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Srimad Bhagavatam

Canto 2: The Cosmic Manifestation Chapter 1: The First Step in God Realization

SB 2.1.invocation: m! "ord# the all$pervading %ersonalit! of Godhead# & offer m!
respectf'l o(eisances 'nto )o'.
SB 2.1.1: Sri S'*adeva Gosvami said: M! dear +ing# !o'r ,'estion is glorio's (eca'se it
is ver! (eneficial to all *inds of people. The ans-er to this ,'estion is the prime
s'(.ect matter for hearing# and it is approved (! all transcendentalists.
SB 2.1.2: Those persons -ho are materiall! engrossed# (eing (lind to the *no-ledge of
'ltimate tr'th# leave man! s'(.ect matters for hearing in h'man societ!# /mperor.
SB 2.1.0: The lifetime of s'ch an envio's ho'seholder is passed at night either in
sleeping or in se1 ind'lgence# and in the da!time either in ma*ing mone! or maintaining
famil! mem(ers.
SB 2.1.2: %ersons devoid of atma$tattva do not in,'ire into the pro(lems of life# (eing
too attached to the falli(le soldiers li*e the (od!# children and -ife. 3ltho'gh
s'fficientl! e1perienced# the! still do not see their inevita(le destr'ction.
SB 2.1.4: descendant of +ing Bharata# one -ho desires to (e free from all miseries
m'st hear a(o't# glorif! and also remem(er the %ersonalit! of Godhead# -ho is the
S'perso'l# the controller and the savior from all miseries.
SB 2.1.5: The highest perfection of h'man life# achieved either (! complete *no-ledge
of matter and spirit# (! practice of m!stic po-ers# or (! perfect discharge of
occ'pational d't!# is to remem(er the %ersonalit! of Godhead at the end of life.
SB 2.1.6: +ing %ari*s7it# mainl! the topmost transcendentalists# -ho are a(ove the
reg'lative principles and restrictions# ta*e pleas're in descri(ing the glories of the
SB 2.1.8: 3t the end of the 9vapara$!'ga# & st'died this great s'pplement of :edic
literat're named Srimad$Bhagavatam# -hich is e,'al to all the :edas# from m! father#
Srila 9vaipa!ana :!asadeva.
SB 2.1.;: saintl! +ing# & -as certainl! sit'ated perfectl! in transcendence# !et &
-as still attracted (! the delineation of the pastimes of the "ord# -ho is descri(ed (!
enlightened verses.
SB 2.1.1<: That ver! Srimad$Bhagavatam & shall recite (efore !o' (eca'se !o' are the
most sincere devotee of "ord +r7s7n7a. ne -ho gives f'll attention and respect to
hearing Srimad$Bhagavatam achieves 'nflinching faith in the S'preme "ord# the giver of
SB 2.1.11: +ing# constant chanting of the hol! name of the "ord after the -a!s of the
great a'thorities is the do'(tless and fearless -a! of s'ccess for all# incl'ding those
-ho are free from all material desires# those -ho are desiro's of all material
en.o!ment# and also those -ho are self$satisfied (! dint of transcendental *no-ledge.
SB 2.1.12: =hat is the val'e of a prolonged life -hich is -asted# ine1perienced (!
!ears in this -orld7 Better a moment of f'll conscio'sness# (eca'se that gives one a
start in searching after his s'preme interest.
SB 2.1.10: The saintl! +ing +hat7vanga# after (eing informed that the d'ration of his
life -o'ld (e onl! a moment more# at once freed himself from all material activities
and too* shelter of the s'preme safet!# the %ersonalit! of Godhead.
SB 2.1.12: Mahara.a %ari*s7it# no- !o'r d'ration of life is limited to seven more da!s#
so d'ring this time !o' can perform all those rit'als -hich are needed for the (est
p'rpose of !o'r ne1t life.
SB 2.1.14: 3t the last stage of one>s life# one sho'ld (e (old eno'gh not to (e afraid
of death. B't one m'st c't off all attachment to the material (od! and ever!thing
pertaining to it and all desires thereof.
SB 2.1.15: ne sho'ld leave home and practice self$control. &n a sacred place he sho'ld
(athe reg'larl! and sit do-n in a lonel! place d'l! sanctified.
SB 2.1.16: 3fter sitting in the a(ove manner# ma*e the mind remem(er the three
transcendental letters ?a$'$m@# and (! reg'lating the (reathing process# control the
mind so as not to forget the transcendental seed.
SB 2.1.18: Grad'all!# as the mind (ecomes progressivel! spirit'alized# -ithdra- it from
sense activities# and (! intelligence the senses -ill (e controlled. The mind too
a(sor(ed in material activities can (e engaged in the service of the %ersonalit! of
Godhead and (ecome fi1ed in f'll transcendental conscio'sness.
SB 2.1.1;: Thereafter# !o' sho'ld meditate 'pon the lim(s of :is7n7'# one after
another# -itho't (eing deviated from the conception of the complete (od!. Th's the mind
(ecomes free from all sense o(.ects. There sho'ld (e no other thing to (e tho'ght 'pon.
Beca'se the S'preme %ersonalit! of Godhead# :is7n7'# is the Altimate Tr'th# the mind
(ecomes completel! reconciled in Bim onl!.
SB 2.1.2<: ne>s mind is al-a!s agitated (! the passionate mode of material nat're and
(e-ildered (! the ignorant mode of nat're. B't one can rectif! s'ch conceptions (! the
relation of :is7n7' and th's (ecome pacified (! cleansing the dirt! things created (!
SB 2.1.21: +ing# (! this s!stem of remem(rance and (! (eing fi1ed in the ha(it of
seeing the all$good personal conception of the "ord# one can ver! soon attain
devotional service to the "ord# 'nder Bis direct shelter.
SB 2.1.22: The fort'nate +ing %ari*s7it# in,'iring f'rther# said: (rahman7a# please
descri(e in f'll detail ho- and -here the mind has to (e applied and ho- the conception
can (e fi1ed so that the dirt! things in a person>s mind can (e removed.
SB 2.1.20: S'*adeva Gosvami ans-ered: ne sho'ld control the sitting post're# reg'late
the (reathing process (! the !ogic pran7a!ama and th's control the mind and senses and
-ith intelligence appl! the mind to the gross potencies of the "ord ?called the virat7$
SB 2.1.22: This gigantic manifestation of the phenomenal material -orld as a -hole is
the personal (od! of the 3(sol'te Tr'th# -herein the 'niversal res'ltant past# present
and f't're of material time is e1perienced.
SB 2.1.24: The gigantic 'niversal form of the %ersonalit! of Godhead# -ithin the (od!
of the 'niversal shell# -hich is covered (! sevenfold material elements# is the s'(.ect
for the virat7 conception.
SB 2.1.25: %ersons -ho have realized it have st'died that the planets *no-n as %atala
constit'te the (ottoms of the feet of the 'niversal "ord# and the heels and the toes
are the Rasatala planets. The an*les are the Mahatala planets# and Bis shan*s
constit'te the Talatala planets.
SB 2.1.26: The *nees of the 'niversal form are the planetar! s!stem of the name S'tala#
and the t-o thighs are the :itala and 3tala planetar! s!stems. The hips are Mahitala#
and o'ter space is the depression of Bis navel.
SB 2.1.28: The chest of the riginal %ersonalit! of the gigantic form is the l'minar!
planetar! s!stem# Bis nec* is the Mahar planets# Bis mo'th is the Canas planets# and
Bis forehead is the Tapas planetar! s!stem. The topmost planetar! s!stem# *no-n as
Sat!alo*a# is the head of Be -ho has one tho'sand heads.
SB 2.1.2;: Bis arms are the demigods headed (! &ndra# the ten directional sides are Bis
ears# and ph!sical so'nd is Bis sense of hearing. Bis nostrils are the t-o 3svini$
*'maras# and material fragrance is Bis sense of smell. Bis mo'th is the (lazing fire.
SB 2.1.0<: The sphere of o'ter space constit'tes Bis e!epits# and the e!e(all is the
s'n as the po-er of seeing. Bis e!elids are (oth the da! and night# and in the
movements of Bis e!e(ro-s# the Brahma and similar s'preme personalities reside. Bis
palate is the director of -ater# :ar'n7a# and the .'ice or essence of ever!thing is Bis
SB 2.1.01: The! sa! that the :edic h!mns are the cere(ral passage of the "ord# and Bis
.a-s of teeth are )ama# god of death# -ho p'nishes the sinners. The art of affection is
Bis set of teeth# and the most all'ring ill'sor! material energ! is Bis smile. This
great ocean of material creation is ('t the casting of Bis glance over 's.
SB 2.1.02: Modest! is the 'pper portion of Bis lips# han*ering is Bis chin# religion is
the (reast of the "ord# and irreligion is Bis (ac*. Brahma.i# -ho generates all living
(eings in the material -orld# is Bis genitals# and the Mitra$var'n7as are Bis t-o
testicles. The ocean is Bis -aist# and the hills and mo'ntains are the stac*s of Bis
SB 2.1.00: +ing# the rivers are the veins of the gigantic (od!# the trees are the
hairs of Bis (od!# and the omnipotent air is Bis (reath. The passing ages are Bis
movements# and Bis activities are the reactions of the three modes of material nat're.
SB 2.1.02: (est amongst the +'r's# the clo'ds -hich carr! -ater are the hairs on Bis
head# the terminations of da!s or nights are Bis dress# and the s'preme ca'se of
material creation is Bis intelligence. Bis mind is the moon# the reservoir of all
SB 2.1.04: The principle of matter ?mahat$tattva@ is the conscio'sness of the
omnipresent "ord# as asserted (! the e1perts# and R'dradeva is Bis ego. The horse#
m'le# camel and elephant are Bis nails# and -ild animals and all ,'adr'peds are
sit'ated in the (elt zone of the "ord.
SB 2.1.05: :arieties of (irds are indications of Bis masterf'l artistic sense. Man'#
the father of man*ind# is the em(lem of Bis standard intelligence# and h'manit! is Bis
residence. The celestial species of h'man (eings# li*e the Gandharvas# :id!adharas#
Caran7as and angels# all represent Bis m'sical rh!thm# and the demoniac soldiers are
representations of Bis -onderf'l pro-ess.
SB 2.1.06: The virat7$p'r's7a>s face is the (rahman7as# Bis arms are the *s7atri!as#
Bis thighs are the vais!as# and the s'dras are 'nder the protection of Bis feet. 3ll
the -orshipa(le demigods are also overta*en (! Bim# and it is the d't! of ever!one to
perform sacrifices -ith feasi(le goods to appease the "ord.
SB 2.1.08: & have th's e1plained to !o' the gross material gigantic conception of the
%ersonalit! of Godhead. ne -ho serio'sl! desires li(eration concentrates his mind on
this form of the "ord# (eca'se there is nothing more than this in the material -orld.
SB 2.1.0;: ne sho'ld concentrate his mind 'pon the S'preme %ersonalit! of Godhead# -ho
alone distri('tes Bimself in so man! manifestations .'st as ordinar! persons create
tho'sands of manifestations in dreams. ne m'st concentrate the mind on Bim# the onl!
all$(lissf'l 3(sol'te Tr'th. ther-ise one -ill (e misled and -ill ca'se his o-n
Canto 2: The Cosmic Manifestation Chapter 2: The "ord in the Beart
SB 2.2.1: Sri S'*adeva Gosvami said: Formerl!# prior to the manifestation of the
cosmos# "ord Brahma# (! meditating on the virat7$r'pa# regained his lost conscio'sness
(! appeasing the "ord. Th's he -as a(le to re('ild the creation as it -as (efore.
SB 2.2.2: The -a! of presentation of the :edic so'nds is so (e-ildering that it directs
the intelligence of the people to meaningless things li*e the heavenl! *ingdoms. The
conditioned so'ls hover in dreams of s'ch heavenl! ill'sor! pleas'res# ('t act'all!
the! do not relish an! tangi(le happiness in s'ch places.
SB 2.2.0: For this reason the enlightened person sho'ld endeavor onl! for the minim'm
necessities of life -hile in the -orld of names. Be sho'ld (e intelligentl! fi1ed and
never endeavor for 'n-anted things# (eing competent to perceive practicall! that all
s'ch endeavors are merel! hard la(or for nothing.
SB 2.2.2: =hen there are ample earthl! flats to lie on# -hat is the necessit! of cots
and (eds7 =hen one can 'se his o-n arms# -hat is the necessit! of a pillo-7 =hen one
can 'se the palms of his hands# -hat is the necessit! of varieties of 'tensils7 =hen
there is ample covering# or the s*ins of trees# -hat is the necessit! of clothing7
SB 2.2.4: 3re there no torn clothes l!ing on the common road7 9o the trees# -hich e1ist
for maintaining others# no longer give alms in charit!7 9o the rivers# (eing dried 'p#
no longer s'ppl! -ater to the thirst!7 3re the caves of the mo'ntains no- closed# or#
a(ove all# does the 3lmight! "ord not protect the f'll! s'rrendered so'ls7 =h! then do
the learned sages go to flatter those -ho are into1icated (! hard$earned -ealth7
SB 2.2.5: Th's (eing fi1ed# one m'st render service 'nto the S'perso'l sit'ated in
one>s o-n heart (! Bis omnipotenc!. Beca'se Be is the 3lmight! %ersonalit! of Godhead#
eternal and 'nlimited# Be is the 'ltimate goal of life# and (! -orshiping Bim one can
end the ca'se of the conditioned state of e1istence.
SB 2.2.6: =ho else ('t the gross materialists -ill neglect s'ch transcendental tho'ght
and ta*e to the nonpermanent names onl!# seeing the mass of people fallen in the river
of s'ffering as the conse,'ence of accr'ing the res'lt of their o-n -or*7
SB 2.2.8: thers conceive of the %ersonalit! of Godhead residing -ithin the (od! in the
region of the heart and meas'ring onl! eight inches# -ith fo'r hands carr!ing a lot's#
a -heel of a chariot# a conchshell and a cl'( respectivel!.
SB 2.2.;: Bis mo'th e1presses Bis happiness. Bis e!es spread li*e the petals of a
lot's# and Bis garments# !ello-ish li*e the saffron of a *adam(a flo-er# are (edec*ed
-ith val'a(le .e-els. Bis ornaments are all made of gold# set -ith .e-els# and Be -ears
a glo-ing head dress and earrings.
SB 2.2.1<: Bis lot's feet are placed over the -horls of the lot'sli*e hearts of great
m!stics. n Bis chest is the +a'st'(ha .e-el# engraved -ith a (ea'tif'l calf# and there
are other .e-els on Bis sho'lders. Bis complete torso is garlanded -ith fresh flo-ers.
SB 2.2.11: Be is -ell decorated -ith an ornamental -reath a(o't Bis -aist and rings
st'dded -ith val'a(le .e-els on Bis fingers. Bis leglets# Bis (angles# Bis oiled hair#
c'rling -ith a (l'ish tint# and Bis (ea'tif'l smiling face are all ver! pleasing.
SB 2.2.12: The "ord>s magnanimo's pastimes and the glo-ing glancing of Bis smiling face
are all indications of Bis e1tensive (enedictions. ne m'st therefore concentrate on
this transcendental form of the "ord# as long as the mind can (e fi1ed on Bim (!
