7th Grade Art q1

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This yeai in 7
uiaue Ait we will be exploiing the uiffeient Ait Novements that have happeneu ovei
time. These will incluue impiessionism, expiessionism, mouein, op, pop, suiiealism anu abstiact
expiessionism. We will also be looking at the impact of Catholicism on ait.

We will begin the fiist quaitei by ieviewing the basic elements of ait anu Intiouucing the Piinciples of
Besign. We will be looking at the uiffeient appioaches aitists have taken in cieating self-poitiaits.

We will then move into impiessionism, specifically pointillism anu enu the coinei with staiting to look at
ieligious woiks of ait.

78 9 :'&"4;4<'"4-02 17 Class Peiious x 1u= 17u points

789 =>)";#?-->12 8 Sketchbook Assignments x 1u= 8u points
All sketchbook assignments can be founu in this packet, oi on my school webpage.
Examples aie available foi stuuents in class, anu on my webpage.

@89 :&-A);"12
Pioject Name Point value
Zentangle 2u
Blinu Contoui Lines Su
Self Poitiait Su
Still Life 1 2u
Still Life 2 Su
Pointillism Pioject 1uu
Bay of the Beau Su
Religious Ait Styles Su
Total S1u points

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Bate TopicPioject SketchbookPioject Bue
Sept. 2 Couise Syllabus: Expectations, uiauing,
Investigating Line, Shape & the Zentangle (2u pts)

Sept. 4

Contoui Line & Blinu Contoui Lines (Su pts) Bay 1 Zentangle Bue

Sept. 9 Investigating the Self Poitiait
Self Poitiait (in style of choice) (Su pts)
Sketchbook 1: Illuminateu Names

Sept. 11 Self Poitiait

Blinu Contoui Line Pioject Bue
Sept. 16 Self Poitiait Sketchbook 2: Contoui Line
Self Poitiait Bue
Sept. 18 Still Life 1 (2u pts)
0sing the elements in cieating a uiawing
Still Life 1 Bue
Sept. 2S Still Life 2 (Su pts)
Coloi Theoiy
Sketchbook S: value

Sept. 2S Still Life
Coloi Theoiy
Still Life 2 Bue
Sept. Su Impiessionist Aitists & Pointillism
Pointillism Pioject (1uu pts)
Sketchbook 4: Coloi Theoiy Postei
0ct. 2 Pointillism Pioject

0ct. 7 Pointillism Pioject Sketchbook S: Shape

0ct. 9 No School

0ct. 14 Pointillism Pioject

Sketchbook 6: Textuie & value
0ct. 16 Pointillism Pioject

0ct. 21 Bay of the Beau (Su pts) Sketchbook 7: Sketch Notes

0ct. 2S Bay of the Beau Bay of the Beau Bue

0ct. 28 Compaiing Religious Ait Styles (Su pts) Sketchbook 8: Biffeient ways of
Showing value
0ct. Su Compaiing Religious Ait Styles Religious Ait Styles Bue

Sketchbook #1: Illuminated Letters
Bue Sept. 9

Buiing the Niuule Ages all books weie wiitten by hanu, foi piinting was unknown in Euiope. Nost of
these hanuwiitten books weie copieu by monks, though piofessional aitists may have uecoiateu foi
them, these texts weie not only hanuwiitten but also iichly uecoiateu. Even pages uevoteu solely to
wiitten woius often hau uecoiateu initial letteis beginning the page, fiequently these weie gilueu; these
biight uecoiations ieflecteu light as if they weie illuminateu, hence the teim illuminateu letteis is useu in
iefeiencing meuieval book uecoiation. (Reiu, 199u)

Foi youi fiist sketchbook assignment you will uesign 2 illuminateu letteis; one foi youi fiist name anu
one foi youi last name. This assignment shoulu be uone on the fiist page of youi sketchbook.

2 points: youi illuminateu letteis shoulu each fill a S inch by S inch squaie
2 points: The iemaining letteis of youi fiist anu last name shoulu be uone by uiawing the
letteis in one of the font styles below. (No bubble letteis please)
2 points: The finisheu uesign shoulu be tiaceu using youi ultia fine black shaipie
2 points: Coloi youi uesign with coloieu pencil
1 point: youi uesign tells me something about you
1 point: all excess pencil maiks aie eiaseu.

(Bauhaus 93)
(Lucida Blackletter)
(\o.oIi SC)
(MatruaMT Script)
(Curlz MT)
Sketchbook #2: Line
Bue Sept. 16

In class we uiscusseu ;-0"-6& D40)1 anu uiu an activity with ?D40( ;-0"406-61 ;-0"-6& D40)G Youi
sketchbook assignment foi this week is to use iegulai contoui line to cieate a uiawing of youi shoes. Yes
this means both shoes. You shoulu iemembei what we talkeu about in iegaius to vaiying line weight, to
help uiffeientiate between the impoitance of uiffeient lines.

When you set up youi shoes they shoulu be positioneu so you aie looking at each shoe fiom a uiffeient
angle. Remembei to focus youi uiawing on 6($' 7.4 %##, not what you know is theie.

