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OCCUPATIONS - person's usual or principal work or business, especially as a means

of earning a living; vocation: Her occupation was dentistry.

1. Animator - Te animator is a worker wo creates te images in animated films
using drawing, modelling or computer grapics to make pictures and models
come to life and move around.
!. Athlete - "n atlete or sportsperson plays sport or takes part in atletic
competitions, as a professional.
#. Bookkeeper - Te task of a bookkeeper is to carry out a wide range of
accounting activities.
$. Composer - Te composer composes music.
%. Cutler - Te cutler produces knives.
&. Fisherman - Te fiserman is involved in catcing fis.
'. Gardener - Te task of a gardener is to grow, and look after, all kinds of
(. Judge - te )udge ensures )ustice is done in te form of court decisions.
*. Lirarian - Te )ob of a librarian is to provide services and run an information
system in public libraries and information centres.
1+. Plumer - Te plumber's work consists of preparation, fitting, testing, repairing
and reconstructing service piping systems.
11. Singer - " singer interprets songs, and oter compositions for te uman voice
of different genres according to is,er orientation.
1!. Coler - a cobbler )ob is to make and repair all types of soes.
1#. !usi"ian - " musician interprets musical compositions by means of a particular
musical instrument.

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