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Blog Rubric Michael Butler

4 3 2 1
Most parts of the Very little or no parts of
All parts of the question questions are answered. Some parts of the the question are

are answered in detail. Some parts of the question are answered. answered. Ideas are
Appropriate language is response may be unclear. Ideas are unclear and/or irrelevant to the topic.
used. Appropriate language is irrelevent. Uses innapropriate
used. language.

All information and facts Few discrepancies in Some false information or Information and facts
given are accurate and information and facts. facts are given. Citing, if presented are false. There
have been properly cited. Most facts are cited. any, is inaccurate. is no citing.

Has copied or re-stated

Paraphrases the opinions

Has clear opinions but the opinions of other

Expresses original and of other bloggers.
may lack some originality. peers or has no opinion at
clear opinions. Respectful Disagrees with others'
Respectful toward other all. Shows no respect for
toward other bloggers. opinions in a disrespectful
bloggers. the opinions of other

No errors in spelling or Few errors in spelling or Several errors in spelling

A LOT of errors in spelling
grammar. Work has been grammar. Work has been and grammar. Work has
and grammar. Work has
checked by a human checked by a "spell check" been checked by a "spell
not been checked at all.
being. function. check" function.

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