Environmental Sanitation Practices

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BELLO, Hafis
I certify that this project was carried out and written by BELLO, Hafis; of the
Department of Urban and Reiona! "!annin, Obafemi #wo!owo Uni$ersity;
under the super$ision of Dr% #be! Omoniyi #&O'%
D$ A. O. Af%&
P$%'()* S+,($-is%$
D$ L. M. O.ayi/%.a
H(a0 %f D(,a$*1(&*,
U$2a& a&0 R(3i%&a. P.a&&i&3.
(his project is dedicated to #!mihty )od for His )uidance and "rotection, and
to my be!o$ed parents Late #!haji #% &% O% Be!!o and *rs% *ujidat Be!!o%
I than+ #!mihty )od, the i$er of +now!ede and wisdom; who has pro$ided
me the opportunity to comp!ete this research e,ercise%
I wish to appreciate the Head of Department, Dr% L% *% O!ayiwo!a% I
ac+now!ede the constructi$e, objecti$e and hih!y inte!!ient criticisms and
corrections of my super$isor, Dr% #% O% #&O'% I a!so appreciate the academic and
mora! supports of "rof% L% O% O!ajuyin, "rof% E% #% Ounjumo, "rof% -% O% &adare,
Dr O+ewo!e, Dr% E% O% Omisore, Dr% #% O% #de!eye, Dr% "% O% O!awuni, Dr% -% #%
#deyin+a, *r% #% #% #beunde, *s O+ere+e, and *s O!ayiwo!a%
*y ratitude oes to the staff of the Laos -tate *inistry of En$ironment and
the Laos -tate .aste *anaement #ency for their support especia!!y towards
atherin the re/uired data for this study% &oremost in this cateory are *r%
#!uo, and *r% 0eje%
I appreciate the financia! and mora! support of my mother, *rs% *% Be!!o; and
my Unc!e, *r *% #% Be!!o, and his wife *rs% (% #% Be!!o% *y profound ratitude
oes to #!haji and *rs% #% O% Ountade; *r% D% #% Emio!a; my sib!ins1 .asiu,
(aoheed, Idayat, #bideen, (osin, *istura, Idris, 2ainab and #hmad Be!!o% *y
specia! than+s o to *r% and *rs% Oyebamiji, *r% and *rs% Badmus, and *r% and
*rs% Lawa! for their constant ad$ices% I a!so than+ my fianc3e1Ra+ayat #deni+e
Lawa! for her scrutiny and inte!!ient contributions to this project%
&ina!!y, I wish to than+ a!! those who ha$e in one way or the other, assisted in
this project wor+% *ay )od #!mihty assist e$eryone and reward you abundant!y%
(han+ you a!! and )od B!ess%
Ti*.( Pa3( i
C($*ifi)a*i%& ii
D(0i)a*i%& iii
A)4&%/.(03(1(&* i-
Ta2.( %f )%&*(&* -5-ii
Lis* %f Ta2.(s -iii
Lis* %f P.a*(s i6
Lis* %f Fi3+$(s 6
A2s*$a)* 6i56ii
C7a,*($ O&( 859
I'(RODU4(IO' 516
5%5(he "rob!em 617
5%8 #im and Objecti$es of the -tudy 9
5%6 0ustification of -tudy 91:
C7a,*($ T/% "5:8
8%5 -anitation Re!ated Diseases <1=
8%8 (he -anitation 4ha!!ene 9-14
8%8%5 "o$erty 55158
8%8%8 Inade/uate -anitation &aci!ities 58
8%8%6 En$ironmenta! -anitation "ractices 56157
8%6 #spects of En$ironmenta! -anitation "ractices 5715:
8%7 -patia! 'ature of -anitation "rob!ems 16-23
8%7%5 (he 4ase of >ia!i, Rwanda 5:15?
8%7%8 (he 4ase of Ban!adesh 5?
8%7%6 (he 'ierian E,perience 5?186
8%9 4ore #reas of Human -ett!ements 86187
8%: Issues on Impro$in -anitation 24-30
8%:%5 &inancin 89
8%:%8 (echno!oy (ransfer and Inno$ation 8918:
8%:%6 Institutiona! 4apacity 8:
8%:%7 Demand1responsi$e approaches to sanitation 8:18?
8%:%9 4ommunication @#wareness "rorammes 8?16A
8%? Efforts of the )o$ernment towards Impro$in
-anitation "ractices in 'ieria 6A165
C7a,*($ T7$(( :5:;
6%5%5 *ethod of data co!!ection 68166
6%5%8% *ethod of data ana!ysis 66167
C7a,*($ F%+$ :<5:=
(HE -(UDB #RE# 6916?
6%5 Land Use #cti$ities in the 4ore #reas of I+orodu 6?
6%8 En$ironmenta! -anitation in the 4ore of I+orodu (own 6<
C7a,*($ Fi-( :>59
E';IRO'*E'(#L -#'I(#(IO' "R#4(I4E-
7%5 -ocio1economic 4haracteristics of Residents
in the -tudy area 6=176
7%8 -anitation &aci!ities #$ai!ab!e in the #rea 43-
7%8%5 .ater -upp!y 76179
7%8%84oo+in &aci!ities 7917:
7%8%6 Househo!d -anitation &aci!ities 7:
7%8%6%5 >itchen faci!ities 7?
7%8%6%8 Bathroom 7?
7%8%6%6 -oa+ away pit, -eptic tan+, .aste water pit
and Drainae 7?17<
7%8%6%7 (oi!et faci!ities 7<17=
7%8%7.aste storae items 7=19A
7%6 Location of Househo!d -anitation &aci!ities 95
7%7 .aste *anaement Issues 52-57
7%7%5 Duration of waste co!!ection@disposa! 98
7%7%8 *ethods of waste disposa! 9619?
7%9 Response to Inade/uacy of the -anitation &aci!ities 57-58
7%9%5 >itchen &aci!ities 9?
7%9%8(oi!et &aci!ities 9?
7%9%6Bathroom &aci!ities 9<
7%9%7.aste water pits 9<
7%: Hea!th -ituation in the area 9<19=
7%? (he *onth!y -anitation E,ercise 9=
7%< Re!ationship between se!ected $ariab!es and the
duration of drainae c!earance :A1:5
7%= Re!ationship between education and
method of water purification :8
7%5A Re!ationship between occupation and
method of water purification :8
C7a,*($ Si6 9:59=
4O'4LU-IO' :6
:%5 -ummary of &indins :61:?
:%8 Recommendation :?1:<
Lis* %f Ta2.(s
(ab!e 5C Distribution of Househo!ds by .ater -upp!y
in 'ierian Urban 4entres DIn EaesF 5=
(ab!e 8C Reu!ar -ources of .ater to Urban Househo!ds 8A
(ab!e 6C Order of 4ost Estimates for the .ater -upp!y
and -anitation -ector in 'ieria 88
(ab!e 7C Education -tatus of Respondents 75
(ab!e 9C (ype of Bui!din 78
(ab!e :C -ources of water in the area 77
(ab!e ?C *ethod of water purification 79
(ab!e <C Househo!d -anitation &aci!ities 7?
(ab!e =C .aste -torae Items 9A
(ab!e 5AC *ethod of .aste Disposa! 99
Lis* %f P.a*(s
"!ate #C *ap of 'ieria showin Laos -tate 69
"!ate BC *ap of Laos state showin the study area 6:
Lis* %f Fi3+$(s
&iure #C (he -anitation 4ha!!ene 5A
&iure BC (ype of (oi!et &aci!ities in the
Urban 4entres D5==5@=8F 8A
&iure 4C (ype of (oi!et &aci!ities in the
Urban 4entres D5==9@=:F 85
&iure DC 4ommunication "!annin "rocess 8?
&iure EC 4oo+in faci!ities used in the area 7:
&iure &C (ype of toi!et faci!ities 7=
&iure )C Location of Househo!d &aci!ities 95
&iure HC Duration of waste storae before
co!!ection@disposa! 98
&iure IC Hea!th cases reported by the residents 9=
(his study e$a!uated the sanitation faci!ities and ser$ices a$ai!ab!e in the city
core areas with a $iew to identifyin the different en$ironmenta! sanitation
beha$iours emanatin from the !e$e! of ade/uacies of these amenities% I+orodu
town in Laos state was the focus of the study%
Data used for the study were co!!ected from primary and secondary sources%
"rimary data co!!ection was throuh /uestionnaire administration and
obser$ations made by the researcher% (he /uestionnaires were administered
usin the systematic random samp!in techni/ue whereby e$ery tenth house
within centra! area of the town was se!ected for study% # respondent was
samp!ed in each of the se!ected bui!dins% &rom the abo$e, 85< houses were
samp!ed a!toether% Descripti$e and inferentia! statistica! too!s were used
for the study% (he descripti$e too!s used inc!ude fre/uency tab!es, bar
diarams and !ine raphs whi!e reression ana!ysis and chi1s/uare were
used to ma+e inferences%
(he study estab!ished that the major !and uses were commercia! D7=%9EF
and residentia! D67%8EF% (he a$erae month!y income in the area is
appro,imate!y '59,AAA% (he study a!so indicated that 7:%<E of the
residents had secondary schoo! /ua!ification whi!e 5?%=E had $ocationa!
trainin% (he findins re$ea!ed that the use we!! water reu!ar!y represents
6A%6 E% Respondents that use pipe1borne water reu!ar!y accounted for
76%: E whi!e <%? E use stream water% It was estab!ished that on!y 9:E of
the bui!dins ha$e +itchen faci!ities; <5%? E ha$e toi!et faci!ities whi!e ?< E
ha$e bathroom faci!ities% Bui!dins with soa+ away pit, septic tan+, waste
water pit and drainae were 76%5 E, 5?%7 E, 67%7 E and 8A%8 E respecti$e!y%
It was a!so estab!ished the use of water c!oset ained hihest prominence in
the area% (he findin a!so indicated that the waste storae receptac!e
most!y used in the area is the co$ered refuse bins representin 9=%: E%
-o!id waste disposa! throuh "-" operators ained hihest sinificance%
(he study estab!ished that :5 E of those who do not ha$e ade/uate +itchen
faci!ities manae the a$ai!ab!e space, 8: E coo+ in their rooms whi!e 56 E
coo+ on the corridor% Responses to inade/uate sanitation amenities were
not en$ironmenta!!y friend!y% &or instance, the study estab!ished that
7?%7E of the residents without toi!et faci!ities do throw their e,creta in the
drains whi!e :9%9E of the househo!ds without waste water pits dischare
their waste water on the street% (he reression ana!ysis showed that there
is sinificant re!ationship between the socio1economic $ariab!es and the
duration of drainae c!earance% (he R
$a!ue of 9?%6 E showed that the
independent $ariab!es were ab!e to e,p!ain 9?%6 E of the tota! $ariation in
drainae c!earance in the area% &indins from the sur$ey a!so showed that
there is a re!ationship between the education of the respondents and the
duration of waste storae before disposa!% (his assertion was confirmed by
the chi1s/uare $a!ue of =5%68=%
(he study conc!udes that the poor en$ironmenta! sanitation conditions
noted in the area were determined by the inade/uate supp!y of amenities
and residentGs response to the inade/uacies%

C7a,*($ O&(
# hea!thy !i$in en$ironment is sine-qua-non to nationa! rowth and
de$e!opment% -uch condition can be achie$ed throuh an effecti$e
en$ironmenta! sanitation practice%
Ro!and et a!% D8AA7F noted that en$ironmenta! sanitation
!o"#$ises %&e #$o#e$ !o''e!%ion( %$ans#o$%a%ion( )is#osa' an)
%$ea%"en% o* &u"an e+!$e%a( so'i) ,as%e an) ,as%e ,a%e$(
!on%$o' o* )isease -e!%o$s an) #$o-ision o* ,as&in. *a!i'i%ies
*o$ #e$sona' an) )o"es%i! &/.iene01
Bindeshwar D5===F a!so $iewed sanitation as Ha basic condition for
de$e!opment%G It is aimed at impro$in the /ua!ity of !ife of the indi$idua!s;
contributes to socia! de$e!opment and abatement of diseases% -ada!!a et a!
