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A study of effectiveness of a programme developed to improve the

use of English writing of std 5

student of zilla parishad primary
school kothali.
Miss. Swapnaja kalyani chaugale
iv ! a Roll "o . ##
mrs. Aateka mam
Su%mitted to
M&E Society's jr. college of education
(English medium)
*ear #++,-#+.+
S.NO Name of the topic
Title Page
1.1 introduction
1.2 Need Of Reearch
1.! "mportance
1.# Statement Of Pro$lem
1.% Operational Definition
1.& O$'ecti(e Of Stud)
1.* Aumption And +)pothei
1., Scope And -imitation
1.. Re(iew Of Related -iterature
2.1 Re(iew Of Related -iterature
2.2 introduction
2.! Re(iew Of pri(iou -iterature
!.1 /ethod Of Reearch And Deign
!.2 Population And Sample
!.! Tool And Data Collection
!.# Statitical Tool
!.% Procedure
#.1 Preentation
#.2 Anal)i Of Data
#.! "nterpretation Of Data
#.# Anal)i And Dicuion Of Data
chapter- 4
%.1 Summar)
%.2 Concluion
%.! Recommendation
%.# Suggetion 0or 0urther Reearch
Thi i to certif) that mi Swapna'a kal)ani chaugale tudent of S1DT2D
Di( 3 A Roll No. 22 ha(e completed the report of writing on action reearch for the
academic )ear 244.52414.
Name of the guide
/r. Aateka madam
Date 3
/r. Sa$rina 6han
SE65 E&6ARA3/7"
"7 mi Swapna'a kal)ani chaugale tud)ing in S1DT2D Di( A Roll no. 22
ha(e to u$mitted the action reearch report to the /.C.2 ociet)8 9r. college of
education :2nglih medium;
Date 3
&1A23ER "7 8 .
1.1 "ntroduction
1.2 Need of Reearch
1.! "mportance
1.# Statement of Pro$lem
1.% Operational definition
1.& O$'ecti(e of Stud)
1.* Aumption And +)pothei
1., Scope And -imitation
1ou can calculate the $eha(ior of a man $) looking at hi handwriting .writing i
one of the art. +and writing mut $e clean7 $eautiful7 $old and legi$le. 2ducation i
a life long proce. "t i tart form $irth and end to death. 0irt teacher of a child i
mother .Teacher can calculate undertanding le(el of the tudent after hi that time
he found the %
Standard tudent handwriting wa not good. +and writing kill
mut $e good i necear) for each and e(er) tudent while tud)ing in chool and
college .Alo it i important in our da) to da) life.
A cientit get help of la$orator) to complete hi reearch or e<periment .
"n the ame wa) in thi reearch tudent are main (aria$le in thi reearch. So7 "
thank to all the tudent of %
tandard in =illa Parihad Primar) School kothali.
" am epeciall) thankful to all the teacher of the =illa Parihad Primar) School7
which ha(ing uch a great contri$ution in m) work.
Reearcher need direction. >ithout proper direction reearcher can not do
an)thing . So " am (er) thankful to m) repected teacher7 ?uide Prof. aateka /am
who had gi(e me (alua$le guidance.
So " heartil) thank to all the a$o(e.
..# "EE 75 RESEAR&1 !-
"n dail) teaching proce man) pro$lem are faced $)
Teacher. To ol(e thi pro$lem action reearch i need. So thi reearch
" called educational reearch.
Thi reearch i needed for ol(ing the pro$lem of hand writing. To know
the efficienc) of tudent a$out the writing. To de(elop the kill of hand
