Blessing of The Animals 2014

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A service for the blessings of Animal Pets and

St Johns Lutheran Church, Norfolk, Nebraska
Saturday, ctober !, "#$!
Leader% In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
L% May God be with you all.
The animals of God's creation inhabit the skies, the earth, and the sea. They
share in the fortunes of human eistence and ha!e part in human life. God
who confers his "ifts on all li!in" thin"s, has often used the ser!ice of
animals or made them symbolic reminders of the "ifts of sal!ation.
#nimals were sa!ed from the $ood and afterwards made a part of the
co!enant with %oah &Genesis '(')*+,. The paschal lamb brin"s to mind the
-asso!er sacri.ce and the deli!erance from the bonda"e of /"ypt &/odus
*0(1)*2,3 a "iant .sh sa!ed 4onah &4onah 0(*)**,3 ra!ens brou"ht bread to
/li5ah &*6in"s *7(8,3 animals were included in the repentance en5oined on
humans &4onah 1(7,. #nd animals share in 9hrist's redemption of all of God's
creation. :e therefore in!oke the di!ine blessin" on these animals. #s we do
let us praise the 9reator and thank God for "i!in" us responsibility o!er other
creatures of the earth. ;et us also ask God that, rememberin" our human
di"nity, we may walk always in such paths of ser!ice.
Psalm &
L% < ;ord our God, how wonderful your name in all the earth=
Lord, our Lord, ho' glorious is you name over all the earth(
)ou have e*alted your ma+esty above the heavens,
< ;ord our God, how wonderful your name in all the earth=
-hen . behold your heavens, the 'ork of your /ngers,
the moon and the stars 'hich you set in place 0
-hat is man that you should be mindful of mortals
or the son of man that you should care for him1
< ;ord our God, how wonderful your name in all the earth.
)ou have given mortals rule over the 'orks of your hands,
putting all things under our feet%
All sheep and o*en% yes, and the beasts of the /eld,
< ;ord our God, how wonderful your name in all the earth.
2he birds of the air, the /sh of the sea,
and 'hatever s'ims 'ithin the paths of the seas,
Lord our 3od, ho' 'onderful your name in all the earth(
Prayer of 2hanks
;( < God, the author and "i!er of e!ery "ift, we "i!e you thanks for the
animals within our world. #nimals also are a part of the way you pro!ide
lo!e and beauty to our world. #nimals are companions, helpers in labor, and
workers with us in the 6in"dom of God.
:e pray that you will make a!ailable for your ser!ants those thin"s we need
to maintain a decent human life. :e ask this throu"h 9hrist our ;ord. Amen
Saint 4rancis5 6Canticle of All Creatures7 is sung 8tune 9L- &:;<
=erse $% #ll 9reatures of our God and 6in"
;ift up your !oice and with us sin"
<h praise God, #lleluia=
< burnin" sun with "olden beam
#nd sil!er moon with softer "leam
>efrain% <h praise God= <h praise God=
#lleluia= #lleluia= #lleluia=
=erse "( < rushin" wind and bree>es soft
< clouds that ride the winds aloft
<h praise God= #lleluia=
< risin" morn, in praise re5oice
< li"hts of e!enin", .nd a !oice. 8Refrain<
=erse :% ?ear mother earth, who day by day
@nfolds rich blessin"s on our way,
<h praise God= #lleluia=
The fruits and $owers that !erdant "row,
;et them his praise abundant show. (Refrain)
=erse !% <h e!Aryone of tender heart
For"i!in" others, take your part,
<h praise God= #lleluia=
#ll you who pain and sorrow bear,
-raise God and "i!e to God your care= (Refrain)
=erse ;% ;et all thin"s their 9reator bless
#nd worship God in humbleness.
<h praise God= #lleluia=
<h praise the Father, praise the Son,
#nd praise the Spirit, Three in <ne. (Refrain)
.ndividual ?lessing of the Animals 8pets<
After the prayer of blessing, the minister asks for the names of the
animals from
their human companion. Then says these words:
;( B&%ame of animal, , may you be blessed in the %ame of the Father, and of
the Son and of the Holy Spirit. May you and &the name of the "uardian, en5oy
life to"ether and .nd 5oy with the God who created you.C
Prayer after ?lessing of the Animals
;( May God, who created the animals of this earth as a help to us, continue
to protect and sustain us with the "race his blessin" brin"s, now and fore!er.
;( Gracious God, alon" with the witness of our Drother Francis, you lo!e
e!erythin" you ha!e made. Help us to follow your eample of treatin" e!ery
li!in" thin" with kindness. #nd so, Good and Gracious God, watch o!er our
pets and keep these companions safe and healthy.
;( The ;ord bless you and keep you3
The ;ordAs face shine upon you and be "racious to you3
The ;ord look upon you in fa!or and "i!e you peace(
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen

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