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Dont be late for school! My mom shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

With my eyes barely opened, I grunted to myself as I heard her slam the front door behind her. I
looked over at the clock, seeing that I only had about twenty-five minutes before the bus would be
here. I rolled over and closed my eyes again. I dont know what had come over me, I was never one
to skip school but I just couldnt be bothered today. In my eighteen years of existence, I was always
the goody two shoes, the perfect daughter one could say but today I was going to be a rebel.
I started to drift off with the blazing summer sun shining through the blinds. The birds continued to
sing their songs and life carried on as per usual with the odd lawnmower waking me up occasionally.
However, I wasnt prepared for the next noise which awoke me. As my slumber resumed, the front
door was slammed shut once again. Immediately I opened my eyes and looked over at the clock. I
rubbed my eyes as I saw that it was only 10AM.
Mom and dad shouldnt be home yet, I murmured to myself.
I slipped my legs out of bed, followed by the rest of my body. I adjusted my tank top and hot pants
as I moved towards my bedroom door, leaving my long, brown hair as messy as it could possibly be.
My footsteps were silent as I crept over the wooden flooring to my door. I slowly turned the knob
and set foot onto the soft, purple carpet. I started to walk lightly towards the staircase, peeking over
the banister to see who was there. Unfortunately, I couldnt see anyone so I had to go further. I
climbed down the stairs gradually, hearing footsteps in the kitchen every so often. As I reached the
bottom step, a familiar face came into view.
I couldnt believe it when I saw him. It had been about three years since my brother, well step
brother, had gone on a tour of duty. I stood their spying on him for a few moments; it just seemed
so surreal that he was home. He hadnt let any of us know that he was coming home and I guess that
was the big surprise for us all.
I cleared my throat, alerting him to me.
Sam? He said in shock, Why arent you at school?
I shrugged my shoulders as he came closer to me. He embraced me tightly, giving me the biggest
bearhug imaginable. I couldnt help but let a tear run down my cheek as I hugged him back. He had
been a big part of my life since my natural father left. He had always been there for me even though
he was seven years older and to go three years without his company was just unbearable. His arms
lifted my petite figure off the ground as we hugged for a few further minutes.
Dont worry. Im back for good now. He reassured as he sat me down on the sofa.
He quickly took a seat next to me, smiling at me with the big grin he usually had on his face.
Youve grown, he laughed as he looked up and down my slender body.
It has been three years, I replied, What did you expect?
He just laughed as he took another look at my body. His eyes kept gluing to my exposed thighs
before moving back to my face.
So whats been happening? He asked, trying desperately to make conversation.
Not a lot, moms still at the lawyers firm and dad is still an architect. I replied.
Cool, he said as he looked at my body again.
Why do you keep looking at me like that Richie? I asked him.
Sorry, I just cant believe youre a woman now. He responded immediately.
His hand moved across the leather sofa to my leg before coming to a rest. I chose to ignore it as he
started to stroke his hand up and down my thigh. His head came closer to mine and for the first
time, I shared a kiss with my own stepbrother. He forced his tongue inside my mouth and begun to
swirl it around my tongue. We both closed our eyes as we made out passionately on the sofa. His
hand started to crawl underneath my shorts and to my pussy. I felt his fingers brush over the short
stubble of mound which caused me to break the kiss.
We cant, this is wrong. I panicked.
Sammie, its ok. Wrong can sometimes be good, he said seductively.
Youre my brother though, I said.
Step-brother, he corrected. Dont worry, I wont tell if you wont.
His mouth returned to mine and his hand started to fondle between my legs. His fingers poked
around my womanhood, stimulating each part of it.
See, youre already wet Sammie. He laughed as he broke the kiss, You want this just as much as I
His fingers continued to prod around my hole before eventually impaling me deep. I shuddered as
his index and middle finger probed my tight pussy as deep as they could go. His other hand started
to roll my C cup tits one by one through the material. My nipples stood erect, being easily visible
through my tank top. Richie quickly yanked it down exposing both of my breasts.
Nice tits baby, he said as his face went down towards them.