D8AA5F noted that the en$ironmenta! prob!ems may be caused by
inade/uate pro$ision of faci!ities and residentsG beha$iour in communities
Despite its importance in human !ife, *os!eh Uddin and -udhir D8AA9F
obser$ed that the pro$ision of sanitation faci!ities and ser$ices is poor in
de$e!opin countries% Ro!and et a! D8AA7F added that a sinificant number
of peop!e in these countries H!ac+ access to ade/uate water supp!y,
en$ironmenta! sanitation ser$ices and food securityG% (his, accordin to
Bindeshwar D5===F, contributes to the Hdeath of mi!!ions of chi!dren be!ow
the ae of fi$e e$ery year; and about 9A diseases are !in+ed with poor
(he neati$e en$ironmenta! practices of indi$idua!s are a!so
contributory to this menace% In fact, the pro$ision of ade/uate sanitation
faci!ities cou!d at best be referred to as means to an end since the attitude
and beha$ioura! practices of the sta+eho!ders determine the end% "ub!ic
perception of the need for proper sanitation oes a !on way in pro$idin
desired so!utions that wou!d mitiate the conse/uences% )enera!!y, poor
sanitation practices cou!d resu!t from o$ercrowdin, inade/uate faci!ities
and amenities, !ow !e$e! of education and awareness on sanitation
practices, !ow income !e$e!, unp!anned housin de$e!opment, amon
-e$era! studies ha$e shown that prob!ems of en$ironmenta! sanitation
are not !imited to a particu!ar residentia! Ione% -uch studies re$ea! that
such prob!ems occur in the traditiona! core areas, urban centres and peri1
urban areas or suburbs% -tudies based on the sanitation prob!ems in the
core areas inc!ude for e,amp!e those on Laos D#dedibu and O+e+un!e,
5=<=; >enneth et a!, 8AA6; and #fon, 8AA:F; Ibadan DEunjobi, 5=<=F in
'ieria% -uch studies a!so e,ist outside 'ieria% (hese inc!ude those on
#ddis #baba in Ethiopia, and India DBindeshwar, 5=== and -abur, 8AA:F;
Ban!adesh D*us!eh Uddin and -udhir, 8AAAF; and 'a+hon "athon in
(hai!and DLaho, 8AA5F%
'one of these studies e,amined the re!ationship e,istin between the
pro$isions of en$ironmenta! sanitation faci!ities and the responses or
beha$iour due to the ade/uacy of faci!ities in core areas I+orodu in Laos
8.8 T7( P$%2.(1
(he core area of any sett!ement is the point of reception, the hub of
acti$ities and distribution of interna! and e,terna! oods and ser$ices
D(animowo, 8AA5F% It is the point of major commercia! and residentia! !and
uses% 4onse/uent!y, core areas often ha$e more faci!ities compared to other
parts of their respecti$e sett!ements% (hese faci!ities and ser$ices do attract
peop!e from other parts of the sett!ement% (his resu!ts in o$ercrowdin
with the di$erse neati$e effects% O!ayiwo!a and Omisore D8AA5F and
'wa+a D8AA9F obser$ed that such effects inc!ude poor accessibi!ity, hih
occupancy ratio, !ac+ of proper drainae, inade/uate infrastructure and
socia! amenities, en$ironmenta! po!!ution and poor sanitation%
'wa+a D8AA9F noted that residentia! neihbourhoods in the core areas
are bein de$e!oped without effecti$e p!annin and ade/uate pro$ision of
basic ser$ices and faci!ities inc!udin transportation, hea!th, emp!oyment,
security and sanitation faci!ities% Other prob!ems identified with these
areas inc!ude o$ercrowdin, inade/uate pro$ision of basic ser$ices and
poor networ+ of pub!ic transport modes%
(hese features of the core areas ara$ate the unwho!esome !i$in
condition of the residents% 4onse/uent!y, there are rowin cases of water1
borne and fi!th re!ated diseases especia!!y diarrhea, cho!era and ma!aria
DRo!and et a!, 8AA7F% (hese contribute to !oss of !i$es and man1hour which
resu!ts to co!ossa! !oss to economic rowth and de$e!opment% (he prob!ems
are worsened in de$e!opin countries !i+e 'ieria, where there is
inade/uate hea!th faci!ities to a!!e$iate the prob!ems D'wa+a, 8AA9F% Of
interest to the study is to pro$ide answers to /uestions !i+eC what are the
sanitation faci!ities in the core areasJ How do the residents respond to
inade/uacies in the pro$ision of these faci!itiesJ .hat is the hea!th
imp!ication of non1pro$ision of these faci!itiesJ
8. Ai1 a&0 O2'()*i-(s %f *7( S*+0y
(his study is aimed at e$a!uatin the sanitation faci!ities and ser$ices
a$ai!ab!e in the city core areas with a $iew to identifyin the different
en$ironmenta! sanitation beha$iours emanatin from the !e$e! of
ade/uacies of these amenities%
(he objecti$es inc!ude toC
- identify the different sanitation faci!ities a$ai!ab!e in the area
- identify the $arious !e$e! of ade/uacies of the amenities
- e,amine the residentsG responses to the !e$e! of ade/uacies
- determine the en$ironmenta! sanitation prob!ems emanatin from
residentsG beha$iour%
8.: ?+s*ifi)a*i%& %f S*+0y
(he importance of c!ean en$ironment to a hea!thy !i$in condition for
man cannot be o$er1emphasiIed% (his has necessitated the need for
effecti$e and reu!ar sanitation acti$ities the wor!d o$er% (he pro$ision of
ade/uate sanitation faci!ities, urban infrastructure and enab!in
en$ironmenta! sanitation po!icies inf!uence the achie$ement of a hih
/ua!ity !i$in condition for man and his en$ironment%
(here is a!ready a rowin concern by the o$ernment and the pub!ic on
the en$ironmenta! conditions and pro$ision of sanitation faci!ities in the
major cities of the wor!d% (his has necessitated the hue finances
concentrated on the pro$ision and impro$ement of sanitation faci!ities in
these cities% (his is not the case in core areas of the de$e!opin countries%
(he fact that these areas offer emp!oyment opportunities and offer
cheapest housin especia!!y to new mirants D#dedibu and O+e+un!e,
5=<=F has made them most o$ercrowded in the cities% 4onse/uent!y,
$arious en$ironmenta! sanitation prob!ems are often encountered in these
areas DEunjobi, 5=<=F%
C7a,*($ T/%
En$ironmenta! sanitation has enerated concerns amon $arious
professiona!s in different fie!ds of endea$our% En$ironment is the
combination of inf!uences which modify and determine the de$e!opment of
!ife and the character of any oranism D"orters, 5=?:F% )enera!!y, the
en$ironment can be $iewed from the physica!, human and cu!tura!
-anitation can be defined as the measure to protect the pub!ic throuh
proper so!id waste disposa!s, sewae disposa!, and c!ean!iness durin food
processin and preparation D*icrosoft Encarta, 8AA<F; and the use of safe
water for domestic purposes% It describes the act of maintainin c!ean and
hyienic conditions that he!p pre$ent diseases throuh ser$ices such as
arbae co!!ection and waste water disposa! D.HO@U'I4E&, 8AA:F%
Rochester D8AA9F a!so $iewed sanitation as the process capab!e of
mitiatin the number of microbia! contaminants to a re!ati$e!y safe !e$e!%
It cou!d be referred to as the sum tota! of acti$ities embar+ed upon to
protect human bodies from i!!ness, transmission of diseases or !oss of !ife
due to unc!ean surroundins, the presence of disease1transmittin insects
or rodents, unhea!thfu! conditions or practices in the preparation of foods,
be$eraes and the care of be!onins% *us!eh Uddin and -udhir D8AA9F
obser$ed that safe sanitation promotes hea!th; impro$es the /ua!ity of
en$ironment and the !i$in standard of the community% .hi!e inade/uate
sanitation can cause se$era! diseases, which are transmitted from different
sources to human $ia contaminated hands, soi!s, water, anima!s and
.8 Sa&i*a*i%& R(.a*(0 Dis(as(s
.HO and U'I4E& D8AAAF and "O-(note D8AA8F noted that the
fo!!owin diseases can be !are!y pre$ented with basic sanitation and
hyiene% (hey a!so identified their impact on human race as thusC
Diarrhea causes an estimated two mi!!ion deaths per year, most!y
amon the chi!dren under the ae of fi$e
4ho!eraC as of -eptember, there were 5A:,97? reported cases of
cho!era and a tota! of 6,599 reported deaths in 8AA8%
-chistosomiasis Dbi!harIaF infects 8AA mi!!ion peop!e, of which 8A
mi!!ion peop!e suffer conse/uences% Impro$ed water and sanitation may
reduce it by K?? percent D"O-(note, 8AA8F
(rachoma causes b!indness in :1=mi!!ion peop!e% #ccess to
sanitation may reduce it by K89E D"O-(note, 8AA8F
Intestina! worms infect about a third of the popu!ation in de$e!opin
countries; impro$ed sanitation wou!d contro! their transmission%
Hoo+worms cause ma!nutrition% Usin concrete s!abs to co$er pit
!atrines can pre$ent them from bein transmitted to humans
Other re!ated diseases identified are Hepatitis # and B, Dysentery,
tropica! diseases !i+e ma!aria, and s+in infections%
. T7( Sa&i*a*i%& C7a..(&3(
(he fiure be!ow shows that the wor!dGs popu!ation is e,pected to
increase from :%5 bi!!ion in 8AAA to ?%8 bi!!ion in 8A59% in 8AAA, 7AE of
peop!e D8%7 bi!!ionF had inade/uate sanitation% (he sanitation taret is to
ha!$e this proportion to 8AE of peop!e in 8A59 D"O-(note, 8AA8F% *eetin
this taret means an additiona! 8%5 bi!!ion peop!e wi!! need to be ser$ed
with ade/uate sanitation% Howe$er, 5%7 bi!!ion peop!e wi!! remain without
ade/uate sanitation% *eetin this taret is a reat cha!!ene%
.HO and U'I4E& D8AAAF obser$ed that 5 bi!!ion peop!e across the
wor!d ained access to sanitation hardware between 5=== and 8AAA;
achie$in the taret wi!! re/uire sanitation to be pro$ided more than twice
as /uic+!y as in the 5==As% It a!so noted that :8 percent of peop!e in rura!
areas do not ha$e access to sanitation, compared with 57 percent in urban
areas% In tota! numbers, more peop!e wi!! !ac+ basic sanitation in urban
areas by 8A59, due to rapid urbaniIation% (he paper conc!uded that 4hina
and India ha$e the bu!+ of the wor!d popu!ation without access to basic
Figure A: The Saniaion !hallenge
Source: "#$ an% U&'!(F )2000*
Inade/uate sanitation is not a new concern1 indeed; the 5=<As was the
United 'ationGs Decade% #t that time, the internationa! community set a
taret of achie$in 5AApercent co$erae in water supp!y and sanitation
across the wor!d by 5==A D"O-(note, 8AA8F% It was an ambitious taret and
proram o$er the decade cou!d not +eep up with the popu!ation rowth% By
8AAA, the .or!d Hea!th Oranisation estimated that 5%5 bi!!ion peop!e sti!!
!ac+ access to basic sanitation D.HO and U'I4E&, 8AAAF% Un!ess
somethin is done urent!y, this proportion may sti!! increase due to the
rowth rate% (he wor!dGs popu!ation increase by about ?? mi!!ion human
beins each year D*icrosoft Encarta, 8AA<F% (he "opu!ation Di$ision of the
United 'ations DU'F predicts that the wor!dGs popu!ation wi!! increase
from :%86 bi!!ion in 8AAA to =%6 bi!!ion peop!e in 8A9A% (he U' estimated
that the popu!ation wi!! stabi!iIe at more than 55 bi!!ion in 88AA% #s the
number of peop!e increases, crowdin enerates po!!ution, destroys more
habitats, uses up natura! resources and creates additiona! sanitation
prob!ems% *us!eh Uddin and -udhir D8AA9F identified other causes of
sanitation prob!ems to inc!ude po$erty, inade/uate sanitation faci!ities and
unhyienic sanitation practices%
..8 P%-($*y
"o$erty refers to the condition of ha$in insufficient resources or
income% In its e,treme form, po$erty is !ac+ of access to basic human
needs, such as ade/uate and nutritious food, c!othin, housin, c!ean
water, and hea!th ser$ices% E,treme po$erty can cause terrib!e sufferin
and death, and e$en modest !e$e!s of po$erty can pre$ent peop!e from
rea!iIin many of their desires% (he wor!dGs poorest peop!e1many of whom
!i$e in de$e!opin areas of #frica, #sia, Latin #merica, and eastern Europe1
stru!e dai!y for food, she!ter, and other necessities% (hey often suffer
from se$ere ma!nutrition, epidemic disease outbrea+s, famine, and war% In
wea!thier countries such as the United -tates, 4anada, 0apan, and those in
western Europe1 the effects of po$erty may inc!ude poor nutrition, menta!
i!!ness, dru dependence, crime, and hih rates of disease D*icrosoft
Encarta, 8AA<F%
Inade/uate sanitation and unhyienic practices amon the poor !ead to
i!!ness% Inade/uate sanitation a!most a!ways accompanies inade/uate
she!ter and monetary resources% Because the poor in the de$e!opin
nations common!y ha$e no runnin water or sewae faci!ities, human
e,crement and arbae accumu!ate, /uic+!y becomin a breedin round
for diseases% In cities, especia!!y in hettos and shanty towns that bui!din
main!y the poor, o$ercrowdin can !ead to hih transmission rates of air
borne diseases, such as tubercu!osis% (he poor are a!so often uneducated
about the spread of the diseases D*icrosoft Encarta, 8AA<F% *us!eh Uddin
and -udhir D8AA9F a!so noted that the poor are bad!y affected not on!y
because they !ac+ the means to pro$ide such faci!ities but they a!so !ac+ the
information on how to minimiIe the i!!1effects of the unsanitary conditions
in which they !i$e%
.. I&a0(@+a*( Sa&i*a*i%& Fa)i.i*i(s
4onc!usions from the $arious sanitation studies ha$e suested that
hea!th prob!ems resu!t from the !ac+ of sanitation faci!ities D*us!eh Uddin
and -udhir, 8AA9F% -anitation faci!ities inc!ude standpipes, toi!et amenities
!i+e water c!oset, so!id waste disposa! amenities and infrastructura!
