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Two Sample Letters of Recommendation

Below is a sample letter of recommendation for admission into the Tippie School of Management
Executive MBA Program. Elements for a successful letter should include how long the writer has
known the candidate and in what capacity. Then is simple statement share a few remarks a!out
"ualities you !elieve make this a successful candidate for enrolment into the Executive MBA program
August #$ %$#%
Admissions Tippie School of Management
Executive MBA Program
#$$ Pomerant& 'enter Ste E(((
)owa 'ity )A *%%(%+,,$$
-ear -irector
) am writing to today to recommend .eif Bush for admission into the /niversity of )owa0s
Executive MBA Program. ) have known .eif for #* years and he has worked for me 1with
me2 in marketing for approximately eight of those years.
)t should go without saying that and he is a remarka!le marketing talent with an eye for
not only growing his traditional !usiness !ut also seeking out opportunities in to expand the
.eif has always taken his role seriously and is passionate a!out his results. Beyond his
passion on driving performance .eif is a natural leader and fights hard for his !eliefs. 3e0s
at his !est in a group environment and is consciously proactive at getting full involvement
of all other team mem!ers to derive the !est results possi!le. 3e has a very effective
personal style and will !e looked to for continued executive leadership with our Ecommerce
Marketing efforts.
) have the deepest personal and professional respect for .eif and sincerely !elief he will
!ring his uni"ue energy optimism passion and tireless creativity to your class and
classroom. 3e has my highest endorsement. )f you have any "uestions a!out this
recommendation or my endorsement of .eif please do not hesitate to contact me and ) will
gladly try to help.
4ind regards and !est wished for a successful Executive MBA class.
5iles Poladoras
'E6 of Snu!!y Enterprises
August #$ %$#%
Admissions + Tippie School of Management
Executive MBA Program
#$$ Pomerant& 'enter Ste E(((
)owa 'ity )A *%%(%+,,$$
-ear -irector
) would like to recommend Ms. 'laire Savage for admission into the /niversity of )owa0s
Executive MBA Program. ) have known 'lare !oth personally and professionally for more
than #9 years.
'laire has worked for 6wl :arm Pharmaceuticals for the past #% years and during this time
she has continued to hold positions of increasing responsi!ility. She has overseen our sales
growth in the Bakersfield market !y more than #%$; percent in the past three years. Prior
to that she helped organi&e our Accounting department which saved 6wl :arm more than
<,%$$$ in annual operating expenses.
) have found her to !e a very "uick study am!itious leader and terrific team player. And it
is my !elief these "ualities would make her an outstanding student for your program.
'onversely your program will help provide Ms. Savage with the highest skills experience
and "ualifications for increased responsi!ilities at 6wl :arm. :eel free to contact me at any
point should you have "uestions a!out this recommendation.
4ind =egards
-r. 3. S. Thompson M-
6wl :arm Pharmaceuticals

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