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Vol unteer Opportuni ti es @ Neal Magnet

Mi ddl e

Academi c Bl ock Support

When: Monday and Wednesday (2:45p.m.-4:00p.m.)

What: During Academic Block students rotate through four stations that help support them in
Teacher Station students receive remediation in math from their team leader
Homework Station students complete homework or assignments that will help them master
what they are currently learning during the school day
Computer Station students work through a guided math computer program
Practice Station students engage in independent practice of what has been taught at the
Teacher Station and work on fact retrieval type math skill practice

Duri ng thi s ti me you can choose to
Assist students at stations
Ensure students are on task at stations
Work with students 1:1 with skill practice
There may be other things you can help with (team leader will let you know)

Event Suppor t

When: will vary (will receive biweekly email with upcoming event opportunities)

What: Citizen Schools puts on various events throughout the year. These include family events (in
the evenings), our semester WOW! Events (showcase of student learning), and various student
centered events/activities that occur during program hours.

Duri ng thi s ti me you can choose to
Help set up event space
Assist with an event activity
Lead an event activity/session/workshop
Clean up after the event
Help monitor/engage students
There may be other things you can help with (will vary depending on type of event/activity)

Other Suggested Vol unteer Oppor tuni ti es

Mentor a team leader or student
Be a day volunteer (come in and help out with program for a day 3 to 5p.m.)
Shadow a team leader for a day (assisting them in any capacity)
Lead a workshop, fun activity, or community service project with students
Lead a professional development workshop on a topic of expertise for Citizen Schools staff
Lead a session/workshop for parents (topics can include but are not limited to financial
literacy, community supports/community access, skills education/skill development)
Ther e may be other thi ngs you may want to contr i butej ust l et us know!

I f you ar e i nter ested i n vol unteer i ng, pl ease contact Marl ee Henderson at
mar l eehender son@ci ti zenschool s. or g.

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