SB 2.2.10: The process of meditation sho'ld (egin from the lot's feet of the "ord and
progress to Bis smiling face. The meditation sho'ld (e concentrated 'pon the lot's
feet# then the calves# then the thighs# and in this -a! higher and higher. The more the
mind (ecomes fi1ed 'pon the different parts of the lim(s# one after another# the more
the intelligence (ecomes p'rified.
SB 2.2.12: Anless the gross materialist develops a sense of loving service 'nto the
S'preme "ord# the seer of (oth the transcendental and material -orlds# he sho'ld
remem(er or meditate 'pon the 'niversal form of the "ord at the end of his prescri(ed
SB 2.2.14: +ing# -henever the !ogi desires to leave this planet of h'man (eings# he
sho'ld not (e perple1ed a(o't the proper time or place# ('t sho'ld comforta(l! sit
-itho't (eing dist'r(ed and# reg'lating the life air# sho'ld control the senses (! the
SB 2.2.15: Thereafter# the !ogi sho'ld merge his mind# (! his 'nallo!ed intelligence#
into the living entit!# and then merge the living entit! into the S'perself. 3nd (!
doing this# the f'll! satisfied living entit! (ecomes sit'ated in the s'preme stage of
satisfaction# so that he ceases from all other activities.
SB 2.2.16: &n that transcendental state of la(dhopasanti# there is no s'premac! of
devastating time# -hich controls even the celestial demigods -ho are empo-ered to r'le
over m'ndane creat'res. D3nd -hat to spea* of the demigods themselves7E For is there
the mode of material goodness# nor passion# nor ignorance# nor even the false ego# nor
the material Ca'sal cean# nor the material nat're.
SB 2.2.18: The transcendentalists desire to avoid ever!thing godless# for the! *no-
that s'preme sit'ation in -hich ever!thing is related -ith the S'preme "ord :is7n7'.
Therefore a p're devotee -ho is in a(sol'te harmon! -ith the "ord does not create
perple1ities# ('t -orships the lot's feet of the "ord at ever! moment# ta*ing them into
his heart.
SB 2.2.1;: B! the strength of scientific *no-ledge# one sho'ld (e -ell sit'ated in
a(sol'te realization and th's (e a(le to e1ting'ish all material desires. ne sho'ld
then give 'p the material (od! (! (loc*ing the air hole ?thro'gh -hich stool is
evac'ated@ -ith the heel of one>s foot and (! lifting the life air from one place to
another in the si1 primar! places.
SB 2.2.2<: The meditative devotee sho'ld slo-l! p'sh 'p the life air from the navel to
the heart# from there to the chest and from there to the root of the palate. Be sho'ld
search o't the proper places -ith intelligence.
SB 2.2.21: Thereafter the (ha*ti$!ogi sho'ld p'sh the life air 'p (et-een the e!e(ro-s#
and then# (loc*ing the seven o'tlets of the life air# he sho'ld maintain his aim for
going (ac* home# (ac* to Godhead. &f he is completel! free from all desires for
material en.o!ment# he sho'ld then reach the cere(ral hole and give 'p his material
connections# having gone to the S'preme.
SB 2.2.22: Bo-ever# +ing# if a !ogi maintains a desire for improved material
en.o!ments# li*e transference to the topmost planet# Brahmalo*a# or the achievement of
the eightfold perfections# travel in o'ter space -ith the :aiha!asas# or a sit'ation in
one of the millions of planets# then he has to ta*e a-a! -ith him the materiall! molded
mind and senses.
SB 2.2.20: The transcendentalists are concerned -ith the spirit'al (od!. 3s s'ch# (!
the strength of their devotional service# a'sterities# m!stic po-er and transcendental
*no-ledge# their movements are 'nrestricted# -ithin and (e!ond the material -orlds. The
fr'itive -or*ers# or the gross materialists# can never move in s'ch an 'nrestricted
SB 2.2.22: +ing# -hen s'ch a m!stic passes over the Mil*! =a! (! the ill'minating
S's7'mn7a to reach the highest planet# Brahmalo*a# he goes first to :aisvanara# the
planet of the deit! of fire# -herein he (ecomes completel! cleansed of all
contaminations# and thereafter he still goes higher# to the circle of Sis'mara# to
relate -ith "ord Bari# the %ersonalit! of Godhead.
SB 2.2.24: This Sis'mara is the pivot for the t'rning of the complete 'niverse# and it
is called the navel of :is7n7' ?Gar(hoda*asa!i :is7n7'@. The !ogi alone goes (e!ond
this circle of Sis'mara and attains the planet ?Maharlo*a@ -here p'rified saints li*e
Bhr7g' en.o! a d'ration of life of 2#0<<#<<<#<<< solar !ears. This planet is
-orshipa(le even for the saints -ho are transcendentall! sit'ated.
SB 2.2.25: 3t the time of the final devastation of the complete 'niverse ?the end of
the d'ration of Brahma>s life@# a flame of fire emanates from the mo'th of 3nanta ?from
the (ottom of the 'niverse@. The !ogi sees all the planets of the 'niverse ('rning to
ashes# and th's he leaves for Sat!alo*a (! airplanes 'sed (! the great p'rified so'ls.
The d'ration of life in Sat!alo*a is calc'lated to (e 14#28<#<<<#<<<#<<< !ears.
SB 2.2.26: &n that planet of Sat!alo*a# there is neither (ereavement# nor old age nor
death. There is no pain of an! *ind# and therefore there are no an1ieties# save that
sometimes# d'e to conscio'sness# there is a feeling of compassion for those 'na-are of
the process of devotional service# -ho are s'(.ected to 'ns'rpassa(le miseries in the
material -orld.
SB 2.2.28: 3fter reaching Sat!alo*a# the devotee is specificall! a(le to (e
incorporated fearlessl! (! the s'(tle (od! in an identit! similar to that of the gross
(od!# and one after another he grad'all! attains stages of e1istence from earthl! to
-ater!# fier!# glo-ing and air!# 'ntil he reaches the ethereal stage.
SB 2.2.2;: The devotee th's s'rpasses the s'(tle o(.ects of different senses li*e aroma
(! smelling# the palate (! tasting# vision (! seeing forms# to'ch (! contacting# the
vi(rations of the ear (! ethereal identification# and the sense organs (! material
SB 2.2.0<: The devotee# th's s'rpassing the gross and the s'(tle forms of coverings#
enters the plane of egoism. 3nd in that stat's he merges the material modes of nat're
?ignorance and passion@ in this point of ne'tralization and th's reaches egoism in
goodness. 3fter this# all egoism is merged in the mahat$tattva# and he comes to the
point of p're self$realization.
SB 2.2.01: nl! the p'rified so'l can attain the perfection of associating -ith the
%ersonalit! of Godhead in complete (liss and satisfaction in his constit'tional state.
=hoever is a(le to renovate s'ch devotional perfection is never again attracted (! this
material -orld# and he never ret'rns.
SB 2.2.02: )o'r Ma.est! Mahara.a %ari*s7it# *no- that all that & have descri(ed in
repl! to !o'r proper in,'ir! is .'st according to the version of the :edas# and it is
eternal tr'th. This -as descri(ed personall! (! "ord +r7s7n7a 'nto Brahma# -ith -hom
the "ord -as satisfied 'pon (eing properl! -orshiped.
SB 2.2.00: For those -ho are -andering in the material 'niverse# there is no more
a'spicio's means of deliverance than -hat is aimed at in the direct devotional service
of "ord +r7s7n7a.
SB 2.2.02: The great personalit! Brahma# -ith great attention and concentration of the
mind# st'died the :edas three times# and after scr'tinizingl! e1amining them# he
ascertained that attraction for the S'preme %ersonalit! of Godhead Sri +r7s7n7a is the
highest perfection of religion.
SB 2.2.04: The %ersonalit! of Godhead "ord Sri +r7s7n7a is in ever! living (eing along
-ith the individ'al so'l. 3nd this fact is perceived and h!pothesized in o'r acts of
seeing and ta*ing help from the intelligence.
SB 2.2.05: +ing# it is therefore essential that ever! h'man (eing hear a(o't# glorif!
and remem(er the S'preme "ord# the %ersonalit! of Godhead# al-a!s and ever!-here.
SB 2.2.06: Those -ho drin* thro'gh a'ral reception# f'll! filled -ith the nectarean
message of "ord +r7s7n7a# the (eloved of the devotees# p'rif! the poll'ted aim of life
*no-n as material en.o!ment and th's go (ac* to Godhead# to the lot's feet of Bim ?the
%ersonalit! of Godhead@.
Canto 2: The Cosmic Manifestation Chapter 0: %'re 9evotional Service: The Change
in Beart
SB 2.0.1: Sri S'*adeva Gosvami said: Mahara.a %ari*s7it# as !o' have in,'ired from me
as to the d't! of the intelligent man -ho is on the threshold of death# so & have
ans-ered !o'.
SB 2.0.2$6: ne -ho desires to (e a(sor(ed in the impersonal (rahma.!oti eff'lgence
sho'ld -orship the master of the :edas ?"ord Brahma or Br7haspati# the learned priest@#
one -ho desires po-erf'l se1 sho'ld -orship the heavenl! +ing# &ndra# and one -ho
desires good progen! sho'ld -orship the great progenitors called the %ra.apatis. ne
-ho desires good fort'ne sho'ld -orship 9'rgadevi# the s'perintendent of the material
-orld. ne desiring to (e ver! po-erf'l sho'ld -orship fire# and one -ho aspires onl!
after mone! sho'ld -orship the :as's. ne sho'ld -orship the R'dra incarnations of "ord
Siva if he -ants to (e a great hero. ne -ho -ants a large stoc* of grains sho'ld
-orship 3diti. ne -ho desires to attain the heavenl! planets sho'ld -orship the sons
of 3diti. ne -ho desires a -orldl! *ingdom sho'ld -orship :isvadeva# and one -ho -ants
to (e pop'lar -ith the general mass of pop'lation sho'ld -orship the Sadh!a demigod.
ne -ho desires a long span of life sho'ld -orship the demigods *no-n as the 3svini$
*'maras# and a person desiring a strongl! ('ilt (od! sho'ld -orship the earth. ne -ho
desires sta(ilit! in his post sho'ld -orship the horizon and the earth com(ined. ne
-ho desires to (e (ea'tif'l sho'ld -orship the (ea'tif'l residents of the Gandharva
planet# and one -ho desires a good -ife sho'ld -orship the 3psaras and the Arvasi
societ! girls of the heavenl! *ingdom. ne -ho desires domination over others sho'ld
-orship "ord Brahma# the head of the 'niverse. ne -ho desires tangi(le fame sho'ld
-orship the %ersonalit! of Godhead# and one -ho desires a good (an* (alance sho'ld
-orship the demigod :ar'n7a. &f one desires to (e a greatl! learned man he sho'ld
-orship "ord Siva# and if one desires a good marital relation he sho'ld -orship the
chaste goddess Ama# the -ife of "ord Siva.
SB 2.0.8: ne sho'ld -orship "ord :is7n7' or Bis devotee for spirit'al advancement in
*no-ledge# and for protection of heredit! and advancement of a d!nast! one sho'ld
-orship the vario's demigods.
SB 2.0.;: ne -ho desires domination over a *ingdom or an empire sho'ld -orship the
Man's. ne -ho desires victor! over an enem! sho'ld -orship the demons# and one -ho
desires sense gratification sho'ld -orship the moon. B't one -ho desires nothing of
material en.o!ment sho'ld -orship the S'preme %ersonalit! of Godhead.
SB 2.0.1<: 3 person -ho has (roader intelligence# -hether he (e f'll of all material
desire# -itho't an! material desire# or desiring li(eration# m'st (! all means -orship
the s'preme -hole# the %ersonalit! of Godhead.
SB 2.0.11: 3ll the different *inds of -orshipers of m'ltidemigods can attain the
highest perfectional (enediction# -hich is spontaneo's attraction 'nflinchingl! fi1ed
'pon the S'preme %ersonalit! of Godhead# onl! (! the association of the p're devotee of
the "ord.
SB 2.0.12: Transcendental *no-ledge in relation -ith the S'preme "ord Bari is *no-ledge
res'lting in the complete s'spension of the -aves and -hirlpools of the material modes.
S'ch *no-ledge is self$satisf!ing d'e to its (eing free from material attachment# and
(eing transcendental it is approved (! a'thorities. =ho co'ld fail to (e attracted7
SB 2.0.10: Sa'na*a said: The son of :!asadeva# Srila S'*adeva Gosvami# -as a highl!
learned sage and -as a(le to descri(e things in a poetic manner. =hat did Mahara.a
%ari*s7it again in,'ire from him after hearing all that he had said7
SB 2.0.12: learned S'ta GosvamiG %lease contin'e to e1plain s'ch topics to 's (eca'se
-e are all eager to hear. Besides that# topics -hich res'lt in the disc'ssion of the
"ord Bari sho'ld certainl! (e disc'ssed in the assem(l! of devotees.
SB 2.0.14: Mahara.a %ari*s7it# the grandson of the %an7d7avas# -as from his ver!
childhood a great devotee of the "ord. /ven -hile pla!ing -ith dolls# he 'sed to
-orship "ord +r7s7n7a (! imitating the -orship of the famil! 9eit!.
SB 2.0.15: S'*adeva Gosvami# the son of :!asadeva# -as also f'll in transcendental
*no-ledge and -as a great devotee of "ord +r7s7n7a# son of :as'deva. So there m'st have
(een disc'ssion of "ord +r7s7n7a# -ho is glorified (! great philosophers and in the
compan! of great devotees.
SB 2.0.16: Both (! rising and (! setting# the s'n decreases the d'ration of life of
ever!one# e1cept one -ho 'tilizes the time (! disc'ssing topics of the all$good
%ersonalit! of Godhead.
SB 2.0.18: 9o the trees not live7 9o the (ello-s of the (lac*smith not (reathe7 3ll
aro'nd 's# do the (easts not eat and discharge semen7
SB 2.0.1;: Men -ho are li*e dogs# hogs# camels and asses praise those men -ho never
listen to the transcendental pastimes of "ord Sri +r7s7n7a# the deliverer from evils.
SB 2.0.2<: ne -ho has not listened to the messages a(o't the pro-ess and marvelo's
acts of the %ersonalit! of Godhead and has not s'ng or chanted lo'dl! the -orth! songs
a(o't the "ord is to (e considered to possess earholes li*e the holes of sna*es and a
tong'e li*e the tong'e of a frog.
SB 2.0.21: The 'pper portion of the (od!# tho'gh cro-ned -ith a sil* t'r(an# is onl! a
heav! ('rden if not (o-ed do-n (efore the %ersonalit! of Godhead -ho can a-ard m'*ti
?freedom@. 3nd the hands# tho'gh decorated -ith glittering (angles# are li*e those of a
dead man if not engaged in the service of the %ersonalit! of Godhead Bari.
SB 2.0.22: The e!es -hich do not loo* at the s!m(olic representations of the
%ersonalit! of Godhead :is7n7' ?Bis forms# name# ,'alit!# etc.@ are li*e those printed
on the pl'mes of the peacoc*# and the legs -hich do not move to the hol! places ?-here
the "ord is remem(ered@ are considered to (e li*e tree tr'n*s.
