Unit2 Reviewsheet

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Unit #2 (chapter 3 review)

Test Tuesday October 16, 2014

Abiotic factors
Biotic Factors
Ecosystem description/organization/ecotone
Photosynthesis (Products and reactants)
Food chain
Producers, consumers, detrivores, decomposers,scavengers, omnivore,
carnivore, herbivore
Food web
Energy Pyramid (loss/transfer)w
Trophic level diagram
Ecological Efficiency
GPP/NPP definitions, calculations, correlation with climate
Definition of biodegradable
Water cycle
Carbon Cycle
Nitrogen Cycle
Phosphorous cycle
Limiting nutrients in aquatic ecosystems
Algal Bloom
Watershed (area of land that drains into a bay)
-effect of clear cutting within a watershed
Ecosystem Services
Natural ecosystems(sustainability)

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