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First scene:
*The three will discuss about the Tripartite Pact*
Benito Mussolini: Good morning. We are gathered here today with a main purpose- to sign and agree
with the Tripartite Pact. This is a condition of any lasting peace and to establish and
maintain a new order of things to promote prosperity and welfare to the people.
Adolf Hitler: The three of us will sign this pact, and will agree as follows
*reads and discusses the pact*
Emperor Hirohito: in faith whereof, the undersigned duly authorized by my respective government have
signed this pact and have affixed hereto my signature.
Benito & Adolf: So am I.
*sign the Tripartite pact and shake hands*

Second scene: (plays video)
Neville Chamberlain: I do hereby announce that the deadline for the withdrawal of German troops from
from Poland had expired.
I have handed a final note to the German govt this morning saying that unless
Germany announced plans to withdraw from Poland by 1100, a state of war would
exist between the two countries. I have to tell you now that no such undertaking
has been received and consequently this country is at war with Germany.
France: I am here by announcing that France will be waging a war with Germany.
Third scene:
*meanwhile in the Philippines*
MacArthur: I suggest that we should create a Far Eastern Command with the commander of the
Philippine Department as the designated commander.
General Gerow: We dont need such a command. I think that the Philippine department itself should be
the commander.
Stimson: Mr. President, I request that you should issue orders calling the military forces of the
commonwealth into active service for the US. All practical steps should be taken
to increase the defensive strength of the Philippine Islands.

*the next day*

President Roosevelt: Under my authority, I order you to freeze all Japanese assets within the US.
MacArthur, your duty is to command the USAFFE actively.
Fourth scene: (play video)
*attacks the Pearl Harbor*
President Roosevelt: (Infamy speech) I guess we shall now proceed for the voting of declaration.
*The senate and house of representatives voted*
President Roosevelt: Its obvious that the majority is on the side of the declaration; I do solemnly sign
the declaration before you.

Fifth Scene:
General Homma: We need to start marching toward Manila.
General Wainwright: We need to establish a defense road.
General Homma: I order you my army to invade Lamon Bay.
General MacArthur: We need to retreat to the Bataan Peninsula.

Sixth scene:
Gen. MacArthur: In order to spare the Metropolitan area from ravages of attack, either by air or ground,
Manila is hereby declared an open city without the characteristics of a military objective. In order that
no excuse may be given for possible mistake, the American high commissioner, the Commonwealth
government and all combatant military installations will be withdrawn from its environs as rapidly as
possible. The Municipal government will continue to function with its police powers, reinforced by
constabulary troops, so that the normal protection of life and property may be preserved. Citizens are
requested to maintain obedience to constituted authorities and continue the normal processes of
(play video)
Gen. MacArthur: The enemy's present actions can only be deemed completely violative of all the
civilized processes of international law. At the proper time I bespeak due retaliatory measures.

Seventh Scene: (play video)
*at the midst of war*
Douglas: I am in need of reinforcements here in the Philippines.
Eisenhower: I cannot grant your request to send more troops there because they were also needed in
the Atlantic.
*on the other hand*
Quezon: Why dont we declare the Philippines Independence? I believe that in this way, we can the
neutralize this situation, the war.
Roosevelt: I beg to disagree. MacArthur must stand and fight for the country.
Quezon: Youre leaving me no choice but to stand behind you.

*meanwhile in Corregidor*
Wainwright: President Roosevelt ordered you to take control of the military in Australia.
*reporters everrrrrrr*
MacArthur: The President of the United States ordered me to break through the Japanese lines and
proceed from Corregidor to Australia for the purpose, as I understand it, of organizing the American
offensive against Japan, a primary objective of which is the relief of the Philippines. I came through and I
shall return.

*meanwhile in Corregidor:
Wainwright: Major General Edward King, took over the command on the Island of Corregidor.
King: I do accept and hereby command the army.
*six days later after the war Maj. Gen. King surrendered Bataan.*
(play video)
General Homma: On this day, January 3, 1942 the American occupation has now ended and within this
day and forward, I am imposing martial law in this country. Surrender first the fire arms, those who will
be caught with weapons will be detained in Fort Santiago.
You are all gathered here so we can establish a new government. Those who are in favor, you may duly
sign the letter of response.
*Santos and his son were riding in an automobile then captured by Japanese army and were taken to
Japanese headquarters*
Jose Abad Santos: Where are you taking us?
Japanese 1: To Parang, Cotabato.
Jose Abad Santos: What will I do there?
*deadma si Abad XD. Santos was brought to Cotabato*
General Homma: I order you to cooperate with the new government.
Jose Abad Santos: I will not. I will not let you impose your brutality and cruelty.
*and because of his refusal, Abad Santos was executed*
Eighth scene:
President Quezon: My fellow Filipino concerned leaders, I gather you all today because I want to tell you
that we should enter into the agreement and compromises with the Japanese.
Jorge Vargas: But why Mr. President?
President Quezon: Its the way to migrate the sufferings of the people under the iron-clad rule of the
Japanese. We have to establish the Philippine Executive Commission, and as response to the letter of
Japanese. This will be an ephemeral government of the country.
Jorge Vargas: I agree with you Mr. President.
President Quezon: We shall now proceed to the appointment of the respective officers of the six
Jorge Vargas will be the chairman.
For the Interior dept: Benigno S. Aquino
For the finance dept: Antonio de las Alas
For the Judicial Dept: Jose P. Laurel
For the Agricultural and Commercial dept: Rafael Alunan
For Educ., Health and Public Welfare dept: Claro M. Recto; and
For the Public Works and Communication dept: Quintin Paredes
Jorge Vargas: I am here to issue the Executive Order no. 76 which summarizes as: (read)

Ninth Scene: Japanese teaching of Niponggo in classes.
(pretend that there is a class about Niponggo, read)
Tenth Scene:
Jorge Vargas: We are all gathered again my fellow citizens for one main purpose, to form a National
Assembly as ordered by the virtue of Executive Order no. 109, ordered by the Japanese Military
Administration. Its principal goals were the unification of the Filipinos in order to extend positive
cooperation to the Japanese Military Administration in the reconstruction of the country and to
invigorate Filipino values. We will also draft a constitution for the satisfaction of the Japanese govt.
*adlib: talks about the making of constitution.*
Eleventh scene:
*Tojo will visit the Philippines*
Premier Hideki Tojo: I will grant your independence on one condition, you have to manifest a concrete
evidence showing that you are cooperating with the Japanese and this country would be supplanted by
a formal republic.
*a commission will be formed and a constitution will be drafted; the members will construct the consti
(use the copy)*
President Quezon: I need to re-establish my cabinet members on America.
*byahe eveeerr to America*
Pres. Quezon: Mr. President, please help my country. More and more Filipinos are suffering under the
Japanese. Please help us drive them away, please help us gain our independence.
President Roosevelt: Alright, I will help you. I am extending your term until you establish your
independence and the normalcy is completely restored.
*byahe eveeer then dead bcoz of TB*
*Battle of Philippine Sea*

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