcut trusts
!. *ine,grained password policies
c. (*S replication of S$svol
d. Selective authentication
-. & going to introduce a Windows Server 2008 domain controller into a
Windows Server
200" forest. Which of the following should $ou do?
a. *irst/ prepare the forest !$ running adprep 0forestprep on a Windows Server 200"
domain controller performing the schema operations master role. )hen run
adprep0domainprep in each domain that will have a Windows Server 2008 domain
!. *irst/ run adprep 0domainprep in each domain that will have a Windows Server
2008 domain controller. )hen prepare the forest !$ running adprep 0forestprep on a
Windows Server 200" domain controller performing the infrastructure operations
master role.
c. *irst/ run adprep 0domainprep on a Windows Server 200" domain controller that
holds the schema operations master role. )hen run adprep 0forestprep on a domain
controller performing the infrastructure operations master role.
d. *irst/ prepare the forest !$ running adprep 0forestprep on the new Windows
Server 2008 domain controller. )hen run adprep 0domainprep on each new Windows
Server 2008 domain controller in each domain.
1. 2f $ou need to remove a domain from a forest in which the last domain controller
has failed/ which program should $ou use?
3. What is the program for migrating users from one forest to another?
Active directory migration tool
8. Which of the following is associated with 4ctive (irector$ migration? #Choose all
that appl$.%
a. 5tdsutil
!. 4dprep
c. S2( histor$
d. Securit$ translation
6. & going to con7gure a forest trust !etween *orest4 and *orest8 and are
logged on to a domain controller in the root of *orest4. &ou tr$ to ping a domain
controller in the root domain of *orest8 and get the repl$ 9:lease chec; the name
and tr$ again.< &ou have the 2: address of the domain controller in the other forest/
so $ou tr$ pinging again with this 2: address/ and it.s successful. &ou ;now $ou have
the correct server and domain name. What should $ou do !efore $ou attempt to
create the trust?
a. =erif$ the 2: address assignment of the remote domain controller.
!. Con7gure a stu! >one.
c. =erif$ that ?er!eros v- is con7gured correctl$ in !oth forests.
d. Con7gure a standard primar$ >one.
10. 2f $ou con7gure a trust !etween *orest4 and *orest8/ and a trust eists !etween
*orest8 and *orestC/ then *orest4 trusts *orestC. )rue or *alse?
11. Which of the following should $ou con7gure if $ou want users in a trusted forest
to have access onl$ to certain resources in $our forest/ regardless of permission
settings on these resources?
a. S2( 7ltering
!. )rust transitivit$
c. Selective authentication
d. 'ne,wa$ trust
12. 8o! is an administrator in a trusted forest/ and $ou have some concerns a!out
his trustworthiness. &ou want to !e sure he can.t gain privileged access to resources
in $our forest while mas@uerading as a user in his forest who doesn.t normall$ have
privileged access in $our forest. What should $ou con7gure in the forest trust?
a. S2( 7ltering
!. )rust transitivit$
c. Selective authentication
d. 'ne,wa$ trust
1". &ou want to change the replication schedule !etween two domain controllers in
the same siteAand onl$ these two domain controllersAto occur four times per hour.
)he ?CC has generated all $our intrasite connection o!Bects. What.s the !est wa$ to
ma;e this change?
a. 2n the Ceneral ta! of the connection o!Bect.s :roperties dialog !o/ clic; Change
Schedule/ and change the replication schedule to four times per hour. Da;e sure the
o!Bect is mar;ed as automaticall$ generated.
!. Create a new connection o!Bect for the two domain controllers/ and set the
schedule to four times per hour. )ell the ?CC to chec; the replication topolog$.
c. 2n the Site Settings ta! of the 5)(S Site Settings :roperties dialog !o/ clic;
Change Schedule/ and set the schedule to four times per hour.
d. 2n the Schedule ta! of the server.s :roperties dialog !o/ clic; Change Schedule/
and set the schedule to four times per hour.
1+. 4 user calls the help des; to change her forgotten password. 4 minute later/ she
attempts to log on with the new password !ut gets a logon failed message. She
veri7es that the correct password is !eing entered. She tries logging on again a!out
"0 minutes later and is successful. What.s the most li;el$ cause of the dela$ in the
user.s a!ilit$ to log on?
a. )he domain controller where the password was changed was in a diEerent site/
and normal replication !etween sites caused the dela$.
