Holland Code Quiz Results and Job Environments

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10/1/2014 Holland Code Quiz Results and Job Environments

http://www.roguecc.edu/Counseling/HollandCodes/codes.asp?code=S&results=S*10+R*9+C*4+I*4+E*3+A*1 1/2
Your results for the Holland Code Quiz are as follows:
Realistic: 9 Investigative: 4 Artistic: 1 *lowest
Social: 10 *highest Enterprising: 3 Conventional: 4
Your Holland Codes are as follows:
Bookmark Results
Select a Job Environment / Work Personality:
Realistic | Investigative | Artistic | Social | Enterprising | Conventional
Job Environment: Social
Cooperative environments, supporting, helping, healing/nurturing:
Code Job Title (links to job description) RCC Program (links to advising guide)
SAE Business Teacher Associate of Science Oregon Transfer in Business
SAE Counselor/Therapist AAOT/Bachelor, Masters in Counseling
SAE Cruise Director AAOT
SAE High School Teacher AAOT
SAE Retirement Counselor AAOT
SAE School Counselor AAOT/Bachelor's, Masters in Education
SAE Secondary School Teacher AAOT
SAI Chaplain AAOT
SAI Dental Hygienist Associate of General Studies Degree
SAI Librarian AAOT
SAI Speech Pathologist AAOT
SCE Paralegal AAS/Business Technology/OST Certificate
SCR Medical Assistant Occupational Skills Training Certificate
SEA Community Planner AAOT
SEA Preschool Worker AAS/Early Childhood Education
SEA Public Health Educator AAOT
SEA Social Worker AAOT
SEC City Manager AAOT
SEC Elementary School Teacher AAOT
SEC Personnel Recruiter AAOT
SEC Personnel, Training, and Labor Relations
SEC Special Education Teacher AAOT
SEC Vocational-Rehab. Counselor AAOT
SEI Historian AAOT
SEI Ind./Organizational Psychologist AAOT
SEI Park Naturalist AAOT
SEI School Principal-Administrator AAOT
SER Detective AAS Criminal Justice and AS (articulated with SOU)
10/1/2014 Holland Code Quiz Results and Job Environments
http://www.roguecc.edu/Counseling/HollandCodes/codes.asp?code=S&results=S*10+R*9+C*4+I*4+E*3+A*1 2/2
SER Hospital Administrator Associate of Science Oregon Transfer in Business
SER Recreation Director AAOT
SIA Counseling Psychologist AAOT
SIA Registered Nurse AAS/Nursing
SIA Sociologist AAOT
SIC Teacher's Aide AAS/Early Childhood Education
SIE Dietician AAOT
SIE Insurance Claims Examiner Associate of Science Oregon Transfer in Business
SIE Medical Record Administrator AAS/Business Technology/OST Certificate
SIE Physical Therapist AAOT
SIE Probation and Parole Officer AS (articulated with Southern Oregon University)
SIR Nurse/Midwife AAS/Nursing
SRE Athletic Trainer AAOT
SRI Radiological Technologist Associate of General Studies Degree
SRI X-Ray Technician Associate of General Studies Degree
For more information about interpreting your Holland Codes, contact the Counseling Department.
There are many career paths other than those that RCC offers.
Check out these other occupations that match your Holland Code(s):

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