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Digital Pathways Art Talking About Art

Name: Period: Day:


Answer the three questions below, in a 100 word paragraph in the space provided. Watch the Guernica 3D video and look at
the painting Guernica on the class website to help answer these questions. Save this to your Z: drive or Google drive, print it
out and place into the correct class basket for grading.
What details in the painting catch your attention?
What questions of curiosity are sparked by the painting?
What conclusions can you make that are based on information in the painting?
Answer questions here
Halley Price 3-4 B
Some details in Picasso's painting "Guernica" that catch my attention are the horse rearing, the
man on his knees with his arms flung to the skies, and the dying man. Some questions of curiosity
are sparked by this painting in particular, including: Why are they dying? What is the bull doing?
Who is the man in the window? and What caused the dying man to break his dagger? Some
conclusions can be made based on this painting. Their town is being attacked. A woman's young
child has been killed by an enemy. And, finally, Picasso feels strongly about the tragedy.
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