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Larly Lconomlc uevelopmenL 8-1.

1he human populaLlon of Lhe SouLh Carollna colony was composed of naLlve, lmmlgranL, and
enslaved populaLlons. ?ou should be able Lo undersLand how Lhese dlfferlng backgrounds
comblned lnLo an enLlrely new and dlfferenL culLure by explalnlng how SouLh Carollnlans used
varlous resources Lo galn economlc prosperlLy.

uue Lo abundanL naLural resources and mlld cllmaLe, SouLh Carollna has a long hlsLory of
proflLable Lrade. 1he earllesL days of Carollna saw Lhe fur Lrade grow beLween naLlve
Amerlcans and Luropeans. LaLer, Lrade beLween Carollna and !"#$"%&' grew slnce many of Lhe
early colonlsLs were from 8arbados. lne Lrees provlded Lar and plLch whlch were used as (")"*
',&#-' Lo make 8rlLlsh shlps waLerLlghL.

Slaves provlded boLh labor and knowledge Lo Lhe colonles. Whlle Lhey dld much of Lhe physlcal
work, Lhelr knowledge of boLh caLLle and rlce caused boLh Lo become economlcally lmporLanL
Lo Lhe colony.
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647,3#- ,& ,1- *-8, 1")- $--( 73, 4( ,1-
9"2 ,1", ,1-2 1")- $--( 73,:

Naval Stores. 2011. Longwood Teachers,
Longwood, Ca. Longwood Teachers. Web. 17 June

uue Lo Lhe conLrlbuLlons of slaves, rlce became a ',"6*- 7#&6. It became known as ;"#&*4("
<&*% due to its value to the colony and would become the most economically valuable crop.
Lllza Lucas lnckney would laLer lnLroduce lndlgo Lo SouLh Carollna. When processed, 4(%4=&
Lurns lnLo a blue dye LhaL ls very valuable, leadlng lL Lo become yeL anoLher 7"'1 7#&6. 8oLh rlce
and lndlgo were so valued by Lhe 8rlLlsh LhaL exLra paymenLs, known as '3$'4%4-', were offered
Lo farmers LhaL grew Lhem.

>/ ?' #47- 4(7#-"'-% 4( )"*3- ,& @&3,1
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,& ,1- (3B$-# &8 '*")-' $#&3=1, 1-#-
,& 6*"(, "(% 1"#)-', ,1- 7#&6 "' ,1-
9&B"( 4( ,1- 647,3#- 4' %&4(=:
!"##$% '()$*. 2013. Chuma Callery. +%")$ !$##,-..
Web. 16 !une 2014.
C/ 01", %& 2&3 ,14(5 "#- '&B- 6&''4$*- %488473*,4-' ,1", ,1- 9&B"( 4( ,1- 647,3#- "$&)- B4=1,
1")- -(7&3(,-#-% #3((4(= " 6*"(,",4&( %3#4(= ,1- .DEE':
"Lllza lnckney." /0"$# 123242#25. /6,-.7%,-,. n.p., n.d. Web. 16 !une 2014.

1he 8rlLlsh sysLem of B-#7"(,4*4'B gave Lhe moLher counLry (8rlLaln) full conLrol over Lrade
wlLh Lhelr colonles. 1he sysLem ls seL up for Lhe moLher counLry exporL (sell) more Lhan Lhey
lmporL (buy) ln order Lo geL wealLhler. A counLry LhaL exporLs more Lhan lL lmporLs ls sald Lo
have a favorable balance of Lrade.

SouLh Carollna provlded raw maLerlals Lo 8rlLaln and boughL flnlshed goods Lhem. 8lce and
lndlgo were so valuable LhaL Lhey were placed on an enumerated l4',, meanlng Lhey could
only be sold Lo 8rlLaln. Whlle Lhls meanL SouLh Carollna had a secure markeL for Lhese goods,
the British didnt always enforce the trade rules. This ignoring of the rules by Lhe 8rlLlsh became
known as '"*3,"#2 (-=*-7,. uue Lo Lhls neglecL, SouLh Carollna was able Lo esLabllsh Lrade wlLh
oLher counLrles and develop Lhelr economy wlLhouL much lnLerference from Lhe moLher

F/ G&9 9&3*% ,1- '2',-B "$&)- $-(-84, $&,1 ,1- B&,1-# 7&3(,#2 "(% ,1- 7&*&(4-':
8,-9$*52#23) :2$;-$). 2012. <$9=3(*>-(7*?9(). 8y !ackson 8rown. Web. 17 !une 2014.

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