faci!ities% #cey et a! D8AA7F obser$ed that when faced with !imitations in
sanitation faci!ities; the poor use $arious techni/ues to compensate, often
in ways that ad$erse!y impact human dinity and pub!ic hea!th, and that
are destructi$e to surroundin infrastructure% -uch practices inc!ude
disposa! of so!id waste and e,creta on $acant !ands, drainae paths and
water bodies; dischare of waste water on streets, and ta+in bath in the
open before dawn, amon others%
..: E&-i$%&1(&*a. Sa&i*a*i%& P$a)*i)(s
En$ironmenta! sanitation is crucia! to Lthe o$era!! nationa! rowth and
de$e!opment% It refers to the promotion of hyiene, pre$ention of diseases
and other conse/uences of i!!1hea!th which re!ates to en$ironmenta!
factors% .HO and U'I4E& D8AAAF noted that en$ironmenta! sanitation
inc!udes issues safe e,creta disposa!, so!id waste manaement, medica!
waste manaement, site drainae, persona! hyiene faci!ities, $ector and
pest contro!, and food hyiene%
(he O,ford #d$anced En!ish Dictionary defined practice as an acti$ity
carried out reu!ar!y, a habit or custom% En$ironmenta! sanitation practice
refers to the conscious efforts and pattern adopted by indi$idua!s towards
achie$in c!ean en$ironment% It refers to $arious hyiene practices of
communities, and re/uires basic +now!ede and s+i!! as we!! as socio1
cu!tura! factors concernin hea!th, !ifesty!e and en$ironmenta! awareness%
(uan D5=?8F noted that each indi$idua! $iews the wor!d in different
perspecti$es% #fon D8AA7F obser$ed that the preferences, e$a!uation,
decision and subse/uent beha$iour and practices are therefore based on
these different perspecti$es, rather than in the wor!d of objecti$e rea!ity%
-aarinen D5=:7F further obser$ed that no two indi$idua!s or roup of
indi$idua!s ma+e precise!y the same e$a!uation of the same en$ironment%
(he $arious subjecti$e factors that modifies en$ironmenta! practices of
man inc!udeC e,perience DLynch 5=??, "orters 5=?:F; socio1economic c!ass
and status D)oodchi!d 5=?7; -ada!!a et a! 5===F; ae and se, D4arter 5=?9F;
race and cu!ture DHunter et a! 8AA5F, /uantity and /ua!ity of information
a$ai!ab!e DHart 5===F; adjustments and adaptation capacity to issues
percei$ed DHo!man 5==<F; the socio1economic effects of what is bein
percei$ed D#fon, 8AA9F
.: As,()*s %f E&-i$%&1(&*a. Sa&i*a*i%& P$a)*i)(s
&rom the definitions abo$e, the basic aspects of en$ironmenta!
sanitation practices can be identified asC
"ersona! practices
Househo!d practices, and
4ommunity practices
P($s%&a. Sa&i*a*i%& P$a)*i)(s
(he persona! sanitation practices inc!ude hyiene considerations on usin
!atrines, hand washin with soap after use of toi!et, c!eanin sanitation
faci!ities and safe water consumption and food hyiene% Hyiene beha$iour
contributes immense!y to impro$ement of pub!ic hea!th D"O-(note, 8AA8F%
In addition, -abur D8AA:F noted that tota! sanitation beha$iour shou!d
focus and comprise ofC
M (ota! use of hyienic toi!ets, that is, no open defecation or open@hanin
toi!ets in use
M Hyienic toi!ets we!! maintained
M )ood persona! hyienic practices
M Usin sanda!s when defecatin
M Effecti$e hand washin after defecation and before ta+in or hand!in
M .ater points we!! manaed
M -afe water use for a!! domestic purposes
M &ood and water co$ered
M )arbae disposa! in a fi,ed p!ace and cow dun disposed of in a hyienic
M .aste water disposa! in a hyienic way
M 4!ean courtyards and roadsides
M 'o spittin in pub!ic p!aces
H%+s(7%.0 Sa&i*a*i%& P$a)*i)(s
(hese inc!ude househo!d c!eanin, +itchen safety, toi!et and bathroom
c!ean!iness, proper disposa! of so!id waste and waste water, safe e,creta
disposa!, and $ector and pest contro!% (hese practices he!p protect the
home from sanitation1re!ated diseases and ai!ments%
C%11+&i*y Sa&i*a*i%& P$a)*i)(s
(hese acti$ities inc!ude proper so!id waste manaement and disposa!
systems, street c!eanin, pub!ic en!ihtenment and awareness proramme
on en$ironmenta! safety, monitorin of sanitation acti$ities in the $arious
househo!ds and focus on stoppin open defecation% (hese practices
e!iminate outbrea+ of p!aue, epidemics and reduce socia! prob!ems%
-choo!s are an important p!ace for promotin hyiene, as chi!dren can be
aents of beha$ioura! chane within the househo!ds%
.; S,a*ia. Na*+$( %f Sa&i*a*i%& P$%2.(1s
-anitation prob!ems are noticed in different countries of the wor!d%
(hese inc!ude -outh #merica D*icrosoft Encarta, 8AA<F; -enea! and
Rwanda D#cey et a!, 8AA7F; Ban!adesh D*us!eh Uddin and -udhir, 8AA9F;
4hina and India D.HO and U'I4E&, 8AAAF; 'ieria D#deabo, 8AA5 and
'wa+a, 8AA9F, amon others%
.;.8 T7( Cas( %f Ki3a.i, R/a&0a
#cey et a! D8AA7F obser$ed that the human and physica! de$astation in
the 5==7 enocide has !ed to inade/uate supp!y of water and sanitation
faci!ities in Rwanda% -anitation infrastructure was and remains much !ess
de$e!oped as on!y 99 percent of urban Rwandans ha$e access to impro$ed
sanitation with no e,istent sewerae connections in the country% #cey et a!%
further noted that the poor sanitation practices in the country inc!ude
shared open1pit and buc+et !atrines; inade/uate refuse co!!ection and poor
disposa! system% In the Rwandan capita! of >ia!i, so!id waste manaement
is !are!y in the pro$ince de$e!opment associations% (hese associations are
usua!!y run by women, who combine traditiona! waste manaement
practices with the new biomass processin techno!oies to manae
community and househo!d arbae%
.;. T7( Cas( %f Ba&3.a0(s7
*os!eh Uddin and -udhir D8AA9F obser$ed that Hsafe sanitation is the
reatest cha!!ene to the peop!e of Ban!adeshG% (hey noted that on!y 66
percent of the popu!ation in the country has access to hyienic !atrine
faci!ities% Lac+ or inade/uate sanitation, impacts the economy by ad$erse!y
affectin producti$ity !oss due to sic+ness and the o$era!! /ua!ity of !ife%
Hea!th statistics indicate that Happro,imate!y 589,AAA chi!dren be!ow fi$e
D9F years are dyin each year, 678 chi!dren are dyin e$eryday for !ac+ of
.;.: T7( Ni3($ia& E6,($i(&)(
'ieria is the most popu!ous nation in #frica% Its present popu!ation is
estimated to be 57A,AA6,978 persons in then 8AA: census count% (he past
few decades ha$e e,perienced dec!ine in the wi!! and capacity of the
o$ernment to effecti$e!y cope with the pro$ision of the basic needs of the
peop!e D#deabo, 8AA5F% (he inade/uate supp!y of sanitation faci!ities !i+e
pub!ic toi!ets, drainae, sewerae networ+s, waste water treatment and
disposa! faci!ities D&R', 8AAAF; and poor sanitation practices ha$e
contributed to $arious socia! and hea!th prob!ems in the country%
&R' D8AAAF noted that Hma!aria is the predominant disease affectin the
popu!ation of 'ieriaG% *any other sanitation1re!ated diseases are reported
throuh the country% (hese inc!ude )astro1intestina! diseases, dysentery,
diarrhea, infectious hepatitis, hoo+worm, uinea worm, and other parasitic
infections% (he &edera! o$ernment report obser$ed that an estimated
59A,AAA to 8AA,AAA diarrhea1re!ated deaths occur amon chi!dren each
year, some :9A,AAA peop!e are serious!y affected by uinea worm causin
an annua! !oss of more than 7AA mi!!ion naira in rice production a!one, and
more than : mi!!ion are stric+en with Onchocerciasis%
It is estimated that current!y Hon!y about 9Apecent of urban and
8Apercent of semi1urban popu!ation ha$e access to re!iab!e effecti$e water
supp!yG D&R', 8AAAF% (he rest re!y on crowded and sometimes distant
communa! water tapped, or draw water from we!!s, streams or from
itinerant water $endors% #!so, !ess than ha!f of urban househo!ds in
'ierian cities ha$e f!ush toi!ets D'wa+a, 8AA9 and #jan!e+o+o, 8AA5F%
;arious fami!ies often share a$ai!ab!e pit !atrines and buc+ets% "eop!e
common!y defecate in the open or in nearby bushes% (his causes easy
contamination of food and water% &R' D8AAAF further stated that He,cept
for #buja and !imited parts of Laos, no urban community has a sewerae
systemG% (his means that sewae in the remainin areas either !ies stanant
or is disposed throuh storm water drainae system% (his resu!ts in
f!oodin and erosion D'wa+a, 8AA9F%
(ab!e 5C Distribution of Househo!ds by .ater -upp!y in 'ierian Urban
4entres DIn percentaesF
-tate (reated
d pipe1
Boreho!e -tream "onds Others
#nambra 9:%5A ?%AA 8%7: 9%<A 6%:A 58%?A 5A%:A 6%AA
>aduna 69%?5 55%:= ?%57 6<%=< A%9A 9%<7 A%:7 A%AA
>ano :8%=6 58%:= 55%96 5A%?5 8%57 A%AA A%AA A%AA
Oyo ?=%=A A%AA A%7< 59%?7 5%=7 A%=? A%=? A%AA
Laos :A%9A 6%?A 56%:A 5:%9A 9%8A A%9A A%AA A%AA
Ri$ers <A%=< A%AA A%AA 5A%AA A%AA =%A6 A%AA A%AA
#!! states :A%A7 :%=9 8%7: 5?%<7 :%?? 6%6A A%<? 5%?=
Source: Fe%eral $ffice of Saisics+ 1,,-
(ab!e 5 indicates the proportion of urban househo!ds in 'ieria with
water supp!y% It shows that about 7Apercent of the househo!ds !ac+ treated
pipe borne water supp!y% #s at 5==:, the proportion of urban dwe!!ers that
had access to pipe borne water remained 8:%?percent% #s shown in (ab!e 8,
those who re!ied on we!!, stream or pond constituted 6A%?percent and
68%5percent respecti$e!y% (his indicates a dec!inin water supp!y%
(ab!e 8C Reu!ar -ources of .ater to Urban Househo!ds
-ource "ercentae
"ipe borne water 8:%?
Boreho!e 5A%7
.e!! 6A%?