SB 2.0.20: The person -ho has not at an! time received the d'st of the feet of the
"ord>s p're devotee 'pon his head is certainl! a dead (od!. 3nd the person -ho has
never e1perienced the aroma of the t'lasi leaves from the lot's feet of the "ord is
also a dead (od!# altho'gh (reathing.
SB 2.0.22: Certainl! that heart is steel$framed -hich# in spite of one>s chanting the
hol! name of the "ord -ith concentration# does not change -hen ecstas! ta*es place#
tears fill the e!es and the hairs stand on end.
SB 2.0.24: S'ta Gosvami# !o'r -ords are pleasing to o'r minds. %lease therefore
e1plain this to 's as it -as spo*en (! the great devotee S'*adeva Gosvami# -ho is ver!
e1pert in transcendental *no-ledge# and -ho spo*e to Mahara.a %ari*s7it 'pon (eing
Canto 2: The Cosmic Manifestation Chapter 2: The %rocess of Creation
SB 2.2.1: S'ta Gosvami said: Mahara.a %ari*s7it# the son of Attara# after hearing the
speeches of S'*adeva Gosvami# -hich -ere all a(o't the tr'th of the self# applied his
concentration faithf'll! 'pon "ord +r7s7n7a.
SB 2.2.2: Mahara.a %ari*s7it# as a res'lt of his -holehearted attraction for "ord +r7s7
n7a# -as a(le to give 'p all deep$rooted affection for his personal (od!# his -ife# his
children# his palace# his animals li*e horses and elephants# his treas'r! ho'se# his
friends and relatives# and his 'ndisp'ted *ingdom.
SB 2.2.0$2: great sages# the great so'l Mahara.a %ari*s7it# constantl! rapt in
tho'ght of "ord +r7s7n7a# *no-ing -ell of his imminent death# reno'nced all sorts of
fr'itive activities# namel! acts of religion# economic development and sense
gratification# and th's fi1ed himself firml! in his nat'ral love for +r7s7n7a and as*ed
all these ,'estions# e1actl! as !o' are as*ing me.
SB 2.2.4: Mahara.a %ari*s7it said: learned (rahman7a# !o' *no- ever!thing (eca'se !o'
are -itho't material contamination. Therefore -hatever !o' have spo*en to me appears
perfectl! right. )o'r speeches are grad'all! destro!ing the dar*ness of m! ignorance#
for !o' are narrating the topics of the "ord.
SB 2.2.5: & (eg to *no- from !o' ho- the %ersonalit! of Godhead# (! Bis personal
energies# creates these phenomenal 'niverses as the! are# -hich are inconceiva(le even
to the great demigods.
SB 2.2.6: +indl! descri(e ho- the S'preme "ord# -ho is all$po-erf'l# engages Bis
different energies and different e1pansions in maintaining and again -inding 'p the
phenomenal -orld in the sporting spirit of a pla!er.
SB 2.2.8: learned (rahman7a# the transcendental activities of the "ord are all
-onderf'l# and the! appear inconceiva(le (eca'se even great endeavors (! man! learned
scholars have still proved ins'fficient for 'nderstanding them.
SB 2.2.;: The S'preme %ersonalit! of Godhead is one# -hether Be alone acts -ith the
modes of material nat're# or sim'ltaneo'sl! e1pands in man! forms# or e1pands
consec'tivel! to direct the modes of nat're.
SB 2.2.1<: +indl! clear 'p all these do'(tf'l in,'iries# (eca'se !o' are not onl!
vastl! learned in the :edic literat'res and self$realized in transcendence# ('t are
also a great devotee of the "ord and are therefore as good as the %ersonalit! of
SB 2.2.11: S'ta Gosvami said: =hen S'*adeva Gosvami -as th's re,'ested (! the +ing to
descri(e the creative energ! of the %ersonalit! of Godhead# he then s!stematicall!
remem(ered the master of the senses ?Sri +r7s7n7a@# and to repl! properl! he spo*e
SB 2.2.12: S'*adeva Gosvami said: "et me offer m! respectf'l o(eisances 'nto the
S'preme %ersonalit! of Godhead -ho# for the creation of the material -orld# accepts the
three modes of nat're. Be is the complete -hole residing -ithin the (od! of ever!one#
and Bis -a!s are inconceiva(le.
SB 2.2.10: & again offer m! respectf'l o(eisances 'nto the form of complete e1istence
and transcendence# -ho is the li(erator of the pio's devotees from all distresses and
the destro!er of the f'rther advances in atheistic temperament of the nondevotee$
demons. For the transcendentalists -ho are sit'ated in the topmost spirit'al
perfection# Be grants their specific destinations.
SB 2.2.12: "et me offer m! respectf'l o(eisances 'nto Be -ho is the associate of the
mem(ers of the )ad' d!nast! and -ho is al-a!s a pro(lem for the nondevotees. Be is the
s'preme en.o!er of (oth the material and spirit'al -orlds# !et Be en.o!s Bis o-n a(ode
in the spirit'al s*!. There is no one e,'al to Bim (eca'se Bis transcendental op'lence
is immeas'ra(le.
SB 2.2.14: "et me offer m! respectf'l o(eisances 'nto the all$a'spicio's "ord Sri +r7s7
n7a# a(o't -hom glorification# remem(rances# a'dience# pra!ers# hearing and -orship can
at once cleanse the effects of all sins of the performer.
SB 2.2.15: "et me offer m! respectf'l o(eisances again and again 'nto the all$
a'spicio's "ord Sri +r7s7n7a. The highl! intellect'al# simpl! (! s'rrendering 'nto Bis
lot's feet# are relieved of all attachments to present and f't're e1istences and
-itho't diffic'lt! progress to-ard spirit'al e1istence.
SB 2.2.16: "et me offer m! respectf'l o(eisances 'nto the all$a'spicio's "ord Sri +r7s7
n7a again and again (eca'se the great learned sages# the great performers of charit!#
the great -or*ers of distinction# the great philosophers and m!stics# the great
chanters of the :edic h!mns and the great follo-ers of :edic principles cannot achieve
an! fr'itf'l res'lt -itho't dedication of s'ch great ,'alities to the service of the
SB 2.2.18: +irata# B'n7a# 3ndhra# %'linda# %'l*asa# 3(hira# S'm(ha# )avana# mem(ers of
the +hasa races and even others addicted to sinf'l acts can (e p'rified (! ta*ing
shelter of the devotees of the "ord# d'e to Bis (eing the s'preme po-er. & (eg to offer
m! respectf'l o(eisances 'nto Bim.
SB 2.2.1;: Be is the S'perso'l and the S'preme "ord of all self$realized so'ls. Be is
the personification of the :edas# religio's script'res and a'sterities. Be is -orshiped
(! "ord Brahma and Siva and all those -ho are transcendental to all pretensions. Being
so revered -ith a-e and veneration# ma! that S'preme 3(sol'te (e pleased -ith me.
SB 2.2.2<: Ma! "ord Sri +r7s7n7a# -ho is the -orshipa(le "ord of all devotees# the
protector and glor! of all the *ings li*e 3ndha*a and :r7s7n7i of the )ad' d!nast!# the
h's(and of all goddesses of fort'ne# the director of all sacrifices and therefore the
leader of all living entities# the controller of all intelligence# the proprietor of
all planets# spirit'al and material# and the s'preme incarnation on the earth Dthe
s'preme all in allE# (e mercif'l 'pon me.
SB 2.2.21: &t is the %ersonalit! of Godhead Sri +r7s7n7a -ho gives li(eration. B!
thin*ing of Bis lot's feet at ever! second# follo-ing in the footsteps of a'thorities#
the devotee in trance can see the 3(sol'te Tr'th. The learned mental spec'lators#
ho-ever# thin* of Bim according to their -hims. Ma! the "ord (e pleased -ith me.
SB 2.2.22: Ma! the "ord# -ho in the (eginning of the creation amplified the potent
*no-ledge of Brahma from -ithin his heart and inspired him -ith f'll *no-ledge of
creation and of Bis o-n Self# and -ho appeared to (e generated from the mo'th of
Brahma# (e pleased -ith me.
SB 2.2.20: Ma! the S'preme %ersonalit! of Godhead# -ho enlivens the materiall! created
(odies of the elements (! l!ing do-n -ithin the 'niverse# and -ho in Bis p'r's7a
incarnation ca'ses the living (eing to (e s'(.ected to the si1teen divisions of
material modes -hich are his generator# (e pleased to decorate m! statements.
SB 2.2.22: & offer m! respectf'l o(eisances 'nto Srila :!asadeva# the incarnation of
:as'deva -ho compiled the :edic script'res. The p're devotees drin* 'p the nectarean
transcendental *no-ledge dropping from the lot'sli*e mo'th of the "ord.
SB 2.2.24: M! dear +ing# Brahma# the first(orn# on (eing ,'estioned (! Farada# e1actl!
apprised him on this s'(.ect# as it -as directl! spo*en (! the "ord to Bis o-n son# -ho
-as impregnated -ith :edic *no-ledge from his ver! (irth.
Canto 2: The Cosmic Manifestation Chapter 4: The Ca'se of 3ll Ca'ses
SB 2.4.1: Sri Farada M'ni as*ed Brahma.i: chief amongst the demigods# first(orn
living entit!# & (eg to offer m! respectf'l o(eisances 'nto !o'. %lease tell me that
transcendental *no-ledge -hich specificall! directs one to the tr'th of the individ'al
so'l and the S'perso'l.
SB 2.4.2: M! dear father# please descri(e fact'all! the s!mptoms of this manifest
-orld. =hat is its (ac*gro'nd7 Bo- is it created7 Bo- is it conserved7 3nd 'nder -hose
control is all this (eing done7
SB 2.4.0: M! dear father# all this is *no-n to !o' scientificall! (eca'se -hatever -as
created in the past# -hatever -ill (e created in the f't're# or -hatever is (eing
created at present# as -ell as ever!thing -ithin the 'niverse# is -ithin !o'r grip#
.'st li*e a -aln't.
SB 2.4.2: M! dear father# -hat is the so'rce of !o'r *no-ledge7 Ander -hose protection
are !o' standing7 3nd 'nder -hom are !o' -or*ing7 =hat is !o'r real position7 9o !o'
alone create all entities -ith material elements (! !o'r personal energ!7
SB 2.4.4: 3s the spider ver! easil! creates the net-or* of its co(-e( and manifests its
po-er of creation -itho't (eing defeated (! others# so also !o' !o'rself# (! emplo!ment
of !o'r self$s'fficient energ!# create -itho't an! other>s help.
SB 2.4.5: =hatever -e can 'nderstand (! the nomenclat're# characteristics and feat'res
of a partic'lar thing s'perior# inferior or e,'al# eternal or temporar! is not
created from an! so'rce other than that of )o'r "ordship# tho' so great.
SB 2.4.6: )et -e are moved to -onder a(o't the e1istence of someone more po-erf'l than
!o' -hen -e thin* of !o'r great a'sterities in perfect discipline# altho'gh !o'r good
self is so po-erf'l in the matter of creation.
SB 2.4.8: M! dear father# !o' *no- ever!thing# and !o' are the controller of all.
Therefore ma! all that & have in,'ired from !o' (e *indl! instr'cted to me so that &
ma! (e a(le to 'nderstand it as !o'r st'dent.
SB 2.4.;: "ord Brahma said: M! dear (o! Farada# (eing mercif'l to all Dincl'ding meE
!o' have as*ed all these ,'estions (eca'se & have (een inspired to see into the pro-ess
of the 3lmight! %ersonalit! of Godhead.
SB 2.4.1<: =hatever !o' have spo*en a(o't me is not false (eca'se 'nless and 'ntil one
is a-are of the %ersonalit! of Godhead# -ho is the 'ltimate tr'th (e!ond me# one is
s're to (e ill'sioned (! o(serving m! po-erf'l activities.
SB 2.4.11: & create after the "ord>s creation (! Bis personal eff'lgence ?*no-n as the
(rahma.!oti@# .'st as -hen the s'n manifests its fire# the moon# the firmament# the
infl'ential planets and the t-in*ling stars also manifest their (rightness.
SB 2.4.12: & offer m! o(eisances and meditate 'pon "ord +r7s7n7a ?:as'deva@# the
%ersonalit! of Godhead# -hose invinci(le potenc! infl'ences them ?the less intelligent
class of men@ to call me the s'preme controller.
SB 2.4.10: The ill'sor! energ! of the "ord cannot ta*e precedence# (eing ashamed of her
position# ('t those -ho are (e-ildered (! her al-a!s tal* nonsense# (eing a(sor(ed in
tho'ghts of H&t is &H and H&t is mine.H
SB 2.4.12: The five elementar! ingredients of creation# the interaction thereof set 'p
(! eternal time# and the int'ition or nat're of the individ'al living (eings are all
differentiated parts and parcels of the %ersonalit! of Godhead# :as'deva# and in tr'th
there is no other val'e in them.
SB 2.4.14: The :edic literat'res are made (! and are meant for the S'preme "ord# the
demigods are also meant for serving the "ord as parts of Bis (od!# the different
planets are also meant for the sa*e of the "ord# and different sacrifices are performed
.'st to please Bim.
SB 2.4.15: 3ll different t!pes of meditation or m!sticism are means for realizing
Fara!an7a. 3ll a'sterities are aimed at achieving Fara!an7a. C'lt're of transcendental
*no-ledge is for getting a glimpse of Fara!an7a# and 'ltimatel! salvation is entering
the *ingdom of Fara!an7a.
SB 2.4.16: &nspired (! Bim onl!# & discover -hat is alread! created (! Bim ?Fara!an7a@
'nder Bis vision as the all$pervading S'perso'l# and & also am created (! Bim onl!.
SB 2.4.18: The S'preme "ord is p're spirit'al form# transcendental to all material
,'alities# !et for the sa*e of the creation of the material -orld and its maintenance
and annihilation# Be accepts thro'gh Bis e1ternal energ! the material modes of nat're
called goodness# passion and ignorance.
SB 2.4.1;: These three modes of material nat're# (eing f'rther manifested as matter#
*no-ledge and activities# p't the eternall! transcendental living entit! 'nder
conditions of ca'se and effect and ma*e him responsi(le for s'ch activities.
SB 2.4.2<: Brahman7a Farada# the S'perseer# the transcendent "ord# is (e!ond the
perception of the material senses of the living entities (eca'se of the a(ove$mentioned
three modes of nat're. B't Be is the controller of ever!one# incl'ding me.
SB 2.4.21: The "ord# -ho is the controller of all energies# th's creates# (! Bis o-n
potenc!# eternal time# the fate of all living entities# and their partic'lar nat're#
for -hich the! -ere created# and Be again merges them independentl!.
SB 2.4.22: 3fter the incarnation of the first p'r's7a ?+aran7arn7avasa!i :is7n7'@# the
mahat$tattva# or the principles of material creation# ta*e place# and then time is
manifested# and in co'rse of time the three ,'alities appear. Fat're means the three
,'alitative appearances. The! transform into activities.
SB 2.4.20: Material activities are ca'sed (! the mahat$tattva>s (eing agitated. 3t
first there is transformation of the modes of goodness and passion# and later d'e to
the mode of ignorance matter# its *no-ledge# and different activities of material
*no-ledge come into pla!.
SB 2.4.22: The self$centered materialistic ego# th's (eing transformed into three
feat'res# (ecomes *no-n as the modes of goodness# passion and ignorance in three
divisions# namel! the po-ers that evolve matter# *no-ledge of material creations# and
the intelligence that g'ides s'ch materialistic activities. Farada# !o' are ,'ite
competent to 'nderstand this.
