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List of merge field tags (The new tags for Referring, PCP, and Rendering will only work

on version 6.5.35 or later)

TIP: Keeping this file open in word, will let you copy and paste the tags into your letter.

Name Merge Field Tag

Patient Information
First Name «FirstName»
Last Name «LastName»
Middle Initial «MiddleInitial»
Date of Birth «DOB»
Social Security Number «SSN»
Street Address «StreetAddress»
Mailing Address (AddressLine1) «MailingAddress1»
(AddressLine2,City,State,Zip) «MailingAddress2»
Patient Account Number «PatientAcccountNumber»

(If you want address1, address2, city, state, zip separately, then use fields shown below)

Patient AddressLine1 «MailingAddress1»

Patient AddressLine2 «PtAddress2»
City,State,Zip «PtCityStateZip»
Age «Age»
Marital Status «MaritalStatus»
Home Phone «HomePhone»
Work Phone «WorkPhone»
MsgFlag (Leave a message ) «MsgFlag»
Email «Email»
PCP «ProviderName»

Primary Insurance
Insurance Name «InsuranceName»
Insurance Address «InsuranceAddress»
(Address1,Addresss2,city,state,zip) «InsurancePhone»
Insurance Phone «subscriberno»
Subscriber Number «Subscriber»
Subscriber Name «SubscriberDOB»
Subscriber Date of Birth «SubscriberGroupNo»
Group Number «RelToPatient»
Relation To Patient

Secondary Insurance
Insurance Name «InsuranceName1»
Insurance Address (Address1, «InsuranceAddress1»
Address2, city, state, zip) «InsurancePhone1»
Insurance Phone «subscriberno1»
Subscriber Number «Subscriber1»
Subscriber Name «SubscriberDOB1»
Subscriber Date of Birth «SubscriberGroupNo1»

Group Number «RelToPatient1»
Relation To Patient

Employer Name «EmployerName»

Employer Address «EmployerAddress»

Contact Info
Contact Name «EmergencyName»
Contact Phone «EmergencyPhone»

Next Appointment «NextAppt»

Facility Info
Facility Name «FacilityName»
Facility Address «FacilityAddress1»
City, State, Zip «FacilityAddress2»
Facility Phone «FacilityTel»
Facility Fax «FacilityFax»

Pharmacy Info
Pharmacy Name «PharmacyName»
Pharmacy Phone «PharmacyPhone»

Guarantors Detail
First Name
Last Name
Middle Initial «GrFName»
AddressLine1 «GrLName»
(This includes Addressline1) «GrMInitial»
AddressLine2 «GrAddr1»
(This includes addressline2,city, state, «GrAddr2»

PCP Info
PCP First Name «PcpFName»
PCP Last Name «PcpLName»
PCP Middle Name «PcpMInitial»
PCP Suffix «PcpSuffix»
PCP Mailing Address 1 «PcpMailingAddr1»
PCP Mailing Address 2 «PcpMailingAddr2»
PCP Phone «PcpPhone»
PCP Fax «PcpFax»
PCP Speciality «PcpSpeciality»
PCP Provider TIN «PcpProviderTIN»

Referring Providers Info

Referring Provider First Name «RefPrFName»
Referring Provider Last Name «RefPrLName»
Referring Provider Middle Name «RefPrMInitial»
Referring Provider Suffix «RefPrSuffix»

Referring Provider Mailing Address 1 «RefPrMailingAddr1»
Referring Provider Mailing Address 2 «RefPrMailingAddr2»
Referring Provider Phone «RefPrPhone»
Referring Provider Fax «RefPrFax»
Referring Provider Speciality «RefPrSpeciality»
Referring Provider TIN «RefPrProviderTIN»

Rendering Providers Info

Rendering Provider First Name «RendPrFName»
Rendering Provider Last Name «RendPrLName»
Rendering Provider Middle Name «RendPrMInitial»
Rendering Provider Suffix «RendPrSuffix»
Rendering Provider Mailing Address 1 «RendPrMailingAddr1»
Rendering Provider Mailing Address 2 «RendPrMailingAddr2»
Rendering Provider Phone «RendPrPhone»
Rendering Provider Fax «RendPrFax»
Rendering Provider Speciality «RendPrSpeciality»
Rendering Provider Provider TIN «RendPrProviderTIN»

Encounter Data
Encounter Date (Date of Visit) «encDate»
Encounter Time «encTime»
Encounter Doctor «encDocName»

Protocols Name and Due Date

Protocol Name «ReminderName»
Due Date «DueDate»

Drug Name
Rx «DrugName»

Progress Notes
Chief Complaints «ChiefComplaints»
Past History «PastHistories»
Current Medications «currentMedications»
HPI «Hpi»
Examination data «ExamCategories»
Treatment (Plan) «Medications»
Assessment «AssessmentData»
Allergies «allergies»
Accident Date «AccidentDate»
Procedure Name «PhyProcName»
Procedure Date «PhyProcData»

Once your letter is complete, follow these steps to add it to your eClinicalWorks Letters;
1. Click on File
2. Click on Save As

3. Give your letter a name and save it to your computer (my documents)
4. Log in to eClinicalWorks.
5. Click on Patient
6. Click on Letters

7. Click on the button with three dots (next to Choose Letter Field)



8. Click on New
9. Choose your letter that you saved
10. Click on Open


11. The File Name will default to what you called the letter. Type in the Custom
Name and any description.
12. Click OK. The letter has now been added and can be seen on the list. Click OK
again to close

How to run a letter for a patient:

1. Click on Patient
2. Click on Letters

You can search by Appointment Date, Patient or Protocol (Alerts). Appointment date
is the default.

By Appointment Date:
1. Select the Appointment Date and Provider
2. Click Lookup


By Patient:
1. Click on Sel
2. Click on the Patient
3. Click OK

By Protocol:
1. Select Protocol from the list
2. Select the Date Range
3. Click Lookup

1. Select the Patient from the List by clicking in the box to the left of their Name



3. Click on the button with three dots (next to Choose Letter Field)


4. Click on the Letter you wish to run for that Patient

5. Click OK
6. MS Word will open up and your letter will be merged with the patient you chose


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