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CAE Use of English

Part 1
Multiple Choice Cloze
For Questions 1-12, read the text below and decide which
answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. There is an exaple
(0) A series B "##$% C programme D release
#ound Ad&ice for 'an(ua(e 'earners
A recent (0) ......... of a language learning magazine has consulte a
num!er of e"perts in the (1) ........ of secon language ac#uisition.
$heir a%ice ma& pro%e in%alua!le for those (') ........ a language
course. (ne suggestion is that &ou ()) ........... *hether &ou are li+el&
to !e successful at learning a language. Di &ou en,o& stu&ing
languages at school- for e"ample. Do &ou ha%e enough time to
learn a language. $he ma,or (/) ........ *ill !e &our o*n time an
effort. $herefore &ou must ma+e sure that the course on offer leas
to a (0) ........ #ualification. Also- !e realistic in &our (1) ...... . 2f &ou
on3t set achie%a!le aims &ou are more li+el& to gi%e up. Do not !e
ecei%e (4) ........... thin+ing that the most e"pensi%e courses are
the !est. (5) ........... aroun to get the !est possi!le %alue for mone&.
6ou shoul also !ear in min that the #uic+er &ou learn a language
the more #uic+l& &ou forget it. 7anra Miller- a 8rench teacher- trie
to teach herself 9erman !& enrolling on a (:) .......... course. Alrea&
fluent in four languages an *ith a soun +no*lege of teaching
methoolog& her chances of (10) ............ progress *ere high. $hree
&ears (11) ........ she remem!ers %er& little. 7he feels her !iggest
mista+e *as not to follo* (1') ............ her first e"perience. ;2 shoul
ha%e consoliate *hat 23 learn !& continuing to stu&- e%en if it
*ere !& m&self.;
1 A omain B!ranch Cfiel D area
' A *onering Bthin+ing Cloo+ing D consiering
) A assess Bre%ie* C!alance D sur%e&
/ A charge Bcost Cprice D %aluation
0 A recognise Bunerstoo C%alue D regare
1 A sights Bens Co!,ects D goals
4 A !& Ba!out Cinto D in
5 A <ose BPush C=un D 7hop
: A rapi Bcrash C#uic+ D fast
10A achie%ing Boing Cgaining D ma+ing
11A on Bfor*ar Cfrom D on*ar
1'A up Bon Cthrough D out

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