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Reading Response Log

Pages 1-30 Chalk Dust

If your success or failure in school is not fated, then you havent an excuse.
You must choose. You must decide whether to accept the responsibility and,
above all, the workyears of hard work (pg. 23)
Despite all their protests to the contrary, kids really do desire to learn (pg.
Fear is good, you know. It means were daring to risk, to push ourselves
beyond what we think are our limits (pg. 17)
How do you reach out to every student in some way?
How do you interact with the students who no matter how hard they try they
dont live up to their parents expectations? What do you do to make them
believe in themselves?
What is the importance of classroom management of a first year teacher?
Points of Interest
In the first chapter he talks about being a first year teacher and how he didnt
want to fit the norm and wanted his students to think he was cool.
He always seemed to take time for the students who asked for help.
He made the point that privileged kids need help just as much as
underprivileged kids do but the teachings are different.
The chapter No Regrets where a student spent more time trying to get her
way than actually trying to learn and do the work. There are some students
who will do anything to not have to try hard.
In the chapter Peter Principle where teachers/coaches didnt teach but
basically made sure the athletes were passing the class and gave them special
treatment. It happens in powerhouse schools where the only focus for the
athletes is winning a state championship and not academics.

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