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Hi all,

Here are a few reminders for the formal report:

General guidelines:
- The report is due March 26
depending on your section before lab starts
- !ny late reports will ha"e #$ deducted from the final score of the report, unless arranged
otherwise with me
- %ormat the paper as &# line spacing This ma'es it much easier on my eyes
- %eel free to send me a rough draft by the 2&
( will then be able to get my
corrections/suggestions bac' to you by Monday/Tuesday the wee' it is due gi"ing you a day or 2
to fi) the corrections *ote that +ust because ( loo' o"er your rough draft does not guarantee a
&,,$ ( will chec' for spelling/formatting/flow errors ( will offer suggestions ( will not rewrite
the report for you
-( will be using turn it in for submissions This is a website that tells me how similar each
students paper is to each other !lthough you are co"ering a lot of the same content, it-s rare that
.#$ of the paper matches sentence structure and such
- /ince this paper will be written in 2 parts, feel free to split the paper as you feel ma'es it
flow the best ( would suggest simply doing 2 parts /ection &: e)traction of a copper
metal from it-s ore This would focus on the lab you carried out /ection 2: adapting the
e)traction of 0your metal of choice within reason, if it-s not sil"er, aluminum, or lithium,
send me an email for me to "erify1 from the industrial scale to a teaching lab setting
- %or the e)traction of copper from its ore, there should be a intro, results, discussion,
conclusion section 2e sure to include important data such as $ error and such
- %or the adaptation part, there should be an intro to the metal, industrial
e)traction/purification, how this would be done in a &&3 M lab
- The last section of the adaptation portion should at least include synthetic procedure,
materials needed, and possible problems 0difficulties in the procedure1 that may need to
be twea'ed to ma'e the lab flow better or impro"e yield
!s ( ha"e said before, ( am unsure of how long the paper will be ( am figuring &# pages being
&# spaced, ma) That being said, if you feel you need to go o"er in length, feel free 2ut 'eep in
mind that ( belie"e that a paper that is concisely worded is better than a paper with +argon or fluff

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