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Aneel determines recalculations of payments for unavailability of Pecm I and Itaqui

Rio de Janeiro, September 30, 2014 ENEVA S.A. (ENEVA or Company) (BM&FBovespa: ENEV3, GDR
I: ENEVY), pursuant to the Notice to the Market dated January 24, 2014, informs its shareholders and the
market in general that on a board meeting held today, Aneel Brazils National Electric Energy Agency has
determined that CCEE Brazils Electric Energy Clearing House recalculates the reimbursements due to
unavailability since the start of operations of Porto do Pecm TPP (Pecm I), a 50/50 partnership
between ENEVA and EDP Energias do Brasil S.A., and Itaqui TPP (Itaqui) using a 60-month rolling
average availability methodology. The difference between the amounts calculated by this methodology and
the ones already paid will be refunded to the plants.

Since December 2013, Pecm I and Itaqui have been recording their unavailability in accordance with a
Federal Court ruling, which determined using a 60-month rolling average for unavailability calculations, as
provided for in the PPAs Power Purchase Agreements signed by the plants.

The Company will keep its shareholders and the market informed on the developments related to this

Fabio Bicudo
CEO and Investor Relations Officer

ENEVA is a power generation and trading company, with complementary businesses in natural gas exploration and production. The
Company currently has approximately 2.4GW of gross installed capacity in operation and is building over 518MW of additional
capacity, which places it among the largest private power generation companies in Brazil. ENEVA also owns an interest in natural
gas onshore blocks in the Parnaba Basin.

Investor Relations:
Flavia Heller
Rodrigo Vilela
+55 21 3721-3030

Carla Assemany +55 21 3721-3359 / +55 21 99953-7255
Marina Duarte +55 21 3721-3373 / + 55 21 98132-0459

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