Overcome The Hesitant Customer: Creative Selling

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Overcome the
Hesitant Customer
Once you’ve asked questions, gath- reason for the hold-up is, which
ered information and offered a deal, takes persistence and open-ended
you have to wait for the prospect to questions.
commit. Sometimes, the customer is In addition, sales consultant Myers
going to be hesitant to buy from you. %DUQHVDGGHGWKDWFUHDWLQJDVHQVH
In the article “An Uncertain of urgency is key in moving the sales
Situation” from the November/ SURFHVVDORQJ%DUQHVVD\VWKHUHDUH
December 2007 issue of Selling four facts that all customers need to
Power, Andris Zoltners, a profes- have answered before they will ever
sor of marketing at Northwestern make a commitment:
University in Evanston, IL, says there 1. Why should I buy this from you?
are two reasons for a prospect to 2. Why should I buy from your
be hesitant. Either the salesperson company?
hasn’t offered enough value, or there 3. Why should I buy your products?
is a hidden objection that needs to be 4. Why should I buy this today?
uncovered. %DUQHVVD\VWKHVDOHVSHUVRQVKRXOG salesperson doesn’t provide a compel-
Zoltners says it is important for have the answers to all these ques- ling reason for a customer to buy at a
VDOHVSHRSOHWR¿QGRXWZKDWWKHUHDO tions, especially the last one. If a certain time, it allows the sale to stall.

Don’t Harm Your

Marketing Efforts
Marketing can cost a lot of money, when business is booming.
and you want to get your money’s 7KH¿UVWGDWHIDOODF\
ZRUWKZKLOHEHLQJHIIHFWLYH,Q%RE Customers are looking for direction,
Massey’s businessknowhow.com so don’t leave them hanging after the
article, “These Five Fatal Errors ¿UVWPHHWLQJ²IROORZXS
Will KILL Your Marketing Efforts,” 4. The membership misconcep-
he explains how your money will tion: It’s not enough to generate
EHZHOOVSHQWLI\RXDYRLGWKHVH¿YH interest in your business. You have
mistakes: to convert leads into sales and then
1. The egg basket error: Don’t sales into loyal customers.
focus on one marketing method 7KHWDNHPH¿UVWPLVWDNH7KLV
because it’s going to narrow your happens when a business puts its
SOD\LQJ¿HOGDQGPLQLPL]H\RXU own merits at the forefront of its
effectiveness. advertising and public relations mes-
2. The spike slip: Marketing is a sages, instead of concentrating on
continual endeavor, so don’t stop the needs of the potential consumer.

Vol. 2, Issue 12 – December 2009 19


Show Authority
With Your Dress
The styles, colors and acces- ‡:HDUDPDWFKHG
sories you choose to wear send a suit. It is more formal
non-verbal message about who you than wearing a jacket
are and make an emotional connec- with contrasting pants
tion with your viewer, according to or skirt.
Professional Dress – Project Power level of authority with
DQG$XWKRULW\ZLWK3URSHU2I¿FH dark colors. Navy, a leather or metal band for your
Attire,” from ezinearticles.com. Your charcoal or black suits are the most watch and a high quality handbag or
the decisions you make. a white or cream-colored shirt with of shoe and make sure your shoes are
In many industries, a business suit your dark suit. polished and in good condition.
shows power and the person wearing ‡.HHS\RXUORRNVLPSOH:HDUD Goldman says dress to inspire
it projects professionalism. Here are minimal amount of prints or pat- FRQ¿GHQFH,I\RXGRSHRSOHZLOOEH
Goldman’s tips on how to put together terns on shirts and ties. more likely to buy your product or

Be a Good Salesperson
The businessknowhow.com It takes time for people to gain con- you pressure a person into buying
article, “Direct Sales Tips,” by ¿GHQFHLQ\RXDQG\RXUSURGXFWV something they don’t want, you
people are important because they be what you envision the successful 5. Don’t plead. You might get
FUHDWHPDUNHWVIRUSURGXFWV%DNHU salesperson to be. a sympathy sale, but you haven’t
says in order to be a good sales- 4. Don’t try to sell by force. If gained a customer.
person, you must take pride in (PSKDVL]HYDOXHQHHGDQG
your profession and consider the satisfaction. Your prospect will
following eight tips: buy if you can explain to him or
%HOLHYHDQGIHHOWKDWZKDW her that your product is a good
you are selling is a worthwhile value and serves a need.
and honest value in order to be a 7. Ask for the sale. Closing the
success in sales. If you’re enthu- sale is the critical part of any
siastic about your product, the sales approach. You must not be
prospect will be too. afraid to ask for the order.
2. Don’t be impatient. Many 8. Set goals for yourself. You
inexperienced salespeople call have to be self-motivated, and
one or two prospects and quit if no one is going to push you but
they don’t get immediate results. yourself.