writing. To aware the pro$lem of writing.
To implement the acti(itie for de(eloping the hand writing kill.
..; /M27R3A<&5. 75 RESAR&1
The pro$lem elected for reearch " of (ital importance $ecaue +and writing
i one of the $aic kill. Clean hand writing kill gi(e An e<tra edge to the
peronalit) of the peron. The tudent of %
Standard had de(eloped their
hand writing kill $ut till there i not 2<actne in it. "t important.
To ena$le the tudent to write clean7 $eautiful $old and legi$le writing
To de(elop the peed
"n the econdar) le(el and after completion of education it i (er) important to
increae the confidence of the confidence of the tudent to increae the interet to
the tudent in writing.
..; S3A3EME"3 75 2R7<6EM
TO ST@D1 T+2 2002CT O0 D2A2-OP2D PRO?RA/ TO "/PROA2 T+2
..5 72ERA3/7"A6 E5/"/3/7" !-
Ten to twel(e age group tudent who paed fourth
tandard thi cla i called a B0O@RT+ C-ASSB
N2AT +AND >R"T"N? 5
Cold7 Clean7 Ceautiful and legi$le writing i called a
..= 7<>E&/4ES 75 S3?*
1; To find out the mitake of writing
2; To impro(e the program or to de(elop the program
!; To compare the reult.
..@ ASS?M23/7" A" 1*2731ES/S
E All the tudent will co5operate
E Student will acti(el) and willingl) participate in the programmer.
E Student are not aware a$out the importance of hand writing.
E "f practice of writing i conducted e(er) da)7 then the writing kill of
the tudent will $e impro(ed.
E "f a grammar leon i conducted e(er) da)7 then the writing of the
tudent will $e impro(ed.
..A S&72E A" 6/M/3A3/7"
Thi i reearch i $eneficial for the tudent.
E Thi reearch i limited to hand writing kill onl).
E Thi reearch applica$le for one chool onl).
E Thi reearch limited for fifth cla onl).
E The preent reearch co(er 2nglih u$'ect onl).
&1A23ER "+ -#
1.1 Re(iew of Related -iterature
1.2 Re(iew of Pre(iou -iterature
RE4/E: 75 RE6A3E 6/3ERA3?RE
#.. /"3R7?&3/7"
"n pre(iou chapter introduction need o$'ecti(e7 h)pothei cope of and
limitation of pro$lem in gi(en
"n preent chapter re(iew of (ariou related literature wa found in (olume 1 of
ur(e) of 2D@CAT"ONA- R2S2ARC+ BC1 /.C.C@C+
The re(iew of related literature repaint the reearcher with the work done $) other
reearcher which ma) $e ueful to conduct the reearch the re(iew of related
literature er(e the following
1 "t help to light the gape in the e<iting knowledge
2 "t help in limiting the pro$lem and defining it in a $etter wa)
! "t help in deciding the reearch methodolog) tool and intrument of the
# "t ena$le to identif) reearch reponi$ilit) that ha(e $een $e)ond reach
% "t help in anal)Fing and interpreting the finding of the tud) in the light of
the pre(iou reearch finding
& "t gi(e recommendation for further reearch.
G0or man) worth while tudie in an) field of knowledge the reearch need an
adeHuate familiarit) with the work which ah alread) $een done in the area of hi
choice. +e ha to $uild upon the accumulated and record knowledge to the pat.I
A; Cuch (olume J ,&! page no. %.4 :Ph.D. thei 9ohi. A.?.;

