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The term women rights refer to freedom & entitlement

of women & girl of all ages. These rights may or may

not be institutionalized or suppressed by law, local
custom and behaviour in a particular society
Issue commonly associated with womens rights include,
the right to bodily integrity and autonomy; to vote; to
hold public office; to work; to fair wages or eual pay;
to own property; to education; to serve in the military
or be conscripted; to enter into legal contracts and to
have marital; parental & religious rights.
!rogress was made in women right with the passes of
time in all the fields as women to option greater role
in society such as serving in govt from "# #$%&T'(
to I%)I&% !&(*I&+$%T. ,e even had a
womenpresident of India. &dvantages of
opportunities in higher education as in India at the
beginning of the -.
century less than -./ of all
college degree were earned by women but by the end
of -.01 this figures risen to about 2./. This statistics
speak for themselves.
Protect yourself, know your rights. Fight for
your rights.
What you all will choose?


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