20 Vol. 2, Issue 12 – December 2009


Build Rapport Side Notes

With Humor Inside Sales
Humor is a bonding mechanism Adrian Miller, from adrianmiller.
com, says details are key and your
that transcends all prejudice and customer service team needs to pay
prejudgments in the selling process, close attention. The key to loyalty
is to follow through, keep promises
according to Jeffery Gitomer’s article
and take extra time for customers.
“A Funny Thing Happened On The Way Miller says customers will always
To A Sale” from The Business Journal. appreciate that personal touch that
makes them feel appreciated and
Humor can be an easy way to relate to special.
your prospects if you follow Gitomer’s
presentation to set the tone. Outside Sales
personal expense. In Mike Brooks’ article, “5 Ways
www.mrinsidesales.com, he says to
joke. record your phone calls (within legal
‡0DNHVXUHWKHMRNHLVIXQQ\WR limits) and listen to them. This helps
most sales representatives will not
‡'HWHUPLQHWKHW\SHDQGGHPHDQRU do this, it gives you an advantage.
of the person before telling a joke. Brooks encourages making a com-
‡7U\XVLQJSHUVRQDOH[SHULHQFH mitment to improving every aspect of
your phone calls and sales presenta-
rather than story-type jokes. tions. Practice before you present
‡8VHKXPRUZKHQDSSURSULDWH and listen to your recorded calls!

Steps To Successful Sales

A successful salesperson has on the right track.
a system for doing well. In John 4. Show the customer why you can
Mehrmann’s article, “Seven Steps to be trusted and see if the offer is on
Successful Sales” on ezinearticles.com, target with their requirements.
he provides the following seven ways 5. Provide the price and give details
you can help you and your customers: of what needs to be done to complete
1. Introduce yourself and listen. The the transaction and proceed after the
values, wants or needs is by listening. 6. Schedule the next steps if ongoing
2. Show what aspects of your offer negotiation is necessary and make sure
are important from the customer future meetings are set up.
perspective and avoid non-relevant 7. Ask for the sale to determine if it is
topics. time to stop selling and start process-
3. Get feedback to make sure you’re ing the purchase.

Vol. 2, Issue 12 – December 2009 21


Avoid Quarter’s
End Chaos
As the holiday season is underway and you are getting ready Quotable Quotient
important this time of year – enjoying your friends and family. I’m not the sort of person
Yes, it is a stressful time of the year with work and holiday
obligations, but you don’t want to look back on these times and
who fears failure.
Richard Branson (1950 - ) English entrepreneur
remember how miserable you were or how you had to miss an
event because you had work to do.
Instead of being overwhelmed, make a list of goals to help you Smooth seas do not make
tically accomplish every day. I know this seems like elementary
African proverb
advice, but you’d be surprised by how well it works.
For instance, my father is really good at procrastinating and
is excellent at stressing out when he has a lot to do in a short Perpetual optimism is a
period of time. He used to work in sales, and I always knew force multiplier.
when a quarter was coming to a close. Colin Powell (1937 - ) U.S. Secretary of State
Procrastinating and cramming a lot of tasks into a short period
of time isn’t going to work. Take one day at a time, and set little
Failure is not the falling
goals to achieve big ones. down, but the staying down.
I know my father practices his own advice now because he Mary Pickford (1892 - 1979) Canadian actress
was able to achieve his goal of starting his own company by tak-
ing one step at a time. I challenge you to do the same. Take the You cannot keep determined
holidays one step at a time and enjoy the experience. Plan ahead
and set goals for your work to reduce stress.
people from success. If you
place stumbling blocks in
Enjoy, their way, they will use them
for stepping-stones and
climb to new heights.
Mary Kay Ash (1918 - 2001)
American businesswoman

It is the nature of man to rise

to greatness if greatness is
expected of him.
John Steinbeck (1902 - 1968) American writer

Kaye Maloney
If you do a job, do it right or
Editorial Intern there is no point.
Cal Ripken, Jr. (1960 - ) American baseball player

22 Vol. 2, Issue 12 – December 2009

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