3itle J A tud) error in writing 2nglih among pupil of tandard # to % A.2.
ociet)8 college of education7 Ahmadnagar7 1.*% :/SCTPCR5 financed;
Major findings
2rror concerning peech7 .4 percent and , percent and #% percent pupil
repecti(el) committed num$er and pelling.
1; 2rror of con'unction and were committed $) 2 percent and percent pupil
2; The three categorie of error ha(ing the highet freHuenc) were thoe of
pelling tene and num$er.
!; Out of the four t)pe into which the error categor) pelling wa di(ided
error of replacement were the mot freHuent.
#; Among the error of tene almot all were caued $) irregular (er$.
%; 2rror regarding num$er graduall) decreaed a the pupil progreed from
tandard #
to %
&; Among the error related to the ue of prepoition ,& percent were caued $)
the ue of wrong prepoition while the remaining 1# percent were due to the
non5ue of prepoition.
C; <askram 1er%ert s..,A, page no. @BB
The impact of the remedial teaching programmed on the common error
committed $) the tudent of tandard 12
in written 2nglih /.phil
education Alagappa uni(erit)
2ro%lem!- To tud) the impact of remedial teaching programmed on the
common error committed $) tudent tandard 12 in written 2nglih.
Major finding
1; The tudent of the control group did not different ignificantl) with
the e<perimental group in committing orthographical error in written
2nglih in pretet.
2; The tudent of the control group did not differ ignificantl) with the
control group in committing orthographical error in written 2nglih
in the pot5tet KS/51*!%
Aol51 1.,!5,, :page no.&*4;
&1A23ER "+ 8 ;
!.1 "ntroduction
!.2 Reearch /ethod
!.! Deign
!.# Population And Sample
!.% Tool of Reearch
!.& Statitical Tool
!.* Procedure
ME317 75 RESEAR&1
"n pre(iou chapter reearcher ha taken re(iew of related literature. "n thi chapter
reearch ha gi(en the detail information a$out methodolog) and procedure.
:hat is researchC
Reearch i a )tematic and cientific acti(it) or attempt to o$tain the anwer of
meaningful Huetion7 2ducational phenomena7 e(ent and tructure.
9O+N >. Cet ha o$er(ed in hi $ook.
Reearch in education7 a the ecret of our cultural de(elopment ha $een reearch
puhing $ack the area of ignorance $) dico(ering new truth which in turn lead to
$etter wa) of doing thing and $etter productI.
There i no alternati(e to truth and therefore to reearch of to get neare to truth.
ME317767$* 75 2RESE"3 RESEAR&1 !-
Reearcher elected e<perimental method for hi tud).
ED2ER/ME"3A6 ME317
2<perimental reearch pro(ide a )tematic and logical method for anwering the
"f thi i done under carefull) controlled condition what will happen e<periment
manipulate certain timuli treatment or en(ironmental condition and o$er(e how
the condition or $eha(ior i affected changed. The manipulation i deli$erate and
)tematic. The) mut $e aware of other factor that could influence the outcome
and remo(e or control them o that can eta$lih aociation $etween manipulated
factor and a$o(e affect. 2<perimentation pro(ide a method of h)pothei teting
after e<periment define a pro$lem7 the) propoe a tentati(e anwer or h)pothei
the) tet the h)pothei and confirm refute if in the light of the controlled (aria$le
relationhip that the) ha(e o$er(ed. "t i important to note that the confirmation or
re'ection of the h)pothei i tated in term of pro$a$ilit) rather than certaint)
:'.>. Cet7 9.A.6han;
2 L T
2 L 2<perimental
L Pre5Tet
N L Treatment
L Pot5Tet
R L RandomiFed
5low chart
Statistical evaluation
2opulation and sampling
A population i an) group of indi(idual who ha(e one or more characteritic
in common that are of interet to the reearch. The population ma) $e all the
indi(idual of a particular t)pe group.
All the tudent of #
tandard of Filla parihad contitute the population for
preent tud).
Data collection i an important part of the tud). "t i not poi$le to collect
information a$out e(er) indi(idual in a population related to tud) for the
data collection. Therefore it i necear) to elect a or e(ent which repreent
the entire population. A carefull) elected help to a(e time7 mone) and
effort of the reearcher without 'eopardiFing the relia$ilit) and (alidit) of
the finding.

