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The French and Indian War 8-2.


"The Battle of Fort Niagra
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The events of the American Revolution made British colonists American citizens once
American defeated the British. In order to understand South Carolinas important role in this
process the student must be able to explain the political and economic consequences of the
French and Indian War on the relationship between South Carolina colonists with the Native
Americans and England.

The American colonies including South Carolina became involved in the rivalry between the
French and the British. This rivalry included competition between the two countries
militaries as well as an economic rivalry between the two nations. The policy of mercantilism
was being used and both the British and the French were attempting to become as wealthy as
possible off of their colonies. Mercantilism prevented colonies from trading with anyone
except their mother country.

Britain did not strictly enforce their mercantilist policies; instead they practiced salutary
neglect with their colonies. Salutary neglect was a hands-off policy where the British did not
control everything concerning their colonies. Instead, what really led the British to war with
the French was a long history of hatred toward the French. This hatred led to a series of wars
with the French with the last one being called the French and Indian War and taking place in
North America.

The war began when the French moved into the Ohio River Valley, but later spread to Europe
where it was known as the Seven Years War. The war was named the French and Indian War
in North America because the British were fighting the French and their Native American

South Carolina had very little military involvement in the French and Indian War, but the
Cherokee War did break out in South Carolina between the Cherokee and the British. The
conditions for war between the Cherokee and the English had been building for some time.
French fur traders had moved into Cherokee areas, the English wanted to create a treaty with
the Cherokee. The treaty led to a misunderstanding between the Cherokee and the British.
The Cherokee thought the treaty was an alliance with the British but the British interpreted
the treaty as an acknowledgement by the Cherokee of British power and sovereignty.

The treaty was fine for the first 30 years, but during the French and Indian War the Cherokee
thought the British failed to protect them during the war when the French and their Indian
allies attacked. The Cherokee began taking settlers horses leading the whites to attack and
the Cherokee retaliated. The royal governor tried to control the Cherokee by stopping all
trade and taking Cherokee hostages. The Cherokee War led to many deaths among the
Cherokee and lasted about two years. The treaty that ended the war forced the Cherokee to
give up much of their land and created a boundary between the English colony and Cherokee
"Photos." Mrs. Freed. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 17 June 2014.

1. Study the map and the
legend (key) associated with
it. Based on the map, can
you predict the outcome of
the French and Indian War?

The Cherokee War took place within the French and Indian War and eventually the British
won the French and Indian War. In the treaty to end the war, France lost all lands in North
America and the Spanish gave up control of Florida to the British. This led to an expansion of
the indigo trade which greatly benefitted South Carolina. After the war, Great Britain ended
the policy of salutary neglect and began trying to control the colonies and enforce their
mercantilist policies.

The British passed the Sugar Act to collect money to fund the war effort and to stop illegal
trading among the colonies with France. Smugglers were tried in vice admiralty courts
without juries. Colonists saw the trials as a violation of their right to a trial by jury as
promised by the Magna Carta and English common law. Even greater, Britain built up huge
debt in fighting the French and Indian War and thought the American colonists should have to
pay for it. This led to greater problems as the British continued to create new taxes for the
"The Royal Colony of South Carolina - The
"New Districts" of 1768." The Royal
Colony of South Carolina - The "New
Districts" of 1768. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 June
2. The map shows the territories of
South Carolina after the Cherokee War
and the French and Indian War. How
does the map show the effects of the
Cherokee War on the colony of South

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