-tream@"ond 68%5
(ota! ==%=
Source: Fe%eral $ffice of Saisics+ 1,,7
"rob!ems of inade/uate toi!et faci!ities were represented in the &iures B
and 4 be!owC
Figure .: T/0e of Toile Faciliies in he Urban !enres
Source: Fe%eral $ffice of Saisics+ 1,,7
Information contained in fiure B showed that se$en out of e$ery ten
'ierian urban dwe!!ers ma+e use of pit !atrines whi!e !ess than one1fifth
had access to water c!oset as at 5==8% By 5==: the proportion of those with
access to water c!oset had reduced to !ess than one1tenth as shown in
&iure 4%
Figure !: T/0e of Toile Faciliies in he Urban !enres
Source: Fe%eral $ffice of Saisics+ 1,,7
(he 5==? sur$ey a!so showed that about :Apercent of 'ierians
dischare their waste water direct!y to the en$ironment with no
consideration of the safety and en$ironmenta! beauty D&R', 8AAAF%
Drainae in many areas is bad thereby pro$idin ood breedin areas for
mos/uitoes and other infectious insects% (he pattern of so!id waste disposa!
a!so creates en$ironmenta! prob!em% #!thouh, most residents in areas !i+e
Laos do dispose their waste throuh o$ernment aencies and Hbarrow
boysG D#fon, 8AA:F, and pri$ate support participation D"-"F operators
DBe!!o, 8AA?F; there are sti!! se$era! cases of so!id waste disposa! in water
bodies and bushes%
(ab!e 6C Order of 4ost Estimates for the .ater -upp!y and -anitation
-ector in 'ieria
Wa*($ s+,,.y Sa&i*a*i%&A/as*(
Rehabi!itation NA%<B Da$%
NA%8BDa$% N5A*@yrF
U$2a& 'ew faci!ities N:%ABDa$%
N9%7BDa$% N8?A*@yrF
Operation and
N5AA* risin
N:9* risin to
Rehabi!itation NA%5BDa$%
'ew faci!ities N5%7BDa$%
N5%<BDa$% N=A*@yrF
Operation and
N5%9* risin to
N79* risin to
Rehabi!itation NA%5BDa$%
R+$a. 'ew faci!ities NA%7BDa$%
N5%6BDa$% N:9*@yrF
Operation and
N5%9* risin to
N79* risin to
Rehabi!itation N6A*@yr N5A*@yr
T%*a. 'ew faci!ities N6=A*@yr N789*@yr
Operation and
N5A6* risin to
N599* risin to
Source: FR&+ 2000
(ab!e 6 showed that rehabi!itation of sanitation faci!ities wou!d cost a
tota! of N5Ami!ion in a year whi!e pro$ision of new sanitation faci!ities
wou!d u!p a tota! amount of N789mi!!ion per year% (he operation and
maintenance of the sanitation faci!ities wou!d cost a tota! of N599 mi!!ion to
N5%8 bi!!ion in a year% (he ana!ysis showed that ade/uate pro$ision,
maintenance and rehabi!itation of sanitation faci!ities wou!d cost much
amount of money%
.< C%$( A$(as %f H+1a& S(**.(1(&*s
(he a$erae #frican city can be broad!y de!ineated into three Iones% #fon
D8AA:F identified these Iones as the sub1urban, intermediate or
transitiona! and the core or traditiona! centres%
*urphy and ;ance D5=9=F and >eeb!e D5=:=F defined the core of a
sett!ement as the centra! area which attracts !are number, $aried and
comp!e, urban acti$ities and peop!e as we!! as a centre of hih !and $a!ue
with concentration of bui!dins and !and use, particu!ar!y for commerce%
#+ino!a D8AA?F obser$ed that the core areas often recei$e more
o$ernment attention on the pro$ision of faci!ities and infrastructure%
.hitefie!d and >anaan D5=?8F noted that the core areas are the foca! point
of emp!oyment, retai!in and recreation% #b!er et a! D5=?8F a!so submitted
that the core areas natura!!y enerate a reat dea! of mo$ement% It is
usua!!y the most accessib!e area to the residents in any sett!ement
Howe$er, the prob!ems and cha!!enes posed by rapid urbaniIation are
more pronounced in the core areas DIIED@Danida, 8AA5; >e!ay et a!%, 8AA:;
2u!ee, 8AA: and -era$e, 8AA?F% O!ayiwo!a and Omisore D8AA5F noted
that the core of many cites are inaccessib!e or poor!y pa$ed, !ac+ed proper
drainae, and socia! amenities !i+e schoo!s, hea!th faci!ities and
recreationa! opportunities are ross!y inade/uate% Onibo+un D5=<?F a!so
noted that housin, water, e!ectricity and waste disposa! faci!ities are
ross!y inade/uate in the core areas% "aderson D5=<AF further submitted
that prob!ems of conestion, noise, dirt and odours are noticeab!e these
'wa+a D8AA9F further obser$ed that the inade/uacy has affected the
en$ironmenta! sanitation practices of the residents in most core areas of
the de$e!opin countries% Un!ess ho!istic strateies are imp!emented
urent!y, these prob!ems wou!d continue to increase due to massi$e
mo$ement of peop!e from the rura! and !ess de$e!oped areas to the core
areas of major cities and towns%
.9 Iss+(s %& I1,$%-i&3 Sa&i*a*i%&
Different approaches needed consideration towards pro$in sanitation
faci!ities and impro$in sanitation practices% (hese, accordin to "O-(note
D8AA8F inc!udeC
(echno!oy transfer and Inno$ation
Institutiona! capacity
Demand responsi$e approaches to sanitation
4ommunication@#wareness "rorammes
.9.8 Fi&a&)i&3
"O-(note D8AA8F obser$ed that pub!ic hea!th aspect of sanitation and its
en$ironmenta! benefits ma+e it a pub!ic ood, but sanitation is a!so pri$ate
ood at the househo!d !e$e!% Hitherto, most countries and donor aencies
treated sanitation as a pub!ic ood that cou!d not be pro$ided by the
mar+et, and which needed to be subsidiIed to pro$ide reater incenti$es to
e,pand co$erae% Howe$er, wron taretin of o$ernment subsidies has
affected o$ernment p!ans for increasin access to sanitation, as subsidies
did not reach those who needed them most%
*ost of the financin for meetin the taret is !i+e!y to come from users
of the faci!ities, either throuh their purchasin of materia!s or throuh
cost reco$ery schemes% Low interest ban+ !oans are one option to he!p
ensure that the poor can enerate enouh money to purchase ade/uate
sanitation faci!ities% -ome ')Os and community roups ha$e resisted fu!!
cost reco$ery for basic ser$ices to poor peop!e, as they see this as
e,acerbatin po$erty, but others note that many basic ser$ices are a!ready
paid for by users D"O-(note, 8AA8F%
.9. T()7&%.%3y T$a&sf($ a&0 I&&%-a*i%&
One way of increasin !oca! capacity for technica! inno$ation is to assist
de$e!opin countriesG institutions to adapt so!utions to suit !oca!
conditions% -ome !ocations may re/uire inno$ati$e so!utions, for e,amp!e
in wet!and areas where roundwater contamination is an issue; or, in
e,treme!y poor areas, where techno!oies miht need to be more
affordab!e% (echnica! inno$ation can s!ow aid sanitation supp!iers by
impro$in their products and incorporation !oca! materia!s and bui!din
practices into the desin of new techno!oies%
.9.: I&s*i*+*i%&a. Ca,a)i*y
-anitation prorammes need p!anners, decision1ma+ers, and sector
professiona!s who are trained in e$a!uatin different approaches to
pro$idin, operatin and maintainin sanitation D"O-(note, 8AA8F%
Howe$er, there is se$ere shortae of enineers and fie!d wor+ers to pro$ide
the technica!, socia! and scientific s+i!!s to de$e!op sanitation prorammes%
(his cou!d jeopardiIe efforts to meet the sanitation taret%
-ome point out that meetin the taret and sustainin its proress
re/uire an increase in the capacity and accountabi!ity of the pub!ic sector to
promote, coordinate and reu!ate sanitation pro$ision%
.9.; D(1a&05$(s,%&si-( a,,$%a)7(s *% sa&i*a*i%&
-aywe!! and 4otton D5==<F obser$ed that past e,periences by
de$e!opment aencies ha$e indicated that the main prob!ems in achie$in
sustainab!e sanitation projects were an o$er1re!iance on supp!y1dri$en
approaches, ne!ect of user re/uirements and an emphasis on !are sca!e
projects% #encies found that for projects to be sustainab!e there was a
critica! need to focus on the demand for sanitation at the househo!d !e$e!%
Howe$er, the demand1responsi$e approach may be constrained by poor
peop!e not ha$in enouh purchasin power to ain access to impro$ed
sanitation% -imi!ar!y, sanitation supp!iers may not be ab!e to meet demand
D"O-(note, 8AA8F%
.9.< C%11+&i)a*i%& AA/a$(&(ss P$%3$a11(s
Impro$in sanitation practices re/uire proper re1orientation and
awareness prorammes% (hese accordin to *c+ee D5==8F cou!d be
achie$ed throuh proper!y p!anned communication proramme tareted
towards beha$ioura! chane% #s shown in &iure D be!ow, these can be in
three broad termsC
"roramme communication
-ocia! mobi!iIation
Figure 3: !ommunicaion Planning Process
Source: 4c5ee+ 1,,2
P$%3$a11( C%11+&i)a*i%&
(his communication !ine has direct !in+ to enera! pub!ic throuh fie!d
wor+% It brins about beha$iora! chane% (he components re/uired inc!ude
hea!th wor+ers, ')O fie!d staff, support materia! that wou!d be circu!ated
throuh media sources !i+e te!e$ision, radio and fo!+ media%
S%)ia. M%2i.iBa*i%&
-ocia! mobi!iIation in$o!$es passin sanitation messaes throuh socia!
atherin and a!!iance bui!din% (he components for this stae inc!ude
re!iious !eaders, ser$ice c!ubs, artists and entertainers pri$ate
sector@corporations and schoo!s%
(his in$o!$es brinin sanitation issues direct!y to po!icy ma+ers to
impro$e po!itica! and socia! commitment% (he sta+eho!ders in this cateory
inc!ude the po!itica! !eaders, administrators and donors1 both !oca! and
(he pre$ention of disease and the promotion of hea!th depend on the
socia! conditions in which peop!e !i$e% Increasin access to sanitation is a
+ey component of de$e!opment and po$erty reduction, as it has major
hea!th benefits as we!! as associated socia!, economic and en$ironmenta!
benefits D"O-(note, 8AA8F% (he benefits were identified asC
"ub!ic hea!th1diseases re!ated to inade/uate sanitation and poor
hyiene are amon the hihest causes of i!!ness and death in de$e!opin
countries, especia!!y amon chi!dren under ae of fi$e D"O-(note, 8AA8F%
"ro$idin ade/uate sanitation cou!d he!p reduce it and achie$e
internationa! taret%
"ub!ic ser$ices1the pub!ic hea!th conse/uences of inade/uate
sanitation puts pressure on hea!th ser$ices in de$e!opin countries%
Human dinity1 pro$ision of ade/uate sanitation faci!ities wou!d
ensure pri$acy, safety, dinity, a c!eaner en$ironment and reater
con$enience to users%
)ender1 without access to househo!d sanitation, women and ir!s
face safety and dinity issues% (hey may on!y be ab!e defecate at certain
times to ensure pri$acy and@or a$oid harassment and se,ua! assau!t% Lac+
of schoo! sanitation is a barrier to ir!s enro!!in and stayin at schoo!,
especia!!y durin menstruation%
"o$erty e!imination and economic rowth1 i!!ness and death from
poor sanitation resu!ts in !ost economic acti$ity, which reduces aricu!tura!
production and tourism, which can impact nationa! economies%
.ater supp!y1 when human e,creta enter a drin+in water supp!y, it
compromises safety% Impro$in sanitation and hyiene practices
ma,imiIes the benefit of in$estment in water supp!y%
." Eff%$*s %f *7( G%-($&1(&* *%/a$0s I1,$%-i&3 Sa&i*a*i%&
P$a)*i)(s i& Ni3($ia
(he mi!itary administration of )enera! Buhari was so dissatisfied with
the conditions of the urban en$ironment that it discontinued the idea of
centra! p!annin and initiated an aressi$e campain for en$ironmenta!
awareness and sanitation as the focus of the fifth phase of the so1ca!!ed
H.ar #ainst Indiscip!ineG D.#IF D'wa+a, 8AA9F% # !are number of
en$ironmenta! tas+ forces were set up by -tate Edicts to oraniIe pub!ic
en!ihtenment campains, and to enforce en$ironmenta! discip!ine
throuh mobi!e sanitation courts% -pecia! days of the month were set aside
for enera! c!ean1up% It mandates e$erybody to unb!oc+ drains, c!ean
residences and wor+ p!aces, and remo$e heaps of rubbish% (he c!eanest
cities were promised a priIe of one mi!!ion naira, and a definite
impro$ement of the en$ironment appeared to ha$e been achie$ed D'wa+a,
8AA9F% *i!itary officia!s operate on major streets durin such days to
ensure comp!iance and impro$ed en$ironmenta! sanitation practices%
(his approach !ater became bede$i!ed with se$era! prob!ems% (hese
inc!ude the ma!treatment of ci$i!ians by o$er1Iea!ous mi!itary officia!s% #t
the moment, not a!! the states of the federation participate in the
mandatory month!y en$ironmenta! sanitation e,ercise% (he major
comp!aint has been that there is inade/uate fund to finance the scheme%
Howe$er, states !i+e Laos and Oyo sti!! participate in the e,ercise%
C7a,*($ T7$((
(his sement of the study describes the methods and techni/ues
uti!iIed% Under this headin, the fo!!owin issues are discussedC
1*ethod of data co!!ection
1*ethod of data ana!ysis
:.8.8 M(*7%0 %f 0a*a )%..()*i%&
Data were athered from two sourcesC
1"rimary -ource
1-econdary -ource
"rimary data were athered throuh the use of /uestionnaires and
obser$ations made by the researcher%
Sa1,.( F$a1(
(his study co$ers a!! bui!dins within the centra! part of I+orodu town%
(he tota! bui!dins in this area amounted to two thousand one hundred
and eihty D8,5<AF%
Sa1,.( siB(
-ystematic random samp!in techni/ue was adopted in the
administration of /uestionnaires to these bui!dins% (en D5AF percent of
these bui!dins were inc!uded in the samp!e% # respondent was samp!ed in
each of the se!ected bui!dins% (hus, 85< bui!dins or respondents were
samp!ed in the study area%
Q+(s*i%&&ai$( A01i&is*$a*i%& T()7&i@+(
E$ery tenth bui!din within centra! area of the town was inc!uded in the
samp!e% Bui!dins were se!ected throuh systematic random samp!in
techni/ue% (he first bui!din was random!y se!ected usin a system
whereby numbers 515A were written on pieces on paper thorouh!y
wrapped and +ept in a bo,% (he bui!dins samp!ed amounted to 5A percent
of the tota! bui!dins in the study area%
S()%&0a$y Da*a
(hese refer to data athered from e,istin wor+s% -econdary data for this
study were athered from re!e$ant and re!ated journa!s, te,tboo+s,
o$ernment pub!ications and aIettes, !ecture notes, research findins, and
the internet%
:.8.. M(*7%0 %f 0a*a a&a.ysis
(he -tatistica! "ac+ae for -ocia! -cientists was used for the data
ana!ysis% Both descripti$e and inferentia! statistica! too!s were uti!iIed for
the study%
Descripti$e statistica! too!s describe the data and roup them in a
specified order% Descripti$e too!s used inc!ude fre/uency tab!es, bar1
diarams, !ine raphs, mean, standard de$iation and Re!ati$e Importance
Inde, DRIIF%
Inferentia! statistica! too!s estab!ish the re!ationships that e,ist between
or within $ariab!es so as to a!!ow for comparison and inferences% (he too!s
used in this cateory inc!ude chi1s/uare, reression ana!ysis and "earson
corre!ation matri,%
C7a,*($ F%+$
(he study focuses on I+orodu Loca! )o$ernment #rea of Laos state%
Laos state is !ocated within Latitudes :
86G' and :
75G' and Lonitudes
78GE and 6
78G'% (he state is f!aned from the 'orth by Oun state, in
the .est by the Repub!ic of Benin and the -outh by the #t!antic
Ocean@)u!f of )uinea% (he tota! !and mass of the state is about 6,679 s/%
+m, which is just about A%7E of the tota! !and area of 'ieria% It is the
physica!!y sma!!est but one the most hih!y popu!ated states in 'ieria
based on the recent 4ensus Report for the entire country% (he report a!so
showed that the state has o$er = mi!!ion inhabitants as at 8AA:%
"!ate #C *ap of 'ieria showin Laos -tate
Sou$!e23a''in. e% a'0 420055
"!ate BC *ap of Laos state showin the study area
Laos state is present!y made up of 8A !oca! o$ernments inc!udin
I+orodu% I+orodu !oca! o$ernment is a rowin residentia!, commercia!
