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Making the Most

Of a First Read
Name _______________________________
One of the things good readers do is to work a story as they read the story. What does it mean to
work a story? Well, better readers do a number of things that make a first read of a story a rich
!ood readers speculate".anticiating e#ents that will come in the story.
!ood readers guess".making connections that the author may not ha#e selled out.
!ood readers wonder".thinking about the world of the story as it connects to the
readers world.
!ood readers observe".drawing conclusions about the story from the articulars of the
story to make sense of it.
!ood readers argue".engaging the story to see if what the story re#eals is true to life.
$ would like you to ractice these good reading strategies on your first read of the story.
!ood readers speculate".anticiating e#ents that will come in the story.
!ood readers guess".making connections that the author may not ha#e selled out.
!ood readers wonder".thinking about the world of the story as it connects to the
readers world.
!ood readers observe".drawing conclusions about the story from the articulars of the
story to make sense of it.
!ood readers argue".engaging the story to see if what the story re#eals is true to life.
%fter you ha#e finished your first reading of the story, find a artner and"
Chunk the Text& 'i#ide the text into smaller sections.
Develop Guideposts& (reate a t)chart for each section. On the left side of the chart,
write facts, hrases, and descrition you deem to be significant* the right side of the chart
should detail the imlication+s, for each item.
Swaps& $dentify assages or ideas that confuse you. Write down secific -uestions
that would drain your swam.

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