SB 2.4.24: From the dar*ness of false ego# the first of the five elements# namel! the
s*!# is generated. &ts s'(tle form is the ,'alit! of so'nd# e1actl! as the seer is in
relationship -ith the seen.
SB 2.4.25$2;: Beca'se the s*! is transformed# the air is generated -ith the ,'alit! of
to'ch# and (! previo's s'ccession the air is also f'll of so'nd and the (asic
principles of d'ration of life: sense perception# mental po-er and (odil! strength.
=hen the air is transformed in co'rse of time and nat're>s co'rse# fire is generated#
ta*ing shape -ith the sense of to'ch and so'nd. Since fire is also transformed# there
is a manifestation of -ater# f'll of .'ice and taste. 3s previo'sl!# it also has form
and to'ch and is also f'll of so'nd. 3nd -ater# (eing transformed from all
variegatedness on earth# appears odoro's and# as previo'sl!# (ecomes ,'alitativel! f'll
of .'ice# to'ch# so'nd and form respectivel!.
SB 2.4.0<: From the mode of goodness the mind is generated and (ecomes manifest# as
also the ten demigods controlling the (odil! movements. S'ch demigods are *no-n as the
controller of directions# the controller of air# the s'n$god# the father of 9a*s7a
%ra.apati# the 3svini$*'maras# the fire$god# the +ing of heaven# the -orshipa(le deit!
in heaven# the chief of the 3dit!as# and Brahma.i# the %ra.apati. 3ll come into
SB 2.4.01: B! f'rther transformation of the mode of passion# the sense organs li*e the
ear# s*in# nose# e!es# tong'e# mo'th# hands# genitals# legs# and the o'tlet for
evac'ating# together -ith intelligence and living energ!# are all generated.
SB 2.4.02: Farada# (est of the transcendentalists# the forms of the (od! cannot ta*e
place as long as these created parts# namel! the elements# senses# mind and modes of
nat're# are not assem(led.
SB 2.4.00: Th's -hen all these (ecame assem(led (! force of the energ! of the S'preme
%ersonalit! of Godhead# this 'niverse certainl! came into (eing (! accepting (oth the
primar! and secondar! ca'ses of creation.
SB 2.4.02: Th's all the 'niverses remained tho'sands of eons -ithin the -ater ?the
Ca'sal cean@# and the "ord of living (eings# entering in each of them# ca'sed them to
(e f'll! animated.
SB 2.4.04: The "ord ?Maha$:is7n7'@# altho'gh l!ing in the Ca'sal cean# came o't of it#
and dividing Bimself as Biran7!agar(ha# Be entered into each 'niverse and ass'med the
virat7$r'pa# -ith tho'sands of legs# arms# mo'ths# heads# etc.
SB 2.4.05: Great philosophers imagine that the complete planetar! s!stems in the
'niverse are displa!s of the different 'pper and lo-er lim(s of the 'niversal (od! of
the "ord.
SB 2.4.06: The (rahman7as represent Bis mo'th# the *s7atri!as Bis arms# the vais!as Bis
thighs# and the s'dras are (orn of Bis legs.
SB 2.4.08: The lo-er planetar! s!stems# 'p to the limit of the earthl! strat'm# are
said to (e sit'ated in Bis legs. The middle planetar! s!stems# (eginning from
Bh'varlo*a# are sit'ated in Bis navel. 3nd the still higher planetar! s!stems# occ'pied
(! the demigods and highl! c'lt'red sages and saints# are sit'ated in the chest of the
S'preme "ord.
SB 2.4.0;: From the forefront of the chest 'p to the nec* of the 'niversal form of the
"ord are sit'ated the planetar! s!stems named Canalo*a and Tapolo*a# -hereas Sat!alo*a#
the topmost planetar! s!stem# is sit'ated on the head of the form. The spirit'al
planets# ho-ever# are eternal.
SB 2.4.2<$21: M! dear son Farada# *no- from me that there are seven lo-er planetar!
s!stems o't of the total fo'rteen. The first planetar! s!stem# *no-n as 3tala# is
sit'ated on the -aistI the second# :itala# is sit'ated on the thighsI the third#
S'tala# on the *neesI the fo'rth# Talatala# on the shan*sI the fifth# Mahatala# on the
an*lesI the si1th# Rasatala# on the 'pper portion of the feetI and the seventh# %atala#
on the soles of the feet. Th's the virat7 form of the "ord is f'll of all planetar!
SB 2.4.22: thers ma! divide the -hole planetar! s!stem into three divisions# namel!
the lo-er planetar! s!stems on the legs ?'p to the earth@# the middle planetar! s!stems
on the navel# and the 'pper planetar! s!stems ?Svarlo*a@ from the chest to the head of
the S'preme %ersonalit!.
Canto 2: The Cosmic Manifestation Chapter 5: %'r's7a$s'*ta Confirmed
SB 2.5.1: "ord Brahma said: The mo'th of the virat7$p'r's7a ?the 'niversal form of the
"ord@ is the generating center of the voice# and the controlling deit! is fire. Bis
s*in and si1 other la!ers are the generating centers of the :edic h!mns# and Bis tong'e
is the prod'ctive center of different foodst'ffs and delicacies for offering to the
demigods# the forefathers and the general mass of people.
SB 2.5.2: Bis t-o nostrils are the generating centers of o'r (reathing and of all other
airs# Bis smelling po-ers generate the 3svini$*'mara demigods and all *inds of
medicinal her(s# and Bis (reathing energies prod'ce different *inds of fragrance.
SB 2.5.0: Bis e!es are the generating centers of all *inds of forms# and the! glitter
and ill'minate. Bis e!e(alls are li*e the s'n and the heavenl! planets. Bis ears hear
from all sides and are receptacles for all the :edas# and Bis sense of hearing is the
generating center of the s*! and of all *inds of so'nd.
SB 2.5.2: Bis (odil! s'rface is the (reeding gro'nd for the active principles of
ever!thing and for all *inds of a'spicio's opport'nities. Bis s*in# li*e the moving
air# is the generating center for all *inds of sense of to'ch and is the place for
performing all *inds of sacrifice.
SB 2.5.4: The hairs on Bis (od! are the ca'se of all vegetation# partic'larl! of those
trees -hich are re,'ired as ingredients for sacrifice. The hairs on Bis head and face
are reservoirs for the clo'ds# and Bis nails are the (reeding gro'nd of electricit!#
stones and iron ores.
SB 2.5.5: The "ord>s arms are the prod'ctive fields for the great demigods and other
leaders of the living entities -ho protect the general mass.
SB 2.5.6: Th's the for-ard steps of the "ord are the shelter for the 'pper# lo-er and
heavenl! planets# as -ell as for all that -e need. Bis lot's feet serve as protection
from all *inds of fear.
SB 2.5.8: From the "ord>s genitals originate -ater# semen# generatives# rains# and the
procreators. Bis genitals are the ca'se of a pleas're that co'nteracts the distress of
SB 2.5.;: Farada# the evac'ating o'tlet of the 'niversal form of the "ord is the
a(ode of the controlling deit! of death# Mitra# and the evac'ating hole and the rect'm
of the "ord is the place of env!# misfort'ne# death# hell# etc.
SB 2.5.1<: The (ac* of the "ord is the place for all *inds of fr'stration and
ignorance# as -ell as for immoralit!. From Bis veins flo- the great rivers and
riv'lets# and on Bis (ones are stac*ed the great mo'ntains.
SB 2.5.11: The impersonal feat're of the "ord is the a(ode of great oceans# and Bis
(ell! is the resting place for the materiall! annihilated living entities. Bis heart is
the a(ode of the s'(tle material (odies of living (eings. Th's it is *no-n (! the
intelligent class of men.
SB 2.5.12: 3lso# the conscio'sness of that great personalit! is the a(ode of religio's
principles mine# !o'rs# and those of the fo'r (achelors Sana*a# Sanatana# Sanat$
*'mara and Sanandana. That conscio'sness is also the a(ode of tr'th and transcendental
SB 2.5.10$15: Beginning from me ?Brahma@ do-n to !o' and Bhava ?Siva@# all the great
sages -ho -ere (orn (efore !o'# the demigods# the demons# the Fagas# the h'man (eings#
the (irds# the (easts# as -ell as the reptiles# etc.# and all phenomenal manifestations
of the 'niverses# namel! the planets# stars# asteroids# l'minaries# lightning# th'nder#
and the inha(itants of the different planetar! s!stems# namel! the Gandharvas# 3psaras#
)a*s7as# Ra*s7as# Bh'tagan7as# Aragas# %as's# %itas# Siddhas# :id!adharas# Caran7as#
and all other different varieties of living entities# incl'ding the (irds# (easts#
trees and ever!thing that (e# are all covered (! the 'niversal form of the "ord at all
times# namel! past# present and f't're# altho'gh Be is transcendental to all of them#
eternall! e1isting in a form not e1ceeding nine inches.
SB 2.5.16: The s'n ill'minates (oth internall! and e1ternall! (! e1panding its
radiationI similarl!# the S'preme %ersonalit! of Godhead# (! e1panding Bis 'niversal
form# maintains ever!thing in the creation (oth internall! and e1ternall!.
SB 2.5.18: The S'preme %ersonalit! of Godhead is the controller of immortalit! and
fearlessness# and Be is transcendental to death and the fr'itive actions of the
material -orld. Farada# (rahman7a# it is therefore diffic'lt to meas're the glories
of the S'preme %erson.
SB 2.5.1;: The S'preme %ersonalit! of Godhead is to (e *no-n as the s'preme reservoir
of all material op'lences (! the one fo'rth of Bis energ! in -hich all the living
entities e1ist. 9eathlessness# fearlessness and freedom from the an1ieties of old age
and disease e1ist in the *ingdom of God# -hich is (e!ond the three higher planetar!
s!stems and (e!ond the material coverings.
SB 2.5.2<: The spirit'al -orld# -hich consists of three fo'rths of the "ord>s energ!#
is sit'ated (e!ond this material -orld# and it is especiall! meant for those -ho -ill
never (e re(orn. thers# -ho are attached to famil! life and -ho do not strictl! follo-
celi(ac! vo-s# m'st live -ithin the three material -orlds.
SB 2.5.21: B! Bis energies# the all$pervading %ersonalit! of Godhead is th's
comprehensivel! the master in the activities of controlling and in devotional service.
Be is the 'ltimate master of (oth nescience and fact'al *no-ledge of all sit'ations.
SB 2.5.22: From that %ersonalit! of Godhead# all the 'niversal glo(es and the 'niversal
form -ith all material elements# ,'alities and senses are generated. )et Be is aloof
from s'ch material manifestations# li*e the s'n# -hich is separate from its ra!s and
SB 2.5.20: =hen & -as (orn from the a(dominal lot's flo-er of the "ord ?Maha$:is7n7'@#
the great person# & had no ingredients for sacrificial performances e1cept the (odil!
lim(s of the great %ersonalit! of Godhead.
SB 2.5.22: For performing sacrificial ceremonies# one re,'ires sacrificial ingredients#
s'ch as flo-ers# leaves and stra-# along -ith the sacrificial altar and a s'ita(le time
SB 2.5.24: ther re,'irements are 'tensils# grains# clarified ('tter# hone!# gold#
earth# -ater# the R7g :eda# )a.'r :eda and Sama :eda and fo'r priests to perform the
SB 2.5.25: ther necessities incl'de invo*ing the different names of the demigods (!
specific h!mns and vo-s of recompense# in accordance -ith the partic'lar script're# for
specific p'rposes and (! specific processes.
SB 2.5.26: Th's & had to arrange all these necessar! ingredients and paraphernalia of
sacrifice from the personal (odil! parts of the %ersonalit! of Godhead. B! invocation
of the demigods> names# the 'ltimate goal# :is7n7'# -as grad'all! attained# and th's
compensation and 'ltimate offering -ere complete.
SB 2.5.28: Th's & created the ingredients and paraphernalia for offering sacrifice o't
of the parts of the (od! of the S'preme "ord# the en.o!er of the sacrifice# and &
performed the sacrifice to satisf! the "ord.
SB 2.5.2;: M! dear son# thereafter !o'r nine (rothers# -ho are the masters of living
creat'res# performed the sacrifice -ith proper rit'als to satisf! (oth the manifested
and nonmanifested personalities.
SB 2.5.0<: Thereafter# the Man's# the fathers of man*ind# the great sages# the
forefathers# the learned scholars# the 9ait!as and man*ind performed sacrifices meant
to please the S'preme "ord.
SB 2.5.01: 3ll the material manifestations of the 'niverses are therefore sit'ated in
Bis po-erf'l material energies# -hich Be accepts self$s'fficientl!# altho'gh Be is
eternall! -itho't affinit! for the material modes.
SB 2.5.02: B! Bis -ill# & create# "ord Siva destro!s# and Be Bimself# in Bis eternal
form as the %ersonalit! of Godhead# maintains ever!thing. Be is the po-erf'l controller
of these three energies.
SB 2.5.00: M! dear son# -hatever !o' in,'ired from me & have th's e1plained 'nto !o'#
and !o' m'st *no- for certain that -hatever there is Deither as ca'se or as effect#
(oth in the material and spirit'al -orldsE is dependent on the S'preme %ersonalit! of
SB 2.5.02: Farada# (eca'se & have ca'ght hold of the lot's feet of the S'preme
%ersonalit! of Godhead# Bari# -ith great zeal# -hatever & sa! has never proved to have
(een false. For is the progress of m! mind ever deterred. For are m! senses ever
degraded (! temporar! attachment to matter.
SB 2.5.04: 3ltho'gh & am *no-n as the great Brahma# perfect in the disciplic s'ccession
of :edic -isdom# and altho'gh & have 'ndergone all a'sterities and am an e1pert in
m!stic po-ers and self$realization# and altho'gh & am recognized as s'ch (! the great
forefathers of the living entities# -ho offer me respectf'l o(eisances# still & cannot
'nderstand Bim# the "ord# the ver! so'rce of m! (irth.
SB 2.5.05: Therefore it is (est for me to s'rrender 'nto Bis feet# -hich alone can
deliver one from the miseries of repeated (irth and death. S'ch s'rrender is all$
a'spicio's and allo-s one to perceive all happiness. /ven the s*! cannot estimate the
limits of its o-n e1pansion. So -hat can others do -hen the "ord Bimself is 'na(le to
estimate Bis o-n limits7
SB 2.5.06: Since neither "ord Siva nor !o' nor & co'ld ascertain the limits of
spirit'al happiness# ho- can other demigods *no- it7 3nd (eca'se all of 's are
(e-ildered (! the ill'sor! e1ternal energ! of the S'preme "ord# -e can see onl! this
manifested cosmos according to o'r individ'al a(ilit!.
SB 2.5.08: "et 's offer o'r respectf'l o(eisances 'nto that S'preme %ersonalit! of
Godhead# -hose incarnations and activities are chanted (! 's for glorification# tho'gh
Be can hardl! (e f'll! *no-n as Be is.
SB 2.5.0;: That s'preme original %ersonalit! of Godhead# "ord Sri +r7s7n7a# e1panding
Bis plenar! portion as Maha$:is7n7'# the first incarnation# creates this manifested
cosmos# ('t Be is 'n(orn. The creation# ho-ever# ta*es place in Bim# and the material
s'(stance and manifestations are all Bimself. Be maintains them for some time and
a(sor(s them into Bimself again.
