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Victor Borges, RAM Product Manager

Tips to perform a RAM study

DNV Software - Webinar material
Feb 28 2013
Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved.
Tips to perform a RAM study
What is advanced RAM analysis?
Quantitative picture of Performance
DNV solution
Top 5 tips to perform an effective RAM Study
Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved.
Tips to perform a RAM study
Defeat is ensured for the one who beforehand does not have all things in order,
people call it misfortune. While victory is ensured for the one who beforehand has
learned to be prepared, people call it luck.
Roald Amundsen
We call it RAM!
DNV calls it
Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved.
Tips to perform a RAM study
What is Advanced RAM
Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved.
Tips to perform a RAM study
What is Advanced RAM analysis?
What is Advanced RAM analysis?
RAM is a methodology used to predict asset performance for a given configuration in terms of
Reliability, Availability and Maintainability
Our products go beyond traditional RAM analysis by adding capabilities related to operations
tailored to the Oil and Gas industry which provides as result utilisation and production
Takes into consideration all factors affecting production in order to forecast performance over
the life of the asset
Examples of factors are Equipment Performance, Redundancy, Maintenance Strategies,
Logistics, Demand Requirements etc.
Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved.
Tips to perform a RAM study
How it works
- The user specifies a configuration in terms of
equipment reliability and dependencies, as
well as the associated asset operations
- By discrete event simulation using a Monte
Carlo method, a number of life cycles given
the specified configuration are simulated
- By performing a large enough number of life
cycle simulations a reliable prediction of the
asset performance is produced
The benefits with simulation are
- It can be used with process complexities
and uncertainties where exact analytical
solutions are not possible
- It allows for easy extension of the analysis
to include large inventories & sensitivity
studies (what-ifs)
- It highlights the weak links in the
configuration (equipment criticality) and
allows you to optimise asset configuration
and operations
Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved.
Tips to perform a RAM study
Why are we doing this?
Slide 7
Plant efficiency / reliability levels
Product generation/throughput
manning costs
materials costs
maintenance work load
transportation and support
downtime affecting revenue/operating costs
contractual nominations
safety case requirements
Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved.
Tips to perform a RAM study
Quantitative picture of
Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved.
Tips to perform a RAM study
Quantitative Picture Of Performance
Slide 9
Equipment performance data
(failure frequencies)
System configuration
Maintenance resources
Shift constraints
Mobilization delays
Spares constraints
Equipment/System uptime
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Tips to perform a RAM study
Slide 10
Pump on
Pump failed
Pump on
Pump failed
Pump on
Pump always on
Aua||ah|||ty =
Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved.
Tips to perform a RAM study
Quantitative Picture Of Performance
Slide 11
Equipment performance data
(failure frequencies)
System configuration
Maintenance resources
Shift constraints
Mobilization delays
Spares constraints
Equipment/System uptime
Plant interdependencies
Plant re-start times
Production/demand rates
Storage Size
Tanker Fleet and Operations
Production Efficiency
Achieved production
Production losses
Contract shortfalls
Delayed cargoes
Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved.
Tips to perform a RAM study
Production Efficiency (Utilization)
Slide 12
Production Rate
Pump always on
Pump on
Pump failed
Pump on
Pump degraded
Pump on
Pruduttun eIItteny =
Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved.
Tips to perform a RAM study
Quantitative Picture Of Performance
Slide 13
Equipment performance data
(failure frequencies)
System configuration
Maintenance resources
Shift constraints
Mobilization delays
Spares constraints
Equipment/System uptime
Plant interdependencies
Plant re-start times
Production/demand rates
Storage Size
Tanker Fleet and Operations
Unit Costs/Revenue
Product price
Man-hour/spares costs
Transport costs
Discount rates
Net Present Value
Lost Profit Opportunity
Production Efficiency
Achieved production
Production losses
Contract shortfalls
Delayed cargoes
Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved.
Tips to perform a RAM study
Operational Expenditure (OPEX) / Lost Revenue
Slide 14
Lost Profit Opportunity
Pump on
Pump off
Pump on
Pump degraded
Pump on
Lost Revenue
Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved.
Tips to perform a RAM study
Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved.
Tips to perform a RAM study
Maintainability Availability Reliability
Operability Simulation program
Tool of choice for analysis of upstream and
LNG assets for the past 25 years
In use since 1984 with continuous
development efforts
Provides functionality for modelling of all
issues pertinent to process equipment and
units in the upstream market
Features include time varying production
flow profile, multiple products, production
recovery techniques, tanker export
operations, financial modelling and more
Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved.
Tips to perform a RAM study
Total Asset Review & Optimization
Specialised for modelling of refinery
Developed since in 1995
Provides capability for the integration of
shipping and storage into performance
Features include multiple streams, unit
interdependencies, yield rates, blending
rules, advanced storage and more
Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved.
Tips to perform a RAM study
Top 5 tips to perform an effective
RAM Study
Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved.
Tips to perform a RAM study
Top 5 tips to perform an effective RAM Study
1. Definition
