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(Show and Tell)

Every Friday, three students will have a chance to present a Show and Tell
to the class. Students will be asked to bring an object to school, which they
will keep hidden fro the rest of the class. The presenter is asked to
prepare ! clues for the class, to help the other students guess what has
been hidden. The object should not be valuable but iportant to the
presenter. "our child will be encouraged to present in French and if he#she
needs help with the vocabulary, $ will provide the necessary propting. This
activity will allow students to practice French oral skills, work on tone and
voice projection, build self%confidence and prepare for future presentations
which will be evaluated.
&ere are soe good ideas for clues'
(on objet est )
(on objet est rouge#bleu#jaune )
Sur on objet il y a des cercles#carr*s#triangles#rectangles )
,-est . oi#on fr/re#a /re )
0-aie cet objet parce 1ue )
Five students will be picked to ask a 1uestion concerning the characteristics
of the object.
&ere are soe starters to practice )
Est%ce 1ue ton objet est ) 2
Sur ton objet, est%ce 1u-il y a ) 2
Est% ce 1ue ton objet est fait de bois, plasti1ue, *tal ou tissu2
Each presentation will take no longer than 3 inutes. &opefully we will ask
good 1uestions and be able to guess what object is hidden4 The presenter
will then have a chance to e+plain to the class why he#she chose his#her
object and why it is iportant to hi#her.
**** Please refer to the schedule for your childs presentation dates. ****

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