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Quiz #2

Classification & Division

Division & Classification Writing D&C
What is division?
Single subject subdivided into its parts
Cut a pizza into slices
List ingredients in cereal
Key is to begin with a single thing
Purpose is to show components of a larger subject
To help reader understand a complex whole by
considering it in smaller units
Division & Classification Writing D&C
What is Classification?
Begins with two or more items that are then grouped
into categories
Must have at least two categories
Eastern Shore of VA people
Born heres
Been heres
Come heres
1. Sports teams
Classification = football, hockey, baseball
Division = football = Steelers, Browns, Ravens
2. fast-food restaurants
Classification = Mexican, Italian, American
Division = Wendys, Burger King, McDonalds
3. Transportation
Classification = airlines, motor vehicles, cruise ships
Division = Norwegian, Carnival, Royal Caribbean
4. Academic subjects
Classification = math, history, science
Division = biology, physics, chemistry
5. Movies
Classification = horror, comedy, drama
Division = The Exorcist, The Conjuring, The Devil
Division & Classification Writing D&C
How do you choose a subject?
Division & Classification are tools to help readers
understand a subject
Part of the purpose is inform readers
Increase understanding of the whole if one knows how it can
be divided
Part of purpose is to increase clarity and understanding
Avoid obvious approaches and topics
Teachers placed in groups based on grade level
If write about common topic, use a novel approach
Always ask, Will my reader learn something or be
entertained by what I plan to write?
Division & Classification Writing
How do you divide or classify a subject?
Defining a purpose
Why are you writing about this to be informative or to
Making your classification or division complete
Do not omit pieces or leave items unclassified
Completion depends on purpose
Reasons people want kidsmust include political even if it is
irrelevant to Americans
Using parallelism
Phrase categories in similar grammatical terms
Biological, cultural, political, economical, familial...
Items must fit into only one category
Division & Classification Writing
How do you structure a division or classification essay?
each category should have its own paragraph
Logical order (need a reason)
G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17
or NC-17, R, PG-13, PG, G
not PG-13, R, PG, G, NC-17
Division & Classification Revising
How do you revise a division or classification essay?
Does your paper make the subject/topic easier to
Why have you chosen this subject?
Make sure subject is not too large or complicated
Be wary of audience knowing too much or too little about
Largest to smallest or in other direction
Need a clear rationale for order
Proportional development
Make it balanced!!!
Avoid categories labeled other or miscellaneous
The textbook is an example. Each chapter has parallel
headings and subheadings.
Division & Classification PreWriting
Play C&D Scattegories
Choose a subject. Decide if you will divide or classify.
Create a detail tree.
DIVISION one into many
*(ONE into MANY)*
CLASSIFICATION many into one
*(MANY into GROUPS)*
*Divide one subject into 3 parts/subgroups
Classify many subjects into 3 groups/types.
*This is only a 2-3-page paper;
thus, we do not have the room to
perform both tasks.
*Focus your energy on one.
D&C Thesis Statement
Once you have decided on your group, purpose, and categories, develop a
thesis statement that does the following three things:
names what group of people or things you intend to classify
describes the basis of the classification
labels the categories you have developed
Our last five U.S. presidents have practiced physical fitness regimens that
have included being regular private gym-goers, disciplined public joggers,
or casual active sports enthusiasts.
Technique variations lend to the categorization of tribal belly dance into
forms such as tribal fusion, American Tribal Style, Hot-pot Improv Tribal
Style, and Homegrown Improv Tribal Style.
D & C Outline
I. Introduction
A. Attention Grabber
B. Background information
C. Relevancy and Thesis Statement
D & C Outline
II. Body: Categories or Parts
A. Category or Part 1
1. Characteristic (explain)
2. Characteristic (illustrate w/ specific example)
B. Category or Part 2
1. Characteristic (explain)
2. Characteristic (illustrate w/ specific example)
C. Category or Part 3
1. Characteristic (explain)
2. Characteristic (illustrate w/ specific example)
D. Category or Part 4
1. Characteristic (explain)
2. Characteristic (illustrate w/ specific example)
D & C Outline
II. Body: Types of Tribal Belly Dance
A. Tribal Fusion belly dance gives dancers the freedom to adopt moves from
Oriental styles.
1. Dancers of this style can incorporate moves and
poses that are typically used only in Oriental style.
2. Tribal dancers never lift their heels; however, tribal fusion
dancers may lift their heels in the upward figure 8.
B. American Tribal Style (ATS) follows a specific sequence of moves based upon
various cues.
1. These cues are universal so that dancers from various
locations can randomly dance together.
2. The specific cues lead to a specific sequence of dance combinations
so that dancers can lead-and-follow one another.
C. Hot-Pot Improv Tribal Style (Hot-Pot ITS) also utilizes the lead and
follow forms but it is less choreographed that ATS.
1. Hot-Pot ITS categorizes moves as fast and slow slow moves
can not be cued or danced in a fast song and vice-versa.
2. The Arabic move may not be pulled in a slow song.
D. Homegrown Improv Tribal Style (HITS) combines improv and fusion
1. Dancers of other styles are unable to dance with HITS
dancers without instruction, but HITS dancers know the cues
of all other styles.
2. HITS dancers also incorporate moves from Oriental styles.
D & C Outline
III. Conclusion
A. Link back to Introduction
B. Reminder of thesis
C. Lasting Impression
For next week
View PowerPoint on appropriate language, exact
words, avoiding wordiness, apostrophes, commas
Rough draft Essay #2 (either compare/contrast OR
Read sample essays online (under Essay #2 sample
essays tab)
In glossary read definition of dashes, parenthesis,
colons, semicolons

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