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1he human populauon of Lhe SouLh Carollna colony was composed of nauve, lmmlgranL, and

enslaved populauons. ?ou should be able Lo undersLand how Lhese dlfferlng backgrounds
comblned lnLo an enLlrely new and dlfferenL culLure you wlll compare Lhe creauon of
represenLauve governmenL ln SouLh Carollna Lo represenLauve governmenL ln Lhe oLher
colonles, lncludlng Lhe !"#!"$%&'"( reglme, Lhe perlod of "#(') +#,%"-.%-&, and SouLh
Carollna's /%+0)'&#" 1#,%.%-&.
SouLh Carollna's governmenL became more 2%.#3"'&$3 durlng Lhe colonlal perlod. SouLh
Carollna began as a !"#!"$%&'"( 3#)#-( when Lhe land granLed Lo Lhe 4#"25 6"#!"$%&#"5 by
Lhe klng. ln order Lo aLLracL more seLLlers Lhe proprleLors began Lo share pollLlcal conLrol
wlLh properLy owners. Carollna's pollLlcal %)$&% (planLauon owners) devel oped as a resulL
of Lhelr greaL wealLh and Lhel r conLrol of pollLlcs.
ln Carollna, Lhere was a )%+$5)'&$,% assembly esLabllshed Lo make laws, lncludlng Lax laws, for
Lhe colony. MosL Lngllsh colonles had a 7$3'.%"') (Lwo house) assembly. ln Carollna, Lhe
6"#!"$%&#"5 and Lhe %)$&% had greaLer represenLauon ln Lhe governmenL Lhan dld Lhe
common people. 1he 8"'-2 9#0-3$) declded LhaL Lhe roprl eLors, Lhe col onl al el l Le
and Lhe common peopl e should have equal volce ln Lhe governmenL. Lven Lhough Lhls
represenLauon would noL be equal Lo Lhelr numbers ln Lhe populaLlon. LaLer a separaLe
house was esLabllshed as Lhe 9#..#-5 :#05% #; <55%.7)( Lo represenL Lhe people. ln
SouLh Carollna represenLauon for Lhe LowcounLry conLlnued Lo be greaLer Lhan LhaL for Lhe
8y Lhe end of Lhe 1600s, Lhe klng appolnLed Lhe governor. MosL ofLen Lhls change was
1he Change from a roprleLary Lo a 8oyal
Colony 8-1.6
"Medla lnformauon." ! #$% &' ()* +,&-./0* &'
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Lhe resulL of Lhe klng's deslre Lo conLrol Lhe wealLh or Lo llmlL Lhe lndependence of Lhe
colony. SouLh Carollna became a royal colony aL Lhe requesL of Lhe colonlsLs. C%-5$#-
beLween Lhe colonlsLs and Lhe 6"#!"$%&#"5 grew because Lhe colonlsLs felL lgnored by Lhe
'75%-&%% )'-2)#"2 who collecLed renL buL offered Lhem llLLle proLecLlon. 1he roprleLors
LhoughL LhaL Lhe colonlsLs were dlsobedlenL and Lhey were maklng llLLle proflL. 1he kl ng
recel ved proLesL f rom Lhe Councl l LhaL Lhe proprl eLors were l gnorl ng Lhem
and Lhey asked Lhe kl ng Lo make Carol l na a "#(') 3#) #-(. 1he klng reached a
nanclal agreemenL wlLh Lhe roprleLors and Carollna became a royal colony. SouLh
Carollna had a "%!"%5%-&'&$ ,% '55%.7) ( and a governor appol nLed by Lhe kl ng.
1he power of Lhe "#(') +#,%"-#" was llmlLed because colonlal assemblles conLrolled Lhe
Laxes LhaL pald Lhe governor's salary. MosL ofLen Lhe klng and 6'")$'.%-& lefL Lhe colonles
alone Lo conLrol Lhelr own local governmenL.
An lncrease ln subsldles for -',') 5&#"%5 and selllng rlce dlrecLly was an advanLage of
belng a "#(') 3#)#-(. 1he royal governor esLabllshed Lownshlps ln Lhe 7'3A3#0-&"( Lo
encourage mlgraLlon. SeLLlers moved Lo Lhe upcounLry Lo esLabllsh 5075$5&%-3% ;'".5. 1hls
lncreased Lhe Lenslon beLween Lhe 4#D3#0-&"( and Lhe backcounLry. 1he 4#D3#0-&"( %)$&%
vlewed Lhe people LhaL moved Lo Lhe 8ackcounLry as unclvlllzed" because L hey were
Lraders and woodsmen. 1he LowcounLry was Lhe home of !)'-&'&$#- #D-%"5 who grew rlch
from %E!#"F-+ of "$3% and $-2$+#.
As more seLLlers moved lnland and $..$+"'-&5 such as Lhe ScoLch lrlsh and Lhe Cermans
seuled Lhere, Lhe backcounLry's whlLe populauon grew Lo ouLnumber Lhe LowcounLry. Lven
Lhough Lhey had more represenLauon, Lhe backcounLry conLlnued Lo have much less
represenLauon ln Lhe <55%.7)(. AlLhough Lhey pald Laxes, Lhere was no law enforcemenL
so seLLlers Look Lhe regulauon of socleLy ln Lhe backcounLry lnLo Lhelr own hands ln whaL
was called Lhe /%+0)'&#" .#,%.%-&. 8ecause Lhere were no courLs, Lhe /%+0)'&#"5 acLed
as ,$+$)'-&%5. 1hls movemenL Lo provlde law and order became lawless. 1he gullLy" were
hanged or beaLen Lo deaLh wlLhouL a [ury Lrlal, vlolaLlng Lhelr rlghLs. LvenLually Lhe
governmenL of SouLh Carollna dec l ded L o hel p Lhe backcounLry seLLlers by seLLlng up
5%,%- 3$"30$& 3#0"&@#05%5 (9$"30$& 9#0"& <3&G around Lhe colony Lo provlde [usLlce, law and
order ln Lhe reglon. Powever represenLauon ln Lhe 8%-%"') <55%.7)( was sLlll unequal and
Lhe Lenslons beLween Lhe LowcounLry and Lhe backcounLry conLlnued.
"Carollna Cold 8lce." E&%%./ P&)/8. n.p., n.d. Web. 17 !une
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