- Define the objectives and scope
- Define boundaries for the study
2. Collecting
- Collate all required data
3. Preparation
- Prepare a study basis
- Build the model in stages
- Verify model operation at each stage
4. Results
- Compare over all results with expectations
- Perform sensitivity analyses
- Generate reports
5. Document and archive model files
Slide 19
Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved.
Tips to perform a RAM study
Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved.
Tips to perform a RAM study
Define Objectives and Scope
Most common objective is what production efficiency can we expect from this
Some other examples:
- What reliability should we specify for the export compressor?
- What platform availability gives an acceptable overall security of oil supply?
- What is the most cost effective way to improve security of gas supply?
- What is the impact of alternative maintenance strategies?
Slide 21
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Tips to perform a RAM study
Define Boundaries For The Study
Model core system
Can external influences be synthesised or must they be explicitly included
Can we estimate the influence of external factors? If so we can decide which to
include and which to exclude
A good model contains the minimum amount of detail that still yields a valid answer
i.e. most complex is not necessarily the best
Slide 22
Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved.
Tips to perform a RAM study
Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved.
Tips to perform a RAM study
Collate All Required Data
What is unique to this study??
Reservoir data
Gas sales agreements
Basis of design document
PFDs, P&IDs, schematics, cause and effect charts
Maintenance logistics and strategies
Reliability data
Slide 24
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Tips to perform a RAM study
Reliability data
Getting the right data is a crucial step in a RAM Study
- Generic Reliability Data
- In-House Reliability Data
- OREDA Offshore Reliability Data
- AEA Reliability Databank
- European Reliability Industry Data Bank Handbook (EIReDA)
- RAC Reliability Data books
- CCPS Process Equipment Reliability Database (PERD)
- Cox, Lees & Ang
Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved.
Tips to perform a RAM study
Generic data Versus In-house data
Data Sources Advantages Disadvantages
Generic-published Easy to obtain
Non-specific boundaries and
assumptions unknown
Can be produced relatively
Requires detailed knowledge of
proposed application and
factors influencing reliability
Collected-maintenance data Uses existing records
Many not have data in the
correct form or detail required,
or sufficient amount of data
Collected-formal scheme
Very detailed reliability
parameters can be obtained on
specific items and in correct
Long term project in order to
collect sufficient experience
Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved.
Tips to perform a RAM study
Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved.
Tips to perform a RAM study
Prepare The Study Basis
Description of model to be built
Reliability Block Diagrams (RBDs)
Data Register
Slide 28
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Tips to perform a RAM study
Typical Model Development Path
Slide 29
Final model runs
Run model, review results, reconfigure
Operational considerations
Maintenance strategies
Maintenance resources - manpower, spares, tools
Equipment configuration and reliability data
Flow/Reservoir Deliverability
Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved.
Tips to perform a RAM study
Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved.
Tips to perform a RAM study
Compare Results With Expectations
Can the results be explained?
Are there any areas of unexpectedly low or high criticality?
If necessary generate and check log files to investigate further
Slide 31
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Tips to perform a RAM study
Analysis Results
Availability (uptime)
Production Efficiency
Production Statistics
Complex / Platform / Equipment Criticality
Frequency of Shutdowns
Maintenance Resource Expenditure
Slide 32
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Tips to perform a RAM study
RAM Applications (Study Types)
Conceptual Design Screening Studies
Facilities Optimization
Detailed Engineering
Development of Operations Reference Plan / Asset Reference Plan
Maintenance Strategy Evaluation (RCM)
Manning Studies
Workload Assessments (e.g. Vessel utilization)
Risk Analysis (e.g. Well Risk)
Slide 33
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Tips to perform a RAM study
RAM Applications (Asset Types)
Subsea (Remote & Deep water)
Normally Unmanned Installations (NUIs)
Minimum Manned Platforms
Central Processing Facilities
Onshore Oil & Gas Processing Terminals
LNG Plants
Refinery Unit and Site Optimisation
Co-generation Power Plants
Petrochemical Plants
Slide 34
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Tips to perform a RAM study
Life Cycle Performance Analysis
Analysis is not just about producing one availability figure, which can then be quoted
as the performance figure for the development.
Analysis is about a picture of performance (transparency) which the project team can
use to make decisions
Slide 35
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Tips to perform a RAM study
Life Cycle Performance Analysis
Performance assessed to a number of criteria - build a picture of performance
Transparency of performance criteria leads to confidence in the assessment
Analysis is best in a comparative assessment of competing designs or operating
Utilize sensitivity scenarios to understand risk or uncertainty in the performance
Where absolute figures are required some degree of calibration or benchmarking is
Slide 36
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Tips to perform a RAM study
For further interest, trial version, software demo or a
quotation please do not hesitate to contact us:
Best regards,
DNV Software
Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved.
Tips to perform a RAM study
Safeguarding life, property
and the environment

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