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Reflection 2

Standard 1.a Reflection: ESC 757

Standard 1.a. Language as a System. Candidates demonstrate understanding of
language as a system, including phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics,
discourse varieties, aspects of social and academic language, rhetorical registers, and
writing conventions. Teachers use their knowledge of these inter-related aspects of
language to help ELLs acquire English language and literacy to achieve in content areas.

In my linguistics class at Lehman College (ESC 757) we worked on
understanding semantics in the English language. In this one particular homework
assignment I was able to demonstrate my understanding of semantics through
providing examples, and how to incorporate semantic concepts in a classroom of
ELLs. I also created a lesson for intermediate ELLs, which would allow the students
to do activities that would help them discover and understand semantic concepts.
This is especially helpful because these concepts interfere with both social and
academic language and understanding. ELLs must be taught that some words have
different meanings in order to achieve success in all content and social aspects.
This assignment really solidified my understanding of the central semantic
concepts, Standard 1.a., and gave me a firm understanding on how to create a
learning experience for ELLs that is not only effective but also meaningful. As always
this will take trial and error, as well as practice in order to see what methods work
best with learners as a whole, and individually. I still need to develop and grow in
this area, but now after working on a variety of assignments and doing a bit of
research on semantics, I have a far better understanding of viewing language as a
system, and how to properly instruct it to ELLs. I do however think that lessons on
semantics could be a lot of fun for the students and could be incorporated into many
games, such as matching, to give the students a hands on and visual learning

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