and industria! town !ocated on the frines of Laos and Oun states% (he
town has recent!y witnessed monumenta! increase in its popu!ation base
due to the mass mo$ement of peop!e from rura! sett!ements and !ess
de$e!oped areas% I+orodu has been the focus of the state o$ernment in
recent times% In an attempt to deconest centra! Laos, the state
o$ernment has embar+ed on the construction of $arious housin estates
and !ocation of new industria! faci!ities% (hese inc!ude the &ish &arm
Estate, .aste1to1.ea!th prorammed, mi!!ennium housin, amon others
in the area% ;arious pub!ic and pri$ate institutions cou!d a!so be found in
the town%
(he town has $arious pub!ic and pri$ate primary and secondary schoo!s
!i+e the Oriwu )rammar -choo!% It a!so accommodates one of the
campuses of the Laos state "o!ytechnic% ;arious ban+s, offices and other
interests are a!so !ocated in the area% "ub!ic and pri$ate hea!th institutions
in the area inc!ude the )enera! Hospita!s% )o$ernment aencies and
institutions in I+orodu inc!ude !oca! o$ernment offices, ta, re$enue office,
amon others%
(he history of the town dates bac+ to the pre1co!onia! days% (he core
areas of I+orodu accommodate the pa!ace, mar+et centre and residentia!
districts% (he roya! head is tit!ed1A/an.6u$en o* I7o$o)u0 (he +in is in
chare of customary issues and tit!es, sett!es disputes amon the different
c!ans in the area, amon $arious other functions% (he town is one of the few
areas in Laos state that sti!! maintains its cu!tura! $a!ues% ;arious
traditiona! festi$a!s !i+e the E/o( E.un.un an) 8$o are sti!! bein
(he $arious faci!ities and dynamic !and use acti$ities re/uire a robust
and hih!y functiona! centra! area% #s a resu!t, the core of I+orodu town is
fast ta+in new dimensions and out!oo+%
:.8 La&0 Us( A)*i-i*i(s i& *7( C%$( A$(as %f I4%$%0+
(he core areas of I+orodu comprise different !and use acti$ities% (he
predominant !and uses are commercia! and retai!in, residentia! and pub!ic
and pri$ate institutions% In$estiation re$ea!ed that more than 76%9 percent
of the tota! bui!dins were use for commercia! purposes% #s e,perienced in
most other core areas D#dedibu and O+e+un!e, 5=<=, and Eunjobi, 5=<=F,
these !and uses enerate traffic and dynamic human acti$ities on a dai!y

:. E&-i$%&1(&*a. Sa&i*a*i%& i& *7( C%$( %f I4%$%0+ T%/&
Due to the mass mo$ement of peop!e from the rura! and !ess de$e!oped
areas to the core areas in search of emp!oyment and better !i$in
conditions, the pro$isions of basic faci!ities ha$e been in short supp!y in
the core areas of I+orodu% Inade/uate supp!y of sanitation faci!ities has
resu!ted in different practices by the residents% It is common to see chi!dren
defecate in the open whi!e adu!ts are found urinatin anywhere especia!!y
in the core of the town% (he drainae system is b!oc+ed and enerates f!ies
and other harmfu! insects% 4onse/uent!y, there are rowin cases of
f!oodin in the area especia!!y durin hea$y rainfa!!% )enera! assessment of
the o$era!! de$e!opments in area re$ea!ed that the area is not we!! p!anned,
and may not be ab!e to meet the emerin demands from the new
de$e!opment acti$ities% #part from the major road that !in+ed the core of
town to the centra! areas of Laos state, most of the roads are not tarred
and are in dep!orab!e conditions%
C7a,*($ Fi-(
Data co!!ected for this study were ana!yIed under fo!!owin
;.8C S%)i%5()%&%1i) C7a$a)*($is*i)s %f R(si0(&*s i& *7( S*+0y
(his section e,amines the socio1economic characteristics of the
respondents% ;ariab!es considered inc!ude ae, ender, income !e$e!,
marita! status, occupation, years of !i$in in the area and educationa! status
of the residents%
(he area has ood representation of both ender roups% (he findins
re$ea!ed that most of the respondents are ma!e% (his cateory represents
:A%: percent of the respondents whi!e the remainin 6=%7 percent are ma!e%
(his cou!d be attributed to the fact that most of fema!e members were not
a$ai!ab!e durin the period of the sur$ey% *oreo$er, some of the women
often preferred their husbands to respond where$er they are a$ai!ab!e%
Re!ated to issue of ender is the marita! status of the respondents% (he
residents ha$e different marita! status% Of the tota! respondents, one
hundred and two D5A8F representin 7:%<percent were sin!e whi!e eihty
se$en D<?F representin 6=%=percent of the tota! respondent were married%
Respondents who are di$orced, widowed or separated represented 7%:
percent, 7%5 percent and 7%: percent respecti$e!y% (he hih proportion of
the sin!es cou!d be further e,p!ained by the ae structure in area%
Residents in the study area were main!y within the wor+in roup% (he
ana!ysis indicated that the a$erae ae in the area is 8=%=8 with a standard
de$iation of $a!ue of 57%76% (his showed that there is a fair!y stron
$ariation amon the ae roups% It a!so suested that majority of the
respondents are ai!e and acti$e; and cou!d i$e the re/uired information
on sanitation acti$ities in the area% #!so, the fact that most of the
respondents ha$e !i$ed in the area for a$erae of 5A years wou!d he!p
pro$ide re!e$ant information on sanitation acti$ities in the area o$ertime%
(he residents enae in different occupation to sustain their !i$e!ihood%
(he sur$ey showed that most of the respondents were students% (his
cateory represented 6<%9 percent whi!e 89%? percent were traders%
Respondents who were ci$i! ser$ants accounted for 88%9 percent whi!e
those who are se!f emp!oyed accounted for 56%6 percent% (he re!ati$e hih
proportion of students in the area cou!d be attributed to the fact that the
students of the Laos state po!ytechnic reside off1campus and there are
many other educationa! institutions in the area% (his cou!d a!so affect the
income !e$e! of the area% (he study indicated that the minimum and
ma,imum a$erae month!y incomes in the area were '5,8AA and '<A,AAA
respecti$e!y% (he mean month!y income is 57=88%9A with a $ery hih
standard de$iation% (his showed that there is wide disparity amon the
$arious cateories% (he $ariation cou!d be attributed to the differences in
occupation% #s student are not !i+e!y to earn as hih as wor+ers or traders
in a month% #!so, the a$erae househo!d siIe in area is 5A persons with a
standard de$iation $a!ue of :%6<% (his showed that the area is most!y
occupied by hih density popu!ation% (he re!ati$e!y !ow standard de$iation
amon in this cateory confirmed this assertion%
E0+)a*i%&a. S*a*+s %f R(s,%&0(&*s
Residents in the area are educated% Information contained in (ab!e 7
showed that most of the respondents had post primary /ua!ification% (his
cateory represents 7:%< percent whi!e 5?%= percent had $ocationa!
trainin% Respondents with primary /ua!ification represent 56%< percent
whi!e those with tertiary /ua!ification accounted for 58%7 percent% *ost of
the respondents with the secondary education were the students in tertiary
institutions but do not possess the /ua!ification yet% (he findins a!so
imp!y that the most respondents can easi!y understand and re$iew e$ents
around them%
(ab!e 7C Education -tatus of Respondents
F$(@+(&)y P($)(&* C+1+.a*i-(
P$i1a$y :! 8:.= 8:.=
S()%&0a$y 8! ;9.= 9!.9
T($*ia$y " 8.; ".>
:> 8".> >!.=
N%&( ! >. 8!!.!
T%*a. 8= 8!!.!
Source: 3aa Anal/sis+ 2007
(ab!e 9C (ype of Bui!din
F$(@+(&)y P($)(&* C+1+.a*i-(
D+,.(6 > ;.8 ;.8
B.%)4s %f f.a*s 88< <.= <9.>
S(.f )%&*ai&(0 <9 <." =.9
:= 8".; 8!!.!
T%*a. 8= 8!!.!
Source: 3aa Anal/sis+ 2007
*ost of the respondents in the area !i$e in b!oc+s of f!at% (his cateory
represents 98%< percent of the respondents whi!e 89%? percent occupy se!f1
contain apartments% Respondents who !i$e in traditiona! courtyard
represent 5?%7 percent% (he remainin respondents !i$e in dup!e,es% *ost
of the respondents that chose b!oc+s of f!at were either usin them for
residentia! and commercia! purposes% (he findins showed that the
respondents preferred mu!tip!e fami!y dwe!!ins to sin!e fami!y dwe!!ins%
(his cou!d be attributed to the affordabi!ity of the housin in the area% (he
study a!so showed that the owners a!so !i$e most of the bui!dins with
other residents% Bui!dins occupied by their owners accounted for 9?%6
percent of the sur$ey bui!dins whi!e 78%? percent were not occupied by
their owners% (he ad$antae of the owner !i$in in the bui!din is the !i+e!y
reduction in the rate of abuse of the dwe!!in unit as the owner wou!d not
to!erate such% Bui!dins not occupied by their owners are manaed by
;. Sa&i*a*i%& Fa)i.i*i(s A-ai.a2.( i& *7( A$(a
-anitation faci!ities a$ai!ab!e in the area wou!d be e,amined under the
fo!!owin sub1headinsC
5% sources of water supp!y and methods of water purification
8% coo+in items
6% househo!d sanitation faci!ities1 +itchen, toi!et, bathroom, soa+
away pit, septic tan+, waste water pit, drainae and e!ectricity
7% waste storae receptac!es
;..8 Wa*($ S+,,.y
S%+$)(s %f Wa*($
;arious sources of water are uti!iIed in the area% (he sur$ey showed that
these sources inc!ude we!!, pipe borne water, stream, rainfa!!, boreho!e and
purchase% (he (ab!e be!ow showed that respondents that use we!! water
reu!ar!y represent 6A%6 percent% Respondents that use pipe1borne water
reu!ar!y accounted for 76%: percent whi!e <%? percent use stream water%
'one of the respondents use rainfa!! water reu!ar!y% (his is
understandab!e since rainfa!! is not throuhout the year% (he proportion
that use water from boreho!e and purchase sources reu!ar!y represent <%?
percent and 7%: percent respecti$e!y% (he findins showed that pipe1borne
water is most uti!iIed by the househo!ds than others sources% (he rate of
usae of we!! water is a!so $ery sinificant considerin the fact that we!!s
are often found in different p!aces across the town%
(ab!e :C -ources of water in the area
-ources of water
Rate of usae
Reu!ar DEF -e!dom DEF
.e!! :: D6A%6F 7? D85%:F
"ipe1borne water =9 D76%:F = D7%5F
-tream 5= D<%?F 7? D85%:F
Rainfa!! 1 DAF 9:D89%?F
Boreho!e 5= D<%?F 5A8 D7<%:F
"urchase 5A D7%:F <7 D6<%9F
Source: 3aa Anal/sis+ 2007
M(*7%0 %f /a*($ ,+$ifi)a*i%&
In a re!ated manner, information contained in (ab!e ? showed that two
sinificant methods of water purification the area are boi!in and use of
chemica! purifiers% (his method accounted for 7?%8 percent and 88%A
percent respecti$e!y% (he remainin 6A%? percent do not use any form of
purification% *ajority of those in the !ast cateory c!aimed that they use
pipe1borne water and thus do not need purifiers% -ome others noted that
there we!!s are we!! co$ered and are c!ean for domestic use%
(ab!e ?C *ethod of water purification
F$(@+(&)y P($)(&* C+1+.a*i-(
N% ,+$ifi)a*i%& 9" :!." :!."