!. )he domain controller that authenticated the user must have gone down and
didn.t receive the password change until it was !rought !ac; online.
c. )he domain controller holding the :(C emulator role wasn.t contacted !$ the
domain controller that authenticated the user.
d. )he intrasite replication schedule is set for "0 minutes instead of 1- seconds.
1-. &ou want to install an R'(C in $our Windows Server 200" forest/ which currentl$
has all
Windows Server 200" domain controllers. Fow should $ou go a!out doing this?
a. Change the forest functional level to Windows Server 2008 7rst/ run 4dprep in the
forest and domain/ and then install the R'(C.
!. 2nstall the R'(C in the forestG no additional steps are necessar$.
c. Run 4dprep in the forest and domain/ and then install the R'(C.
d. Run 4dprep for the forest and domain/ install a Windows Server 2008 writea!le
domain controller/ and then install the R'(C.
11. Hsers of a new networ; su!net have !een complaining that logons and other
services are ta;ing much longer than the$ did !efore !eing moved to the new
su!net. &ou discover that man$ logons and re@uests for (*S resources from
wor;stations in the new su!net are !eing handled !$ domain controllers in a remote
site instead of local domain controllers. What should $ou do to solve this pro!lem?
Add a Subnet
13. &ou have three sitesI 8oston/ Chicago/ and J4. &ou have created site lin;s
!etween 8oston and Chicago and !etween Chicago and J4 with the default site lin;
settings. What do $ou need to do to ma;e sure replication will occur !etween
8oston and J4?
a. (o nothingG replication will occur !etween 8oston and J4 with the current
!. Create a new connection o!Bect !etween 8oston and J4.
c. Create a site lin; !ridge !etween 8oston and J4.
d. Con7gure a site lin; !etween 8oston and J4 with SD):.
18. Which of the following is true a!out using SD): in site lin;s? #Choose all that
a. 4 certi7cation authorit$ must !e installed.
!. (omains can span the sites included in the site lin;.
c. 2t.s !est used on slow or unrelia!le networ; lin;s.
d. 2t.s the preferred transport protocol for intersite lin;s.
16. 4 partition stored on a domain controller in Site4 isn.t !eing replicated to other
sites/ !ut all other partitions on domain controllers in Site4 are !eing replicated. )he
pro!lem partition is stored on multiple domain controllers in Site4. What should $ou
investigate as the source of the pro!lem?
a. 4n automaticall$ con7gured !ridgehead server
!. 4 manuall$ con7gured !ridgehead server
c. 4 failed site lin; !ridge
d. 4 failed 2S)C
20. &our networ; is con7gured in a hu! and spo;e topolog$. &ou want to control the
Kow of replication traLc !etween sites/ speci7call$ reducing the replication traLc
traveling across networ; lin;s !etween hu! sites to reach satellite sites. What
should $ou con7gure?
a. Connection o!Bects !etween domain controllers in each site
!. 2ntersite transports
c. Site lin; !ridges
d. 5)(S settings
21. &ou want to decrease users. logon time at Site4 !ut not increase replication
traLc drasticall$. &ou have -0 users at this site with one domain controller. 'verall/
$our networ; contains "000 user and computer accounts. What solution can
decrease logon times with the least impact on replication traLc?
a. Con7gure the domain controller as a domain naming master.
!. Con7gure the domain controller as a glo!al catalog server.
c. Con7gure multiple connection o!Bects !etween the domain controller in Site4 and
a remote glo!al catalog server.
d. Mna!le universal group mem!ership caching.
22. Which of the following con7gurations should $ou avoid?
a. (omain naming master and schema master on the same domain controller
!. :(C emulator and R2( master on the same computer
c. 2nfrastructure master con7gured as a glo!al catalog server
d. Schema master con7gured as a glo!al catalog server
2". Hsers usuall$ notice a failure of the domain naming master immediatel$. )rue or
2+. Hser authentications are ta;ing a long time. )he domain controller performing
which *SD' role will most li;el$ decrease authentication times if it.s upgraded?
a. R2( master
!. :(C emulator
c. 2nfrastructure master
d. (omain naming master
2-. & ta;ing an older server performing the R2( master role out of service and
will !e replacing it with a new server con7gured as a domain controller. What should
$ou do to ensure the smoothest transition?
a. )ransfer the R2( master role to the new domain controller/ and then shut down
the old server.
!. Shut down the current R2( master and sei>e the R2( master role from the new
domain controller.
c. 8ac; up the domain controller that.s currentl$ the R2( master/ restore it to the
new domain controller/ and then shut down the old R2( master.
d. Shut down the current R2( master/ and then transfer the R2( master role to the
new domain controller.

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