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College Application Refection

1. What is a college application fee waiver? Based on the

applications you plan to submit do you !ualify for any of the
fee waivers presented? "f so for which do you !ualify? #o you
plan on using these fee waivers to help out with paying for the
cost of applying? Why or why not?
A college application fee waiver waives the cost of applying to a college
campus. Unfortunately, I do not qualify for fee waivers based on
fnancial need alone. However, my father recently lost his job which has
resulted in a fnancial burden for my family this year. I plan to submit
the A!A! fee waiver to my counselor since this fee waiver ta"es in to
consideration personal situations besides economic need.
$. %ist the campuses to which you submitted applications. Write
one paragraph highlighting the three most important criteria
you used in determining where to apply. &ou may need to refer
bac' to the $( criteria for selecting a campus listed in the
)uper*atch College )earch on +aviance.
I submitted applications to the following campuses# U!$%, U!$&, $%$U,
and U$!. 'he three most important criteria I used to select these
campuses include location, majors, and campus setting. I chose
campuses located in or close to $an %iego because it is important to
me that I am close to my family while I attend college. Attending a
campus close to home will cut down on travel costs during the holidays.
In addition, I chose campuses that o(er a reputable major in
architecture since this is the career I am most interested in pursuing.
)inally, the campuses to which I applied are all located in large urban
settings. Attending a campus in an urban setting will allow me more
opportunities to fnd internships at architecture frms while I study.
(. Which campus is the one you,d most li'e to attend? "n one
paragraph e-plain why this campus is your .rst choice
compared to the others.
I would most li"e to attend $an %iego $tate University. I am interested
in this campus because I would be able to live at home while I study
and there are many architecture internship opportunities available to
college students in $an %iego. In addition, I was able to visit each of the
campuses to which I applied and $%$U impressed me the most. It was
important to me that I felt at home when I was on campus and $%$U
felt the most comfortable learning environment for me compared to the
rest that I visited.

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