B%i.i&3 8!: ;". "=.!
Us( %f )7(1i)a.
;= .! 8!!.!
T%*a. 8= 8!!.!
Source: 3aa Anal/sis+ 2007
P$%-isi%& %f /a*($ fa)i.i*i(s
It was athered that the boreho!e water are either pro$ided by the
o$ernment or by pri$ate indi$idua!s% (he former are made a$ai!ab!e free
of chare to the pub!ic whi!e the !atter are often paid for% .e!! water are
made a$ai!ab!e free of chares to the pub!ic whi!e chares for pipe1borne
water are paid to the Laos state water corporation%
;.. C%%4i&3 Fa)i.i*i(s
(he fiure be!ow showed that there were $arious coo+in faci!ities
uti!iIed in the area% (hese inc!ude +erosene sto$e, e!ectric sto$e, as
coo+er, firewood, sawdust and charcoa!% Information in fiure E therein
re$ea!ed that +erosene sto$e is used reu!ar!y than other methods% (his is
fo!!owed by the reu!ar use of as coo+er whi!e the use of e!ectric sto$e
ran+ed third% &ew of the respondents a!so use firewood and charcoa!
reu!ar!y% 'one of them use sawdust on a reu!ar basis% (he findins cou!d
be !in+ed with the popu!arity of the methods and a$ai!ab!e of their
components% It a enera! fact that the use of +erosene sto$e is common in
most western parts of the country due to the !e$e! of ci$i!iIation% In cities
!i+e Laos, the use of as coo+er and e!ectric sto$e are a!so common%
&irewood and charcoa! are often durin festi$a!s and ceremony due to the
!are number of persons to be ser$ed% (hus they not used reu!ar!y%

Figure (: !oo5ing faciliies use% in he area
Source: 3aa Anal/sis+ 2007
;..: H%+s(7%.0 Sa&i*a*i%& Fa)i.i*i(s
Househo!d sanitation faci!ities in the study area inc!ude +itchen,
bathroom, toi!ets, soa+ away pit, septic tan+, waste water pit and drainae
Information athered from the sur$ey re$ea!ed and presented in tab!e =
re$ea!ed thusC
;..:.8 Ki*)7(& fa)i.i*i(s
It was athered that 9: percent of the bui!dins ha$e +itchen faci!ities
whi!e 77 percent do not ha$e%
(ab!e <C Househo!d -anitation &aci!ities
&aci!ities #$ai!ab!e DEF 'ot a$ai!ab!e DEF
>itchen 588 D9:F =: D77F
(oi!et 5?< D<5%?F 7A D5<%7F
Bathroom 5?A D?<F 7< D88%AF
-oa+ away pit =7 D76%5F 587 D9:%=F
-eptic tan+ 6< D5?%7F 5<A D<8%9F
.aste water pit ?9 D67%7F 576 D:9%:F
Drainae 77 D8A%8F 5?7D?=%<F
Source: 3aa Anal/sis+ 2007
;..:. Ba*7$%%1
(he sur$ey indicated that one hundred and se$enty eiht D5?AF
respondents representin ?< percent of the bui!dins ha$e bathroom
faci!ities whi!e 88 percent do not ha$e%
;..:.: S%a4 a/ay ,i*, s(,*i) *a&4, /as*( /a*($ ,i* a&0
(hese faci!ities are $ery crucia! for the safety of human !ife in any
en$ironment% (he re!ease from human body represents waste which shou!d
be proper!y disposed to a$oid neati$e conse/uences on man and his
en$ironment% &indins from the sur$ey re$ea!ed that proportions of
bui!dins that ha$e soa+ away pit, septic tan+, waste water pit and drainae
are 76%5 percent, 5?%7 percent, 67%7 percent and 8A%8 percent respecti$e!y%
Of the bui!dins with soa+ away pits, ::%5 percent do not ha$e !ined
soa+1away pits whi!e the remainin 66%= percent ha$e soa+ away pits that
were !ined% (he imp!ication of this findin is that there is !i+e!ihood of
water seepae from soa+ away pit to round water% (his wou!d resu!t in
water po!!ution and $arious hea!th prob!ems to the consumers% (he fact
that we!! water is the second source of water supp!y in the area create
further ris+ especia!!y for those who do not purify their water before use%
D$ai&a3( C.(a$a&)(
Information athered from the sur$ey indicated that <8%8 percent of the
respondents c!ear their drainae in a wee+ whi!e remainin 5?%< percent
c!aimed that they c!ear their drainae bi1month!y or at more con$enient
times% (he findins indicated that the residents are aware of the need to
c!ear their drainae reu!ar!y%
;..:.; T%i.(* fa)i.i*i(s
(he importance of these faci!ities to human hea!th and dinity cannot be
o$er1emphasiIed% Information contained in (ab!e = showed that <5%?
percent of the bui!dins ha$e toi!et faci!ities whi!e 5<%7 percent do not ha$e
these faci!ities%
Ty,( %f *%i.(* fa)i.i*i(s
(he three major toi!et faci!ities uti!iIed in the area were pit !atrine, water
c!oset and buc+et !atrine% Information athered form the sur$ey showed
that the use of water c!oset ained hihest prominence in the area% (his is
fo!!owed by the use of pit !atrine whi!e the use of buc+et !atrine ran+ed
third% (he safety attached to the use water c!oset cou!d ha$e made it ained
prominence in the area% (he use of pit !atrine and buc+et !atrine cou!d be
$ery ris+y as erms cou!d easi!y enter the body whi!e defecatin% (his is
e$en worse for the fema!e especia!!y durin the menstrua! periods%
Figure F: T/0e of oile faciliies
Source: 3aa Anal/sis+ 2007
;..;Was*( s*%$a3( $()(,*a).(s
(he findins from the sur$ey showed that $arious storae receptac!es
were uti!iIed in the study area% (hese inc!ude jerry can, ny!on@po!ythene
ba, meta! drum, p!astic containers, abandoned buc+ets, co$ered refuse bin
and paper cartons%
(ab!e =C .aste -torae Items
Items &re/uency "ercentae
0erry can 9? 8:%5
"o!ythene ba ?9 67%7
*eta! container@drum 7? 85%:
"!astic =9 76%:
Out of use buc+ets 6< 5?%7
4o$ered refuse bin 56A 9=%:
"aper carton 6< 5?%7
Source: 3aa Anal/sis+ 2007
Information contained in (ab!e = showed that the waste storae
receptac!e most!y used in the area is the co$ered refuse bins representin
9=%: percent whi!e the use of abandoned buc+ets and paper cartons for
waste storae recorded !east sinificance amon the respondents with
e/ua! proportion of 5?%7 percent% (he use of co$ered bins wou!d reduce the
po!!ution and hea!th ris+ attached to waste storae systems% &!ies and other
harmfu! insects are often attracted to waste bins if they are not co$ered%
(he use of co$ered refuse bins wou!d a!so faci!itates the acti$ities of the
acti$ities "-" operators that co!!ect waste components in the area%

;.:L%)a*i%& %f H%+s(7%.0 Sa&i*a*i%& Fa)i.i*i(s
(he househo!d sanitation faci!ities were either !ocated within or outside
the bui!dins% Information contained in &iure ) showed that most of the
+itchen, bathroom and toi!et faci!ities were !ocated within the residence%
(he fact that these three faci!ities can be uti!iIed at any point in time either
durin the day or at niht cou!d ha$e been the factor responsib!e for their
!ocations% Locatin them outside the residence cou!d by be ris+y%
(he major water sources were !ocated outside the bui!din premises%
(hese are we!!, pipe1borne water and boreho!e% (he !ocation of these
faci!ities outside the bui!din wou!d a!!ow for access to them by both the
residents of the bui!dins and outsiders who may need water%
Figure 6: 7ocaion of #ousehol% Faciliies
Source: 3aa Anal/sis+ 2007
;.; Was*( Ma&a3(1(&* Iss+(s
(his section e,amines duration of waste before co!!ection or disposa!,
and the methods of waste disposa! in the area%
;.;.8 D+$a*i%& %f /as*( )%..()*i%&A0is,%sa.
(he duration of waste co!!ection is $ery important to the safety of the
en$ironment% Information contained in &iure H showed that the most
prominent duration of waste storae before disposa! is between 91? days%
(his cou!d be !in+ed to the fact that the "-" operators do co!!ect waste
items on a wee+!y basis% Respondents who c!aimed to store and dispose
their waste items at a !oner duration cou!d be those who do not enerate
much waste items or those that are not a!ways a$ai!ab!e durin the $isit of
the "-" operators%
Figure #: 3uraion of 8ase sorage before
Source: 3aa Anal/sis+ 2007
;.;. M(*7%0s %f /as*( 0is,%sa.
(his section e,amines the methods of waste disposa! in the study
area% (he Re!ati$e Importance Inde, DRIIF was used to determine the most
wide!y used waste disposa! methods and the preference of the residents on
any of the methods% (ab!e 5A shows that the $arious methods of waste
disposa! are used different!y in the study area%
R(.a*i-( I1,%$*a&)( I&0(6 DRIIE
(he Li+ertGs -ca!e D;ery often, Often, 'ot often, Rare and ;ery rareF
used in the data co!!ection was ran+ed from $a!ues D915F respecti$e!y% (he
number of respondents in support of any of the methods of waste disposa!
was mu!tip!ied with the correspondin $a!ue for that cateory%
RIIF GRa&4i&3H O-($a.. T%*a.AT%*a. N+12($ %f R(s,%&0(&*s.
91$ery often
61not often
51$ery rare
(ab!e 5A shows that the most wide!y used method of waste disposa! in
the study area is throuh the "-" Operators in waste manaement% (his is
fo!!owed in ran+ by disposa! throuh barrow@cart pushers whi!e disposa!
throuh Laos -tate .aste *anaement #uthority DL#.*#F ran+ed
third% .aste disposa! throuh burnin ran+ed fourth, disposa! of waste on
desinated disposa! sites ran+ed fifth whi!e dumpin of refuse on open
spaces ran+ed si,th% Dumpin of waste in the drains, and in nearby bushes
ran+ed se$enth and eiht respecti$e!y whi!e dumpin water bodies ran+ed
ninth% Disposa! of waste in uncomp!eted bui!dins occupied the !ast
(he findin imp!ied that waste disposa! throuh "-" operators ained
hihest sinificance% (his is at $ariance with a study carried out on I+eja
area of Laos state whereby disposa! throuh Laos state .aste
*anaement #ency DL#.*#F ained hihest prominence DBe!!o, 8AA?F%
(he difference cou!d be attributed to the fact that I+eja is the capita! city
and needs urent o$ernment attention to maintain its !e$e! of beauty and
Ta2.( 8!C M(*7%0 %f Was*( Dis,%sa.
M(*7%0s D<E D;E D:E DE D8E RII
Dump in open
7? D869F 5A D7AF 6A D=AF 5A D8AF 585 D585F 9A:@85<O8%68 :
Burnin of waste 9? D8<9F 8A D<AF 6= D55?F 5=D6<F <6D<6F :A6@85<O8%?? 7
Buryin of waste 5A D9AF 7A
6= D55?F 1DAF 58= D58=F 79:@85<O8%A= 5A
Dump in the
5= D=9F 8A D<AF 7= D57?F 8= D9<F 5A5 D5A5F 7<5@85<O8%85 ?
Dump in water
8? D569F = D6:F 6= D55?F 6A D:AF 556 D556F 7:5@85<O8%55 =
Dump in nearby
5A D9AF 8A D<AF 9: D5:<F 7A D<AF =8 D=8F 7?A@85<O8%5: <
disposa! site
6A D59AF 5< D?8F 8= D<?F 8A D<AF 585 D585F 95A@85<O8%67 9
7= D879F 9:
9? D5?5F 1DAF 9: D9:F :=:@85<O6%5= 8
Dumpin at road
1DAF 1DAF 7= D57?F 6< D?:F 565 D565F 697@85<O5%:8 56

;acant p!ots 1DAF 1DAF 7= D57?F 7< D=:F 585 D585F 6:7@85<O5%:? 58
1DAF 1DAF 6= D55?F 7< D=:F 565 D565F 677@85<O5%9< 57
5A D9AF 6A
5= D9?F = D5<F 59A D59AF 6=9@85<O5%<5 55
"-" Operators :: D66AF 9? D88<F 6< D557F 8A D7AF 6? D6?F ?7=@85<O6%76 5
L#.*# 6: D5<AF :?
