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University of Colorado Hospital

Material Safety Data Sheet

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) on
all hazardous chemicals must be kept by
OSHA, EPA, Fire Code and Joint
Commission requirements.
OSHA MSDS Requirement
the employer shall maintain in the
workplace copies of the required MSDSs
for each hazardous chemical, and shall
ensure that they are readily accessible
during each work shift to employees when
they are in their workarea(s)."
Meeting the Requirements
Employees can access the MSDS
information at any time from any UCH
computer without any password
Link is available on the HUB.
Back-up copy will be available in the
event of disruption of Internet access.
Creating the Shortcut
Follow these instructions to put a link onto your desktop.

1) Go to your desktop and right click on it.
2) Select "NEW"
3) Select " SHORTCUT"
4) A wizard will come up that asks you for the location.
5) Paste the link below into that empty box
6) Click on "Next"
7) Type in a Name for the shortcut such as "MSDS SOURCE"
8) Click "finish"

Search Screen
This is the tab that
you are in when
the application
Search: type the name of the chemical and hit enter.
Default database is My Binder.
System will search all MSDS sheets specific to UCH
and present results.
Clicking on Global Library will perform the search in
a library maintained by MSDS Source.
This library has approximately 2,000,000 MSDS
sheets in it.
Search Screen
Searches UCH
specific information
Searches very
large global library
You can also select a manufacturer from
the Quick Manufacturer drop-down list.
Final option is to enter the manufacturer
name for the search

Request a MSDS option at bottom of
the page is only used by Safety
Coordinators when requesting
information on new chemicals being
added to their department/unit.
Quick Manufacturer Drop Down
Binder Function
You can also select only the MSDS
sheets that have been entered for your
department or unit.
Scroll down the group list and click on
your department or unit
Click on submit and all of the MSDS
information for that department or unit
will be displayed
Scroll down to
Click on submit
Click on icon to open pdf file of your MSDS
Other Options
Home: no functionality on this page
Search: the default page that the
program opens to.
Health Care Binder: a binder of
approximately 60,000 MSDS sheets
that are health care related materials
Other Options
My Binder: will take you the complete
listing of all UCH chemicals
Support: general information
Contact Us: general information
Downloads: not used
My Binder
Same basic functionality as the search
Add and Remove MSDS options
require password and are utilized to
update department/unit binders
My Binder Option
Scroll down to
Click on View
Selected Binder
This line will
always tell you
which binder you
are in.
Click on icon
to view
Down Time Procedure
To be updated..
Safety Coordinator Role
Requesting a MSDS
Use this for new chemicals/products
that you are not able to find the correct
MSDS for
Can also use this to request that an
updated MSDS be entered into the
Click Here
If you do not have the information for some
of the requested fields enter N/A
Check here if
you are
an updated
or more
with your
This is your department or
unit at UCH
Requesting a MSDS
Vendor will find the correct MSDS and
enter into your department or unit
Vendor will contact you via e-mail if they
have any additional questions
Adding or Deleting a MSDS
Click here from
any page
Adding MSDS Information
Should only be done by Safety Coordinator
or designee
Information should be kept updated as your
department or unit adds and removes
If in doubt whether you should add a
chemical error on the side of caution and
enter it into the system
First highlight the
binder that you
want to work in
Second click here
Username is uch
Password is uch_msds
Enter chemical or
product name here
Enter manufacturer
if known
Not generally used
Tips for Adding MSDS Sheets
Enter chemical/product name and
manufacturer if known. This will reduce
the number of possible matches.
Partial information will result in large
number of possible matches.
Example if you enter acid instead of
hydrochloric acid you will have a lot of
information to scroll through.
Entered acid only
hundreds of hits
Entered hydrochloric
acid fewer hits
Entered hydrochloric acid
and manufacturer (Fisher) -
only 26 hits
Scroll down to the sheet
you want and click in this
column to add to your
Can clicks here to view sheet to
make sure it is the correct one
More Tips
If you have a choice of multiple sheets from the
same manufacturer for the same product pick
the most current date.
You may need to try several variations of a
chemical name to get the best match.
Can use chemical or trade names for
example Clorox or sodium hypochlorite.
More Tips
Generic versions of common products
are OK as the chemical and hazards
are the same between manufacturers
Hydrogen peroxide
Default generic MSDS provider picked
Scroll down and click on the departments or
units that you want to add the
chemical to then click on submit
Thats all there is to it!
Deleting Information
Process is similar
Deleted products are still in the
database so can be retrieved in the
future if needed
First highlight the
binder that you
want to work in
Second click here
Deleting MSDS Sheets
Log-in and password are the same as
when adding information
Click in this column on the proper sheet. Make
sure that it is the one for the proper
department or units binder
Thats all. You can now remove another sheet from
the previous list, select a new chemical to remove
or go back to your binder
Exporting to Excel
You can export any department or unit
binder to Excel.
You can save the sheet and add any
additional department specific
information that you desire.
Select and view
the binder that
you want to
export first
Select the
export option
Follow the
prompts to open
or save the
For additional information contact

Patrick Conroy
Manager of Support Services
Safety Officer
x 86632

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