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For Release: Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Contact: Eileen Miller (518) 669-9702

Senate Candidate George Amedore today announced he has received the endorsement of the
Police Conference of New York, Inc.
"While serving in the Assembly, George Amedore was always a strong supporter of police
officers and law enforcement," said Richard Wells, President of the Police Conference of New York, Inc.
"We are confident he will continue to do so as a state senator."
"Our law enforcement officials dedicate themselves to protecting our communities, and
improving the quality of life in our neighborhoods," said George Amedore. "Elected officials need to do
everything they can to make sure they have the resources they need to continue to do their jobs
effectively. That was a priority of mine in the Assembly, and it will continue to be a priority of mine
when I am elected to the Senate.
The Police Conference of New York is a statewide group that represents the interests of 214
police associations, plus 8 regional police conferences and one retired police association. They
represent 25,000 members.

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