9< D5?7F = D5<F 7< D7<F :<<@85<O6%5: 6

Source: 3aa Anal/sis+ 2007
(he hih presence of "-" operators in so!id waste manaement in
I+orodu town confirms the decision of the state o$ernment to reduce
waste disposa! prob!ems across the state% (he "ri$ate -upport "roramme
D"-"F in waste manaement is an initiati$e which a!!ows the pri$ate
companies to co!!ect waste components from househo!ds in desinated
areas within the state% (he "-" Operators were then paid month!y throuh
L#.*#% (heir payments are usua!!y determined by the $o!ume of waste
co!!ected from the househo!ds for the particu!ar month% On the other side,
the $o!ume of waste is measured at the desinated dumpsites% (he
operation of the "-" Operators is one in such a way that a!! forms of waste
components from each househo!d in any desinated area are co!!ected
without sereation or demand for money% (his i$es the residents the
fee!in that they do not ha$e to pay for the /uantity of waste enerated, and
as such they reser$e their waste components unti! the "-" Operators come
-ome of the respondents sti!! dump waste in nearby bush, drains and
water bodies so as to a$oid the month!y waste disposa! fees imposed by the
state o$ernment% (hese fees are chared based on the type of bui!dins
and the number of rooms% &or instance, a fee of '9AA is imposed on a 6
bedroom f!at in *ushin area of the state% Others practice these methods
whene$er the "-" Operators fai! to show at their streets for a particu!ar
period or when they ha$e haIardous or hih!y fi!thy waste to be disposed%
(he respondents in this cateory confirmed that they were aware of the
haIards of their acti$ities which inc!ude a fi!thy en$ironment and f!oodin%
.aste disposa! in uncomp!eted bui!dins ained !east sinificance in the
area% (he dependence of most of the residents on "-" operators,
barrow@cart pushers and L#.*# has enhanced the sanitation acti$ities in
the area%
;.< R(s,%&s( *% I&a0(@+a)y %f *7( Sa&i*a*i%& Fa)i.i*i(s
;.<.8 Ki*)7(& Fa)i.i*i(s
(hose who do not ha$e these faci!ities either coo+ in their rooms, in the
corridor or manae the a$ai!ab!e space% (he sur$ey indicated that
proportions of respondents in these cateories were 8: percent, 56 percent
and :5 percent respecti$e!y% Either of these responses cou!d enerate
smo+e which can resu!t in respiratory prob!ems or fire outbrea+s%
(oi!et &aci!ities
Househo!ds that do not ha$e toi!et faci!ities either throw their e,creta in
nearby ri$er, on $acant !and or in the drains% (hese proportions are 8:%6
percent, 8:%6 percent and 7?%7 percent respecti$e!y% (hese responses cou!d
resu!t in en$ironmenta! po!!ution and hea!th prob!ems in the area%
7%9%6 Bathroom &aci!ities
(he inade/uacies in bathrooms were responded to throuh ta+in bath
in the open before dawn or in nearby uncomp!eted bui!dins% Of the
responses, ta+in bath in the open is most sinificant with a proportion of
?6%? percent whi!e the remainin 8:%8 percent ha$e their bath in
uncomp!eted bui!dins% (hese responses downrade human dinity and
cou!d be more danerous for !adies who may face se,ua! assau!t durin the
7%9%7 .aste water pits
Of the responses to inade/uacy in waste water pits, dischare of waste
water on the streets is most sinificant% It represented :9%9 percent of the
tota! responses whi!e the waste water disposa! at the bac+yard of the
bui!dins represented 67%9 percent% (his cou!d resu!t in cho!era, dysentery
and po!!ution%
;.9 H(a.*7 Si*+a*i%& i& *7( a$(a
(he residents are fu!!y aware of the need to use the hea!th faci!ities in
the area%
I..&(ss(s R(,%$*(0
*ost of the respondents $isited the hea!th c!inics for the treatment of
ma!aria% Information contained in &iure I confirmed this assertion% (he
ne,t in ran+ is the cases of dysentery whi!e typhoid occupied the third
position in the order% 4ases of cho!era and asthma occupied the fourth and
fifth positions respecti$e!y%
Figure ': #ealh cases re0ore% b/ he resi%ens
Source: 3aa Anal/sis+ 2007
;." T7( M%&*7.y Sa&i*a*i%& E6($)is(
*ost of the respondents c!aimed that monitorin of the mandatory
sanitation acti$ities by o$ernment is effecti$e% # sinificant proportion
a!so confirmed that drainae c!earance, co!!ection and disposa! of
sanitation waste were effecti$e in the area%
;.= R(.a*i%&s7i, 2(*/((& s(.()*(0 -a$ia2.(s a&0 *7( 0+$a*i%&
%f 0$ai&a3( ).(a$a&)(
(he mu!tip!e reression ana!ysis was used to e,amine this re!ationship%
(he independent $ariab!es to be e,amined inc!udeC
'umber of years spent on education
Bears of !i$in in the area
#$erae month!y income, and
Househo!d siIe
R R -/uare #djusted R
-td% Error of the
%?9? %9?6 %99? %?57
Source: 3aa Anal/sis+ 2007
(he resu!t of the corre!ation co1efficient DRF shows that there is a hih
re!ationship between the duration of drainae c!earance and the
independent $ariab!es in the ana!ysis%
(he R
in this case is 9?%6 E% (his shows that the independent $ariab!es
were ab!e to e,p!ain 9?%6 E of the tota! $ariation in drainae c!earance in
the area%
B Beta -i%
D4onstantF 7%888
Education A%A=6=: %5A? %758
Bears of !i$in in the area A%A6<7< %86A %=5
#$erae month!y income 1A%AAAA5=8? 1%6?7 %9=6
Househo!d siIe A%A?<?5 %5?: %AA
Source: 3aa Anal/sis+ 2007
Beta coefficient from the mu!tip!e reression ana!ysis shows that the
number of years of !i$in in the area contributed most!y to the !e$e! of
drainae c!earance with a beta $a!ue of A%86A% &o!!owed in order of
importance is the househo!d siIe throuh A%5?:, education is A%5A? whi!e
a$erae month!y income is 1A%6?7%
Beta coefficient shows that out of the socio1economic $ariab!es
e,amined, the number of years of !i$in has the hihest effect on drainae
c!earance% (his is fo!!owed by the househo!d siIe and education
respecti$e!y% (he findins show that the !oner the years of !i$in in the
area, the hiher the !e$e! of drainae c!earance% (he fact that owner1
occupation of residences has the !east importance on drainae c!earance
showed that there has no sinificant difference in drainae c!earance on
the basis of the owner !i$in in the premise%
;.> R(.a*i%&s7i, 2(*/((& (0+)a*i%& %f $(s,%&0(&*s a&0
0+$a*i%& %f /as*( s*%$a3( 2(f%$( 0is,%sa.
&indins from the sur$ey a!so showed that there is a re!ationship between
the education of the respondents and the duration of waste storae before
disposa!% (his assertion is confirmed by the chi1s/uare $a!ue of =5%68=%
;.8! R(.a*i%&s7i, 2(*/((& %))+,a*i%& %f $(s,%&0(&*s a&0
0+$a*i%& %f /as*( s*%$a3( 2(f%$( 0is,%sa.
&indins from the sur$ey further showed that there is a re!ationship
between the occupation of the respondents and the duration of waste
storae before disposa!% (his assertion is confirmed by the chi1s/uare $a!ue
of :=%<5= at a deree of freedom of 58%
C7a,*($ Si6
(he chapter summariIes the findins in this study and suests ways to
impro$e en$ironmenta! sanitation in the core area of I+orodu town%
:%5 S+11a$y %f Fi&0i&3s
(he study estab!ished that I+orodu is one of the towns in Laos state
with re!ated prob!ems of poor en$ironmenta! sanitation practices% (he
study showed that the a$erae ae of the residents was appro,imate!y 6A
years% It a!so estab!ished that 7:%<E were sin!e whi!e eihty se$en D<?F
representin 6=%=E of the tota! residents were married% (he residents ha$e
!i$ed in the area for a$erae of 5A years% (he sur$ey further showed that
6<%9 E of the residents were students, 89%? E were traders whi!e 88%9 E
were ci$i! ser$ants% (he minimum and ma,imum a$erae month!y incomes
in the area were '5,8AA and '<A,AAA respecti$e!y% (he mean month!y
income is appro,imate!y '59,AAA% (he study a!so indicated that 7:%< E of
the residents had secondary schoo! /ua!ification whi!e 5?%= E had
$ocationa! trainin%
(he study re$ea!ed that 98%< E of the residents !i$e in b!oc+s of f!at% It
was a!so estab!ished that the residents preferred mu!tip!e fami!y dwe!!in
units to sin!e fami!y units due to the price $ariation and affordabi!ity% (he
study further indicated that 9?%6 E of the sur$eyed bui!dins were owner1
(he study estab!ished that the sources of water in the area inc!ude we!!,
pipe1borne water, stream, rainfa!!, boreho!e and purchase% (he findins
showed that the use we!! water reu!ar!y represents 6A%6 E% Respondents
that use pipe1borne water reu!ar!y accounted for 76%: E whi!e <%? E use
stream water% (he proportion that use water from boreho!e and purchase
sources reu!ar!y represent <%? E and 7%: E respecti$e!y% 'one of the
respondents use rainfa!! water reu!ar!y% (he study a!so showed that two
sinificant methods of water purification in the area are boi!in and use of
chemica! purifiers representin 7?%8 E and 88%A E respecti$e!y% It was a!so
estab!ished that most of the residents who re!y on pipe1borne do not use
any form of water purification% &urthermore, the most sinificant method
of coo+in in the area is the use of +erosene sto$e% Others methods of
coo+in inc!ude use of e!ectric sto$e, as coo+er, firewood, sawdust and
(he study identified the major househo!d sanitation faci!ities in the area as
toi!et, +itchen, bathroom, soa+ way pit, waste water pit, drainae and septic
tan+% It was estab!ished that on!y 9: E of the bui!dins ha$e +itchen
faci!ities; <5%? E ha$e toi!et faci!ities whi!e ?< E ha$e bathroom faci!ities%
Bui!dins with soa+ away pit, septic tan+, waste water pit and drainae
were 76%5 E, 5?%7 E, 67%7 E and 8A%8 E respecti$e!y% It was a!so estab!ished
that <8%8 E of the respondents c!ear their drainae in a wee+% (he study
showed the three major toi!et faci!ities uti!iIed in the area were pit !atrine,
water c!oset and buc+et !atrine% (he use of water c!oset ained hihest
prominence in the area% (he findins a!so showed the waste storae
receptac!es used in the area are jerry can, ny!on@po!ythene ba, meta!
drum, p!astic containers, abandoned buc+ets, co$ered refuse bin and paper
cartons% It was re$ea!ed that the waste storae receptac!e most!y used in
the area is the co$ered refuse bins representin 9=%: E whi!e the use of
abandoned buc+ets and paper cartons for waste storae recorded !east
sinificance with e/ua! proportion of 5?%7 E%
(he househo!d sanitation faci!ities were either !ocated within or outside
the bui!dins% (he study re$ea!ed that most of the +itchen, bathroom and
toi!et faci!ities were !ocated within the residence whi!e we!!, pipe1borne
water and boreho!e were !ocated outside the bui!dins% (he prominent
duration of waste storae before disposa! is between 91? days% ;arious
methods of waste disposa! were used in the area% (he Re!ati$e Importance
Inde, DRIIF used to determine the most wide!y used waste disposa!
methods so!id waste disposa! throuh "-" operators, L#.*# and
barrow@cart pushers ained hihest sinificance%
(he residents respond to inade/uacy in pro$ision of sanitation faci!ities
in different ways% (he study estab!ished that :5 E of those who do not ha$e
manae the a$ai!ab!e space, 8: E coo+ in their rooms whi!e 56 E coo+ on
the corridor% (he study further showed that 7?%7 E of the residents without
toi!et faci!ities do throw their e,creta in the drains whi!e 8:%6 E throw it on
$acant !ands% #!so, ?6%? E of the househo!ds without bathrooms do ha$e
their bath in the open before dawn whi!e the remainin 8:%8 E use
uncomp!eted bui!dins% &urthermore, :9%9 E of the househo!ds without
waste water pits dischare their waste water on the street whi!e 67%9 E
dischare the waste water at the bac+yard of their bui!dins%
(he residents were fu!!y aware of the need to use the hea!th faci!ities in
the area% *ost of the respondents $isited the hea!th c!inics for the
treatment of ma!aria% Other hea!th cases reported are typhoid, dysentery,
cho!era and asthma% (he study a!so estab!ished that monitorin of the
mandatory sanitation acti$ities by o$ernment, drainae c!earance,
co!!ection and disposa! of sanitation waste were effecti$e in the area was
(he reression ana!ysis showed that there is sinificant re!ationship
between the socio1economic $ariab!es and the duration of drainae
c!earance% (he R
$a!ue of 9?%6 E showed that the independent $ariab!es
were ab!e to e,p!ain 9?%6 E of the tota! $ariation in drainae c!earance in
the area%
(he study indicated that there is a re!ationship between the education
and occupation of the respondents and the duration of waste storae before
disposa!% (his was confirmed by the chi1s/uare $a!ue of =5%68= and :=%<5=
at derees of freedom of < and twe!$e respecti$e!y%
9. R()%11(&0a*i%&
(he study has shown that sanitation faci!ities were not ade/uate!y
pro$ided in the area% (his has affected the en$ironmenta! sanitation
practices of residents in the area% (he resu!t has been the sanitation1re!ated
hea!th prob!ems reported in the area% (o reduce correct this situation, the
fo!!owin points are recommendedC
)o$ernment shou!d pro$ide enab!in en$ironment for pri$ate
sector participation in en$ironmenta! sanitation and awareness
proramme for the residents in the area%
Househo!ds without basic sanitation faci!ities shou!d be
encouraed to do so throuh subsidies
(he month!y en$ironmenta! sanitation e,ercise shou!d be made
participatory throuh en!ihtenment prorammes on its
(he acti$ities of pri$ate sector participation in so!id waste
co!!ection and disposa! shou!d be further intensified%
)o$ernment shou!d pro$ide drainae faci!ities a!on the road
(here shou!d be ade/uate pro$ision of the basic infrastructura!
