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If You Hopped Like a Frog

Frogs are champion jumpers. A 3-inch frog can hop 60 inches. David Schwartz said that If
you hopped like a frog, you could jump from home plate to first base in one mighty leap! Is
this true?

1. How tall are you?

2. How far can you hop?
a. Mark a starting point.
b. Hop.
c. Mark an ending point.
d. Measure the distance between your starting point and ending point.

3. Compare your height and hop-length to the height and hop-length of a frog.

4. On the floor, mark the distance between home plate and first base: 30 yards.
a. Is David Schwartz right? If you hopped like a frog, could you hop from home
plate to first base in one hop? How far could you hop?

b. What other units could you use to measure the distance? What unit would be
most efficient and precise? Why?

5. The distance between first base and second base is also 30 yards. The distance
between second base and third base is 1080 inches. The distance between third base
and home plate is 90 feet. Which distance is the longest? Prove your answer.

6. How far does a baseball player run to score? Explain your answer.

7. A cricket player runs 4024 cm to score. Who runs farther a cricket player or a
baseball player? Prove your answer.

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