SB 2.5.2<$21: The %ersonalit! of Godhead is p're# (eing free from all contaminations of
material tinges. Be is the 3(sol'te Tr'th and the em(odiment of f'll and perfect
*no-ledge. Be is all$pervading# -itho't (eginning or end# and -itho't rival. Farada#
great sage# the great thin*ers can *no- Bim -hen completel! freed from all material
han*erings and -hen sheltered 'nder 'ndist'r(ed conditions of the senses. ther-ise# (!
'ntena(le arg'ments# all is distorted# and the "ord disappears from o'r sight.
SB 2.5.22: +aran7arn7avasa!i :is7n7' is the first incarnation of the S'preme "ord# and
Be is the master of eternal time# space# ca'se and effects# mind# the elements# the
material ego# the modes of nat're# the senses# the 'niversal form of the "ord#
Gar(hoda*asa!i :is7n7'# and the s'm total of all living (eings# (oth moving and
SB 2.5.20$24: & m!self ?Brahma@# "ord Siva# "ord :is7n7'# great generators of living
(eings li*e 9a*s7a and %ra.apati# !o'rselves ?Farada and the +'maras@# heavenl!
demigods li*e &ndra and Candra# the leaders of the Bh'rlo*a planets# the leaders of the
earthl! planets# the leaders of the lo-er planets# the leaders of the Gandharva
planets# the leaders of the :id!adhara planets# the leaders of the Caran7alo*a planets#
the leaders of the )a*s7as# Ra*s7as and Aragas# the great sages# the great demons# the
great atheists and the great spacemen# as -ell as the dead (odies# evil spirits#
satans# .inn# *'s7man7d7as# great a,'atics# great (easts and great (irds# etc. in
other -ords# an!thing and ever!thing -hich is e1ceptionall! possessed of po-er#
op'lence# mental and percept'al de1terit!# strength# forgiveness# (ea't!# modest!#
op'lence# and (reeding# -hether in form or formless ma! appear to (e the specific
tr'th and the form of the "ord# ('t act'all! the! are not so. The! are onl! a fragment
of the transcendental potenc! of the "ord.
SB 2.5.25: Farada# no- & shall state# one after another# the transcendental
incarnations of the "ord *no-n as lila$avataras. Bearing of their activities
co'nteracts all fo'l matters acc'm'lated in the ear. These pastimes are pleasing to
hear and are to (e relished. Therefore the! are in m! heart.
Canto 2: The Cosmic Manifestation Chapter 6: Sched'led &ncarnations -ith Specific
SB 2.6.1: "ord Brahma said: =hen the 'nlimitedl! po-erf'l "ord ass'med the form of a
(oar as a pastime# .'st to lift the planet earth# -hich -as dro-ned in the great ocean
of the 'niverse called the Gar(hoda*a# the first demon ?Biran7!a*s7a@ appeared# and the
"ord pierced him -ith Bis t's*.
SB 2.6.2: The %ra.apati first (egot S'!a. a# in the -om( of his -ife 3*'ti# and then
S'!a. a (egot demigods# headed (! S'!ama# in the -om( of his -ife 9a*s7in7a. S'!a. a#
as the &ndradeva# diminished ver! great miseries in the three planetar! s!stems ?'pper#
lo-er and intermediate@# and (eca'se he so diminished the miseries of the 'niverse# he
-as later called Bari (! the great father of man*ind# namel! Sva!am(h'va Man'.
SB 2.6.0: The "ord then appeared as the +apila incarnation# (eing the son of the
pra.apati (rahman7a +ardama and his -ife# 9evah'ti# along -ith nine other -omen
?sisters@. Be spo*e to Bis mother a(o't self$realization# (! -hich# in that ver!
lifetime# she (ecame f'll! cleansed of the m'd of the material modes and there(!
achieved li(eration# the path of +apila.
SB 2.6.2: The great sage 3tri pra!ed for offspring# and the "ord# (eing satisfied -ith
him# promised to incarnate as 3tri>s son# 9attatre!a ?9atta# the son of 3tri@. 3nd (!
the grace of the lot's feet of the "ord# man! )ad's# Baiha!as# etc.# (ecame so p'rified
that the! o(tained (oth material and spirit'al (lessings.
SB 2.6.4: To create different planetar! s!stems & had to 'ndergo a'sterities and
penance# and the "ord# th's (eing pleased -ith me# incarnated in fo'r sanas ?Sana*a#
Sanat$*'mara# Sanandana and Sanatana@. &n the previo's creation the spirit'al tr'th -as
devastated# ('t the fo'r sanas e1plained it so nicel! that the tr'th at once (ecame
clearl! perceived (! the sages.
SB 2.6.5: To e1hi(it Bis personal -a! of a'sterit! and penance# Be appeared in t-in
forms as Fara!an7a and Fara in the -om( of M'rti# the -ife of 9harma and the da'ghter
of 9a*s7a. Celestial (ea'ties# the companions of C'pid# -ent to tr! to (rea* Bis vo-s#
('t the! -ere 'ns'ccessf'l# for the! sa- that man! (ea'ties li*e them -ere emanating
from Bim# the %ersonalit! of Godhead.
SB 2.6.6: Great stal-arts li*e "ord Siva can# (! their -rathf'l glances# overcome l'st
and van,'ish him# !et the! cannot (e free from the over-helming effects of their o-n
-rath. S'ch -rath can never enter into the heart of Bim ?the "ord@# -ho is a(ove all
this. So ho- can l'st ta*e shelter in Bis mind7
SB 2.6.8: Being ins'lted (! sharp -ords spo*en (! the co$-ife of the *ing# even in his
presence# %rince 9hr'va# tho'gh onl! a (o!# too* to severe penances in the forest. 3nd
the "ord# (eing satisfied (! his pra!er# a-arded him the 9hr'va planet# -hich is
-orshiped (! great sages# (oth 'p-ard and do-n-ard.
SB 2.6.;: Mahara.a :ena -ent astra! from the path of righteo'sness# and the (rahman7as
chastised him (! the th'nder(olt c'rse. B! this +ing :ena -as ('rnt -ith his good deeds
and op'lence and -as en ro'te to hell. The "ord# (! Bis ca'seless merc!# descended as
his son# (! the name of %r7th'# delivered the condemned +ing :ena from hell# and
e1ploited the earth (! dra-ing all *inds of crops as prod'ce.
SB 2.6.1<: The "ord appeared as the son of S'devi# the -ife of +ing Fa(hi# and -as
*no-n as R7s7a(hadeva. Be performed materialistic !oga to e,'i(alance the mind. This
stage is also accepted as the highest perfectional sit'ation of li(eration# -herein one
is sit'ated in one>s self and is completel! satisfied.
SB 2.6.11: The "ord appeared as the Ba!agriva incarnation in a sacrifice performed (!
me ?Brahma@. Be is the personified sacrifices# and the h'e of Bis (od! is golden. Be is
the personified :edas as -ell# and the S'perso'l of all demigods. =hen Be (reathed# all
the s-eet so'nds of the :edic h!mns came o't of Bis nostrils.
SB 2.6.12: 3t the end of the millenni'm# the -o'ld$(e :aivasvata Man'# of the name
Sat!avrata# -o'ld see that the "ord in the fish incarnation is the shelter of all *inds
of living entities# 'p to those in the earthl! planets. Beca'se of m! fear of the vast
-ater at the end of the millenni'm# the :edas come o't of m! ?Brahma>s@ mo'th# and the
"ord en.o!s those vast -aters and protects the :edas.
SB 2.6.10: The primeval "ord then ass'med the tortoise incarnation in order to serve as
a resting place ?pivot@ for the Mandara Mo'ntain# -hich -as acting as a ch'rning rod.
The demigods and demons -ere ch'rning the ocean of mil* -ith the Mandara Mo'ntain in
order to e1tract nectar. The mo'ntain moved (ac* and forth# scratching the (ac* of "ord
Tortoise# -ho# -hile partiall! sleeping# -as e1periencing an itching sensation.
SB 2.6.12: The %ersonalit! of Godhead ass'med the incarnation of Fr7sim hadeva in order
to van,'ish the great fears of the demigods. Be *illed the *ing of the demons ?Biran7
!a*asip'@# -ho challenged the "ord -ith a cl'( in his hand# (! placing the demon on Bis
thighs and piercing him -ith Bis nails# rolling Bis e!e(ro-s in anger and sho-ing Bis
fearf'l teeth and mo'th.
SB 2.6.14: The leader of the elephants# -hose leg -as attac*ed in a river (! a
crocodile of s'perior strength# -as m'ch aggrieved. Ta*ing a lot's flo-er in his tr'n*#
he addressed the "ord# sa!ing# H original en.o!er# "ord of the 'niverseG deliverer#
as famo's as a place of pilgrimageG 3ll are p'rified simpl! (! hearing )o'r hol! name#
-hich is -orth! to (e chanted.H
SB 2.6.15: The %ersonalit! of Godhead# after hearing the elephant>s plea# felt that the
elephant needed Bis immediate help# for he -as in great distress. Th's at once the "ord
appeared there on the -ings of the *ing of (irds# Gar'd7a# f'll! e,'ipped -ith Bis
-eapon# the -heel ?ca*ra@. =ith the -heel Be c't to pieces the mo'th of the crocodile
to save the elephant# and Be delivered the elephant (! lifting him (! his tr'n*.
SB 2.6.16: The "ord# altho'gh transcendental to all material modes# still s'rpassed all
the ,'alities of the sons of 3diti# *no-n as the 3dit!as. The "ord appeared as the
!o'ngest son of 3diti. 3nd (eca'se Be s'rpassed all the planets of the 'niverse# Be is
the S'preme %ersonalit! of Godhead. n the pretense of as*ing for a meas'rement of
three footsteps of land# Be too* a-a! all the lands of Bali Mahara.a. Be as*ed simpl!
(eca'se -itho't (egging# no a'thorit! can ta*e one>s rightf'l possession.
SB 2.6.18: Bali Mahara.a# -ho p't on his head the -ater -ashed from the lot's feet of
the "ord# did not thin* of an!thing (esides his promise# in spite of (eing for(idden (!
his spirit'al master. The *ing dedicated his o-n personal (od! to f'lfill the
meas'rement of the "ord>s third step. For s'ch a personalit!# even the *ingdom of
heaven# -hich he con,'ered (! his strength# -as of no val'e.
SB 2.6.1;: Farada# !o' -ere ta'ght a(o't the science of God and Bis transcendental
loving service (! the %ersonalit! of Godhead in Bis incarnation of Bam savatara. Be -as
ver! m'ch pleased -ith !o'# d'e to !o'r intense proportion of devotional service. Be
also e1plained 'nto !o'# l'cidl!# the f'll science of devotional service# -hich is
especiall! 'nderstanda(le (! persons -ho are so'ls s'rrendered 'nto "ord :as'deva# the
%ersonalit! of Godhead.
SB 2.6.2<: 3s the incarnation of Man'# the "ord (ecame the descendant of the Man'
d!nast! and r'led over the miscreant *ingl! order# s'(d'ing them (! Bis po-erf'l -heel
-eapon. Andeterred in all circ'mstances# Bis r'le -as characterized (! Bis glorio's
fame# -hich spread over the three lo*as# and a(ove them to the planetar! s!stem of
Sat!alo*a# the topmost in the 'niverse.
SB 2.6.21: The "ord in Bis incarnation of 9hanvantari ver! ,'ic*l! c'res the diseases
of the ever$diseased living entities simpl! (! his fame personified# and onl! (eca'se
of him do the demigods achieve long lives. Th's the %ersonalit! of Godhead (ecomes ever
glorified. Be also e1acted a share from the sacrifices# and it is he onl! -ho
ina'g'rated the medical science or the *no-ledge of medicine in the 'niverse.
SB 2.6.22: =hen the r'ling administrators# -ho are *no-n as the *s7atri!as# t'rned
astra! from the path of the 3(sol'te Tr'th# (eing desiro's to s'ffer in hell# the "ord#
in Bis incarnation as the sage %aras'rama# 'prooted those 'n-anted *ings# -ho appeared
as the thorns of the earth. Th's Be thrice seven times 'prooted the *s7atri!as -ith Bis
*eenl! sharpened chopper.
SB 2.6.20: 9'e to Bis ca'seless merc! 'pon all living entities -ithin the 'niverse# the
S'preme %ersonalit! of Godhead# along -ith Bis plenar! e1tensions# appeared in the
famil! of Mahara.a &*s7va*' as the "ord of Bis internal potenc!# Sita. Ander the order
of Bis father# Mahara.a 9asaratha# Be entered the forest and lived there for
considera(le !ears -ith Bis -ife and !o'nger (rother. Ravan7a# -ho -as ver! materiall!
po-erf'l# -ith ten heads on his sho'lders# committed a great offense against Bim and
-as th's 'ltimatel! van,'ished.
SB 2.6.22: The %ersonalit! of Godhead Ramacandra# (eing aggrieved for Bis distant
intimate friend ?Sita@# glanced over the cit! of the enem! Ravan7a -ith red$hot e!es
li*e those of Bara ?-ho -anted to ('rn the *ingdom of heaven@. The great ocean#
trem(ling in fear# gave Bim Bis -a! (eca'se its famil! mem(ers# the a,'atics li*e the
shar*s# sna*es and crocodiles# -ere (eing ('rnt (! the heat of the angr! red$hot e!es
of the "ord.
SB 2.6.24: =hen Ravan7a -as engaged in the (attle# the tr'n* of the elephant -hich
carried the +ing of heaven# &ndra# (ro*e in pieces# having collided -ith the chest of
Ravan7a# and the scattered (ro*en parts ill'minated all directions. Ravan7a therefore
felt pro'd of his pro-ess and (egan to loiter in the midst of the fighting soldiers#
thin*ing himself the con,'eror of all directions. B't his la'ghter# overta*en (! .o!#
along -ith his ver! air of life# s'ddenl! ceased -ith the tingling so'nd of the (o- of
Ramacandra# the %ersonalit! of Godhead.
SB 2.6.25: =hen the -orld is over('rdened (! the fighting strength of *ings -ho have no
faith in God# the "ord# .'st to diminish the distress of the -orld# descends -ith Bis
plenar! portion. The "ord comes in Bis original form# -ith (ea'tif'l (lac* hair. 3nd
.'st to e1pand Bis transcendental glories# Be acts e1traordinaril!. Fo one can properl!
estimate ho- great Be is.
SB 2.6.26: There is no do'(t a(o't "ord +r7s7n7a>s (eing the S'preme "ord# other-ise
ho- -as it possi(le for Bim to *ill a giant demon li*e %'tana -hen Be -as .'st on the
lap of Bis mother# to overt'rn a cart -ith Bis leg -hen Be -as onl! three months old#
to 'proot a pair of ar.'na trees# so high that the! to'ched the s*!# -hen Be -as onl!
cra-ling7 3ll these activities are impossi(le for an!one other than the "ord Bimself.
