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Kali Guest

123 Central Avenue

Somewhere, US 98765
Objective: To use my advanced math skills and social experiences to work as an actuary.
High School Diploma
Currently working towards becoming prepared to take an actuary exam
Server, The Good Egg, April 2012-present
Keeping organized
Making sure customers are satisfied and taken care of
Maintaining a positive attitude throughout the day
Treasurer, Student Government, August 2011-April 2014
Keep track of funds
Create and plan fundraisers
Purchase all goods for means of the committee
Sports, Cross Country/Soccer/Track, August 2011-May 2014
Having good sportsmanship
Being a team leader
Showing up to every practice on time and prepared
Member, NHS, May 2012-May 2014
Regularly attend meetings
Participate in hosting a blood drive
Honors and Awards:
GCU Presidential Scholarship Award
CAC Promise for the Future
CAC Academic Scholarship
Lettered in Academics
Lettered in Cross Country
Lettered in Soccer
Lettered in Track
References Available Upon Request

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