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Evangelism is to preach or proclaim the good news.

The good news that proclaims that

God has not abandoned us to our sin, but God, through Jesus Christ, has rescued us
from death and given us eternal life. So not only are you saved from death, but that you
have life and resurrection in Jesus.
John 6:44
"No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him ..." (!"#
Revelation 3:20
"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the
door, I will come in ..." (!"#
(For the complete reference see http://jess!lo""er#$or%press#com/&''(/'&/)*/+,
1. Know your audience and tailor the message to them, dont just do things the way you always
do. Take the gospels as an example of this, there are 4 accounts each tailored to a specific
audience, addressing the needs of each group. But the message remains consistent i.e. !esus
"hrist is the #a$ior of the %orld&.
'. Be led (cts 1)*), +,1-&. .aul wanted to go to (sia /ut the #pirit for/ade 0im. 0e was led to
1acedonia 2urope& and thats where the ministry was effecti$e. 3ikewise, .hilip was led into
the desert to the 2thiopian (cts 4&, it seemed cra5y to lea$e a thri$ing #amaritan re$i$al and go
into a desert of 6a5a, /ut thats where he was led and as a result the gospel tra$elled down into
(frica with the 2thiopian.
7. Be /urdened. (ccording to 1 "orinthians 17 the gifts work /y lo$e. %ithout lo$e and a
/urden for souls we wont reach them.
4. .reach !esus. Be single minded in your message. 8t should /e !esus "hrist and 0im crucified.
9ont preach your pastor, your church rules, politics or anything else : focus on !esus and esp.
what 0e has done ; means to you.
<. Be empowered (cts 1*4&. %ithout the indwelling 0oly #pirit you can not /e an effecti$e
witness for "hrist.
). Be agreed. 8magine if .eter = !ohn did not agree at the 6ate Beautiful, imagine if .eter
wanted to go to get some cash, while !ohn wanted to pray for him. Thanks /e to 6od they /oth
said* sil$er and gold ha$e we none, /ut such as we ha$e we freely gi$e, rise up and walk in !esus
>ame. 1ake sure you are walking with people who agree on doctrine when you go out to share
the faith.
?. 0a$e faith 1ark 1)*1),14&. Belie$e that souls will respond to the call. Theres nothing
worse than an un/elie$ing e$angelist@ why /otherA The excuse that Bwe told them so they cant
say they didnt hear the gospel on judgment day simply is not good enough. 2$eryone wont
respond positi$ely to the call, /ut as good stewards we should /e of the $iew that with 6od
>CT08>6 shall /e impossi/le.

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