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Communication Social
In%ormation Processin$
& Learnin$ St#les
- Limited verbal
- Difficulties in
reading and
- Inability to
articulate feelings
and attitudes.
(American Academy
of Child &
Psychiatry !"#"$
-%as no friends.
-%e is very
antisocial and lacks
Academy of Child
& Adolescent
Psychiatry !"#"$
- 'e(uires an
e)tremely strict
routine consistency
and &ositive
g !""*$
- Does sho+ an
interest in lessons
- ,orks better +hen
lessons are designed
outside of the school
setting. (-ontague
and ,arger #**.$
-Difficulties +ith
concentration and
focus. (/alubro
-%as difficulty
+ith sensory
&rocessing +hich
interferes +ith his
(Dunn & 0ennett
- 1)hibits more
neurological soft
signs such as
balance and hand
eye coordination
+hich leads to
clumsiness. (Dunn
& 0ennett !""!$
-Deficits in his social
information &rocessing
-/truggles to inter&ret social
cues and vie+s them as
&rovocative and res&onds in
an aggressive manner. ('oyal
College of Psychiatrists
-/ho+s an interest in lessons
involving technology. %e
en2oys +orking on the
com&uters +ith active
- ,orks better +hen lessons
are designed outside of the
school setting.
(Difficult/ !"#!$
-Also +orks better +hen
involving kinesthetic
learning. (0rand Dunn &
3reb !""!$
- ,hen something
increasingly too
difficult he gets to a
&oint of frustration
and embarrassment
+here he runs a+ay
from school or
resorts to &hysical
- After running a+ay
from school he is
often found
(-aag !""4$
- 5o deal +ith
being on the out
ring Patrick has
been seen sniffing
&aint in &ublic.
Possibly as a +ay
to self medicate for
an)iety or
- %as been seen
&erforming graffiti
in &ublic and
damaging &ublic
Academy of Child
& Adolescent
Psychiatry !"#"$
-5hrives in a school
environment +hich
is healthy and
-Does not co&e +ell
+hen there are
une)&ected changes
to the usual routine
+hich has been set
out for the day.
(-ontague and
,arger #**.$
-6nforeseen changes
cause Patrick to act
out in +ays
&reviously stated.
g !""*$
-Can only +ork on
a certain activity
for a short &eriod
of time.
(/alubro !"#"$
-,hen Patrick is
clumsy and does
something out of
the ordinary he
gets very
embarrassed and
acts out in one of
the +ays
&reviously stated.
-Lack of social skills leads to
an overall re2ection from
-,orks very +ell +hen
activities involve some sort of
technology or &ractical use of
ob2ects. (-ontague and
,arger #**.$
--ore one-on-one
reading activities
a+ay from fello+
-Promote learning by
using more cues
&rom&ting and
breaking do+n of the
&roviding &ositive
m !"#!$
incor&orate and
encourage Patrick
to +ork +ith &eers.
-Ask &eers to hel&
coo&erate +ith
hel&ing Patrick.
-7ee& a consistent
routine as much as
-8utline the day9s
&lan each morning.
-Advise Patrick of
any infre(uences in
the day
-7ee& activities to
a strict time. :ever
too long.
students to ignore
Patrick +hen he
-Incor&orate technology and
&ractical ob2ects in the lesson
as much as &ossible.
-3rab at o&&ortunities to take
students outside of the school
Student Name: Patrick Reamus DOB: 11
Feruar!" A#e 11" Grade
Learnin# Su%%&rt 'eam:
Name Role in ILP Si$nature
Patrick Su((i)an Student
Seamus *
+&hanna Su((i)an
D!(an Br&ther
Brendan A((en 'eacher
+ames O,Rei((e! Learnin# Su%%&rt 'eacher
Reecca Smith Learnin# Su%%&rt Assistant
Bi(( Gear! Sch&&( -&unse((&r
.e#an Rich Occu%ati&na( 'hera%ist
/eather F&rd Educati&na( Ps!ch&(&#ist
I)an /ead S&cia( 0&rker
Assessment Results & Identi%ied Needs
Student Centered Appraisal o% Needs
Partici&ation ; /ocial Develo&ment and Partici&ation ; 3rou& <
Partici&ation ; Curriculum Partici&ation ; 3rou& #
Partici&ation ; Communication ; 3rou& #
Partici&ation ; 0ehaviours ; 3rou& =
Partici&ation ; Literacy & :umeracy ; 3rou&!><
Entr# S'ills
3rade level -aths test? scored at ="@. 5he average score for the grade +as .A@.
