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Spending Worksheet

1. Impulse buying is buying something in the spur of the moment without

thinking it over frst.
2. 1. No.
2. Its super cute.
3. Yes.
4. I think so.
. No.
!. No.
". Not likely.
#. No.
$. %his item is not & br&n' n&me pro'uct. No.
3. (hen you &re spen'ing c&sh) once you h&ve spent it &ll you &re out of
money. %here is no w&y to overspen'. (ith checking &ccounts) your
money is more secure th&n if you were c&rrying c&sh) but you coul'
over'r&ft your &ccount. You will en' up p&ying fees for using this service.
(ith cre'it) your purch&ses &re protecte' &g&inst fr&u' &n' h&ve
&utom&tic e*ten'e' w&rr&nties) however you c&n very e&sily overspen'
&n' en' up owing even more money in interest.
1. ,omplete' check
2. I &m & -pen'er. %he results st&te. /You en0oy spen'ing &n' think little
&bout how to p&y for your purch&ses.1 I feel th&t this result is unf&ir &n'
not entirely true bec&use there were &t le&st two or three 2uestions where
my &nswer le&ne' more tow&r' spen'ing th&n s&ving) but there w&s no
other option th&t ft my person&lity. I 'o know th&t I &m not & gre&t s&ver)
but I h&ve gotten much better recently th&n I w&s in the p&st.

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