Architect Career Interview

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Professional Career Interview

Name: Chris Dawson

Title: Design Architect
Company: CDA
Company address: 223 South Third Street, Harrisburg, A, !"!#!
Company phone: $"!"% &#'('#)#
Q: How did you become interested in this career?
A: *hen + was ,ery young, + would ride my bi-e to soccer practice. /n the
way, + always saw this unusual synagogue, which was designed by the dean
at Syracuse 0ni,ersity at that time, and + was ama1ed by it. + wanted to learn
to design buildings that would ha,e a similar e2ect on others.
Q: What are the aspects of this career that you like?
A: Designing. + lo,e designing something to sol,e a client3s problem, and +
stri,e to always e4ceed my client3s e4pectations.
Q: What are the aspects of this career that you dislike?
A: 5conomic crises can ma-e the 6ob mar-et unpredictable. 7uilding and
remodeling plans can be put on hold until conditions impro,e.
Q: Which classes or training did you take in college?
A: To obtain any -ind o8 architecture 6ob, you need at least a 7achelor3s o8
Architecture, -nown as a 7. Arch. This is di2erent than a 7achelor3s o8 Art or
Science degree. A 7. Arch re9uires :,e years o8 study as opposed to the
traditional 8our(year degree. +n addition, aspiring architects need to complete
a three(year apprenticeship period. To succeed, students need plenty o8
e4perience to become recogni1ed in the :eld and to help them stand out
against sti2 competition.
Q: Is there opportunity for advancement in this career eld?
A: There are many opportunities 8or ad,ancement but these opportunities
come with e4perience. ;or e4ample, it too- me !' years wor-ing with ,arious
architecture :rms to :nally come to a point where + was able to start my own
Q: Can you describe your daily work?
A: There is no such thing as a normal day 8or architects. /ne o8 the great
things about architecture is that e,ery day is di2erent because each is
dependent on the types o8 pro6ect you3re wor-ing on and at what stage o8
de,elopment they are at. Architects3 daily responsibilities entail leading
construction pro6ects, mar-eting themsel,es to land pro6ects, understanding
the pro6ect sites and re9uirements, and de,eloping a conceptual design
solution with the owner. /nce this has been decided, the architect is
constantly coordinating with other parties to see a design through.
Q: Which skill do you think is the most important to perform for this
A: A success8ul architect needs passion 8or his cra8t. +8 you want to be a
design architect, you need to be creati,ely strong, persistent, patient, and a
strong leader.
Q: How many hours do you work a day? How many days a week?
A: The amount o8 hours ,aries depending on the particular 6ob. /n a,erage, a
design architect will put in <# hours per wee- when wor-ing on a pro6ect.
Q: If you were hiring a person for this !ob" what would you look for?
A: + would loo- 8or people with the 9ualities + stated earlier. They must be
creati,ely strong, persistent, patient, and a strong leader.
Q: Was it di#cult to nd your rst !ob in this eld?
A: =es. This career is e4tremely competiti,e. Due to the le,el o8 competition
and the many years o8 wor- that go into earning a degree, architecture is a
:eld that ta-es patience to brea- into. +t is a challenging pro8ession. 5,en
when + was in school, my 8reshman class started at about !2#, and by the
time + graduated, there were about 3# o8 us.
Q: What is your advice for someone who is interested in this eld?
A: >ain e4perience where,er you can. + did internships 8or pro8essors and
pro8essionals at home o,er the summer when + could get them. + wor-ed in
se,eral architecture :rms and a?liated mysel8 with a number o8 architecture
organi1ations. + also wor-ed as the president and board member o8 the
Central ennsyl,ania American +nstitute o8 Architects $A+A% Chapter.

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