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To live in His heartbeat means choosing to accept and to fulfll the basic calling and

purpose of your Christian life. Its three-fold purpose consists of intimacy (and
fellowship)discipleship (or the transformation of your character) and evangelism
!the adding unto the "ingdom of #od (via the #reat Commission)$.
The Three Components%
1) Intimacy & drawing into a closer and deeper relationship with the Triune #od.
'esiring to grow deeper and deeper in (ove with the (ord #od hearing His
heartbeat & His call upon your life & and gaining revelation and
understanding of that specifc call and purpose for your life to be the )ride of
2) Transformation of Character & Then in *nowing His heartbeat to be so moved
and conformed by His will that your life transforms and becomes a re+ection
of His will upon this earth. (To not only *now His thoughts and His ways but
to *now what moves Him then moving to the cadence of His heartbeat the
metronome of His ,ymphony.)
3) #rowing the "ingdom of #od (The #reat Commission) & -eaching forth unto
the lost sheep of His "ingdom (e.tending forth the (ove from His heart) and
introducing them to the "ing of "ings and (ord of (ords.

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