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Six-Point Lesson Plan

K. Charlotte Jordan Lesson Plan 2 ELED 3111

Grade: Kindergarten Lesson Title: Writing !!er"ase and Lo#er"ase Letters
$aterials%&eso'r"es (eeded: Pra"ti"e #or)sheets *or the #hole "lass to !ra"ti"e #riting +tra"ing,
the al!ha-et. '!!er"ase and lo#er"ase letters.
-/0erhead Pro1e"tor%S2art-oard to dis!la3 a "o!3 o* the #or)sheet the "hildren #ill re"ei0e
4o"'s and
-S'22ari5e !re0io's lesson6 78esterda3. 3o'9ll re2e2-er #e !ra"ti"ed 2at"hing ite2s to the letter o* the o* the
al!ha-et that ite2 started #ith on o'r #or)sheets:. +ex. ;anana #o'ld ha0e -een 2at"hed to the letter <;9,.
+(CSCS re*eren"e,
7Toda3. #e #ill -e !ra"ti"ing tra"ing o0er the letters o* the al!ha-et. -oth '!!er"ase and
>St'dents #ill !ra"ti"e #riting letters o* the al!ha-et. -oth "a!ital and lo#er"ase.
?ere is an exa2!le si2ilar to #hat the #or)sheet #o'ld loo) li)e:
- @ #ill dis!la3 a !ra"ti"e #or)sheet on the o0erhead%S2art-oard *or the "hildren to see. @ #ill
de2onstrate ho# to tra"e o0er the al!ha-et letters. tra"ing o0er the letter <=9. and its
lo#er"ase. <a9. sho#ing st'dents #hat the3 are to do on their o#n #or)sheets indi0id'all3.
- Possi-l3 as) the "lass exa2!les o* ani2als or o-1e"ts that start #ith the letter o* the al!ha-et.
3o' are de2onstrating tra"ing on the -oard. s'"h as 7What ani2al starts #ith this
Six-Point Lesson Plan
letterA:+When tra"ing the letter <r9. and the )ids "o'ld sa3 7&a--it:.Et".
-St'dents are gi0en the "han"e to start #or)ing on their al!ha-et #riting #or)sheets at their des)s.
as @ "ir"'late the "lassroo2 to 2a)e s're the3 are on the right tra"). ans#er an3 B'estions the3 2a3
ha0e a-o't the letters. or an3 B'estions a-o't the dire"tions and #hat is ex!e"ted.
-Sa3. 7Who doesn9t 'nderstandA: a*ter gi0ing dire"tions and !assing o't the #or)sheets. $a)e s're
st'dents re2ain on tas) and are "on"entrating on their assign2ent.
-@ assist st'dents i* the3 are ha0ing tro'-le #ith the assign2ent.
-De2onstrate a "o'!le 2ore exa2!les #ith #riting al!ha-et letters on the #or)sheet dis!la3ed on
the -oard
-St'dents #or) indi0id'all3 #ith their o#n al!ha-et #or)sheets. !ra"ti"ing #riting the letters in
'!!er"ase and lo#er"ase.
-St'dents !ra"ti"e #riting the al!ha-et letters #itho't assistan"e *ro2 2e.
Toda3. #e learned ho# to !ra"ti"e tra"ing letters o* the al!ha-et -oth '!!er"ase and lo#er"ase.
-=s) *or a 0ol'nteer to "o2e to the -oard. 7Who "an "o2e to the -oard and #rite the letter 7C: in
lo#er"ase *or2A: /r. 7Who "an "o2e to the -oard and #rite a "a!ital <$9 *or 'sA:
Sa3. 7(o# 3o' g'3s see #hat it is to #rite letters o* the al!ha-et in '!!er"ase and lo#er"ase.
S'22ati0e =ssess2ent: =ssign a si2ilar #or)sheet *or ho2e#or). so st'dents "an !ra"ti"e #riting
lo#er"ase and '!!er"ase al!ha-et letters. ho#e0er. *or2at this #or)sheet to #here onl3 1 o* the 2
letters +ex. = a, *or the "hildren to !ra"ti"e tra"ing. is gi0en. @* onl3 one letter is gi0en *or ea"h !air
!er al!ha-et letter +ex.; -,. then 3o' "an assess #hether or not the "hildren are s'""ess*'ll3
#riting the letters. and 'nderstand the "on"e!t o* 7Ca!ital: and 7lo#er"ase:.
Six-Point Lesson Plan
4or2ati0e =ssess2ent: /ngoing thro'gho't the a"ti0it3 and G'ided Pra"ti"e. "he") *or st'dent
'nderstanding -3 as)ing st'dents to 0ol'nteer and #rite a rando2 letter *ro2 the al!ha-et that 3o'
"hoose. on the -oard. or "he") their #or) one on one at their des)s to 2a)e s're #or) is "orre"t.
Let st'dents )no# i* the39re "o2!leting the #or) "orre"tl3. and i* not. sho# the2 ho# to "orre"t
their errors.
-When grading the ho2e#or). the "lass #ill need to ha0e CDE o* the #or) "orre"t to de2onstrate
2aster3 o* the "on"e!ts learned. +#riting '!!er and lo#er"ase letters,.
(otes: @ *eel this lesson engages st'dents at the =!!li"ation le0el o* ;loo2s Taxono23 -e"a'se the3 are a"t'all3 a!!l3ing
their #riting s)ills and #hat the3 )no# o* "a!ital and lo#er"ase letters to the al!ha-et. and #ill also a!!l3 that )no#ledge in
their ho2e#or) *or assess2ent.

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