English3 (Dahren)

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The college of Engineering and Architecture started way back in 1966 offering initially
Five-year undergraduate degree programs in Architecture and in the following
Engineering discipline: Civil, Electrical and Mechanical.

Later, it offered another five-year undergraduate program in electronics and
Communication Engineering and Industrial Engineering. Except for computer and
Industrial Engineering, all the undergraduate degree program require a government
licensure examination by the professional regulation commission (PRC),

Since the opening of the college, it has awarded several degrees in Engineering and
Architecture to thousands of graduates. The college has also produced several topnotchers
in the various engineering board examination. Some of its graduates are now working in
various Industrial and Engineering firms, in government service and in the academe.

A university should be a place of learning where students interact and perform the give
and take process of teaching. As one of the basis of effective learning, the element of
conduciveness of the department should be taken into account.
For almost three years of staying in this institution specifically in Engineering
Department, I have observed that some students including myself have experienced some
discomforts brought by the schools classroom chairs. Some of these things are not in good
condition and the students dont have other option but to use it. I have also observed that there
are no armchairs intended for those left-handed students which I know based on my research that
every classroom should have at least five left-handed armchairs. Another illness that needs
proper attention in my department is the ventilation. As one of the factors in having an effective
learning, classrooms should have proper facilities. The department should provide the students
ceiling fans, air-conditioned rooms for their laboratory classes or subjects, and electric fans. In
fact, it is hard for us to learn when our surrounding feels like a sauna in the first place and give
us the reason to divert our attentions which breaks the process of learning. Adding insult to the
injury is the unpleasant smell from the comfort rooms. From the word itself, this place should
give comfort to students. However, every time I saw students passing by the corridor near the
comfort room, the expression of their faces is a great evident on how irritating the smell is. On
the other hand, As far as I know, some universities are now using projectors instead of simple
story-telling during ordinary classes. This is one of the best things that the department should
have and use in order to compete and to pace with technology nowadays in order also to produce
globally competitive citizens in the mere future. Also, the students having computer aided design
subject have faced difficulty in learning. From the word itself, this subject needs computer units.
Unfortunately, the computer laboratory only has few number of units in which the unit and the
student should merely have a ratio of 1:2 or worst 1:3. It is a sad scenario knowing that we are
now in the world of high technology were great emerge of computer aided design project is in
demand and student with the knowledge of this matter is highly accepted and needed globally.

Conclusion and Recommendation
Considering all the Departments elements that are worth viewing for: the
instructor, the students, their interaction or dynamic, chalkboards or screens, facilities, and the
classroom environment itself, I can merely say and conclude that there are things that the
administration wasnt able to give and attend the adequate needs of the students. As one of the
students in this institution, I can witness and observe that some of my colleague asked why there
is no proper maintenance in the departments facilities well in fact they have paid the exact
tuition fees including miscellaneous fees.
In a neutral side, it is simply untrue that all our institutions are evil, that all politicians are
mere opportunist, that all aspects of university life are corrupt. Having discovered an illness, its
not terribly useful to prescribed death as a cure. In other words, we should not and never play the
blame game. Instead, we should help one another to attain a better and conducive place to
invest our future. However, the administration of course should know how to listen and give
accurate and quick response to the students that are considered as the life of this kind of business.


First semester total enrollment from the college of Engineering academic year
2010-2011, 1, 846 including foreign students, second semester 794, summer 2,824 including
foreign students. First semester total population academic year 2011-2012 , 878 students,
Second semester 761 students, summer 273 students. First semester total population academic
year 2012-2013, 774 students, second semester 676 students, summer 243 students. First
semester total population academic year 2013-2014, 736 students, second semester 669 students,
summer 245 students. First semester total population academic year 2014-2015, 845 students.

(ENGL 03/ENWR 03)

(A.Y 2010-2014)

Ivann Jeremy P. Elcamel


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