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Services Offered

Ray education Directions Consultancy Services Pilipinas 2.0

1.Offers a GISP (Gain an International
Standpoint) certification.
a. Quick Placement Test (Cambridge English Test)
b. Poppleton Allen UK Psychological Test
c. Professional discussion of results of the said tests
d. Professional coaching and consultation for International study
e. 1-3 months personality development training depending on Estimated
Date of Departure (EDD)
f. English proficiency training
g. Two weeks intensive training for IELTS / TOELFL before the actual test
h. Overseas adaptation module and training before departure
2. Provides assistance
with the selection of
courses and colleges /
universities abroad.
3. Provides assistance
with the applications to
educational institutions.
4. Takes care of the
university application
and follow up service.
5. Provides advice and
assistance with student
visa application and
oversea accommodation
6. Qualifies the client
through trainings like
personality development
and English language
skill enhancement.
7. Provides an after
service assistance on
work permit application
and immigration.
8. RAY company sees to
it that the client is well
monitored and is guided
all the way in the
pursuance of his / her

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