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Develop a program that stores and retrieves 5 marks of a student

2.Develop a program that stores and retrieves 5 marks of a student and calculate
s the average and total of that student.
3. Develop a program that gets a set of names from a users. The program should a
lso check whether a name exists in the set of names given.
4. Develop a program, store a set of numbers in an integer array and stores all
the even numbers in an array and odd numbers in another array and displays them
5.Create a program to store a set of numbers,display all the numbers in the list
and search if a number is found .Implement using array list.
6. Develop a program, store and retrieves name of 100 students and displays name
with first letter in upper case. Implement using array list.
7.Develop a program uses a generic list to store the names of students, view the
names, remove a name from the list and finally display the updated list of stud
8.Develop a program uses a generic list to store the numbers, view all the numbe
rs, remove a number from the list and displays the maximum of given numbers
9.Develop a program, that add a set of project details. Each project has an id,n
ame,details. The program has to implement the following functionality
1)Add project
2)Change project name by id
3)Delete project by id
4)View all the project .
10. Develop a program that stores and retrieves the details of set of products.
Each product has id,name,unitsInStock, price. Implement using array
11. Develop a program, that add a set of employee details. Each employee has id,
name,Date of joining, salary. The program has to implement the following functio
nality. Implement using generic list
1)Add employee
2)Change salary of an employee
3)Delete employee by id
4)View all the employee details
12.Develop a program, that add a set of product details. Each product has id,nam
e,unitsInStock, price. The program has to implement the following functionality,
Implement using generic list
1)Add product
2)Change units in stock and price of a product by id
3)Delete product by id
4)View all the products
5)Search products whose price above a specified value(if the user enters 100 the
n display all the products where price is above 100)

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