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A Real-Life Solution

Q-up is a product of
The Test Data Generator
Latest Information
Anonymizing Data with Q-up
The Standard for Test Data Management
Solutions with Q-up
Generate synthetic data, fles,
and data pools
Partial and live anonymization of production
data for software testing
Simulate the business logic in test data
Create dynamic test data and simulate
historically grown data
Ensure referential integrity
Lower costs for maintenance and
test data creation
Simple integration into all widely available test suites
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We would be happy to help you explore new appli-
cation areas for synthetic test data and the benefts
and advantages of working with Q-up.

*from a German landline, Mo-Fr, 10 am to 1 pm and 2 to 5 pm
Supply and Support
GFB EDV Consulting und Services GmbH
Obere Zeil 2
61440 Oberursel, Germany
Tel: +49 (0) 6171 69410-0
Fax: +49 (0) 6171 69410-11
Wizards for Oracle & SQL databases
- Simple read-out of business logic
- Automatic generation of Q-up projects
- Preserves referential integrity
Disassociation of test data
Compliance & data protection
- Live anonymization of production data
- Security for clients and external test teams
- Safe data migration to new systems

Integration into all widely available test suites
A Real-Life Solution

Publisher & Editor:
GFB EDV Consulting und Services GmbH
Obere Zeil 2, 61440 Oberursel, Germany
Managing Directors: Bernhard Baumgarten,
Oliver Mchold,
Michael Vlker
HRB: 5878 Amtsgericht Bad Homburg
Michael Vlker (V.i.S.d.P.)
Tel: +49 (0) 6171 5060-60
Fax: +49 (0) 6171 5060-66
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Title: fotomek -
P5: fffranz - Fotolia
P6: bbostjan -
Copyright 2013 GFB EDV Consulting und
Services GmbH, Oberursel.
All rights reserved.
The Evolution of Test Data Management
The Author
Oliver Mchold is responsible for Q-up Sales &
Marketing at GFB EDV Consulting und Services GmbH
in Oberursel, Germany.
As part of a series of White Papers about test data
management, this document discusses the ano-
nymization of data with Q-up. One of the main goals
of test data management is to use data that are realis-
tic, but not real. This is important in order to comply
with data protection legislation but also with indus-
try- and company-specifc guidelines. But any deci-
sion whether to use synthetic or anonymized data
for testing purposes must also take commercial and
quality issues into account. Only in very few cases is
it possible to determine the data to be anonymized
automatically or with the assistance of software. This
means that an analysis of the data is required very
early on in the process, when test cases are created.
In the subsequent design of the test data, the results of
this analysis can be applied in Q-up. To support the
analysis stage, it is advantageous to employ a specifc
process model. As part of our 6-phase process mod-
el for test data management, GFB offers a range of
tailored services to ensure an effcient and effective
implementation of the test cases.
Switch on
Generate results
Reduce costs
A Real-Life Solution
The anonymization process with Q-up is made up of 2 steps:
1) Designing the anonymization solution with Q-up Visual Designer and the Import Wizard.
2) Running the anonymization with the Q-up AutoLoader
Anonymizing data with Q-up
Figure 1 Overview of the anonymization process in Q-up
Analysis of the data sources
To begin with, we have to defne which data should
be imported for anonymization. With the database
systems MS-SQL Server, Oracle DB Server, DB/2 and
MySQL, you can use the respective Q-up Wizards for
this tasks.
The Wizards:
analyze the database structure,
recognize any dependencies within the
databases for import,
make recommendations for editing, and
generate templates for use in Q-up.
When anonymizing fat fles (such as VSAM/ISAM
fles), the templates for generating the required sen-
tence structures must be created manually. If a con-
version from EBCDIC to ASCII is required, you can
use predefned Q-up user functions for this.
After the analysis of the data sources, each data source
will have a set of templates available which maps the
record structure of the underlying data sources. Next
you can defne, which data content should be ano-
nymized in what form and in which sequence (order
of the templates in tasks).
Anonymizing the record contents
The are many different functions available for anonymizing
the contents of records. These range from simply concealing
certain felds with xxxxxx or generating random strings
for felds to the context-sensitive replacement of values ac-
cording to business rules. These business rules can be as
simple or as complex as required and with Q-up's Test Data
Language (TDL) you can map them to the anonymization
Figure 2 Q-up Visual Designer
Step 1
Generating anonymized data volumes
Depending on whether data should be changed in place
(i.e. source and target database are identical) or whether re-
sults should be sent to an external database, the anonymized
data may need to be saved in a different way. Q-up's concept
of templates and tasks gives you all the fexibility you need
in this respect. This means that you can add steps to the task
which update the data in the source database, write them to
the target environment via a staging database or send them
as a fat fle or XML document to a different target system, as
required. Q-up supports a wide range of systems including
all standard IT products (including legacy systems).
Context sensitivity example
Existing addresses are replaced by other real addresses, so
for example
Frank Schmidt, Grneburgweg 6, 60322 Frankfurt amMain
Franz Schfer, Frankfurter Strae 16, 63263 Neu-Isenburg.
In addition, the names are similar (length, initials) to main-
tain the distribution in large volumes of data.
Step 2
Data provision
After fnalizing the data anonymization project and
defning the sequence of the anonymization through
different tasks in Step 1, the next step is now to run
the project and generate the required data. This can
be done through Q-up Visual Designer or by using
the Q-up AutoLoader. Q-up Visual Designer supports
the multi-threaded execution of projects. On the oth-
er hand, the Q-up AutoLoader allows you to freely
scale the project in order to optimize performance on
the available hardware.
Figure 3 Provision and scaling with AutoLoader
In order to do this, you have to export the project
from Q-up Visual Designer as an AutoLoader project.
In this case, a runtime version of the project is creat-
ed which can be installed and run in parallel on any
number of different systems, without Q-up having to
Q-up allows you to simply and quickly anonymize
all types of data sources across systems (including
mainframe systems such as z/OS or BS 2000). For
major database systems, the data structures and de-
pendencies can easily be imported using a Wizard.
The fexibility of Q-up's Test Data Language means
that even complex business rules can be mapped to
the anonymization process.
And with the Q-up AutoLoader, you can carry out
parallel anonymization of large data volumes in very
short times.
The Test Data Generator
be present on them. By using parallel instances of the
Q-up project in different system environments, you
can maximize your data throughput and anonymize
large and complex data volumes in the shortest
amount of time.

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