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A Big Panda for Lastenlinna

Dear Lastenlinna,
Hello! This is Yasushi.
I am a sculptor & printmaker from Japan.
I have already raduated from !ine arts department in "aimaan ammattikorkeakoulu in
Imatra, !inland in #$%$.
&o' I have my e(hi)ition *+anda Travelin, at &apa allery in Helsinki from %$.% to
This e(hi)ition has my animal & )a)y sculptures and art prints.
The e(hi)ition.s idea is that +anda travels 'ith a 'hite puppy and meet animal friends. In
the end +anda is oin to meet a human )a)y.
*/ne moment one meetin, is the main theme of this e(hi)ition.
Then I made and e(hi)ited *0i +anda, in the allery.
This panda is a )oy. It puts hands up and looks happy.
1nd it is )i. The si2e is %3$cm ( 34cm ( -$ cm.
It 'as made from )irch 'ood and painted 'ith oil colors in 1uttoinen, 5tel67"uomi,
Thouh it is in the allery no', I think that it is possi)le to place it inside or outside under
the roof.
I have an idea to donate *0i +anda, to children in Lastenlinna after e(hi)ition in case that
it is not sold durin the e(hi)ition.
I hope to donate it to 8hildren9s hospital, especially to your hospital.
0ecause I 'ish every children 'ould )e surrounded 'ith full of happiness even if they have
any kind of disease.
1nd there is my mother:s influence.
"he is a music therapist and a piano teacher.
1t home she has tauht the piano playin to a )oy 'ho has had autism.
The )i panda looks happy, cute, kind and familiar.
I )elieve that children like it.
"o the )i panda is a)le to ive happiness to children.
If the )i panda is )esides children, 'e 'ould see children.s smile a little more than usual.
If children are )esides panda, they miht have a feelin such as happiness, kindness 'armth,
entleness, hope, imaination, etc.
Then such a feelin 'ould ease children.s sufferin at least for a moment.
8ould you please allo' that +anda meets children in your hospital after my e(hi)ition
,+anda travelin,;
I hope you are 'illin to accept my donation.
Yours "incerely
Yasushi koyama
Big Panda
)irch 'ood
%3$cm (34 cm ( -$cm
&ame< Yasushi =oyama
1ddress< &el>6s Lin>a %?7%4 5#$ $$@3$ Helsinki !I&L1&D
+hone< A3@B - CCC4 $3@C
&ationality< Japan
#$%$ 0achelor of !ine 1rts E"culptureF, "aimaa Gniversity of 1pplied "ciences, Imatra, !inland
#$$? Traditional >apanese printmakin, Yoshida printmakin academy, Tokyo, Japan
#$$C Hulticolored printmakin from a printmaker, Tuula Hoilanen, =yoto,Japan
#$$C Iood carvin and sell 'ood carvins at folklore shop, 1inu villae, Japan
#$$@ Iood carvin from a Haori carver, 5ruera Jopiha, &e' Kealand
#$$@ +rintmakin from a printmaker, Hichael Jeed, &e' Kealand
#$$- Iorkshop of a Japanese printmaker, "achiko Takahashi, &aano, Japan
Solo Exhibition
#$%# *+anda Travelin, &apa allery, Helsinki, !inland
#$$4 *Life, /ld people house, Imatra !inalnd
#$$B *Life, =emi>6rvi 1rtist Jesidence, =emi>6rvi, !inland
Group Exhibition
#$%$ *Loppu71lku, school final e(hi)ition, Imatra art museum, Imatra, !inland
#$%$ ,JapaniA"uomi,, >oint e(hi)ition 'ith Hikko =allavuo, =6yt6v6 allery, Imatra
#$$4 Tartu & Imatra sculpture student e(hi)ition, T== allery, Tartu, 5stonia
#$$4 3rd year art students e(hi)ition, "tockhols, !inland
#$$4 "culpture student e(hi)ition, Imatra culture center, Imatra, !inland
#$$B International student.s e(hi)ition at the entrance hall, Imatra city li)rary
#$$@ 3 people >oint e(hi)ition, "tudio 'orks allery, 8hristchurch, &e'Kealand
#$$@ Local artists e(hi)ition in 8reation allery, 8hristchurch, &e'Kealand
Granted Project
#$%% "f.Lheorhe city @@$ years anniversary international sculpture symposium, Transylvania, Jomania
Artist Residence
#$$4 Ha>ala 1rtist Jesidence, "alo, !inland
#$$B =emi>6rvi 1rtist Jesidence, =emi>6rvi, !inland

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