SB 2.6.28: Then also -hen the co-herd (o!s and their animals dran* the poisoned -ater
of the River )am'na# and after the "ord ?in Bis childhood@ revived them (! Bis mercif'l
glance# .'st to p'rif! the -ater of the River )am'na Be .'mped into it as if pla!ing
and chastised the venomo's +ali!a sna*e# -hich -as l'r*ing there# its tong'e emitting
-aves of poison. =ho can perform s'ch herc'lean tas*s ('t the S'preme "ord 7
SB 2.6.2;: n the ver! night of the da! of the chastisement of the +ali!a sna*e# -hen
the inha(itants of :ra.a(h'mi -ere sleeping carefreel!# there -as a forest fire a(laze
d'e to dr! leaves# and it appeared that all the inha(itants -ere s're to meet their
death. B't the "ord# along -ith Balarama# saved them simpl! (! closing Bis e!es. S'ch
are the s'perh'man activities of the "ord.
SB 2.6.0<: =hen the co-herd -oman ?+r7s7n7a>s foster mother# )asoda@ -as tr!ing to tie
the hands of her son -ith ropes# she fo'nd the rope to (e al-a!s ins'fficient in
length# and -hen she finall! gave 'p# "ord +r7s7n7a# (! and (!# opened Bis mo'th#
-herein the mother fo'nd all the 'niverses sit'ated. Seeing this# she -as do'(tf'l in
her mind# ('t she -as convinced in a different manner of the m!stic nat're of her son.
SB 2.6.01: "ord +r7s7n7a saved Bis foster father# Fanda Mahara.a# from the fear of the
demigod :ar'n7a and released the co-herd (o!s from the caves of the mo'ntain# for the!
-ere placed there (! the son of Ma!a. 3lso# to the inha(itants of :r7ndavana# -ho -ere
('s! -or*ing d'ring da!time and sleeping so'ndl! at night (eca'se of their hard la(or
in the da!# "ord +r7s7n7a a-arded promotion to the highest planet in the spirit'al s*!.
3ll these acts are transcendental and certainl! prove -itho't an! do'(t Bis Godhood.
SB 2.6.02: =hen the co-herd men of :r7ndavana# 'nder instr'ction of +r7s7n7a# stopped
offering sacrifice to the heavenl! +ing# &ndra# the -hole tract of land *no-n as :ra.a
-as threatened -ith (eing -ashed a-a! (! constant heav! rains for seven da!s. "ord +r7
s7n7a# o't of Bis ca'seless merc! 'pon the inha(itants of :ra.a# held 'p the hill *no-n
as Govardhana -ith one hand onl!# altho'gh Be -as onl! seven !ears old. Be did this to
protect the animals from the onsla'ght of -ater.
SB 2.6.00: =hen the "ord -as engaged in Bis pastimes of the rasa dance in the forest of
:r7ndavana# enlivening the se1'al desires of the -ives of the inha(itants of :r7ndavana
(! s-eet and melodio's songs# a demon of the name San*hac'd7a# a rich follo-er of the
treas'rer of heaven ?+'vera@# *idnapped the damsels# and the "ord severed his head from
his tr'n*.
SB 2.6.02$04: 3ll demonic personalities li*e %ralam(a# 9hen'*a# Ba*a# +esi# 3ris7t7a#
Can7'ra# M's7t7i*a# +'vala!apid7a elephant# +am sa# )avana# Fara*as'ra and %a'n7d7ra*a#
great marshals li*e Salva# 9vivida mon*e! and Balvala# 9antava*ra# the seven ('lls#
Sam(ara# :id'ratha and R'*mi# as also great -arriors li*e +am(o.a# Mats!a# +'r'# Sr7
.a!a and +e*a!a# -o'ld all fight vigoro'sl!# either -ith the "ord Bari directl! or
-ith Bim 'nder Bis names of Baladeva# 3r.'na# Bhima# etc. 3nd the demons# th's (eing
*illed# -o'ld attain either the impersonal (rahma.!oti or Bis personal a(ode in the
:ai*'n7t7ha planets.
SB 2.6.05: The "ord Bimself in Bis incarnation as the son of Sat!avati ?:!asadeva@ -ill
consider his compilation of the :edic literat're to (e ver! diffic'lt for the less
intelligent persons -ith short life# and th's Be -ill divide the tree of :edic
*no-ledge into different (ranches# according to the circ'mstances of the partic'lar
SB 2.6.06: =hen the atheists# after (eing -ell versed in the :edic scientific
*no-ledge# annihilate inha(itants of different planets# fl!ing 'nseen in the s*! on
-ell$('ilt roc*ets prepared (! the great scientist Ma!a# the "ord -ill (e-ilder their
minds (! dressing Bimself attractivel! as B'ddha and -ill preach on s'(religio's
SB 2.6.08: Thereafter# at the end of +ali$!'ga# -hen there e1ist no topics on the
s'(.ect of God# even at the residences of so$called saints and respecta(le gentlemen of
the three higher castes# and -hen the po-er of government is transferred to the hands
of ministers elected from the lo-(orn s'dra class or those less than them# and -hen
nothing is *no-n of the techni,'es of sacrifice# even (! -ord# at that time the "ord
-ill appear as the s'preme chastiser.
SB 2.6.0;: 3t the (eginning of creation there are penance# m!self ?Brahma@# and the
%ra.apatis# the great sages -ho generateI then# d'ring the maintenance of the creation#
there are "ord :is7n7'# the demigods -ith controlling po-ers# and the *ings of
different planets. B't at the end there is irreligion# and then "ord Siva and the
atheists f'll of anger# etc. 3ll of them are different representative manifestations of
the energ! of the s'preme po-er# the "ord.
SB 2.6.2<: =ho can descri(e completel! the pro-ess of :is7n7'7 /ven the scientist# -ho
might have co'nted the particles of the atoms of the 'niverse# cannot do so. Beca'se it
is Be onl! -ho in Bis form of Trivi*rama moved Bis leg effortlessl! (e!ond the topmost
planet# Sat!alo*a# 'p to the ne'tral state of the three modes of material nat're. 3nd
all -ere moved.
SB 2.6.21: Feither & nor all the sages (orn (efore !o' *no- f'll! the omnipotent
%ersonalit! of Godhead. So -hat can others# -ho are (orn after 's# *no- a(o't Bim7 /ven
the first incarnation of the "ord# namel! Ses7a# has not (een a(le to reach the limit
of s'ch *no-ledge# altho'gh Be is descri(ing the ,'alities of the "ord -ith ten h'ndred
SB 2.6.22: B't an!one -ho is specificall! favored (! the S'preme "ord# the %ersonalit!
of Godhead# d'e to 'nallo!ed s'rrender 'nto the service of the "ord# can overcome the
ins'rmo'nta(le ocean of ill'sion and can 'nderstand the "ord. B't those -ho are
attached to this (od!# -hich is meant to (e eaten at the end (! dogs and .ac*als#
cannot do so.
SB 2.6.20$24: Farada# altho'gh the potencies of the "ord are 'n*no-a(le and
immeas'ra(le# still# (eca'se -e are all s'rrendered so'ls# -e *no- ho- Be acts thro'gh
!ogama!a potencies. 3nd# similarl!# the potencies of the "ord are also *no-n to the
all$po-erf'l Siva# the great *ing of the atheist famil!# namel! %rahlada Mahara.a#
Sva!am(h'va Man'# his -ife Satar'pa# his sons and da'ghters li*e %ri!avrata#
Attanapada# 3*'ti# 9evah'ti and %ras'ti# %racina(arhi# R7(h'# 3nga the father of :ena#
Mahara.a 9hr'va# &*s7va*'# 3ila# M'c'*'nda# Mahara.a Cana*a# Gadhi# Ragh'# 3m(aris7a#
Sagara# Ga!a# Fah's7a# Mandhata# 3lar*a# Satadhanve# 3n'# Rantideva# Bhis7ma# Bali#
3m'rttara!a# 9ilipa# Sa'(hari# Atan*a# Si(i# 9evala# %ippalada# Sarasvata# Addhava#
%arasara# Bh'ris7en7a# :i(his7an7a# Ban'man# S'*adeva Gosvami# 3r.'na# 3rs7t7is7en7a#
:id'ra# Sr'tadeva# etc.
SB 2.6.25: S'rrendered so'ls# even from gro'ps leading sinf'l lives# s'ch as -omen# the
la(orer class# the mo'ntaineers and the Si(erians# or even the (irds and (easts# can
also *no- a(o't the science of Godhead and (ecome li(erated from the cl'tches of the
ill'sor! energ! (! s'rrendering 'nto the p're devotees of the "ord and (! follo-ing in
their footsteps in devotional service.
SB 2.6.26: =hat is realized as the 3(sol'te Brahman is f'll of 'nlimited (liss -itho't
grief. That is certainl! the 'ltimate phase of the s'preme en.o!er# the %ersonalit! of
Godhead. Be is eternall! void of all dist'r(ances and fearless. Be is complete
conscio'sness as opposed to matter. Ancontaminated and -itho't distinctions# Be is the
principle primeval ca'se of all ca'ses and effects# in -hom there is no sacrifice for
fr'itive activities and in -hom the ill'sor! energ! does not stand.
SB 2.6.28: &n s'ch a transcendental state there is no need of artificial control of the
mind# mental spec'lation or meditation# as performed (! the . anis and !ogis. ne gives
'p s'ch processes# as the heavenl! +ing# &ndra# forgoes the tro'(le to dig a -ell.
SB 2.6.2;: The %ersonalit! of Godhead is the s'preme master of ever!thing a'spicio's
(eca'se the res'lts of -hatever actions are performed (! the living (eing# in either
the material or spirit'al e1istence# are a-arded (! the "ord. 3s s'ch# Be is the
'ltimate (enefactor. /ver! individ'al living entit! is 'n(orn# and therefore even after
the annihilation of the material elementar! (od!# the living entit! e1ists# e1actl!
li*e the air -ithin the (od!.
SB 2.6.4<: M! dear son# & have no- e1plained in (rief the S'preme %ersonalit! of
Godhead# -ho is creator of the manifested -orlds. =itho't Bim# Bari# the "ord# there
are no other ca'ses of the phenomenal and no'menal e1istences.
SB 2.6.41: Farada# this science of God# Srimad$Bhagavatam# -as spo*en to me in
s'mmar! (! the S'preme %ersonalit! of Godhead# and it -as spo*en as the acc'm'lation of
Bis diverse potencies. %lease e1pand this science !o'rself.
SB 2.6.42: %lease descri(e the science of Godhead -ith determination and in a manner (!
-hich it -ill (e ,'ite possi(le for the h'man (eing to develop transcendental
devotional service 'nto the %ersonalit! of Godhead Bari# the S'perso'l of ever! living
(eing and the s'mm'm (on'm so'rce of all energies.
SB 2.6.40: The "ord>s activities in association -ith Bis different energies sho'ld (e
descri(ed# appreciated and heard in accordance -ith the teachings of the S'preme "ord.
&f this is done reg'larl! -ith devotion and respect# one is s're to get o't of the
ill'sor! energ! of the "ord.
Canto 2: The Cosmic Manifestation Chapter 8: J'estions (! +ing %ari*s7it
SB 2.8.1: +ing %ari*s7it in,'ired from S'*adeva Gosvami: Bo- did Farada M'ni# -hose
hearers are as fort'nate as those instr'cted (! "ord Brahma# e1plain the transcendental
,'alities of the "ord# -ho is -itho't material ,'alities# and (efore -hom did he spea*7
SB 2.8.2: The +ing said: & -ish to *no-. Farrations concerning the "ord# -ho possesses
-onderf'l potencies# are certainl! a'spicio's for living (eings in all planets.
SB 2.8.0: greatl! fort'nate S'*adeva Gosvami# please contin'e narrating Srimad$
Bhagavatam so that & can place m! mind 'pon the S'preme So'l# "ord +r7s7n7a# and# (eing
completel! freed from material ,'alities# th's relin,'ish this (od!.
SB 2.8.2: %ersons -ho hear Srimad$Bhagavatam reg'larl! and are al-a!s ta*ing the matter
ver! serio'sl! -ill have the %ersonalit! of Godhead Sri +r7s7n7a manifested in their
hearts -ithin a short time.
SB 2.8.4: The so'nd incarnation of "ord +r7s7n7a# the S'preme So'l ?i.e. Srimad$
Bhagavatam@# enters into the heart of a self$realized devotee# sits on the lot's flo-er
of his loving relationship# and th's cleanses the d'st of material association# s'ch as
l'st# anger and han*ering. Th's it acts li*e a't'mnal rains 'pon pools of m'dd! -ater.
SB 2.8.5: 3 p're devotee of the "ord -hose heart has once (een cleansed (! the process
of devotional service never relin,'ishes the lot's feet of "ord +r7s7n7a# for the!
f'll! satisf! him# as a traveler is satisfied at home after a tro'(led .o'rne!.
SB 2.8.6: learned (rahman7a# the transcendental spirit so'l is different from the
material (od!. 9oes he ac,'ire the (od! accidentall! or (! some ca'se7 =ill !o' *indl!
e1plain this# for it is *no-n to !o'.
SB 2.8.8: &f the S'preme %ersonalit! of Godhead# from -hose a(domen the lot's stem
spro'ted# is possessed of a gigantic (od! according to Bis o-n cali(er and meas'rement#
then -hat is the specific difference (et-een the (od! of the "ord and those of common
living entities7
SB 2.8.;: Brahma# -ho -as not (orn of a material so'rce ('t of the lot's flo-er coming
o't of the navel a(domen of the "ord# is the creator of all those -ho are materiall!
(orn. f co'rse# (! the grace of the "ord# Brahma -as a(le to see the form of the "ord.
SB 2.8.1<: %lease also e1plain the %ersonalit! of Godhead# -ho lies in ever! heart as
the S'perso'l# and as the "ord of all energies# ('t is 'nto'ched (! Bis e1ternal
SB 2.8.11: learned (rahman7a# it -as formerl! e1plained that all the planets of the
'niverse -ith their respective governors are sit'ated in the different parts of the
gigantic (od! of the virat7$p'r's7a. & have also heard that the different planetar!
s!stems are s'pposed to (e in the gigantic (od! of the virat7$p'r's7a. B't -hat is
their act'al position 7 =ill !o' please e1plain that7
SB 2.8.12: 3lso please e1plain the d'ration of time (et-een creation and annihilation#
and that of other s'(sidiar! creations# as -ell as the nat're of time# indicated (! the
so'nd of past# present and f't're. 3lso# please e1plain the d'ration and meas'rement of
life of the different living (eings *no-n as the demigods# the h'man (eings# etc.# in
different planets of the 'niverse.
SB 2.8.10: p'rest of the (rahman7as# please also e1plain the ca'se of the different
d'rations of time# (oth short and long# as -ell as the (eginning of time# follo-ing the
co'rse of action.
SB 2.8.12: Then again# *indl! descri(e ho- the proportionate acc'm'lation of the
reactions res'lting from the different modes of material nat're act 'pon the desiring
living (eing# promoting or degrading him among the different species of life# (eginning
from the demigods do-n to the most insignificant creat'res.
SB 2.8.14: (est of the (rahman7as# please also descri(e ho- the creation of the
glo(es thro'gho't the 'niverse# the fo'r directions of the heavens# the s*!# the
planets# the stars# the mo'ntains# the rivers# the seas and the islands# as -ell as
their different *inds of inha(itants# ta*es place.