A ample i a mall proportion of a population elected for o$er(ation and
anal)i. C) o$er(ing the characteritic of the ample7 one can make certain
inference a$out the characteritic of the population from which it i drawn.
Thi can $e e<plained more clearl) in the word of 0redrick 0 Stephen.
Purpoi(e Sampling 35 "n purpoi(e ampling7 the in(etigator pick out the
ample in relation to ome orientation7 which i conidered important for a
particular tud).
>hen the reearcher elect a ample to meet the purpoe of the reearch it i
called purpoeful ample. The ample i elected $) ar$itrar) method. "n
purpoi(e ampling7 the reearch chooe the ample according to hi
'udgment keeping in (iew. The o$'ecti(e of the tud) in the purpoi(e
ampling there i a good e(idence that ample i repreentati(e of the total
population7 which i $aed on e<perience therefore in the preent tud)
purpoi(e ampling techniHue which i ue a teacher dealing with learning
dia$le tudent were choen purpoi(el).
School "ame ! D+AR/A"R SA/C+A9" /A+ARA9 SC+OO- 1*C P/C7
Num$er of Student3 24
3776S 75 RESEAR&1
0or the editing the information following tool are ued $) reearcher
A; 2RE-3ES35Thi tet i gi(en to ample
Paragraph to tudent to write and o$er(e careful for anal)e their
C; 27S3-3ES3
Thi tet i gi(en to the tudent after anal)Fing the pro$lem of
tudent. The remedial acti(itie are carried in order to ol(e the pro$lem of
pre5tet. for pot5tet ame paragraph gi(en to the tudent for writing and
after anal)Fing the full of pot5tet .Reearcher come t know the effect ne
of remedial acti(itie.
S3A33S3/A6 3776S
"t i necear) to anal)e the completed information in the action reearch. Thi i
reHuired to earch correct meaning form information different ta$le7 chart diagram
and graph ued to e<plain the information
Reearcher ued check lit for the calculation of reult.
Twent)5fi(e tudent were elected for e<periment .out of 2% tudent 1% tudent
were $o) and remaining 14 were girl.
After pre5tet and pot5tet reearcher check the difference $etween pre5tet and
pot5tet and draw the concluion
B.. 2RESE"3A3/+" !-
"n dail) teaching5learning proce man) pro$lem care faced $) teacher. To ol(e
thi pro$lem action reearche i needed .So7 it i need to get proper guidance and
ol(e the pro$lem. So thi reearch i called educational reearch.
Thi reearch i a$out the de(elopment of hand writing kill of fifth tandard
tudent. The information i collected with the help of Filla parihad primar)
chool . kothali. The a$o(e information preented and it i claified with the help
of ta$le and graph7 it i helpful for the reearcher .it i alo the e(idence of our
B. ; /"3ER2RE3A3/7" 75 A3A
Anal)i of the interaction i done with the help of graph. Reearcher can a)
o$'ecti(e are achie(ed7 $ecaue ome difference are een in tudent writing
$efore remedie and after remedie.
Thu7 Reearcher can a) that thi reearch i completed uccefull) and
effecti(el) reearcher pla) and important role in de(elopment of hand writing
kill of the tudent.
B.B A"A6*S/S A" /S&?SS/7" 75 A3A
Reearcher collected the information with the help of checklit and graph.
Reearcher checked at pre5tet of each kill then minimum num$er of tudent do
not write (er) well in Fill parihad primar) chool Cham$ of tandard 0ifth .
Then after reearcher checked pot tet reearcher ee the ma<imum tudent
$ecome de(eloped (er) well. After checking thee thing reearcher draw the
concluion. Student are aware a$out u$ kill of clean $old 7$eautiful and legi$le
hand writing.
5.# &7"&6?S/7"
1. ; Student get knowledge a$out hand writing kill and write effecti(el)
2. ; "f guide in cientific wa) and ue correct method of teaching tudent were
write (er) well.
!. ; Student are aware a$out u$5kill of clean 7 $old 7$eautiful and legi$le
had writing.
#.; Clear the mitake of tudent then the) will write correctl).
%.; The eential kill of $eautiful and legi$le hand writing are achie(ed $)
Reearcher o$er(e thee all change in tudent.
5.; RE&7MME"A3/" !-
Through thi reearch reearcher can decide following recommendation
1. ?et regular practice of had writing
2. @e relati(e teaching method to de(elop hand writing
!. @ndertand the pro$lem of tudent and gi(e guideline to them
#. De(elop interet of tudent 7which help in de(elopment of hand
writing kill.
%. ?i(e guidance a$out writing omething new
"n thi wa) reearcher can ole the pro$lem of i( th tandard tudent a$out
hand writing.
5.B S?$$ES3/7" 57R 31E 5?R31ER RESEAR&1
0ollowing factor will take into conideration wile doing reearch on the pro$lem
1. Reearch hould $e o$'ecti(e wie .
2. Plan the time ta$le and take into conideration limitation and cope of
reearch while electing pro$lem.
!. "nformation editing material or tool hould $e decided $efore reearch
#. "mplementation hould $e done without u$'ecti(it)
%. Concluion hould $e related with o$'ecti(e.
&. All reearch hould $e $aed on truth information
"t wa (er) hot ummer da). The king wa reting in hi $alcon). +e aw a poor
man running (er) fat in the un .Poor man thought the 6ing wh) i e running in
the hot unO +e mut e in trou$le .1 mut help him.
+e called hi guard7 B?uard $ring that man to meB $e ordered the guard
$rought the man $efore the king Bwho are7 )ou 7dear fellowOB
1. "deal writing of teacher
2. @e of teaching aid
!. >riting new. ?ood thought on $lack $oard.
#.2 ANA-1S"S O0 DATA C+2C6 -"ST
Name of Student >riting kill
Speed SiFe and
Ditance in
two ward
Pre Pot Pre Pot Pre Pot Pre Pot
" Pawar /andar S.
2 9adha( /runali P.
! Shinde Re'endra .
# /ane Rani S.
% ?ore /angeh S.
& /ore Sudani T
* ?ode Ahwini R.
, /edhe Sagar C.
. 6ale Sonali D
14 Dhumal Ai'a) S
11 Cangar Rupali C
12 Nikam Ram P.
1! 6olate Amrita k.
1# ?ode A'a) /.
1% Sathe Aihwar)a

1& ?aikwad Pradip -.
1* Narwade Ankuh

1, /ahadik Sandip P.
1. Pawar Sai k
24 Thorat SAndh)a

21 Shinde Amit /.
22 Rale Atih 1.
2! Corde A'a) N.
2# /aid D)nanhwar
2% Shewale Pradn)a

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