PM !enc"mar' Readin$ leel () (:ellie !"""$. Patrick is currently reading at a 3rade ! level. 8ther students in the
class vary bet+een !. and <".
C"allen$es *Areas %or Improement+
Patrick has many learning &roblems &articularly in the area of reading and language +hich contribute to other difficulties.
o Lack of verbal skills. Inability to have a conversation +ith &eers or adults.
o Inability to articulate feelings and attitudes.
Anti-social behavior.
o Patrick has deficits in his social information &rocessing system.
o /truggles to inter&ret social cues and vie+s them as &rovocative and res&onds in an aggressive manner.
Concentration Levels.
o Loses focus very (uickly and easily.
o /truggles to +ork on the one activity for a considerable amount of time.
.a1&r Outc&mes 2&r the term
1" Patrick lacks simple social behavior. Patrick must develop his social skills,
which will allow him to work and play cooperatively with a classmate for
15min, and to successfully complete an activity and game with a classmate,
by the end of May (11 weeks).
3" tudent will improve his reading and writing to level !
4" tudent will develop ability to e"ciently work on the same activity for a
period of #$ minutes.
Ma,or Outcome -. Patrick lacks sim&le social behavior. Patrick must develo& his social skills +hich
+ill allo+ him to +ork coo&eratively +ith a classmate for #Amin and to successfully com&lete an
activity +ith a classmate by the end of -ay (## +eeks$.
Speci%ic Indicators Ho/ to ac"iee indicator
0"o /ill allo/
t"is to occur
Assessment 1 2ate
#. Patrick +ill sit and +ork
coo&eratively ne)t a fello+
student each day for a &eriod of 3
5he class +ill be given an activity in order to com&lete. ,hilst
com&leting the activity Patrick must sim&ly sit ne)t to his fello+
classmate +ithout causing disru&tion to the class.
#.Coo&eration of
+hole class.
Date? 1nd of +eek #
!. Patrick +ill sit and +ork
coo&eratively ne)t a fello+
student each day for a &eriod of 5
5he class +ill be given an activity in order to com&lete. ,hilst
com&leting the activity Patrick must sim&ly sit ne)t to his fello+
classmate +ithout causing disru&tion to the class.
#.Coo&eration of
+hole class.
Date? 1nd of +eek !.
<. Patrick +ill sit and +ork
coo&eratively ne)t to a fello+
student each day for a &eriod of 6
5he class +ill be given an activity in order to com&lete. ,hilst
com&leting the activity Patrick must sim&ly sit ne)t to his fello+
classmate +ithout causing disru&tion to the class.
#.Coo&eration of
+hole class.
Date? 1nd of +eek <.
=. Patrick +ill +ork coo&eratively
+ith a student to com&lete an
activity together for 6 minutes4
/tudents are to +rite in their 2ournals about +hat they did in the afternoon
on the &revious day. /tudents are to then read their entries to a &artner.
Patrick must be able to read his 2ournal entry and listen to his &artners.
#. Coo&eration of
student Patrick is
+orking +ith.
Assessment? 0ecause
of Patrick9s love of
technology he must
email the teacher one
bit of information
from his &artner9s
2ournal entry.
Date? 1nd of +eek A.
A. Patrick +ill +ork coo&eratively
+ith a student to com&lete an
activity together for -) minutes4
/tudents are to +rite in their 2ournals about +hat they did in the afternoon
on the &revious day. /tudents are to then read their entries to a &artner.
5hen students are to ask one (uestion about their &artners9 +eekend.