faci!ities to enhance the hea!th condition of the residents%
Residents who fai! to cooperate with the basic sanitation
conditions shou!d be sanctioned throuh a competent court of
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'I4HD and 'IEH- )rant ROLHD L =9 L AA8%
IIED@D#'ID# D8AA5FC Urban En$ironmenta! Impro$ement and "o$erty
Reduction, London%
>eeb!e, L% D5=:=FC "rincip!es and "ractice of (own and 4ountry "!annin;
(he Estate )aIette, London%
>e!ay, (%, 4henoweth, 0 and &ife1-chwa, 4% D8AA:FC HReport on 4onsumer
(rends, 4ross1cuttin Issues across EuropeG; :EC>NEA;( pp% 7:
Laho D8AA5FC (he -tudy on Uti!iIation of -afe .ater and -anitation
&aci!ities amon Househo!ds in 'a+hon "athom, (hai!and%
Lynch D5=??FC (he Imae of the 4ity in Loewenstein L%>% DedF ;$6an
S%u)ies2 An In%$o)u!%o$/ Rea)e$ London, (he &ree "ress pp% 698 L
*c)ranahan )% et a! D5===FC En$ironment 4hane and Human Hea!th in
4ountries of #frica, the 4arribbean and the "acific, -EI -toc+ho!m%
*c+ee D5==8FC -ocia! *obi!iIation and -ocia! *ar+etin in De$e!opin
4ommunitiesC Lessons for 4ommunicators; "enan, *a!asia%
*icrosoft Encarta D8AA<FC @i!$oso*% S%u)en%s En!a$%a- A So*%,a$e
En!/!'o#e)ia( *icrosoft Incorporated%
*urphy, R% E% and ;ance, 0% E% D5=9=FC HDe!imitin the 4entra! Business
DistrictG, E!ono"i! =eo.$a#&/? ;o! 6A, 'o% 7%
*us!eh Uddin and -udhir D8AAAFC En$ironmenta! -anitation "romotionC #
-ocia!, Institutiona! and Lea! 4ha!!ene for the Rura! "oor; #DB;
'wa+a )% D8AA9FC (he Urban Informa! -ector in 'ieriaC (owards
Economic De$e!opment, En$ironmenta! and -ocia! Harmony, InC
)!oba! Urban De$e!opment, ;o!% 5, Issue 5, *ay, 8AA9
O!ayiwo!a L%* and Omisore, E% O% D8AA5FC HLoca! )o$ernment and Urban
"!annin #dministration in 'ieriaC "rob!ems and 4ha!!enesG InC I*e
P'annin. 9ou$na'( IC8@DES:( 8A;( I'e I*e? 8sun S%a%e0
Onibo+un, #% )% D5=<?FC H(he "o!icy Imp!ication of Emerin *etropo!ises
in 'ieriaG, InC ;$6an an) Re.iona' P'annin. Po'i!/ Fo$"u'a%ion in
De-e'o#in. Coun%$ies1 Ded%F by &aniran, et a!; p =515A7; Ibadan%
Uni$ersity of Ibadan "ress%
Osahe, *% D5=?8FC PBenin 4ity *otor (ermina!s and (heir -pheres of
Inf!uenceQ cited in #desanya #%#%, Ao!a%ion an) Desi.n o* Inne$-!i%/
Passen.e$ :e$"ina's2 A Case o* A6eo7u%a% 'I0s "ub!ishers,
Oyebami, B% D5=<AFC Inade/uacy of (ermina!s in Ibadan% H%'%D project,
Department of (own and Reiona! "!annin, (he "o!ytechnic, Ibadan,
"aderson, E% O% D5=<AFC (ransportation in 4ities; "eramon "ress, 'ew
"orters, 0%D% D5=?:FC En-i$on"en% an) Be&a-iou$2 P'annin. an)
E-e$/)a/ ;$6an Ai*e% 'ew Bor+, ;ictoria "ress%
"O-(note D8AA8FC #ccess to -anitation in De$e!opin 4ountries,
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"ryor D5=:<FC HDefinin the Rura!1Urban &rineG InC A"e$i!an 9ou$na' o*
So!ia' Fo$u"? ;o!% 7?, 5=:<%
Rochester R% 4% D8AA9FC (owards effecti$e En$ironmenta! and (own
"!annin "o!icies for De!ta -tate, 'ieria%
Ro!and et a! D8AA7FC #n Interated #pproach to En$ironmenta! -anitation
and Urban #ricu!tura!, Ueber!and -trasse; 566; ch1<:AA,
-abur D8AA:FC 4ommunity1!ed (ota! -anitationC Different #pproach to
ma+e Difference; .ater#id, Ban!adesh%
-ada, "% O% D5=?AFC H(he Rura!1Urban &rine of Laos, "opu!ation and Land
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'o%8, pp 8891875%
-aariren, (%&% D5=:7FC "erception of En$ironment Research paper 'o% 9,
#ssociation of #merican )eoraphers%
-ada!!a, E%, -wanson, ( and ;e!esiw, 0% D5===FC Residentia! Beha$iour and
En$ironmenta! HaIards in #riIona1-onora 4o!onia!% Research Report
"roject number EH=<18
-aywe!!, D% and 4otton, # D5==<FC -trateic -anitation #pproach;
"O-(note, 8AA8%
-era$e, #% 0% D8AA?FC HReport on (rends in the 'ether!aandsG :EC>NEA;(
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(animowo D8AA5FC H(ransportation "attern in the 4entra! Business District
of "re15=AA 'ierian 4itiesC # 4ase -tudy of #+esan in Oyo (ownG, InC
I*e P'annin. 9ou$na'( IC8@DES:( 8A;( I'e I*e? 8sun S%a%e0
(uan, B%&% D5=?8FC Discrepancies of En$ironmenta! #ttitude and Beha$iourC
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DedsF @an( S#a!e an) En-i$on"en%% London, O,ford Uni$ersity press,
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.a!!in, E% et a! D8AA9FC .aste *anaement in De$e!opin 4ountriesC #
4ase -tudy of .aste Dumpsite in #ba, 'ieria%
.hitefie!d, D% >% and >anaan, )% E% D5=?8FC H2onin "ar+in and (raffic
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.HO and U'I4E& D8AAAFC ='o6a' 3a%e$ Su##'/ an) Sani%a%ion
Assess"en% 2000 Re#o$%% )ene$a%
.HO@U'I4E& D8AA:FC H*eetin the *D) Drin+in .ater and -anitation
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2u!ee, -% D8AA:FC (rends in 4entra! Europe D)ermany@-witIer!andFG
:EC>NEA;( pp%<6

3ear Sir/4a+
(his /uestionnaire is aimed at obtainin information on the sanitation practices in the
sub1urban area of Laos% It is an academic e,ercise; hence any information i$en wou!d be
treated with utmost confidentia!ity%

5% )ender of respondentC *a!e D F &ema!e D F
8% *y ae isJ SSSSSSS%%
6% *arita! -tatusC -in!e D F *arried D F Di$orced D F .idowed D F
-eparated D F
7% OccupationC -tudent D F -e!f1emp!oyed D F 4i$i! ser$ant D F(rader D F #rtisan D F
&armer D F
9% Educationa! statusC "rimary D F -econdary D F (ertiary D F ;ocationa! D F 'one D F
Others D F
:% How !on ha$e you been !i$in in this areaJ 11111111111
?% *y a$erae month!y income isJ 11111111111111
<% How many are you in your househo!dJ 111111111111111
=% .hat type of bui!din do you !i$e inJ Dup!e, D F BraIi!ian type D F B!oc+ of
f!ats D F -e!f contained D F (raditiona! courtyard D F
5A% #re you the owner of this bui!dinJ Bes D F 'o D F
55% If no, does the owner !i$e in this bui!dinJ Bes D F'o D F
58% Indicate the different sources of water in your bui!din
.ater -ources Used 'ot in use
Reu!ar!y -e!dom
"ipe borne water
Rain water
56% How do you purify your drin+in waterJ 'o purification D F Boi!in D F Use of
chemica! purifiers D F Others Dp!ease specifyF SSSSS
57% >ind!y indicate the coo+in items you use in your apartmentJ
4oo+in items Used 'ot in use
Reu!ar!y -e!dom
>erosene sto$e
E!ectric sto$e
)as coo+er
Others D"!ease specifyF
59% Indicate the faci!ities a$ai!ab!e in your bui!din
&aci!ities #de/uate Inade/uate 'ot a$ai!ab!e
-oa+ away pit
-eptic tan+
.aste water pit
5:% Is your soa+ away pit !inedJ Bes D F 'o D F
5?% If there is@are toi!etDsF, what type is@are theyJ "it !atrine D F .ater c!oset D F
Buc+et !atrine D F
5<% If the faci!ities !isted in 59 Dabo$eF are inade/uate or una$ai!ab!e, how do you
respond to such inade/uacyJ
>itchenC I coo+ in my room D F I coo+ in the corridor D F I manae a$ai!ab!e space D F
Others Dp!ease specifyF 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
(oi!et DI dispose my faecesFC In nearby bush D F In the drain D F On nearby open
fie!dD F On $acant !and D F 'earby ri$er D F 'earby uncomp!eted bui!dins D F
Bathroom DI ha$e my bathFC In the open before dawn D F In nearby uncomp!eted
bui!din D F Others D"!ease specifyFTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
.aste water tan+C .astewater is disposed on the street D F It is disposed at the
bac+yard D F
5=% How often do you c!ear your drainae systemJ Dai!y D F &ortniht!y D F wee+!y D F
Bi1month!y D F others DspecifyF SSSS%%
8A%Indicate the !ocation of the fo!!owin faci!ities in your residence
&aci!ities .ithin the bui!din Outside the bui!din 'ot a$ai!ab!e
"ipe borne water
85% +ind!y indicate the condition of the fo!!owin faci!ities in your residence
&aci!ities ;ery ood )ood &air Bad ;ery bad
-oa+ away pit
-eptic tan+
.aste water pit
E!ectricity supp!y
88% Indicate the different materia!s you use to store waste enerated in your househo!d
before disposa!J
*ateria!s Used 'ot used
0erry can
'y!on@"o!ythene ba
*eta! container@drum
"!astic container
Buc+et out of use
4o$ered refuse bin
"aper cartons
86% Duration of waste storae before co!!ection@disposa!J Less than 7 days D F 91?days D F 8
wee+s D F
617 wee+s D F #bo$e 7 wee+s D F
87% Indicate how often you use any of methods of waste disposa! !isted be!owC
.aste disposa! methods ;ery often Often 'ot often Rare ;ery rare
Dump in open space
Dump in the drains
Dump in water bodies
Dump in nearby bush
Desinated disposa! site
Barrow@cart pushers
Road junctions
;acant p!ots
Uncomp!eted bui!din
Loca! o$ernment
"-" operators
89% >ind!y rate the effecti$eness of the fo!!owin in re!ation to the mandatory
en$ironmenta! sanitation in the area
Issues Hih!y effecti$e Effecti$e Ineffecti$e Hih!y ineffecti$e'ot at a!! effecti$e
*onitorin of sanitation
e,ercise by o$ernment
4!earin of drainae
4o!!ection of the
sanitation waste
Disposa! of the
sanitation waste
8:% Do you use the hea!th centreJ Bes D F 'o D F
8?% If yes, how often do you $isit the p!aceJ ;ery fre/uent D F fre/uent D F fair!y
fre/uent D F 'ot fre/uent D F 'ot at a!! fre/uent D F
8<%Indicate as many of the i!!nesses !isted be!ow as you were treated ofJ *a!aria D F
(yphoid D F Dysentery D F 4ho!era D F #sthma D F Others DspecifyF
8=% .ho are those monitorin the mandatory sanitation e,erciseJ L#.*# officia!s D F
(he Hea!th Officers of the L)# D F "-" operators D F >#I officia!s D F others Dp!ease
6A%.hat wou!d you recommend as ways to impro$e en$ironmenta! sanitation practice
of residents in this areaJ
The (n%.
Than5s for /our coo0eraion.

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