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F-1 Policy on Field Trips

Field trips are an integral part of the learning experience at Cascade Heights Public Charter School. All
field trips must be reie!ed and approed by the "irector using the follo!ing procedures#
Attendance and Timing#
Field Trips are generally the third Friday of the month$ !ith a fe! exceptions as follo!s# no field trips in
the months of September$ "ecember %arch and &une. Field Trips are to be scheduled from '#() am *
+oon for ,indergarten and '#() for 1st to /th grade. This is a full school day and is
considered instructional. Students !ho do not attend field trips !ill receie a 0ero for the day and !ill
be counted as absent. This day is counted in our re1uired curriculum hours. Please refrain from early
pic2 up on field trip days. They should be treated li2e regular school days.
All chaperones must attend an orientation and olunteer training. All chaperones must hae a
bac2ground chec2 completed and must submit a copy of their alid drier3s license 4non-probationary
drier3s license allo!ed5 and current sufficient insurance information during the orientation.
Chaperones !ill not be scheduled for field trips until this has been completed. Training !ill be offered
each trimester6 September$ "ecember and %arch for ne! chaperones. The office !ill proide a list of
approed parents on the 1st school day of the month. The ratio of adults to students !ill follo! the
guidelines of the field trip destination site. 4CHPCS re1uires a minimum of 1 adult per ) students if off
campus6 on campus field trips adhere to the normal school day re1uirements.5 7nly one adult per car is
re1uired. 8hen possible$ t!o adults are preferred. Students !ith special behaioral or emotional needs
may be re1uired to hae a guardian accompany them on field trips. 9n special circumstances$ they may
also ride in the same car as the teacher and be part of the teacher3s group. Parents !ill follo! field trip
chaperone policy or their priilege to drie or chaperone !ill be terminated. Parents may be reimbursed
for fuel or par2ing fees out of the class field trip budget. This re1uest must be submitted !ith original
receipts by the end of the field trip day to the front office !ith the teacher3s signature on the
reimbursements form. Chaperones !ill follo! the itinerary proided by the teacher. Any other stops are
strictly prohibited unless it is an emergency in !hich case the teacher must be notified. Please ma2e
sure your car is in proper !or2ing order !ith a full tan2 of fuel before arriing to the school the morning
of the field trip. The ehicle must hae alid and current registration and license plates. 9f you are a
drier you must obey the state la!s at all times 4seat belt:car seat5 re1uirements and speed limits
especially5. +o moies are allo!ed to ie! in ehicles. Appropriate music only and no body parts
hanging out !indo!s or any items tossed out !indo!s of any ehicle 4moing or other!ise5. Children
are not allo!ed to hae cell phones$ iPod:%P-3s$ hand held ideo games$ etc. Please confiscate them
and leae them in the office until the end of the school day. "riers must be oer ;1 years of age. All
chaperones and driers must sign confidentiality agreements.
Field trips !ill be scheduled as close to the school campus as possible$ ta2ing into account the academic
focus of the trip. Field trips oer 1.. miles must be pre-approed in !riting by the "irector.
The Field Trip 7perational Plan must be submitted to the "irector by the first Friday of the month. 4The
pac2et must include a map and driing directions5. Permission slip:information for each student must be
on file or turned into the office by the first Friday of the month. Students !ho are ne! to the school
after the first of the month are the exception. 9f there are fees charged for the field trip$ a chec2 re1uest
form must be submitted by the first Friday of the month. Chec2s !ill be gien to the front office to hold
until the day of the field trip or the chec2 may be mailed ahead of time if the mailing address is proided
at the time of the re1uest. Attendance must be ta2en and turned into the office before you leae
campus. Carpool group lists must be gien to the office !ith all chaperone cell phone numbers before
you leae campus. Failure to adhere to these procedures !ill result in an on-campus school day$
cancellation of the field trip and all related expenses paid from classroom budget.
The office !ill be open on field trip Fridays from ' There !ill be an administration or
designee 4someone !ith authority5 on campus all day during the field trips. All field trips !ill be pre-
approed by Administration !ithin '; hours after receipt of the operational plan.
Send home a copy of the field trip details$ as !ell as uniform re1uirements$ !ith a permission slip !ith
each student no later than 1 !ee2 prior to the field trip. +otify your room parent of all pertinent details
1. days prior to field trip# !here you are going$ ho! many driers are needed$ the maximum of
chaperones allo!ed$ !hether par2ing fees !ill be needed and !hether the chaperone4s5 must pay a fee
to enter. <erify the updated olunteer:chaperone list proided by the office on the first of the month
and let room parent 2no! of approed chaperone:driers. Proide a chaperone pac2et for each
chaperone !hich includes a copy of the follo!ing#
1. =eneral permission and emergency information for each child in their group$ a copy of all
chaperone cell phone numbers$ teacher cell phone number$ school number.
;. 9tinerary for the field trip.
-. %ap from the school to the destination.
(. A list of carpool assignments.
Ta2e a first aid 2it to all off campus field trips and maintain in your possession at all times. 9f you are
departing your field trip late and:or foresee you class !ill arrie late for any reason you must notify the
office ASAP. Chec2 into the office !hen you arrie bac2 on campus. "esignate a lead car and hae all
other cars follo!. >ou must proide a list of the ma2e$ model and color of all cars traeling !ith the
group for each chaperone. Any pictures you !ould li2e on the !ebsite from field trip must be submitted
to office for the !ebmaster. Please ma2e sure you hae erified your photo release forms proided to
you by the office. Field trips must be tied to curriculum. 7perational plans must state the purpose of
the field trip and the connection to curriculum.

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