Patrick must be able to read his 2ournal entry and listen to his &artners
2ournal entry as +ell as give and res&ond to a (uestion about each others
2ournal entry.
#. Coo&eration of
student Patrick is
+orking +ith.
Assessment? Patrick
must email the
teacher +hat he asked
the other student and
+hat his re&ly +as to
Patrick9s (uestion.
Date? 1nd of +eek .
4. Patrick +ill &lay a mathematics
game +ith a fello+ student during
each mathematics rotation in the
+eek. 5he rotations are -)
During maths rotations Patrick is to &lay a mathematical game +ith a
fello+ classmate and an adult su&ervisor (teacher-aid or teacher$.
5o aid +ith this e)ercise the game +ill involve the use of a com&uter
activity as Patrick +orks +ell +hen lessons involve active &rograms on
the com&uter.
#.Coo&eration of
!.5eacher or
8bservation &
Patrick must email
the teacher +hat he
asked the other
student and +hat his
re&ly +as to Patrick9s
Date? 1nd of +eek *
.. Patrick +ill /or' and pla#
+ith a fello+ student for -5
Patrick +ill have to com&lete the Bournal activity as +ell as the
mathematical game +ith a classmate each day for the +hole +eek.
#.Coo&eration of
!.5eacher or
Assessment? :o
emails. Patrick must
tell teacher face to
face about &artner9s
2ournal entry.
Date? 1nd of +eek
Student Inolement in ILP process
3oal setting. Patrick +as involved in the construction of goals. %e indicated that he +ould like to
0e able to &lay +ith a classmate +ithout feeling the need to over-react and e)&ress frustration.
:ot to lose control over his actions +hen he feels embarrassed or frustrated.
5o sto& think and to remove himself from the situation +hen he feels himself getting frustrated or embarrassed.
5eacher commitment? 1ach +eek Patrick is to assess ho+ he has +orked to+ards achieving these long-term goals. %e is to record ho+ +ell he
com&leted each of the +eeks smaller goals.
%merican %cademy of &hild ' %dolescent Psychiatry. (($1$, 1 1)). Your Child - Conduct Disorders. *etrieved # +, ($1#
from %merican %cademy of &hild ' %dolescent Psychiatry,
/rand, ., 0unn, *., ' 1reb, 2. (($$(). 3earning styles of students with attention de4cit hyperactivity disorder, 5ho are
they and how can we teach them6 The Clearing House , 75 (5), ()78(9#.
0unn, 5., ' /ennett, 0. (($$(). Patterns of sensory processing in children with attention de4cit hyperactivity disorder.
OTJR , 22 (1), +815.
0i" (($1(, + ($). Teaching Students with Conduct Disorder. *etrieved # 5, ($1# from
0i", http,--www.di"$1$-$:-teaching8students8with8conduct8disorder.html (($$:). Children Conduct Disorder Oppositional Deant Disorder ODD. *etrieved # +, ($1# from
;ids Mental <ealth 8 =nformation Portal, http,
-aag B. ,. (!""4$. /ocial skills training for students +ith emotional and behavioral disorders? A revie+ of revie+s. Behavioral Disorders, 32(#$ =-
#.. 'etrieved from htt&?>>search.&ro(>docvie+>!#*4.C4.4DaccountidEC#*=
-ontague -. & ,arger C. (#**.$. %el&ing students +ith attention deficit hy&eractivity disorder succeed in the classroom. Focus on 1)ce&tional
Children <"(=$ #-#4. 'etrieved from htt&?>>search.&ro(>docvie+>!!="==#!4DaccountidEC#*=
>ellie, ?. (($$$). !" #ench$ar% %it& outh Melbourne, @homson 3earning %ustralia.
alubro, 0. 5. (($1$). 'hole #rain 'hole #od( )earning* +nloc%ing Your Child,s -ull )i.e. *etrieved # +, ($1# from
/ack to health chiropractic centre, http,
*oyal &ollege of Psychiatrists. (($1(, #). Conduct Disorders* /n O0er0iew& *etrieved # 5, ($1# from *oyal &ollege of
Psychiatrists, http,$.#.pdf

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