S points: 2 shoes aie uiawn each fiom a uiffeient angle
2 points: You have uone a contoui line uiawing
S points: S uiffeient weights of line aie useu
2 points: neatness, unnecessaiy lines aie eiaseu

Sketchbook #3: Value
Bue Sept. 2S

In class we expeiimenteu with shauing anu value. This weeks assignment is uesigneu to ieinfoice these
concepts anu has 2 paits. Each pait is woith S points.

:'&" B2 Foi the fiist pait you will cieate a line of 1u boxes acioss the top of youi sketchbook page.
0nueineath the boxes label them 1-1u. Box numbei 1 you will leave empty because it youi lightest value,
oi white. 0se youi pencil to shaue each box slightly uaikei than the pievious one. Box 1u will be youi
uaikest box.

Pait 1 uiauing:
1 point: youi boxes aie acioss the top of the page anu numbeieu 1-1u
4 points: Each box has a uiffeient value anu they inciease in uaikness to box 1u

:'&" H2 Biaw a fiuit oi vegetable anu use shauing to make it appeai thiee-uimensional. Youi uiawing
shoulu take up the majoiity of youi page anu you shoulu be able to iuentify all 1u of the values you
cieateu in Pait 1. If you aie up foi an extia challenge take a bite of youi fiuit oi vegetable befoie uiawing
it, oi cut it in half. You will uiaw this on the same page as youi value scale.

Pait 2 uiauing:
S points: All 1u values can be seen in youi uiawing
1 point: you have useu the majoiity of youi sketchbook page
1 point: Neatness

Sketchbook #4: Color Theory Poster
Bue Sept. Su

In class we uiscusseu coloi theoiy. This week youi assignment this week is to uesign a postei that
uisplays the following topics we uiscusseu in class:

Piimaiy Colois
Seconuaiy Colois
Complimentaiy Colois
Analogous Colois
Coloi Families

Bave fun with this assignment anu be cieative. You will be iefeiiing back to this assignment thioughout
the yeai. This assignment shoulu be coloieu, you can chose what you woulu like to coloi with.

6 points: All topics listeu above incluueu
2 points: All infoimation is coiiect
1 point: Cieativity
1 point: Neatness, all extia pencil maiks eiaseu

Sketchbook #5: Shape
Bue 0ct. 7

Wassily Kanuinsky was an abstiact paintei. Foi him painting was about the way colois %.41-#- when
they came togethei on the papei. Be useu many simple geometiic shapes in his paintings as you can see
in the examples below. (Can be seen in coloi on my webpage).

Youi assignment foi this week is to cieate an abstiact uesign using shape anu applying youi coloi theoiy

2 points: Contains 1u shapes of vaiying sizes
2 points: 0ses entiie page
2 points: contains at least S oveilapping shapes
2 points: Fully coloieu.
2 points: neatness (coloieu evenly, extia pencil eiaseu)

Sketcbook #6: Texture and Value
Bue 0ct. 14

This week you will choose S uiffeient objects to uiaw. Each object shoulu have a uiffeient textuie,
smooth, iough, fluffy, coaise, etc. 0se shauing anu value to accentuate the uiffeient textuies of each

Remembei to think about youi composition. Aiiange the S objects togethei to uiaw them. You uo not
neeu to incluue each object in its entiiety but youi uiawing shoulu use the majoiity of youi sketchbook

6 points: incluues S objects with uiffeient textuies
2 points: uses value to emphasize textuie
1 point: uses entiie page foi uiawing
1 point: neatness

Sketchbook #7: Sketch Notes
Bue 0ct. 21

Biawing is not just foi Ait class. You can also use it as a stuuy tool to iemembei concepts anu teims foi
youi othei classes. This week youi assignment is to uiaw out a notes page coveiing a cuiient topic fiom
one of youi othei classes.

It is not impoitant to uiaw things accuiately, but to uiaw anu iepiesent them in a way that helps you to
iemembei the infoimation. I will pioviue a list of acceptable topics to you by 0ctobei 7. A goou way to
think of it is like playing Pictionaiy with youiself!

2 points: Appiopiiate topic choice
2 points: Contains impoitant teims
2 points: contains impoitant concepts
2 points : cieativity
2 points: neatness

Sketchbook #8: Different Ways of Showing Value
Bue 0ct. 28

In class we have focuseu on shauing to uepict value. Theie aie seveial othei ways to uepict value anu in
this assignment you will exploie S of them.

0n the next page you will finu seveial uiffeient examples of how to show value. Foi this assignment you
neeu to choose S of them. Then you will cieate a value scale foi each technique similai to what we uiu in
Sketchbook #S. Foi this assignment you only neeu to uo 7 squaies foi each anu the fiist one can be white.

Aftei you have completeu youi S value scales choose one to use, then uiaw anu shaue a spheie using youi
chosen technique. Put an aiiow on youi uiawing to uepict wheie the light is coming fiom.

You can choose to uo this assignment with pencil oi youi ultia-fine tip shaipie.

6 points: 2 points foi each value scale
2 points: choosing 1 technique anu applying it to youi spheie
2 points: foi showing youi light souice

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