SB 2.8.15: 3lso# please descri(e the inner and o'ter space of the 'niverse (! specific
divisions# as -ell as the character and activities of the great so'ls# and also the
characteristics of the different classifications of the castes and orders of social
SB 2.8.16: %lease e1plain all the different ages in the d'ration of the creation# and
also the d'ration of s'ch ages. 3lso tell me a(o't the different activities of the
different incarnations of the "ord in different ages.
SB 2.8.18: %lease also e1plain -hat ma! generall! (e the common religio's affiliations
of h'man societ!# as -ell as their specific occ'pational d'ties in religion# the
classification of the social orders as -ell as the administrative ro!al orders# and the
religio's principles for one -ho ma! (e in distress.
SB 2.8.1;: +indl! e1plain all a(o't the elementar! principles of creation# the n'm(er
of s'ch elementar! principles# their ca'ses# and their development# and also the
process of devotional service and the method of m!stic po-ers.
SB 2.8.2<: =hat are the op'lences of the great m!stics# and -hat is their 'ltimate
realization7 Bo- does the perfect m!stic (ecome detached from the s'(tle astral (od!7
=hat is the (asic *no-ledge of the :edic literat'res# incl'ding the (ranches of histor!
and the s'pplementar! %'ran7as7
SB 2.8.21: %lease e1plain 'nto me ho- the living (eings are generated# ho- the! are
maintained# and ho- the! are annihilated. Tell me also of the advantages and
disadvantages of discharging devotional service 'nto the "ord. =hat are the :edic
rit'als and in.'nctions of the s'pplementar! :edic rites# and -hat are the proced'res
of religion# economic development and sense satisfaction7
SB 2.8.22: %lease also e1plain ho-# merged in the (od! of the "ord# living (eings are
created# and ho- the infidels appear in the -orld. 3lso please e1plain ho- the
'nconditioned living entities e1ist.
SB 2.8.20: The independent %ersonalit! of Godhead en.o!s Bis pastimes (! Bis internal
potenc! and at the time of annihilation gives them 'p to the e1ternal potenc!# and Be
remains a -itness to it all.
SB 2.8.22: great sage# representative of the "ord# *indl! satisf! m! in,'isitiveness
in all that & have in,'ired from !o' and all that & ma! not have in,'ired from !o' from
the ver! (eginning of m! ,'estionings. Since & am a so'l s'rrendered 'nto !o'# please
impart f'll *no-ledge in this connection.
SB 2.8.24: great sage# !o' are as good as Brahma# the original living (eing. thers
follo- c'stom onl!# as follo-ed (! the previo's philosophical spec'lators.
SB 2.8.25: learned (rahman7a# (eca'se of m! drin*ing the nectar of the message of the
infalli(le %ersonalit! of Godhead# -hich is flo-ing do-n from the ocean of !o'r
speeches# & do not feel an! sort of e1ha'stion d'e to m! fasting.
SB 2.8.26: S'ta Gosvami said: Th's S'*adeva Gosvami# (eing invited (! Mahara.a %ari*s7
it to spea* on topics of the "ord Sri +r7s7n7a -ith the devotees# -as ver! m'ch
SB 2.8.28: Be (egan to repl! to the in,'iries of Mahara.a %ari*s7it (! sa!ing that the
science of the %ersonalit! of Godhead -as spo*en first (! the "ord Bimself to Brahma
-hen he -as first (orn. Srimad$Bhagavatam is the s'pplementar! :edic literat're# and it
is .'st in p'rs'ance of the :edas.
SB 2.8.2;: Be also prepared himself to repl! to all that +ing %ari*s7it had in,'ired
from him. Mahara.a %ari*s7it -as the (est in the d!nast! of the %an7d7's# and th's he
-as a(le to as* the right ,'estions from the right person.
Canto 2: The Cosmic Manifestation Chapter ;: 3ns-ers (! Citing the "ord>s :ersion
SB 2.;.1: Sri S'*adeva Gosvami said: +ing# 'nless one is infl'enced (! the energ! of
the S'preme %ersonalit! of Godhead# there is no meaning to the relationship of the p're
so'l in p're conscio'sness -ith the material (od!. That relationship is .'st li*e a
dreamer>s seeing his o-n (od! -or*ing.
SB 2.;.2: The ill'sioned living entit! appears in so man! forms offered (! the e1ternal
energ! of the "ord. =hile en.o!ing in the modes of material nat're# the encaged living
entit! misconceives# thin*ing in terms of H&H and Hmine.H
SB 2.;.0: 3s soon as the living entit! (ecomes sit'ated in his constit'tional glor! and
(egins to en.o! the transcendence (e!ond time and material energ!# he at once gives 'p
the t-o misconceptions of life ?& and mine@ and th's (ecomes f'll! manifested as the
p're self.
SB 2.;.2: +ing# the %ersonalit! of Godhead# (eing ver! m'ch pleased -ith "ord Brahma
(eca'se of his nondeceptive penance in (ha*ti$!oga# presented Bis eternal and
transcendental form (efore Brahma. 3nd that is the o(.ective goal for p'rif!ing the
conditioned so'l.
SB 2.;.4: "ord Brahma# the first spirit'al master# s'preme in the 'niverse# co'ld not
trace o't the so'rce of his lot's seat# and -hile thin*ing of creating the material
-orld# he co'ld not 'nderstand the proper direction for s'ch creative -or*# nor co'ld
he find o't the process for s'ch creation.
SB 2.;.5: =hile th's engaged in thin*ing# in the -ater# Brahma.i heard t-ice from
near(! t-o s!lla(les .oined together. ne of the s!lla(les -as ta*en from the si1teenth
and the other from the t-ent!$first of the sparsa alpha(ets# and (oth .oined to (ecome
the -ealth of the reno'nced order of life.
SB 2.;.6: =hen he heard the so'nd# he tried to find the spea*er# searching on all
sides. B't -hen he -as 'na(le to find an!one (esides himself# he tho'ght it -ise to sit
do-n on his lot's seat firml! and give his attention to the e1ec'tion of penance# as he
-as instr'cted.
SB 2.;.8: "ord Brahma 'nder-ent penances for one tho'sand !ears (! the calc'lations of
the demigods. Be heard this transcendental vi(ration from the s*!# and he accepted it
as divine. Th's he controlled his mind and senses# and the penances he e1ec'ted -ere a
great lesson for the living entities. Th's he is *no-n as the greatest of all ascetics.
SB 2.;.;: The %ersonalit! of Godhead# (eing th's ver! m'ch satisfied -ith the penance
of "ord Brahma# -as pleased to manifest Bis personal a(ode# :ai*'n7t7ha# the s'preme
planet a(ove all others. This transcendental a(ode of the "ord is adored (! all self$
realized persons freed from all *inds of miseries and fear of ill'sor! e1istence.
SB 2.;.1<: &n that personal a(ode of the "ord# the material modes of ignorance and
passion do not prevail# nor is there an! of their infl'ence in goodness. There is no
predominance of the infl'ence of time# so -hat to spea* of the ill'sor!# e1ternal
energ!I it cannot enter that region. =itho't discrimination# (oth the demigods and the
demons -orship the "ord as devotees.
SB 2.;.11: The inha(itants of the :ai*'n7t7ha planets are descri(ed as having a glo-ing
s*!$(l'ish comple1ion. Their e!es resem(le lot's flo-ers# their dress is of !ello-ish
color# and their (odil! feat'res ver! attractive. The! are .'st the age of gro-ing
!o'ths# the! all have fo'r hands# the! are all nicel! decorated -ith pearl nec*laces
-ith ornamental medallions# and the! all appear to (e eff'lgent.
SB 2.;.12: Some of them are eff'lgent li*e coral and diamonds in comple1ion and have
garlands on their heads# (looming li*e lot's flo-ers# and some -ear earrings.
SB 2.;.10: The :ai*'n7t7ha planets are also s'rro'nded (! vario's airplanes# all
glo-ing and (rilliantl! sit'ated. These airplanes (elong to the great mahatmas or
devotees of the "ord. The ladies are as (ea'tif'l as lightning (eca'se of their
celestial comple1ions# and all these com(ined together appear .'st li*e the s*!
decorated -ith (oth clo'ds and lightning.
SB 2.;.12: The goddess of fort'ne in her transcendental form is engaged in the loving
service of the "ord>s lot's feet# and (eing moved (! the (lac* (ees# follo-ers of
spring# she is not onl! engaged in variegated pleas're service to the "ord# along
-ith her constant companions ('t is also engaged in singing the glories of the "ord>s
SB 2.;.14: "ord Brahma sa- in the :ai*'n7t7ha planets the %ersonalit! of Godhead# -ho
is the "ord of the entire devotee comm'nit!# the "ord of the goddess of fort'ne# the
"ord of all sacrifices# and the "ord of the 'niverse# and -ho is served (! the foremost
servitors li*e Fanda# S'nanda# %ra(ala and 3rhan7a# Bis immediate associates.
SB 2.;.15: The %ersonalit! of Godhead# seen leaning favora(l! to-ards Bis loving
servitors# Bis ver! sight into1icating and attractive# appeared to (e ver! m'ch
satisfied. Be had a smiling face decorated -ith an enchanting reddish h'e. Be -as
dressed in !ello- ro(es and -ore earrings and a helmet on his head. Be had fo'r hands#
and Bis chest -as mar*ed -ith the lines of the goddess of fort'ne.
SB 2.;.16: The "ord -as seated on Bis throne and -as s'rro'nded (! different energies
li*e the fo'r# the si1teen# the five# and the si1 nat'ral op'lences# along -ith other
insignificant energies of the temporar! character. B't Be -as the fact'al S'preme "ord#
en.o!ing Bis o-n a(ode.
SB 2.;.18: "ord Brahma# th's seeing the %ersonalit! of Godhead in Bis f'llness# -as
over-helmed -ith .o! -ithin his heart# and th's in f'll transcendental love and
ecstas!# his e!es filled -ith tears of love. Be th's (o-ed do-n (efore the "ord. That
is the -a! of the highest perfection for the living (eing ?paramaham sa@.
SB 2.;.1;: 3nd seeing Brahma present (efore Bim# the "ord accepted him as -orth! to
create living (eings# to (e controlled as Be desired# and th's (eing m'ch satisfied
-ith him# the "ord shoo* hands -ith Brahma and# slightl! smiling# addressed him th's.
SB 2.;.2<: The (ea'tif'l %ersonalit! of Godhead addressed "ord Brahma: Brahma#
impregnated -ith the :edas# & am ver! m'ch pleased -ith !o'r long acc'm'lated penance
-ith the desire for creation. Bardl! am & pleased -ith the pse'do m!stics.
SB 2.;.21: & -ish !o' good l'c*. Brahma# !o' ma! as* from Me# the giver of all
(enediction# all that !o' ma! desire. )o' ma! *no- that the 'ltimate (enediction# as
the res'lt of all penances# is to see Me (! realization.
SB 2.;.22: The highest perfectional ingen'it! is the personal perception of M! a(odes#
and this has (een possi(le (eca'se of !o'r s'(missive attit'de in the performance of
severe penance according to M! order.
SB 2.;.20: sinless Brahma# !o' ma! *no- from Me that it -as & -ho first ordered !o'
to 'ndergo penance -hen !o' -ere perple1ed in !o'r d't!. S'ch penance is M! heart and
so'l# and therefore penance and & are nondifferent.
SB 2.;.22: & create this cosmos (! s'ch penance# & maintain it (! the same energ!# and
& -ithdra- it all (! the same energ!. Therefore the potential po-er is penance onl!.
SB 2.;.24: "ord Brahma said: %ersonalit! of Godhead# )o' are sit'ated in ever! living
entit!>s heart as the s'preme director# and therefore )o' are a-are of all endeavors (!
)o'r s'perior intelligence# -itho't an! hindrance -hatsoever.
SB 2.;.25: &n spite of that# m! "ord# & am pra!ing to )o' to *indl! f'lfill m! desire.
Ma! & please (e informed ho-# in spite of )o'r transcendental form# )o' ass'me the
m'ndane form# altho'gh )o' have no s'ch form at all.
SB 2.;.26: 3nd ?please inform me@ ho- )o'# (! )o'r o-n Self# manifest different
energies for annihilation# generation# acceptance and maintenance (! com(ination and
SB 2.;.28: master of all energies# please tell me philosophicall! all a(o't them. )o'
pla! li*e a spider that covers itself (! its o-n energ!# and )o'r determination is
SB 2.;.2;: %lease tell me so that & ma! (e ta'ght in the matter (! the instr'ction of
the %ersonalit! of Godhead and ma! th's act instr'mentall! to generate living entities#
-itho't (eing conditioned (! s'ch activities.
SB 2.;.0<: m! "ord# the 'n(orn# )o' have sha*en hands -ith me .'st as a friend does
-ith a friend ?as if e,'al in position@. & shall (e engaged in the creation of
different t!pes of living entities# and & shall (e occ'pied in )o'r service. & shall
have no pert'r(ation# ('t & pra! that all this ma! not give rise to pride# as if & -ere
the S'preme.
SB 2.;.01: The %ersonalit! of Godhead said: +no-ledge a(o't Me as descri(ed in the
script'res is ver! confidential# and it has to (e realized in con.'nction -ith
devotional service. The necessar! paraphernalia for that process is (eing e1plained (!
Me. )o' ma! ta*e it 'p caref'll!.
SB 2.;.02: 3ll of Me# namel! M! act'al eternal form and M! transcendental e1istence#
color# ,'alities and activities let all (e a-a*ened -ithin !o' (! fact'al
realization# o't of M! ca'seless merc!.
SB 2.;.00: Brahma# it is &# the %ersonalit! of Godhead# -ho -as e1isting (efore the
creation# -hen there -as nothing ('t M!self. For -as there the material nat're# the
ca'se of this creation. That -hich !o' see no- is also &# the %ersonalit! of Godhead#
and after annihilation -hat remains -ill also (e &# the %ersonalit! of Godhead.
SB 2.;.02: Brahma# -hatever appears to (e of an! val'e# if it is -itho't relation to
Me# has no realit!. +no- it as M! ill'sor! energ!# that reflection -hich appears to (e
in dar*ness.
SB 2.;.04: Brahma# please *no- that the 'niversal elements enter into the cosmos and
at the same time do not enter into the cosmosI similarl!# & M!self also e1ist -ithin
ever!thing created# and at the same time & am o'tside of ever!thing.
SB 2.;.05: 3 person -ho is searching after the S'preme 3(sol'te Tr'th# the %ersonalit!
of Godhead# most certainl! search for it 'p to this# in all circ'mstances# in all space
and time# and (oth directl! and indirectl!.
SB 2.;.06: Brahma# .'st follo- this concl'sion (! fi1ed concentration of mind# and no
pride -ill dist'r( !o'# neither in the partial nor in the final devastation.
SB 2.;.08: S'*adeva Gosvami said to Mahara.a %ari*s7it: The S'preme %ersonalit! of
Godhead# Bari# after (eing seen in Bis transcendental form# instr'cting Brahma.i# the
leader of the living entities# disappeared.
SB 2.;.0;: n the disappearance of the S'preme %ersonalit! of Godhead# Bari# -ho is the
o(.ect of transcendental en.o!ment for the senses of devotees# Brahma# -ith folded
hands# (egan to re$create the 'niverse# f'll -ith living entities# as it -as
SB 2.;.2<: Th's once 'pon a time the forefather of living entities and the father of
religio'sness# "ord Brahma# sit'ated himself in acts of reg'lative principles# desiring
self$interest for the -elfare of all living entities.