I felt his soft, wet tongue start to circle my pink areola before his lips clasped together around my
nipple. He started to suck hard as his fingers started to fuck me slowly. Soft moans begun to fill the
air and my hand moved onto his huge throbbing erection. His free hand held up the waistband to his
trousers letting my hand go inside. His cock was red hot and harder than steel, I was completely
mesmerised by what was happening to me at this moment in time. My grip tightened around his
cock and quickly I began to jerk him off as he finger fucked me harder.
He pulled my hot pants down fully, giving him easier access to my snatch.
You have such a pretty pussy, he said as he looked at my bald, aroused womanhood.
He then pulled his trousers down and released his big, thick cock. It sprung to attention in front of
my very eyes. I was utterly gobsmacked at the length and girth of it, I had seen big cocks before but
none were as big as this. It had to be around nine inches long and several inches thick.
Go to town on me baby, he ordered as he removed his fingers from my soaked pussy hole.
I climbed down onto my knees in front of him and looked up and down his shaft. I hesitantly opened
my mouth above it.
Do it Sammie, he commanded.
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes and within an instant his gland was in my mouth. The salty
precum was already leaking all over his helmet. I glided my mouth down more, taking him as deep as
I could before stopping. I looked up at him as he placed his hands behind his head.
Keep going babe, he said as I started to glide my mouth back up.
The room was filled with his groaning and my lips slapping together as my head bobbed up and
down his cock. My hazel eyes looked deeply into his baby blues as I lovingly sucked more of him into
my mouth. My hand started to jerk once again, feeling my saliva rush over it. As I brought my mouth
up to his head, my tongue started to pluck at his banjo string making his cock twitch with pleasure.
Oh my god Sammie, stop now. He ordered, You almost made me cum.
I smiled at him as I stood up in front of him. I pulled my tank top up and over my head before
throwing it on the floor next to my hotpants. I stood in his lap for a few moments, feeling his rock
hard cock rub against my pussy lips. With a deep breath I started to climb on him, placing one knee
at either side of his body.
You ready? He asked as his hands squeezed my ass.
Yes, I replied as I grabbed his shaft and directed it up towards my hole.
My tits rubbed against his face and slowly, I started to impale myself on my stepbrothers cock. Each
inch began to open my tight, little hole up due to the thickness of his meat. My pussy muscles
started to grip him tight and casually, I started to ride. His hands grabbed my ass and aided me up
and down his shaft.
Groans and grunts left his mouth as my pussy slid up and down his saliva covered penis. I couldnt
help but start screaming when he started to thrust up in rhythm with my bucking hips.
Fuck me harder, I moaned as the tip of his cock hit my cervix for the first time.
He started to do so, his groans turning into heavy breaths. His hips powerfully thrust up into me,
fitting us together like a human jigsaw piece. His hands started to run from my ass up my tightly,
toned body to my bouncing tits. He squeezed them playfully as his balls slapped violently against my
pert little ass. I lifted my hips again, causing his cock to thrust up onto my belly.
Oops, he laughed.
His hands released my tits and directed me onto my hands and knees. With my arms spread over the
arm of the sofa, I waited patiently for him. He paused for a few moments, admiring the view of my
slightly gaped hole. He positioned his face just above my ass and spat down the crease, letting it run
over both of my holes. Richie then brought his cock to my opening, teasing me slightly before sliding
back in. He violently tugged my hips back onto his erection, making me feel each inch power up
inside. My moans and screams filled the air with each thrust of his hips.
I bit my bottom lip as my eyes rolled back. My muscles started to spasm and contract as an orgasm
rushed through my body. My head started to spin as my pussy flooded with cum, coating the inside
walls and his member. My torso fell onto the leather as he kept fucking me from behind with my
face down and ass up. His hand pressed firmly on my lower back making it arch more as his balls
continued to slap against my damp skin.
I turned my head slowly, moaning and whimpering still from my orgasm. Without warning, he
turned my body onto its side and climbed behind me with my leg raised into the air. His free hand
grabbed my jaw and turned it towards his face.
Sammie, Im about to cum, he said softly as he paused in the spooning position with me.
He started to kiss me passionately as my hands ran through his short brown hair and his hands ran
over my body. His hips thrust one final time deep inside me as his hot, sticky seed started to mix
with my juices.
String after string shot deep into my womb as our tongues rolled over each other and our hands
explored each others body like it was the first time. With one final string, he retrieved his cock with
his cum leaking from my bred hole.

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