SB 2.;.21: Farada# the most dear of the inheritor sons of Brahma# al-a!s read! to serve
his father# strictl! follo-s the instr'ctions of his father (! his mannerl! (ehavior#
mee*ness and sense control.
SB 2.;.22: Farada ver! m'ch pleased his father and desired to *no- all a(o't the
energies of :is7n7'# the master of all energies# for Farada -as the greatest of all
sages and greatest of all devotees# +ing.
SB 2.;.20: The great sage Farada also in,'ired in detail from his father# Brahma# the
great$grandfather of all the 'niverse# after seeing him -ell satisfied.
SB 2.;.22: There'pon the s'pplementar! :edic literat're# Srimad$Bhagavatam# -hich -as
descri(ed (! the %ersonalit! of Godhead and -hich contains ten characteristics# -as
told -ith satisfaction (! the father ?Brahma@ to his son Farada.
SB 2.;.24: &n s'ccession# +ing# the great sage Farada instr'cted Srimad$Bhagavatam
'nto the 'nlimitedl! po-erf'l :!asadeva# -ho meditated in devotional service 'pon the
S'preme %ersonalit! of Godhead# the 3(sol'te Tr'th# on the (an* of the River Sarasvati.
SB 2.;.25: +ing# !o'r ,'estions as to ho- the 'niverse (ecame manifested from the
gigantic form of the %ersonalit! of Godhead# as -ell as other ,'estions# & shall ans-er
in detail (! e1planation of the fo'r verses alread! mentioned.
Canto 2: The Cosmic Manifestation Chapter 1<: Bhagavatam &s the 3ns-er to 3ll
SB 2.1<.1: Sri S'*adeva Gosvami said: &n the Srimad$Bhagavatam there are ten divisions
of statements regarding the follo-ing: the creation of the 'niverse# s'(creation#
planetar! s!stems# protection (! the "ord# the creative impet's# the change of Man's#
the science of God# ret'rning home# (ac* to Godhead# li(eration# and the s'mm'm (on'm.
SB 2.1<.2: To isolate the transcendence of the s'mm'm (on'm# the s!mptoms of the rest
are descri(ed sometimes (! :edic inference# sometimes (! direct e1planation# and
sometimes (! s'mmar! e1planations given (! the great sages.
SB 2.1<.0: The elementar! creation of si1teen items of matter namel! the five
elements ?fire# -ater# land# air and s*!@# so'nd# form# taste# smell# to'ch# and the
e!es# ears# nose# tong'e# s*in and mind is *no-n as sarga# -hereas s'(se,'ent
res'ltant interaction of the modes of material nat're is called visarga.
SB 2.1<.2: The right sit'ation for the living entities is to o(e! the la-s of the "ord
and th's (e in perfect peace of mind 'nder the protection of the S'preme %ersonalit! of
Godhead. The Man's and their la-s are meant to give right direction in life. The
impet's for activit! is the desire for fr'itive -or*.
SB 2.1<.4: The science of God descri(es the incarnations of the %ersonalit! of Godhead
and Bis different activities together -ith the activities of Bis great devotees.
SB 2.1<.5: The merging of the living entit!# along -ith his conditional living
tendenc!# -ith the m!stic l!ing do-n of the Maha$:is7n7' is called the -inding 'p of
the cosmic manifestation. "i(eration is the permanent sit'ation of the form of the
living entit! after he gives 'p the changea(le gross and s'(tle material (odies.
SB 2.1<.6: The s'preme one -ho is cele(rated as the S'preme Being or the S'preme So'l
is the s'preme so'rce of the cosmic manifestation as -ell as its reservoir and -inding
'p. Th's Be is the S'preme Fo'ntainhead# the 3(sol'te Tr'th.
SB 2.1<.8: The individ'al person possessing different instr'ments of senses is called
the adh!atmic person# and the individ'al controlling deit! of the senses is called
adhidaivic. The em(odiment seen on the e!e(alls is called the adhi(ha'tic person.
SB 2.1<.;: 3ll three of the a(ove$mentioned stages of different living entities are
interdependent. &n the a(sence of one# another is not 'nderstood. B't the S'preme Being
-ho sees ever! one of them as the shelter of the shelter is independent of all# and
therefore Be is the s'preme shelter.
SB 2.1<.1<: 3fter separating the different 'niverses# the gigantic 'niversal form of
the "ord ?Maha$:is7n7'@# -hich came o't of the ca'sal ocean# the place of appearance
for the first p'r's7a$avatara# entered into each of the separate 'niverses# desiring to
lie on the created transcendental -ater ?Gar(hoda*a@.
SB 2.1<.11: That S'preme %erson is not impersonal and therefore is distinctivel! a
nara# or person. Therefore the transcendental -ater created from the S'preme Fara is
*no-n as nara. 3nd (eca'se Be lies do-n on that -ater# Be is *no-n as Fara!an7a.
SB 2.1<.12: ne sho'ld definitel! *no- that all material ingredients# activities# time
and modes# and the living entities -ho are meant to en.o! them all# e1ist (! Bis merc!
onl!# and as soon as Be does not care for them# ever!thing (ecomes none1istent.
SB 2.1<.10: The "ord# -hile l!ing on Bis (ed of m!stic sl'm(er# generated the seminal
s!m(ol# golden in h'e# thro'gh e1ternal energ! o't of Bis desire to manifest varieties
of living entities from Bimself alone.
SB 2.1<.12: C'st hear from me ho- the potenc! of Bis "ordship divides one into three#
called the controlling entities# the controlled entities and the material (odies# in
the manner mentioned a(ove.
SB 2.1<.14: From the s*! sit'ated -ithin the transcendental (od! of the manifesting
Maha$:is7n7'# sense energ!# mental force and (odil! strength are all generated# as -ell
as the s'm total of the fo'ntainhead of the total living force.
SB 2.1<.15: 3s the follo-ers of a *ing follo- their lord# similarl! -hen the total
energ! is in motion# all other living entities move# and -hen the total energ! stops
endeavoring# all other living entities stop sens'al activities.
SB 2.1<.16: The living force# (eing agitated (! the virat7$p'r's7a# generated h'nger
and thirst# and -hen Be desired to drin* and eat# the mo'th opened.
SB 2.1<.18: From the mo'th the palate (ecame manifested# and there'pon the tong'e -as
also generated. 3fter this all the different tastes came into e1istence so that the
tong'e can relish them.
SB 2.1<.1;: =hen the S'preme desired to spea*# speeches -ere vi(rated from the mo'th.
Then the controlling deit! Fire -as generated from the mo'th. B't -hen Be -as l!ing in
the -ater# all these f'nctions remained s'spended.
SB 2.1<.2<: Thereafter# -hen the s'preme p'r's7a desired to smell odors# the nostrils
and respiration -ere generated# the nasal instr'ment and odors came into e1istence# and
the controlling deit! of air# carr!ing smell# also (ecame manifested.
SB 2.1<.21: Th's -hen ever!thing e1isted in dar*ness# the "ord desired to see Bimself
and all that -as created. Then the e!es# the ill'minating god S'n# the po-er of vision
and the o(.ect of sight all (ecame manifested.
SB 2.1<.22: B! development of the desire of the great sages to *no-# the ears# the
po-er of hearing# the controlling deit! of hearing# and the o(.ects of hearing (ecame
manifested. The great sages desired to hear a(o't the Self.
SB 2.1<.20: =hen there -as a desire to perceive the ph!sical characteristics of matter#
s'ch as softness# hardness# -armth# cold# lightness and heaviness# the (ac*gro'nd of
sensation# the s*in# the s*in pores# the hairs on the (od! and their controlling
deities Dthe treesE -ere generated. =ithin and o'tside the s*in is a covering of air
thro'gh -hich sense perception (ecame prominent.
SB 2.1<.22: Thereafter -hen the S'preme %erson desired to perform varieties of -or*#
the t-o hands and their controlling strength# and &ndra# the demigod in heaven# (ecame
manifested# as also the acts dependent on (oth the hands and the demigod.
SB 2.1<.24: There'pon# (eca'se of Bis desiring to control movement# Bis legs (ecame
manifested# and from the legs the controlling deit! named :is7n7' -as generated. B! Bis
personal s'pervision of this act# all varieties of h'man (eing are ('sil! engaged in
d'tif'l occ'pational sacrifice.
SB 2.1<.25: There'pon# for se1'al pleas're# (egetting offspring and tasting heavenl!
nectar# the "ord developed the genitals# and th's there is the genital organ and its
controlling deit!# the %ra.apati. The o(.ect of se1'al pleas're and the controlling
deit! are 'nder the control of the genitals of the "ord.
SB 2.1<.26: Thereafter# -hen Be desired to evac'ate the ref'se of eata(les# the
evac'ating hole# an's# and the sensor! organ thereof developed along -ith the
controlling deit! Mitra. The sensor! organ and the evac'ating s'(stance are (oth 'nder
the shelter of the controlling deit!.
SB 2.1<.28: Thereafter# -hen Be desired to move from one (od! to another# the navel and
the air of depart're and death -ere com(inedl! created. The navel is the shelter for
(oth# namel! death and the separating force.
SB 2.1<.2;: =hen there -as a desire to have food and drin*# the a(domen and the
intestines and also the arteries (ecame manifested. The rivers and seas are the so'rce
of their s'stenance and meta(olism.
SB 2.1<.0<: =hen there -as a desire to thin* a(o't the activities of Bis o-n energ!#
then the heart Dthe seat of the mindE# the mind# the moon# determination and all desire
(ecame manifested.
SB 2.1<.01: The seven elements of the (od!# namel! the thin la!er on the s*in# the s*in
itself# the flesh# (lood# fat# marro- and (one# are all made of earth# -ater and fire#
-hereas the life (reath is prod'ced (! the s*!# -ater and air.
SB 2.1<.02: The sense organs are attached to the modes of material nat're# and the
modes of material nat're are prod'cts of the false ego. The mind is s'(.ected to all
*inds of material e1periences Dhappiness and distressE# and the intelligence is the
feat're of the mind>s deli(eration.
SB 2.1<.00: Th's (! all this# the e1ternal feat're of the %ersonalit! of Godhead is
covered (! gross forms s'ch as those of planets# -hich -ere e1plained to !o' (! me.
SB 2.1<.02: Therefore (e!ond this ?gross manifestation@ is a transcendental
manifestation finer than the finest form. &t has no (eginning# no intermediate stage
and no endI therefore it is (e!ond the limits of e1pression or mental spec'lation and
is distinct from the material conception.
SB 2.1<.04: Feither of the a(ove forms of the "ord# as .'st descri(ed 'nto !o' from the
material angle of vision# is accepted (! the p're devotees of the "ord -ho *no- Bim
SB 2.1<.05: Be# the %ersonalit! of Godhead# manifests Bimself in a transcendental form#
(eing the s'(.ect of Bis transcendental name# ,'alit!# pastimes# ento'rage and
transcendental variegatedness. 3ltho'gh Be is 'naffected (! all s'ch activities# Be
appears to (e so engaged.
SB 2.1<.06$2<: +ing# *no- from me that all living entities are created (! the S'preme
"ord according to their past deeds. This incl'des Brahma and his sons li*e 9a*s7a# the
periodical heads li*e :aivasvata Man'# the demigods li*e &ndra# Candra and :ar'n7a# the
great sages li*e Bhr7g'# :!asa and :asis7t7ha# the inha(itants of %itr7lo*a and
Siddhalo*a# the Caran7as# Gandharvas# :id!adharas# 3s'ras# )a*s7as# +innaras and
angels# the serpentines# the mon*e!$shaped +imp'r's7as# the h'man (eings# the
inha(itants of Matr7lo*a# the demons# %isacas# ghosts# spirits# l'natics and evil
spirits# the good and evil stars# the go(lins# the animals in the forest# the (irds#
the ho'sehold animals# the reptiles# the mo'ntains# the moving and standing living
entities# the living entities (orn from em(r!os# from eggs# from perspiration and from
seeds# and all others# -hether the! (e in the -ater# land or s*!# in happiness# in
distress or in mi1ed happiness and distress. 3ll of them# according to their past
deeds# are created (! the S'preme "ord.
SB 2.1<.21: 3ccording to the different modes of material nat're the mode of goodness#
the mode of passion and the mode of dar*ness there are different living creat'res#
-ho are *no-n as demigods# h'man (eings and hellish living entities. +ing# even a
partic'lar mode of nat're# (eing mi1ed -ith the other t-o# is divided into three# and
th's each *ind of living creat're is infl'enced (! the other modes and ac,'ires its
ha(its also.
SB 2.1<.22: Be# the %ersonalit! of Godhead# as the maintainer of all in the 'niverse#
appears in different incarnations after esta(lishing the creation# and th's Be reclaims
all *inds of conditioned so'ls amongst the h'mans# the nonh'mans and the demigods.
SB 2.1<.20: Thereafter# at the end of the millenni'm# the "ord Bimself in the form of
R'dra# the destro!er# -ill annihilate the complete creation as the -ind displaces the
SB 2.1<.22: The great transcendentalists th's descri(e the activities of the S'preme
%ersonalit! of Godhead# ('t the p're devotees deserve to see more glorio's things in
transcendence# (e!ond these feat'res.
SB 2.1<.24: There is no direct engineering (! the "ord for the creation and destr'ction
of the material -orld. =hat is descri(ed in the :edas a(o't Bis direct interference is
simpl! to co'nteract the idea that material nat're is the creator.
SB 2.1<.25: This process of creation and annihilation descri(ed in s'mmar! herein is
the reg'lative principle d'ring the d'ration of Brahma>s one da!. &t is also the
reg'lative principle in the creation of mahat# in -hich the material nat're is
SB 2.1<.26: +ing# & shall in d'e co'rse e1plain the meas'rement of time in its gross
and s'(tle feat'res -ith the specific s!mptoms of each# ('t for the present let me
e1plain 'nto !o' the %adma$*alpa.
SB 2.1<.28: Sa'na*a R7s7i# after hearing all a(o't the creation# in,'ired from S'ta
Gosvami a(o't :id'ra# for S'ta Gosvami had previo'sl! informed him ho- :id'ra left
home# leaving aside all his relatives# -ho -ere ver! diffic'lt to leave.
SB 2.1<.2;$4<: Sa'na*a R7s7i said: "et 's *no-# please# -hat topics -ere disc'ssed
(et-een :id'ra and Maitre!a# -ho tal*ed on transcendental s'(.ects# and -hat -as
in,'ired (! :id'ra and replied (! Maitre!a. 3lso please let 's *no- the reason for
:id'ra>s giving 'p the connection of his famil! mem(ers# and -h! he again came home.
%lease also let 's *no- the activities of :id'ra -hile he -as in the places of
SB 2.1<.41: Sri S'ta Gosvami e1plained: & shall no- e1plain to !o' the ver! s'(.ects
e1plained (! the great sage in ans-er to +ing %ari*s7it>s in,'iries. %lease hear them
B'! nline Cop!right The Bha*tivedanta Boo* Tr'st &nternational# &nc.
Bis 9ivine Grace 3. C. Bha*tivedanta S-ami %ra(h'pada# Fo'nder 3car!a of the
&nternational Societ! for +rishna Conscio'sness

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